Archive for the 'Avant-garde' Category

Sep 13 2007

Sherman Flame and Slaughter

Published by cyrano2 under Radical Language, Avant-garde

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By Adam Engel


Sherman’s march of flame and slaughter. Sherman slash and burn and ruthless. “War is Hell,” Sherman Grant’s right arm. Grant and Sherman big cigars glow cities trail of ashes. Sherman’s receding hairline scraggly beard lean tough Sherman inventing Modern Warfare. Scorched earth. Prometheus gave Man fire and Sherman smeared it all over Atlanta. Lincoln in Washington and Seward, Stanton, waited for Grant and Sherman waited for it all to end. Lincoln gangly dark obscenely tall. Warm-hearted story-teller, killer. Stanton squat and cold. Abrubt. Means business: these men had work to do. Grant and Sherman’s muddy uniforms; Lincoln, Stanton’s musty suits. Orchestrating slaughter to preserve the Union and wage slavery exterminate chattel slavery the factory’s cheaper and share-croppers. Now we live in the Union they preserved. No such myths as Lincoln, Stanton. No such statues as Grant, Sherman. Once, the Yankees beat the Braves in the world series in four straight games SLAUGHTERED ‘em I felt heat of Sherman burning down Atlanta. History transmogrified to game.

Adam Engel can be reached at


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Sep 10 2007

Bomb!Bomb!Bomb!Go!Go!Go! Get Groovin’ To the War

Cyrano’s Journal Online and its semi-autonomous subsections (Thomas Paine’s Corner, The Greanville Journal, CJO Avenger, and VoxPop) would be delighted to periodically email you links to the most recent material and timeless classics available on our diverse and comprehensive site. If you would like to subscribe, type “CJO subscription” in the subject line and send your email to


By Adam Engel


Pumped bodies. Faces taut with grim determination. Diets optimized by scientific know-it-all know-how proven by computer-assisted scientific method. Belief systems built on strong foundations of clinical experimentation repeated for accuracy under stress-increased conditions, peer-reviewed.

Hard labor builds hard selves.

Trainers, experts in the chemistry of lean architecture. Human form. Pills, shakes, powders, injections; natural herbs; synthetic wonder molecules. A method. Many methods tried and true. Ergonomic machine-designs for comfort in distress. The latest in physical physics. Electric power pull tension for maximum results. Employees would stay firm and young forever.

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Sep 04 2007

A Very Brady Homeland (The Lost Episodes, circa 1969-1973)

Cyrano’s Journal Online and its semi-autonomous subsections (Thomas Paine’s Corner, The Greanville Journal, CJO Avenger, and VoxPop) would be delighted to periodically email you links to the most recent material and timeless classics available on our diverse and comprehensive site. If you would like to subscribe, type “CJO subscription” in the subject line and send your email to


By Adam Engel


Arise Jan, Marcia, Cindy! Arise Greg, Peter, Bobby! Arise Mike, Carol, Alice!

Vbh.X.118: In Country

The soldier in the bush does not forgive. All is not well with us, not always — what do we know from love? To reach informed decisions among fraudulent sources; that momentary rapprochement with the species — after all it is our planet, in some ways, but we are only the people, our leaders, responsible adults, architects of our… the photograph of my mother in a drawer somewhere I never saw again…I know there is a center and I’m walking toward it: union of man and woman for perpetuation of…genocidal tendencies. If only it were simple as fallen cake. Blonde girls, dark boys; the servants ignorant and happy. Tiger lays with the lamb while we devour similar illusions. In love with youth and freaked out by corruption. The judges scratch out every line. “Be fruitful and multiply (but don’t be fruits),” and all this happens over Sitting Bull’s corpse (or some slain Injun under the cement). What we were thinking, that is, we must have known… in the beginning…

Vbh.X.119: Bobby and Cindy Emerge

And love abounds, again, to conquer all together now we’re Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, again, the letter, the word, can tear us apart: missive misconstrued, one must read between the lines, the meaning of the text must be resolved, that is, our children must be protected from the…doors of perception bolted shut. All we wanted was a bond, a union. Nobody cares about us but us, though occasionally a Stranger rides to town, rids us of doubt. We search our pockets for a tip. Pennies later, Silver gallops down the street. Neighbors complain. Manure on the pavement gleaned by complainers for their gardens; minutes dry like raisins under ersatz sun. Divide them evenly among ourselves, chew twenty times in unison, swallow, like a family, for real, this time…

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