Archive for the 'George W. Bush' Category

Sep 07 2007

The politics of blind hatred: Who are the fanatics?

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“The total of dead and displaced comes to 20 percent of the Iraqi population. If this is not fanaticism on the part of the Bush administration, what is it? Certainly it is not reason, tolerance, and deliberation.”


Dateline: September 5, 2007

President Jimmy Carter was demonized for pointing out in his book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, that there are actually two sides to the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Distinguished American scholars, such as John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt have suffered the same fate for documenting the excessive influence the Israel Lobby has on US foreign policy.

Americans would be astonished at the criticisms in the Israeli press of the Israeli government’s policies toward the Palestinians and Arabs generally. In Israel facts are still part of the discussion. If the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, could replace Fox “News,” CNN, New York Times and Washington Post, Americans would know the truth about US and Israeli policies in the MIddle East and their likely consequences.

On September 1, Haaretz reported that Rabbi Eric Yoffie, the president of the Union for Reform Judaism, which represents 900 Congregations and 1.5 million Jews, “accused American media, politicians and religious groups of demonizing Islam” and turning Muslims into “satanic figures.”

Rabbi Yoffie is certainly correct. In America there is only one side to the issue. An entire industry has been created that is devoted to demonizing Islam. Books abound that misrepresent Islam as the greatest possible threat to Western Civilization and seek to instill fear and hatred of Muslims in Americans. For example, Norman Podhoretz proclaims “World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism.” Daniel Pipes shrieks that “Militant Islam Reaches America.” Lee Harris warns of “The Suicide of Reason: Radical Islam’s Threat to the West.”

Think tanks have well-funded Middle East programs, the purpose of which is to spread Islamophobia. Fear and loathing pour out of the Middle East Forum and the American Enterprise Institute.

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Sep 04 2007

Iraq: Biopsy of a Malignant Amerika

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By Tony Dillon


The functional if chilling calculus of the Cold War has given way to the hot headed fundamentalist terror of a troika of gratuitous murderers, an obtuse triangle of Judeo-Christian-Muslim fanatics who are intent on destroying each other and the rest of us if we get in their way. That’s the standard menu anyway unless you’re an outsider with your own opinion, harboring a radical agenda beyond the memory hole of accepted conventional “wisdom”. In the Middle East where the dogma of a thousand eyes for an eye is practised by a punch drunk Amerika at an ever more frenetic pace as apartheid appendage Israel (with its Zionist master plan fist in glove with the Bush cabal’s hallucination of a permanent Amerikan Reich) revels with Amerika in the shredded flesh and blood of their victims as they blow their enemies to bits ad nauseam.

Bush the mentally handicapped “southern” craw thumper bashing his biblical road-map on his way to world disorder and hell with his sanctimonious and sacrilegious justification of the daily butchering of innocents in Afghanistan and Iraq. In the name of “family values” and corporate profit for the bottom feeders that incited the Bush machine to this madness, he perpetually lies through teeth to keep his handlers’ machinery of war economics grinding, defiling the very idea of the God he hypocritically invokes. Amerika and its Straussian Machiavellian primitives mouth their “democratic” claptrap to a dumbed-down nation desecrating everything they touch as Bush the Lesser spews his fire and brimstone hate-filled cant direct from the Old Testament.

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Aug 31 2007

America needs a Guarantor

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By Pablo Ouziel


In an interview with The Washington Post on November 11, 2003, George Soros said that removing President George W. Bush from office was the “central focus of my life” and “a matter of life and death.” He said he would sacrifice his entire fortune to defeat President Bush, “if someone guaranteed it”.

Again in 2006, during an interview with Charlie Rose, when Charlie asked him about that particular statement, with the following question; “You would have gladly given away ninety percent of your fortune in a minute?” Soros replied; “One hundred percent, because I think it would have made a tremendous contribution to mankind.”

According to Forbes Magazine in March 2007, George Soros´s net worth stood at 8.5 billion U.S dollars and placed him as the 80th richest man in the world, surely this sum should be enough to creatively remove President Bush from office. I am surprised that in a country which prides itself on its entrepreneurship, intellect and creativity, where garage start-ups with tiny financial sums are part of the corporate culture and many have gone on to become world leading multinationals, there are no entrepreneurs available to draft a concise and effective strategy to guarantee George Bush’s removal from office, supported by Soros’s 8.5 billion dollar fund.

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Aug 13 2007

A Palestinian Miracle at the UN?

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“…Or did the $80 million Framework Agreement — a US reward to Abbas for following the American script to the letter — set aside a tiny amount for milk, fuel and perhaps couple of dialysis machines for those suffering in Gaza?”

By Ramzy Baroud


Since the foundation of the United Nations’ Security Council, the Palestinians did not manage to have any kind of sway that would allow them to block or amend a proposed resolution in any meaningful way.

But miracles do indeed happen, as, for the first time, and after days of intense lobbying, a Palestinian delegation recently killed a draft resolution. Not only this, it also managed to block a presidential statement which is usually made when a resolution is buried, by way of explaining the circumstances behind its rejection.

But this ‘miracle’ has a bizarre twist. The resolution, drafted by Qatar and seconded by Indonesia, was merely expressing concern over the humanitarian disaster intensifying in the Gaza Strip and the deteriorating plight of one and a half million Palestinians dwelling, or more accurately, imprisoned there, lacking all imaginable necessities — electricity, fuel, clean water, food and medicine.

One would typically expect it to be Israel dispatching its delegations to the UN, armed with every possible pretext to deny Palestinians even the smallest window of opportunity to argue for their concerns — such as protection for refugees, humanitarian aid, or investigations into massacres.

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Aug 11 2007

A Perspective on Global Warming

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george w

“If we can’t see a little of George Bush looking back at our reflection, we should look again…”

By Jean-Louis Robert Turcot and Emily Spence


The attempt to stop and possibly reverse Global Warming reminds of the aims of Helen Caldicott with respect to the dangers of a nuclear war. As much her goals were admirable with her tireless effort to inform, and to warn us about the possibility of a nuclear holocaust, we have not been able to change one single iota from that possibility.

At the same time, the Beyond War group used the bucket-of-shotgun-pellets method to demonstrate that one single pellet represented all of the firepower of the entire Second World War, while the entire bucket represented the nuclear weapon potential to make war… Again, even though the representation was graphic and dramatic, it did not change anything whatsoever relative to the nuclear menace. Indeed, our nuclear capacity is only becoming more pronounced over time.

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Aug 09 2007

Democracy Lives!

Cyrano’s Journal Online and its semi-autonomous subsections (Thomas Paine’s Corner, The Greanville Journal, CJO Avenger, and VoxPop) would be delighted to periodically email you links to the most recent material and timeless classics available on our diverse and comprehensive site. If you would like to subscribe, type “CJO subscription” in the subject line and send your email to  


by Adam Engel


Maybe we’ve never been lied to at all. It’s in the constitution’s
deceptively democratic language and supporting literature such as the
Federalist papers and “oppositional” writings by Madison and Jefferson
and the gang. They all wanted to keep their property, they just couldn’t
agree on the most subtle, persuasive, game plan.

The country IS and has always been a democracy for Our Masters — rich,
propertied, white men. It is a democracy for THEM to this day,
regardless of what BuschCo, hired out by the real owners of America,
does to the rest of us. Our Masters will vote democratically on
corporate boards. Our Masters’ “public” servants will vote
democratically in Congress, each representative voting in accordance
with his/her affiliated corporate interest whose board democratically
selected him or her for office.

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Aug 03 2007

US War On Terror And Muslim Response

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By Usman Khalid


The entire world was shocked beyond belief when the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon building were struck on 9/11 by US planes hijacked by Arab young men. There was sympathy for the victims and justifiable anger in America. But the US response in invading the already devastated country of Afghanistan was excessive. More important, the USA did not obtain the endorsement of the UN Security Council and the invasion violated International Law. A military attack is permissible only in response to an invasion or imminent aggression. The Afghans did not invade the US nor were capable of doing so. That the 9/11 attacks had been planned and executed by Arab mujahideen in Afghanistan, did call for action, perhaps even punishment, but not the wanton bombing that resulted in the death of over 40,000 mostly innocent non-combatants.

The invasion of Afghanistan set the stage for the “US war on terror” that is still going on. There is little point in quarrelling about this name which many consider misleading. What is important is that it is a new type of war, with new rules. When President Bush said, “You are either with us (the USA) or with the terrorist”, he propounded a new doctrine of war the chief features of which are: 1) strategic ‘pre-emption’ and 2) ‘unilateralism’. Both of these features constitute a violation of international law. America has assumed the right to invade or bomb any country which it accuses of providing refuge or assistance to terrorists. America makes demands to hand over to them persons it accuses of being terrorists. A country that refuses on the plea that it does not have an extradition treaty with America, or that legal procedures should be followed before extradition, or that they cannot hand over a person to be sent to a dubious jurisdiction like Guantanamo Bay, or that the accusation made by America does not constitute a crime in their country, earns the wrath of the USA. Most countries take the threats from America seriously and comply. Those countries that resist are demonised, isolated and sometimes even invaded. Three countries have been invaded since 9/11 - Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon – and thousands have been incarcerated in many countries without trial or handed over to America by their own governments because of dire American threats.

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Jul 31 2007


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By Peter Chamberlin


For many years, American society has lived under a state of siege. We have constantly been bombarded, every minute of every day, with psychological conditioning that is meant to lead us into a state of hopelessness. We are addicted to the source of this Pavlovian conditioning - television. This medium serves as an extension of the government propaganda apparatus, pumping-up the fear and anxiety levels, until the people become numb, convinced that we are helpless in a roiling sea of great dangers. We are literally being scared to death, so that we will give-up, roll over, and play dead. They want our surrender to be assured before they take the final steps to murder our democratic-Republic.

The people don’t understand that they are the source of all power within this Republic. Our task, as we fight those who seek to force nuclear war against Iran upon us, is to remind the people of their power and their freedom to reject another illegal, immoral war, to be fought on behalf of Israel. We must find ways to overcome the inertia of hopelessness, by replacing it with reasonable hope. It is up to the American people to enforce the common will to avoid this war, by restraining the monsters who push to unleash it. All of the war plans that are being carried out, and those that are yet to be carried out, since the decisive November elections, stand in direct contradiction of that common will. Our Constitutional rights have been violated by the leaders of our government, who have taken oaths to defend that same Constitution. Our only salvation lies in protecting the Constitution from those who seek to destroy it. The path to preserving freedom is spelled-out clearly within its living words. When free people stand together and speak with one voice, then government has no choice, but to listen.

It is illogical, that the majority of American people don’t want to be warned about the coming American economic collapse, or the imminent Muslim genocide that will most assuredly usher the whole calamity in. But logic has nothing to do with it. It is all about fear and denial, with denial being understood as a psychological defense mechanism that that people use to isolate themselves from disturbing conditions. People, who are “in denial,” disavow knowledge of painful realities, in order to reduce anxiety/fear levels, sometimes to the detriment of their own health.

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Jul 31 2007

Deranged, Delusional, NOT

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By Steve Jonas


Peggy Noonan was perhaps the paramount hagiographer of Ronald Reagan, perhaps the most influential creator of the Reagan Myth. Peggy Noonan is currently a Contributing Editor for The Wall Street Journal. In a column entitled “American Grit” posted on the on Friday, July 13, 2007 (that tells you something), Noonan had this to say, in part, about George Bush: “I found myself Thursday watching President Bush’s news conference and thinking about what it is about him, real or perceived, that makes people who used to smile at the mention of his name now grit their teeth. . . . I received an email before the news conference from as rock-ribbed a Republican as you can find, a Georgia woman (middle-aged, entrepreneurial) who’d previously supported him. She said she’d had it . . . . Americans have always been somewhat romantic about the meaning of our country . . . . But they like the president to be the cool-eyed realist, the tough customer who understands harsh realities. With Mr. Bush it is the people who are forced to be cool-eyed and realistic. He’s the one who goes off on the toots.”

He’s the one who goes off on the toots?!? This is Peggy Noonan speaking, folks. He must be deranged or delusional, according to her. That’s the only possible explanation of what Noonan describes as his “seemingly effortless high spirits. . . . [His] certain steely good cheer. . . .” Isn’t it? But hold on. We’ve got the alternative view of The New York Times columnist David Brooks, who seems to be vying for the position of paramount hagiographer of George W. Bush. In his column of July 17, 2007, “Heroes and History,” he tells us that in an interview at the White House “Bush was assertive and good-humored. . . . His self-confidence is the most remarkable feature of his presidency. . . . [Far from being delusional, he has an] unconquerable faith in the rightness of his Big Idea. Bush is convinced that history is moving in the direction of democracy, or as he said Friday: ‘I do believe there is an Almighty, and I believe a gift of that Almighty to all is freedom. And I will tell you that is a principle that no one can convince me that doesn’t exist.’ [And so], Bush remains energized by the power of the presidency.”

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Jul 21 2007

Bush’s War Policy: When Time Heals Nothing

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By Ramzy Baroud


The news of recent weeks emanating from Washington and Baghdad point to one clear, if not final, conclusion: The Bush administration’s adventures in Iraq have been a complete failure.

What the media have eagerly dubbed as the Republican Revolt is now reinforced by two of the most distinguished Republican senators: John Warner of Virginia and Richard Lugar of Indiana. Before the Democrats’ takeover of the two positions in Congress, Warner was the chairman of the Armed Services Committee whereas Lugar presided over the Foreign Relations Committee. Their significance in the party in national security and foreign policy issues is simply uncontested.

Both senators proposed a measure requiring troop redeployment from frontline combat as early as January 1, 2008. The measure, unveiled on July 13, 2007, would require the White House to come up with a plan for realignment by October 16, 2007.

One only needs to consider the timing of that proposed realignment to appreciate the seriousness of the proposal. The head of the US forces in Iraq, General David Petraeus, along with US ambassador to Baghdad, Ryan Crocker, are expected to furnish a report to the Congress assessing how the war has progressed and whether the Iraqi government of Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki has lived up to the conditions imposed by the Congress and signed by Bush. If Al-Maliki and his circle, which many see as sectarian-based, fail to show competence, there will be an aid cut.

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