Nov 21 2007
Instant Karma
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By Vi Ransel
Thirty percent of insecticides,
sixty percent of herbicides
and ninety percent of fungicides
sprayed directly on to the plants
eaten by people and animals
have been identified by the EPA
as definitive causes of cancer.
The filthy, cramped contaminated conditions
in Confined Animal Feeding Operations
cause disease in the valuable animal product,
so beef, pork and poultry are fed
on massive doses of antibiotics.
Agricultural estrogenic hormones
added to the feed of the animal product
interfere with human sexual development,
but fatter cattle faster results in More Profit.
In the 80s and early 90s cattle were treated
with systemic organophosphate insecticides,
making the whole body a poisonous medium
to rid the product of unwanted parasites.
The insecticides, herbicides and fungicides,
- “cide” means kill -
the estrogen-mimicking hormones and antibiotics
are all stored in and continue to concentrate
in the soft tissues of animals’ bodies.
This concentration continues with each feeding,
especially in the fat and in the brain,
(Mad Cow, anyone?)
and the most expensive, highly-prized meats
are those marbled with poison fat veining.
So this concentrated, cancerous time bomb
continues to concentrate in you
with every mouthful of animal you ingest,
and there’s a one in four chance it will kill you
like just another undesirable pest.
Today’s agricultural poisons
stem from those created during World War One
to gas soldiers in the battlefields of Europe
and make a product for the Oil Industry to profit from.
And when sales of their poisonous products
fell off after World War One,
the Oil Industry promoted their poisons
to kill bugs and other pests on the farm.
When pests start to develop resistance
to the poisons currently in use,
just as The People develop immunity
to propaganda they hear in the news,
more poison is needed more often
and in increasingly greater strength,
so newer, deadlier poisons are created
to achieve the same, or a similar, effect.
Though not all of today’s farm poisons
are those that are nerve-gas-related,
the Pesticide Industry’s origins lie
in gassing humans with the poisons they created.
The most “famous” of these death-dealing gasses,
an organophosphate named Zyklon-B,
was the Nazis’ Final gas chamber Solution
for the disabled, Jews, Poles, gays and Gypsies.
In 1900 cancer was ranked our Number Ten killer,
causing three percent of all American deaths.
Today it’s moved up and taken over First Place.
And its Kill Rate is twenty-five percent.
And while the link from eating animals to cancer,
might not be as simple as that,
meat is still an excellent delivery system
for the poisons in animal fat.
We’re all passengers on this meat-eating Titanic,
and as sure as that submerged iceberg sank her,
keep shoving that meat in your mouth.
Instant karma. Eat animals. Get cancer.
“Instant Karma’s gonna get you, gonna knock you right on the head.
You’d better get yourself together, pretty soon you’re gonna be dead.”
- John Lennon
For all those meat eaters out there, Bon Appetit! Happy Thanksgiving.
Vi Ransel is a contributing editor for Cyrano’s Journal, an avowed anti-capitalist and an animal liberationist.
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