Archive for the 'Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory' Category

Sep 22 2007

The Permanent Republican Presidency: What the Democrats can do to ensure that it happens

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By Steven Jonas


Originally published at BuzzFlash

Karl Rove originally set out to establish the Permanent Republican Majority (PRM), his version of The Thousand Year Reich. The disastrous results of Bush’s foreign military and domestic economic policies combined have likely put an end to any hope for the Georgites to achieve that goal in the foreseeable future. However, for a variety of reasons, a Permanent Republican Presidency (PRP) is very much achievable. Working for whomever the Republican nominee is (and I still think it will be Giuliani), Rove will remain heavily invested in achieving this goal.

There will be a variety of factors working in his favor. However, the Democrats are likely to have a (relatively) permanent majority in the Congress and a majority of the country’s voters now are either Democrats or self-styled independents. Thus to achieve the PRP, Rove is going to need some help. Here are some thoughts on what the Democratic Presidential candidates and eventual nominee can do to assist the establishment of the PRP. I am sure Rove is counting on them to do their part, as he has so often been able to do in the past.

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