Archive for the 'Libertarian Lies' Category

Oct 03 2007

Loaded Language and Loaded Guns: The Meaning of Opposites

Cyrano’s Journal Online and its semi-autonomous subsections (Thomas Paine’s Corner, The Greanville Journal, CJO Avenger, and VoxPop) would be delighted to periodically email you links to the most recent material and timeless classics available on our diverse and comprehensive site. If you would like to subscribe, type “CJO subscription” in the subject line and send your email to


“Decades ago, in order to field test the economic theories that were formulated by the right wing think tanks at The Chicago School, Friedman and his disciples descended like locusts upon Latin America. The results were devastating: Democratically elected governments were systematically overthrown and brutal dictators friendly to US business interests were installed in their place—all of which were subsidized by US tax dollars with the complicity of the CIA.”

By Charles Sullivan


One can no longer understand US governmental policy on the basis of conventional language or traditional wisdom. Language itself and its long-established meanings were long ago twisted and distorted in order to deceive the people. Now war is peace and terror and occupation is liberation. In order to make sense of what is happening, it is important to understand everything within the context of a specific economic philosophy, and the distorted capitalist system that spawned it.

That ideology was crafted by a diminutive economist named Milton Friedman, at the University of Chicago some five decades ago. The holy trinity of Friedman’s version of capitalism—privatization of the public domain, corporate deregulation, and deep cuts in social spending—has resulted in enormous societal inequity and socio-economic classes. It has given us the haves and the have-nots, the haves and the have-mores.

Friedman and his disciples, collectively known as ‘The Chicago School’ do not believe in a minimum wage—much less a living wage, unions, worker rights, environmental protections, worker safety, or any other kind of restraint imposed upon corporations. In Friedman’s view, the market should rule and profitability should be the guiding principle, the end results always justifying the means.

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Sep 20 2007

“Free market” triumphalism is everywhere

Cyrano’s Journal Online and its semi-autonomous subsections (Thomas Paine’s Corner, The Greanville Journal, CJO Avenger, and VoxPop) would be delighted to periodically email you links to the most recent material and timeless classics available on our diverse and comprehensive site. If you would like to subscribe, type “CJO subscription” in the subject line and send your email to


[Reaganomics adherents are today’s neoconservatives with the “full force of the US military machine (serving their unfettered) corporate agenda” of greed writ large. Its holy policy trinity is: “elimination of the public sphere, total liberation for corporations and skeletal social spending (if any at all).” But instead of lifting all boats as promised, it’s the mirror opposite. It creates a powerful ruling corporatist class partnered with corrupted political elites - “with hazy and ever-shifting lines between the two groups.”]

Review of Naomi Klein’s “The Shock Doctrine”

by Stephen Lendman


Naomi Klein is an award-winning Canadian journalist, author, documentary filmmaker and activist. She writes a regular column for The Nation magazine and London Guardian that’s syndicated internationally by the New York Times Syndicate that gives people worldwide access to her work but not its own readers at home.

In 2004, she and her husband and co-producer Avi Lewis released their first feature documentary - “The Take.” It covered the explosion of activism in the wake of Argentina’s 2001 economic crisis. People responded with neighborhood assemblies, barter clubs, mass movements of the unemployed and workers taking over bankrupt companies and reopening them under their own management.

Klein is also the author of three books. Her first was “No Logo - Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies” (2000) that analyzes the destructive forces of globalization. Next came “Fences and Windows - Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate” (2002) covering the global revolt against corporate power.

Her newest book just out is “The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism” that explodes the myth of “free market” democracy. It shows how neoliberal Washington Consensus fundamentalism dominates the world with America its lead exponent exploiting security threats, terror attacks, economic meltdowns, competing ideologies, tectonic political or economic shifts, and natural disasters to impose its will everywhere. Wars are waged, social services cut, and freedom sacrificed when people are too distracted, cowed or bludgeoned to object. Klein describes a worldwide process of social and economic engineering she calls “disaster capitalism” with torture along for the ride to reinforce the message - no “New World Order” alternatives are tolerated.

“Free market” triumphalism is everywhere - from Canada to Brazil, China to Bulgaria, Russia to South Africa, Vietnam to Iraq. In all cases, the results are the same. People are sacrificed for profits and Margaret Thatcher’s dictum applies - “there is no alternative.”

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Aug 14 2007

The Anti-Empire Report: Separation of oil and state

Cyrano’s Journal Online and its semi-autonomous subsections (Thomas Paine’s Corner, The Greanville Journal, CJO Avenger, and VoxPop) would be delighted to periodically email you links to the most recent material and timeless classics available on our diverse and comprehensive site. If you would like to subscribe, type “CJO subscription” in the subject line and send your email to



Read this or George W. Bush will be president the rest of your life

Simulpost at author’s site:

On several occasions I’ve been presented with the argument that contrary to widespread opinion in the anti-war movement and on the left, oil was not really a factor in the the United States invasion and occupation of Iraq. The argument’s key, perhaps sole, point is that the oil companies did not push for the war.

Responding to only this particular point: firstly, the executives of multinational corporations are not in the habit of making public statements concerning vital issues of American foreign policy, either for or against. And we don’t know what the oil company executives said in private to high Washington officials, although we do know that such executives have a lot more access to such officials than you or I, like at Cheney’s secret gatherings. More importantly, we have to distinguish between oil as a fuel and oil as a political weapon.

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Jul 15 2007

Slaves to Christ and Compassion Unite: Free Markets Must Prevail

Cyrano’s Journal Online, Thomas Paine’s Corner, The Greanville Journal, CJO Avenger, and VoxPop are initiating a weekly email which will include links to the latest high quality content available on our very diverse and comprehensive site. If you would like to subscribe, type “CJO subscription” in the subject line and send your email to

wall street

By Jason Miller


[Warning: Satire Ahead]

“Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.”

–John Maynard Keynes

If you’re nodding your head in agreement with Keynes and expecting validation of your opinion as you read this piece, you’re in for a rude awakening.

Forget the humanitarian, bleeding heart nonsense. Let’s reflect on the words of Thomas Sowell instead:

“Despite a voluminous and often fervent literature on ‘income distribution,’ the cold fact is that most income is not distributed: It is earned.”

We live in reality ladies and gentlemen. Not some utopian fantasy dreamt up by the likes of idealistic dreamers like Marx and Engels.

Ours is indeed a cold, cruel world. The sooner each of us accepts our lot, makes the most of it, and moves on, the better off we will all be. The ingenious and industrious Bill Gates deserves every penny he has. By the same token, the dregs of society inhabiting places like Skid Row and eating from dumpsters are reaping their just rewards for their depraved, lazy, and ignorant ways.

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Jun 17 2007

What is Money? Outing the L-Word Part 3

By Andrew S. Taylor


“This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn’t the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.”

-Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

We wish to live in a world where our wages have some objective meaning, and are not simply reflections of unthinking market relativism. But we live in an age of post-modern money, in which our currency - be it paper, plastic, or figures recorded in computer memory - serves as a re-writable “open text” for those to whom the world’s treasuries are entrusted. Its value can be altered by decree, trimmed and nudged with exacting precision in studied correlation to events throughout the world marketplace. As international banking is now completely reliant on electronic credit, we find that money is only sustained as a fact of reality by our own collective belief in it.

And yet, the bills and coins in our pockets feel so damn real. They work flawlessly for their intended purpose in our daily lives, and in these functions they are irreplaceable. Who has not at some point lost a $20 bill to a wayward breeze, and experienced that unique form of despair as it flutters away? In the backs of our minds, we know that the paper itself is worth next to nothing, but that what it represents is something intimately connected to our lives as individuals. It is for this reason that tax-time is such an emotionally difficult period for us - we feel (correctly) that something essential to our livelihoods is being forcibly extracted from us.

We console ourselves with the belief that the government needs to take “our” money to pay for the many social services that keep society going. But, how much must it take, and what stops it, in principle, from taking much more than it currently does? In these moments, we might be inclined to sympathize with the Libertarian position that, in essence, all taxation is theft, and that as long as we as a people submit to compulsory taxes, we have engaged in a Faustian deal whereby no moral imperative exists to prevent our total exploitation by the IRS - that only their scruples stand between us and forced poverty.

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Jun 06 2007


“We can thank workers’ struggle for the abolition of child labor, not the wonders of the free market which thrives off of cheap labor sources, including the children of the poor.”

By Paul Donovan


Dear Libertarians,

I sincerely appreciate the passion and sincerity you exhibit in your endeavors, and that is why I’d like to bring up a few points to your attention. These comments originate in my recent exposure to a very large number of posts commenting primarily on an article on the Thomas Paine’s Corner blog of Cyrano’s Journal, Annals of Stupidity: The Demise of Alexander Cockburn, by Gerald Rellick.

I discern in this thread what I have observed elsewhere, a tremendous infatuation by Libertarians with Rep. Ron Paul. That certainly strikes me as logical: Paul is one of your own. The point of divergence, however, is equally simple. The reasons and personal qualities you adduce for elevating Mr. Paul to the status of national saviour are matched, and in many dimensions clearly exceeded, by another political figure, Dennis Kucinich. What is the reason then for this partiality? I don’t want to get ahead of myself here but just let me say the following: the only conceivable reason I can find for your complete disregard of Rep. Kucinich as a serious candidate and his clear and courageous stands is that he is not a Libertarian in political philosophy, that is, he does not worship individualism at the expense of the commonwealth.

In this context, first let me remind everyone here, once again, that it was Dennis Kucinich who filed papers to impeach Dick Cheney in order to get the ball rolling to go after the whole Bush mafia, well before Ron Paul made statements to this effect, so in light of that fact, may I ask what are you all talking about by placing all the adoration on Paul and ignoring Kucinich’s obvious contributions? If we follow your logic, Kucinich bested Ron Paul because he is already (with little support from his own party of opportunistic cowards, or the media) actively seeking impeachment of those responsible in the Bush administration.

Furthermore, Kucinich is not a right-winger, and therefore, in my view, has tangible solutions in the works to solve many of our biggest problems.

I guess the central question is this: what kind of broad social change do you Libertarians really advocate?

With all due respect, what is libertarianism if not an anarchic, passionately ahistorical form of laissez-faire capitalism? The cowboy, frontier capitalism still embraced by inordinate numbers of people in the US (especially the Southwest and Texas), Australia, Alaska, and other places where the vastness of the land confuses the superficial thinker into believing that vastness equals infinity? With no Democratic strings attached to control the destructive power of markets and monopolies, a libertarian regime, just as its older sibling, the Victorian-style capitalist regime, would drive wages into the ground worse than they are doing now, eviscerate workers’ protection, make the workday longer to boost profits, while busy destroying what’s left of the environment—all in the name of sacred property rights. Would you privatize the EPA as well? Fact is, it is ahistoricalism that truly characterizes all bourgeois conceptions of history and reality, but in the case of Libertarians only more so, because here we witness a total disregard for the lessons of history, or the similarly obvious evolution of economic institutions.

Have we forgotten already the long list of abuses in the name of free enterprise, before the system was moderately tamed by social corrective action? Considering your rather brutal philosophy, the fact that so many in your ranks decry social security, employment compensation, and other buffers against personal disasters, may we ask again what is your opinion on child Labor? After all, a true Libertarian would argue that it is a child’s right to work and that’s that.

History books, volumes not exactly written by sworn enemies of capitalism, tell a different story. We can thank workers’ struggle for the abolition of child labor, not the wonders of the free market which thrives off of cheap labor sources, including the children of the poor. (Obviously the markets do not affect the destinies of the well-off, not to mention the real rich. As they used to say in “robber baron” days, both Rockefeller and the homeless are free to sleep under the bridges.)

Isn’t this the logic and morality of the Darwinist jungle? And what kind of “civilization” are you espousing that regards the “morality” of wild beasts as appropriate to humans? In reality, the uninhibited civil liberties you advocate translated into reality, as the right of employers to do whatever they like, whenever they like, to whomever they like, make for a very lopsided game…of course, in the mythicak world of perfect markets, if the workers don’t like it, they can simply go work somewhere else. If this is the best your imagination can conjure up, a “let’em eat cake” approach to enormous social injustice and distress, all in the name of a sustainable future for humankind, then I urgently suggest a different approach to the problem.

The reason we still have even a little bit of democracy left in this country is because of the workers’ struggle (hence the properly enshrined Labor Day, although it, too, has been eviscerated of meaning into a shopping extravaganza), and rarely explained in our “regular” history courses, a struggle that—we should all be reminded—has always benefited everyone in society except for the super-rich, the owning classes, and even they stand to gain in some specific areas. If you wish to investigate these statements, which may sound strange to many of you, you can always pick up Howard Zinn’s People’s History of the United States, or even better, Leo Huberman’s Man’s Worldly Goods. These books will be worth whole libraries in terms of opening your eyes to the reality we face, the truths that underlie our system and history. But just to sum up a previous point: All the safety nets we enjoy in this country have been provided—reluctantly and after much struggle—by the small bits of socialism that the masses have built into this capitalist nightmare.

In a system of laissez faire “free-market” capitalism (of course starting from point A, and thereby traveling back to the industrial revolution, and bypassing 250+ years of capitalist development) with little to no government, who would take care of public schools, roads, public works, social security, and what we have come to call Medicare? Obviously you might answer: no one, for you’d eliminate those as offshoots of your hated “Big Government.” But do you trust 401K that much? Remember there will be nobody to protect you in the event you are fired from your job, unless you are naïve enough to believe in corporate loyalty? And besides, think for a moment: there are many instances of social goods—highways, for example—which include gigantic social undertakings such as bridges, all of which necessitate the unification of social purpose, not its permanent disunity as you constantly preach. In a highly technologized and mobile society, do you imagine America without its habitual highway system, or punctuated by thousands of toll-booths collecting treasure for private landlords with uneven rates and maintenance records? We’d have more traffic jams than when we had public tolls operated by state and municipal authorities, all of which would also contribute powerfully to pollution, not to mention doctors’ bills as a result of additional heart attacks issuing from sheer frustration…And don’t forget the national bill for wasted gasoline. Need I go on?

Furthermore, without a standing military (and I certainly I am entirely against the current monster we have allowed to rise in our midst, the political-media-military-corporate hydra), how do you plan to defend our new hypothetical do-gooder capitalist nation in the event some other capitalist Leviathan, like China, or a unified capitalist Europe, or Japan, gets ambitious again and decides to invade our continent? Are you going to hire Black Water Mercenaries equipped with a new version of Microsoft Windows built into their cell phones to save us? I wonder how much would the private sector charge the people for a job like that? Is Robocop the future you believe in?

Despite the existence of state jobs, many of which still boast adequate medical coverage and pensions, libertarians feel —rather cavalierly—that it is in the best interest of “the private sector” to wipe social security off of the map, in all sectors of society. This is done in the name of eliminating all tax obligations, regarded dogmatically and, I may add, myopically, as “confiscatory.” Let me tell you something. Moneys handed over to the state are confiscatory when they fail to return value, or are used, in the trillions, to support criminal enterprises, like our foreign policy, or ferrying criminals like Dick Cheney or the “first decider,” from photo op to photo op in the comfort reserved for royalty. When taxes are well utilized, and people get their money’s worth, they tend to be a bargain. It boils down to the type of society you have. So the issue is not taxes per se but the rectitude and decency of the society you inhabit. That so many of you (and the public at large) are “turned off” to taxes is an eloquent commentary on today’s American society.

Hence, in such cases, you throw the baby out with the bath water, and go on blaming government for the WRONG THINGS. I’m not setting up a straw man for you, but rather, I am addressing in theory the disastrous impacts of complete privatization.

Libertarians are properly outraged by the corruption of corporate America, and the war mongering of the President, Congress, media, and the Pentagon, but on the road to American politico-economic discovery, you took a sharp right turn instead of making a left, and that is why you will not come up with any real solutions to this systemic problem. At best, you will have a decent critique of the “New World Order” as you put it, but you will have no clear understanding of what the root of “all evil” is, and that is private control over what the people have a god-given right to decide for themselves, such as healthcare, education, social goods such as museums, libraries, and emergency services, not to mention the guaranteed right to a civilized retirement and care in the golden years…Are you all so rich, so successful that you have no family, no friends in the crosshairs of Darwinism?

So, to restate: Your anger is directed at some of the right people, but your ideology is pointing in the wrong direction. You must open your eyes to the fact that you can’t have a moral capitalism. It’s an oxymoron. The unparalleled power of the politico-corporate entity, and its organic desire to control markets for new exploitable land, cheap labor, and resources to pillage is too strong and tempting to control. That is why, among other things, the people cannot control outsourcing, and why we are losing our essential jobs. At this juncture a Libertarian may argue that borders should be knocked down so capital can flow freely without the myriad of damaging effects inflicted on it by protectionist policies, yet you seem to omit skewed trade agreements which only benefit the most highly industrialized countries, all wrapped up on a pseudo-benevolent package, and sold to the public as a plan to help the less fortunate of the world, which now encompasses nearly the entire Southern Hemisphere sucked dry by colonialism, imperialism, and parasitic globalization.

This current crisis facing America, and the world, is not just about corrupt individuals or a few corrupt corporations, or industries such as the oil industry; it is about a crumbling capitalist system of benefit chiefly to plutocrats and their military hegemony, the whole thing protected by an elaborate edifice of laws, customs and fierce indoctrination.

The capitalist system cannot be reformed or fixed without going to the systemic roots, extirpating them, and abolishing social private property (not personal property, which comprises items that meet personal needs). So you need not worry about the Big Bad Government under, say, a socialist system, declaring eminent domain and repossessing your bath towels, tooth brush, and garage door opener.

Having a strong public sector with universal healthcare built into society, such as France, or Denmark have, would begin to demonstrate to the American public that deregulation and privatization is for the birds. It is no mystery that the capitalist countries with the best living conditions have the longest and most successful history of workers’ struggles, strongest union presence, student advocacy, and semi-robust welfare states built into them as a buffer against private market tyranny. With the vast wealth available in this country we could easily begin a redistributive policy, which would thereby create jobs and help to drastically diminish crime rates, stimulate the economy, provide every citizen with healthcare, and reallocate our bloated and misguided defense budget to prevent and solve any fabricated crisis that Alan Greenspan and his profiteering ilk prophesize, while the rest of their kind go on denying global warming. Does Ron Paul have plans such as this? (I think it’s time you visited Dennis Kucinich’s web site.)

In order for this difficult politico-economic transformation to take place, in a country as complex as the United States, you need to support every progressive advance, especially when total disaster seems to be on the horizon. Even if you despise the politicians that want to win your affection by instituting universal healthcare, or “Medicare for All”, which would guarantee yourselves, children, and grandchildren full coverage, it is necessary that you focus your attention off of the mystical wonders of the market, which, as stated above, prove inadequate in nearly every tested category of social crisis. Plus, it’s my belief that once universal coverage is in place it will not be easily rolled back. Over the years, efforts by Republicans and some Democrats to turn back the clock on the New Deal have failed (as did similar maneuvers by Thatcher, whose dismantlement plan for Britain’s national health system quickly ran into a wall of public outrage). Why? Not because socialized medicine is perfect. But because, with all its flaws, many of them derived from having to breathe the toxic air of surrounding capitalist institutions, it is still immeasurably better and more humane a system than the capitalist brand.

And one more thing. You cannot continue to blindly shoot at everything you see. Your anger, however justified, is not nuanced, and that’s reflected in your statement about Ron Paul being the best of the bunch, which clearly demonstrates you don’t understand the political economy of capitalism – nobody who does would make such an outrageous statement. At best you could have a good dinner discussion with Bill Maher. In this regard, do you really think the American people, without years of active organizing, without a media capable of transmitting truth and not lies and confusion, stand a chance [of] overthrowing this vastly militarized de facto police state with simply a militant solution alone, or “by pulling the guns off the racks”????…I don’t happen to think the .22 in your closet, or your hunting rifle will get the job done.This United States in the year 2007 is not Russia in 1917, China in ‘49, or Cuba in ‘59…we can’t go hide in the mountains and conduct guerilla operations, much as some would dream of doing. Even if you were to attempt such a daring act, and let’s say you were successful, what do you then plan on replacing the system with, so the exact same power relations don’t reemerge once the “bad apples” and “Boogiemen” are gone? Do you think the grasping, constantly self-aggrandizing entrepreneur will suddenly vanish instead of reasserting itself as an integral part of the markets’ dynamic? I think not, but rather Barbarism will rise from the ashes of this hypothetical civil war, which in fact would not amount to a real new American revolution because the social relations that constrain the means of production today would remain firmly in place in the morrow.

The answer to this complex question of what should be the goal of a true revolution is plain: Socialism, American style, but true socialism, no more welfare capitalisms, or phony Democratic DLC/Blairite/Clintonite “Third Ways.”

Socialism, having been viciously slandered for more than a century in this nation would and does entail a long road of understanding and political organizing. A road that will require deprogramming your mind away from the imbecilic and self-serving (to the plutocracy) indoctrination you have all received. There are no shortcuts to this kind of work. But once you join this monumental effort, you’ll find yourself in truly distinguished company. Yes, friends, socialism, not libertarianism, is the answer.

Let none other than Albert Einstein tell you why in Why Socialism?

Paul Donovan is Cyrano’s Journal’s Assistant Editor.

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May 08 2007

Outing the L-Word Part II: Nature, Power, and Hierarchy

Published by cyrano2 under Libertarian Lies

“We have long lived with the notion - undertaken and popularized in earnest from the outset of the cold war and peaking during the Reagan era - that the American economic system is the most natural and God-given, and that the more taxes are cut, public utilities privatized, and business de-regulated, the more closely we approach some state of grace and harmony with the natural order of things.”

By Andrew S. Taylor


While there are many strains and sub-categories of Libertarianism, each with their own distinct epistemology and nuances, there is one common argument that is shared by all: that laissez-faire capitalism is the most “natural” of all economic systems and that, by extension, systems of redistribution such as communism and socialism are the most “artificial.” This argument is sometimes implicit, and sometimes it is quite overt. The purpose of this essay will be to discuss why it is wrong, and to further explain why the way in which it is wrong can lead us to a better, more consistent philosophical construct in defense of social democracy.

It should be clear that, at this point in the game, such a construct is sorely needed. While pundits both left and right are able to appear in various public forums, armed with reams of data and legions of pie-charts in defense of their various positions on pragmatic or empirical terms, only the free-market Right seems able to speak confidently from principle. The mainstream Left, if it is to be truly progressive (which I mean in its most literal sense of aiding human progress), must have a platform and strategy more imaginative than simply waiting for the Right to fail, pointing out the failure, and then “solving” the problem by being slightly less vicious. In the present era, the mainstream Left acquires power when the outrages of the Right leave voters no other choice, and they never retain the confidence of the public for very long because, intellectually, they have become fundamentally vacant. The Left (or those politicians who claim to speak for it) no longer knows why it believes what it believes. The Right does “know,” which is why they, even when in the minority, will retain a hold on the American imagination that the Left has long relinquished.

This question is deeply relevant now. We have long lived with the notion - undertaken and popularized in earnest from the outset of the cold war and peaking during the Reagan era - that the American economic system is the most natural and God-given, and that the more taxes are cut, public utilities privatized, and business de-regulated, the more closely we approach some state of grace and harmony with the natural order of things. The rising and falling of the stock-market - is this not like the ebb and flow of the tides? The cycles of the moon? Do not the patterns of the market resemble the gentle respiration, the self-correcting perturbations of the natural world? In this context, we are meant to see the planned economy as something of a straight-jacket, a cage, a crude and mindless apparatus whose purpose is to prevent the growth of life in all its glorious chaos and serendipity. This transfixing vision has a hold on the discourse and platforms of both our major political parties.

But let us blink away the pixie-dust for a moment, and consider an alternate possibility: that capitalism, even in its most laissez-faire and “de-regulated” form, is every bit as much “artificial” as Stalinist communism. I am not making an argument about moral equivalence here, nor am I using the term “artificial” in some pejorative sense. I mean, quite literally, that both economic systems are invented, planned, regulated, and can only function by means of an imposed consensus, i.e., by force. Neither represents an integration of the “natural order” into the lives of humans, though the idea that capitalism does is extremely powerful. This explains why, in America, we are loath to challenge it directly. (If it seems that, on this last point, I am smearing the mainstream with a rightward brush, consider Clinton’s widespread popularity with the mainstream Left not in spite of, but rather because of an economic policy more rightward than that of any other post-war president).

It makes sense, of course, that proponents of any economic ideology would want to propose that their system is the most “natural.” The west, even at its most modern and secular, is still a culture whose psychology is deeply embedded in Christian mythos, and so our notion of “progress” is often inextricable from the pursuit of Eden on Earth. The struggle towards the ideal economic system, in some sense, registers in the American psyche as a struggle to overcome our spiritually fallen human reality. The old-guard Left is equally guilty of this fallacy, from Rousseau onwards.

The problem for both wings is that no economic system is “natural” because money is not natural. Any economic system is an artificial system, because it must be established and maintained by some degree of force, and relies on a dominant cultural ideology in order to function. Nor can there be any delusion of being able to approach “naturalness” in a structured economy, as if it were some untouchable but virtuously compelling asymptote towards which we might nobly bend. It makes no more sense to talk of degrees of “naturalism” than it does to parse the distinctions between degrees of death. Once you are no longer alive, the possibility of nuance goes right out the window. By the same token, no human societal invention can properly claim greater “naturalness” over any other.

The question in fact is not one of naturalism versus artificiality, but rather one of scale and structure. The moment we begin to organize society according to standardized concepts and abstractions - of which money is one, and the means of distributing and routing it another - we are dealing in artifice. The difference between a capitalist economy (whether ideal, as in the Libertarian model, or actual, as in the American model) and communism as it has been practiced in its many forms, is to be found primarily in the nature of consolidated power, i.e, where and to what extent it is consolidated. Giant corporations and powerful, authoritarian governments internally function according to similar principles of hierarchy. Office politics and government politics use the same social skills and delegation of power through a chain of command. The difference is this - in a capitalist economy, several powerful corporate bodies are rivals, and in statist-communism, one supreme governing body retains an unrivalled monopoly over all resources.

In the modern era, the perceived differences in social permissiveness (free-speech, etc.) between American and Soviet (or Cuban, or even North Korean) society are as attributable to such differences in scale as they are to any supposed cultural tradition of free expression (for, in fact, Americans seem to have internalized so much of the corporate/managerial mindset that self-censorship is possibly the greatest threat to free expression in America today, even and especially among journalists and other framers of public opinion). Much of what remains of our “social freedom” lives between the gaps, narrowing though they are, not currently covered by the numerous corporate and state entities vying competitively for domination. To wit, we might most accurately view American capitalism at the turn of this century as a rivalry between a modest handful of competing totalitarians, whose only check against complete domination over civic life is to be found in the energy they must exert in warfare against one another, and with what remains of our ever-diminishing legal protection against them in the form of government - itself an increasingly corporate entity. The skeptic who doubts this proposition need only consider the almost incomprehensible vastness of energy, resources, intellectual talent, and sheer time and space expended in the realm of pubic discourse by corporations to get every living citizen to think like they do. He or she need only observe how much of this discourse is about the orchestration of dreams, desires, and other preternatural murmurs as opposed to the discussion of empirical fact. And then the skeptic must finally observe that the remaining 1% of this discourse which happens to be somewhat factual is there only because extensive legal regulations still exist which prevent - sometimes - the most harmful and egregious confabulations from passing muster. For now. Even if Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are willing to say “when,” can anyone rationally doubt that there now exist many corporate overlords willing to seize and exploit any opportunity for greater power over society that presents itself? To whom citizenship and fairness are pitiable abstractions for the feeble-minded and weak? Or are we to assume that, Enron and Halliburton aside, megalomania is a true rarity even among billionaires capable of buying influence in the world’s most powerful governments? Of taking over the role of government itself? Considering these question in the light of the evidence presented by our daily lives, by the billboards and commercials and endless parade of banners, by the outsourced “reconstruction” of obliterated societies, does it not seem that corporate propaganda is every bit as concerned with controlling our thoughts as any other totalitarian propaganda? Indeed, is there any other defining characteristic of the totalitarian state than its constitutional tendency, its inherent desire, to be the exclusive colonizer of the human mind?

It seems we can attribute what remains of our freedom to the fact that there is multitude of totalitarianisms currently vying for control. If America were ruled by a single, all-powerful corporation, it would hardly appear different from Soviet Russia. The corporation would have to own everything - housing, the media, all of industry and all intellectual property. It would have crushed its competition from existence. It would exist as a totalitarian state. As the tip of the corporate pyramid sharpens and grows more distant from the base of society, as merger after merger puts a dwindling handful of executives in control, we continue to approach that dreaded singularity known as Big Brother (and take note that the hyper-capitalist society that Russia has transformed into with devastating rapidity is not one iota freer from authoritarianism than it was before).

The peacetime-warfare (i.e. warfare through economy and the control of public opinion) of competing interests is what defines a mixed economy. But, in order to secure a free society, it is not enough that the interests merely compete; they must also be fundamentally different externally from one another in form and function if they are to provide checks and balances against each other. This must also be true internally, between their constituent parts. The human animal being what it is (a beast with a recently developed, intelligent fore brain encasing an ancient, hungry reptilian one), the tendency of human groups to organize into leaders and followers must be channeled into institutional structures of highly limited and uniquely defined power, appropriate to their assigned social function. The business model must be different from the government model, and the government model must be different from the military model. The more that the business, government, and military models begin to resemble one another in function and form - whether through cross-pollination (large numbers of individuals moving from one sector to another via professional connections) or through the sheer domination of one model over all others (via a military coup, a repressive political regime, or a robber baron-style wholesale buyout of government), the more a society veers towards totalitarianism, for the obvious reason that “competitors” whose interests are similar or identical are not capable of providing a system of long-term checks and balances. Put another way, powerful institutions are defined by their socially-enforced limitations above all else, by those rights and responsibilities which they are expressly and constitutionally denied. The lack of such clearly-defined boundaries between power-wielding bodies is what leads to totalitarianism. This is what Eisenhower warned us about is his famous speech, referring to the “military-industrial” complex, and it is why more than a few fascist despots have defined their own polity of choice as “the melding of industry and government” or “capitalism run amok.”

The danger, then, is not that corporations exist, or that the government and its laws exist, or that the military exists. The danger is that each of these bodies, all of which are hierarchical and which wield great power over society as a whole, have a dependably human tendency to seek more power and control over the material conditions of reality than is healthy for society as a whole. It is therefore crucial that society must ever be on guard against the over-indulgence of any one “model” or the liberal intermixture of interests between industry, government, and the military. Each of these elements of society perform crucial functions, but their different external functions increasingly hide internal similarities, and these similarities are the reason that corruption and collusion of power interests across the line of public and private are coming to define our civic life. And, in the era of globalization, it is the business model that it is rapid ascent, with the military model not far behind as the government model recedes back into the pre-dawn horizon.

We must make the following observation of the business model: while businesses may thrive or perish of their own accord in a free society, and the health of business can (though not necessarily) indicate the health of society as whole, the traditional business infrastructure itself is not in any way dependant on social freedom. Instead, the business model is based on rigidly defined hierarchies, much like a comparatively low-stakes military, in which there is a chain of command based on rank, and a pyramid of downwardly cascading delegation of authority. The clerks and low-level managers - the privates and sergeants of the business world - are at best devoted only to the functions of their immediate department, more likely than not existing in a state of rivalry or bitterness regarding the strangers on the upstairs floor. Even fairly small businesses routinely disperse information downwards on a “need to know” basis, keeping the nature of their most important decisions under wraps until the last possible moment - especially those most likely to directly affect their employees, . It is no mystery as to why military training is often regarded as the best preparation in the business world, since the same competence in obeying authority from above and executing it downwards is required in both milieus. The “triumph” of the mixed economy, to the extent that it is a triumph (it is also many other things) is that it keeps its numerous would-be despots and tyrants contained to comparatively small regions of influence, even as within those regions there are endless battles for control of the fiefdom.

This leads us to observe the most important similarity between the military and the business model: it is designed for optimum function in a state of warfare. In other words, it is meant to operate on the assumption that its mortality is daily imminent, that it will be attacked by the enemy/competition at any given moment. It is designed to function efficiently in a permanent mode of perceived existential crisis. Reflection upon the greater meaning of the task is at best useless, and in fact is likely to be counter-productive and inhibit judgment in combat. This psychological stance of fierce “adherence to the task” is necessarily a feature of any social hierarchy. It is, indeed, the whole point of having a hierarchy, which maximizes the number of individuals devoted to the What and How, and minimizes to a tiny, extremely powerful minority those who determine the Why. It is bracingly, awe-inspiringly successful, but it is not democratic, nor is it reflective.

Like the military model, the business model is an effective and powerful tool which in many cases can be wielded to produce, distribute, procure, etc. But you would no more want a government run on a business model than you would want it run on military model, and for precisely the same reason - it is a model which only knows the particulars of the crisis, i.e., the immediate present and the near-term future. It is not a democratic structure, and it does not act with reference to objective social values except to the extent that those values are imposed from without. Both the business and the military exist to perform tasks, and they are designed to do so brilliantly. They were not devised with the intention of defining the public good.

The great problem with the “crisis mode” is that even brute reality has its limits, and if society does not legally intervene, it will be the limits of crisis-mode mentality that will define corporate behavior. Whatever walls are erected to regulate corporate power, the corporation will push against them with all its might, hoping for a crack in the facade. Without laws limiting working hours, setting minimum wage, safety and privacy standards and so on, there will always be someone willing to work for longer and for less, i.e., someone in a greater state of individual crisis. Labor laws, if not set by the state, will instead be set by the limits of desperation. The Libertarian will argue that this is precisely what makes the laissez-faire system “natural,” and this of course is hokum of the highest order, because it completely overlooks the fact that the modern industrial corporation, the technology that fuels it, and even the various forms of monetary currency which fund it are not products of the natural world but of human invention. The modern arrangement between employer and employee does not exist in nature. It is a creation of industry. They are human concepts, a product of our modern and artificial social arrangements.

The Libertarian who argues that laissez-faire capitalism is an expression of natural law does so through Darwinian metaphors. They posit the free economy as a wilderness, in which the most “productive” individuals achieve order and through their own egoistic pursuits raise the standard of living for everyone. For instance: without Thomas Edison, no light bulbs. Edison is likened to the alpha wolf most equipped to thrive in the wilderness. The irony here is that the Darwinian metaphor relies on a non-intentional, pre-conscious system - nature - for its referent. The more accurate metaphor is the exact opposite of Darwinism, i.e., agriculture. By means of a systematized, highly refined, and wholly artificial infrastructure of social institutions based on notions of common citizenship, equity, plurality, and commonwealth, people like Edison, and the many thousands who were talented and industrious enough to work for him (and often be exploited by him), were nurtured into being by society’s careful ministrations. Schools, educators, keepers of the peace and justice, this is why we have the light bulb. We can credit Edison for being the first without worshipping him for it. Another would soon have followed. One thing Darwin was clear on; wheat and corn do not naturally arrange themselves into tidy, efficient rows for hundreds of square miles as a result of natural selection.

Libertarians argue that the government which governs best, governs least. Yet, having read all-too-many Libertarian essays, discourses, rants, and tracts, I never cease to be confounded by the astonishing rarity with which Libertarians question whether, once government has been drowned in its proverbial bathtub, no other system of repression might arise to replace it, despite the overwhelming historical evidence that this is precisely what happens.

Human society requires structure, and where the structure is not defined by some semblance of consensus before-hand, it is defaulted upon, often with dire consequences. It is true that for much of the eighteenth and nineteenth century in America, “big” government interfered little in the affairs of business. However, businesses were small because corporations were strictly limited in size and scope by the exigencies of public charter, hence there was little to interfere with. When granted their own “personhood” at the end of the nineteenth century, all checks on their growth were undone. Unfettered capitalism, as practiced by the British Empire and later by the United States following Reconstruction, was “tempered” only by a rigidly defined and merciless fatalism regarding the prospects for human happiness on Earth. The Enlightenment-era Aristotelian Deism and the philosophically nuanced Christianity of the founders gave way to those chapters of the Good Book found on either side of the savior, those passages in which plagues of locusts and running sores were either reported or predicted. Christ became the sugar-pill by which Social Darwinism, itself a bleakly Old Testament revelation, was swallowed.

This happened, because laissez faire capitalism places severe demands upon its practitioners. A laissez-faire society cannot and would not “liberate” us to live our lives as we see fit, with no one else legally obliged or permitted to account for us but our own conscience. It is not a free-love, chain-smoking, pot-growing, SUV-driving free-for all. Instead, it would create a series of drastic circumstances to which we would have no choice but to submit. A society with no minimum wage, no mandated health-coverage, no restrictions on the work-week, no checks on the predatory practices of credit-card companies, no required labels on food containers and no FDA at all, is a society in which even the most mundane acts of buying food and finding a job become a constant struggle against the wiles of unscrupulous salesmen.

It is worth considering what businesses already have done in the past few decades. They have demanded that their employees submit to drug tests, they have monitored their private emails and internet usage (a courtesy now recently extended to every American citizen), and they have sold personal information (credit ratings, social security numbers, etc.). Furthermore, they have created an economic situation in which one must be a debtor in order to receive an education and housing, and in which supposedly private matters regarding one’s spending habits, previous addresses, and money problems are de facto public knowledge, available for purchase by other creditors. There is little evidence - no evidence - that the major corporations of today have any interest whatsoever in viewing their employees and customers as private citizens with rights. They routinely employ vast armies of lawyers to find loopholes in laws to protect consumers, and employ other, equally vast armies whose sole purpose is to lobby to have those loopholes widened to the point that they swallow all regulation completely. There are no company ethicists on the payroll. Shall we consider a world run entirely by private police forces, private schools, private roads and private prisons, all of whom are free to exclude membership and employment for whatever reason they like? These are all violations of our personal liberty by corporate powers which only a strong democratic government can prevent.

An “excess of government” in a democracy is a logical impossibility, since a democratic government is defined by two essential characteristics: 1) It values the egalitarian over the hierarchical, and 2) its purpose is to enact the will of the people, i.e., to subjugate the hierarchical institutions of business and the military to humanistic value systems and democratic will. A government that has come to insinuate a pernicious level of control over the lives of the citizens it is meant to represent is not an excessively democratic government at all. History will show that such tyrannies are either excessively militarized or excessively corporate. Such governments have retreated from the enlightenment values which seek to free the individual from the strictures of merciless hierarchies. A government that becomes incorporated or militarized, or which succumbs or defers to the corporation or the militant, is a government rapidly regressing into the social psychology of feudalism. The government that refuses to subjugate and regulate corporate power is the government which kicks open the door, welcoming into the corridors of power the divine right of numerous child-kings, despotic accountants, and cool-headed tabulators of human labor.

There is a reason why our society, a century ago, was so fiercely rigid and conservative, and this is it precisely. We were at the mercy of the giants of capitalism. Only God was more powerful, hence He was our only recourse for injustices suffered. This is likely the same reason for the growth of evangelical fundamentalism today. And yet it ultimately matters little whether the worker at the bottom believes in the Supreme Being or not. He should be concerned, gravely concerned, that his masters on Earth, having long lost a fear of the people and their means of representation, know no fear of Him either.

A close examination of the relationship between money and labor will be discussed in part 3.

Andrew S. Taylor’s official website can be found at Fables and Riddles.

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