Jun 13 2007
Why Do You Hate?
By Michael Goodspeed
Why do you hate?
Behind the question is an obvious assumption. Since every human being you have ever known, including yourself, has likely expressed hatred for someone at some point in his/her life, the assumption seems entirely safe. We all carry in our hearts a certain amount of hatred for each other. But remarkably few have ever stopped to question WHY.
We all know that countless human beings seem worthy of hatred. Grotesque, aberrant, sociopathic personalities have dominated the world for ages, and many appear to never receive “justice” in this life. And we all function day-to-day in the midst of little cruelties — the jerk in the check-out line who swears out the cashier, the boss who humiliates us in front of our coworkers, the teenage boys and girls who mock and torment their peers.
When we see a human being behaving in an inhuman manner, the only appropriate response is, “I hate that.” In order to be sane, one must feel some measure of compassion for his fellow man, and to see him mistreated should always be a source of distress. And although the human race as a whole cannot reasonably be described as “sane,” even the marginally sane usually have within them a minimal moral compass that allows them to tell “right” from “wrong” — that it is better to be loving than hateful, charitable than selfish, peaceful than violent. If we were not at least partly governed by these subjective truths, our entire planet would have descended into total, irredeemable chaos and bloodshed long ago.
But most of us cannot stop at simply judging behaviors and actions as “good” or “bad.” We feel an uncontrollable impulse to hate the human being responsible for the behavior. And it usually matters not how illogical or hypocritical these judgments might be. Everyone knows that the rudest, most inconsiderate people are often the ones who complain most loudly about the manners of others. Similarly, the most outspoken voices of “piousness” (Dr. Laura, Bill O’ Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, William Bennett) have themselves been guilty of the very transgressions they so gleefully rail against. This human tendency toward hypocrisy was known by all of history’s great spiritual teachers, who universally implored human beings to really LOOK IN THE MIRROR before condemning their neighbors.
I find it both enlightening and horrifying that the topic I’ve written on that has overwhelmingly generated the greatest number of “hate mails” is equality. Sometimes the hatred is the result of great misunderstanding, but other times, no misunderstanding is possible. My position is, and always will be, that all human beings are created equal, and are thus equally deserving of legal rights, protections, and the ability to freely pursue happiness. On the surface, this doesn’t seem like a very radical position — I have never stated anything on this matter that isn’t directly supported in the Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights of the United States. Yet from the tone and content of some email responses I’ve received, one would think that I was advocating genocide.
Some people find the principle of intrinsic equality repulsive for the most obvious reason — they are racist. One such person wrote to me and was quite forthright in his opinions:
“CM” wrote:
Pfft. You must be a Jew.
Why don’t you try to tell your “we’re all equal” bullshit to this womans parents.
(He then included a link to the following news item):
Young White SA Girl Beheaded On Crowded Street
What is most ironic about this little vituperation is that the author was responding to a piece where I adamantly denounced the REVERSE RACISM that dominates mainstream media and suppresses black-on-white hate crimes. But my position did not go “far enough” for this gentleman, which he made clear in his follow up email:
“CM” wrote:
“Dear sir, If youy [sic] actually believe what you wrote below, you’re the one desperately in need of psychiatric help. Your kind of thinking is what has led directly to the deaths of people like the woman from SA and Channon Christian/Chris Newsom.
“Blacks aren’t equal and if you haven’t figured that out by now, you’re a deluded fool.”
I’d be interested to know what this person’s proposed solution is for dealing with all the unequal “darkies” populating our land. Since they aren’t equal (as he has clearly stated he believes), they are logically undeserving of the same rights and protections afforded by the law to white people. So perhaps the appropriate solution is for white people to do to blacks whatever they feel is appropriate at a given moment. Just thinking out loud here.
Equally troubling to me were the responses I received from people who did not or could not understand the meaning of “equality” in the context that I used it. Since the word has been misused and debased almost as much as any word in King’s English, it is understandable how this misinterpretation can occur. But I think my meaning was clearly stated and should have been obvious to any intelligent person.
One respondent on the website Bestcyrano.org wrote, “Human beings are not intrinsically equal. Only Jews, those who take their money, and the truly deluded postulate such things
“Life is much better when you confront the inequality and differences of the world, instead of trying to obscure them with fantasy.”
I don’t think I need to comment on this person’s “Jew” remark (it speaks volumes of itself), but I will respond to his patently false claim that I live in denial of the obvious inequality in the world. I understood going into my essay that many people have knee-jerk, negative reactions when they see the word “equality.” They assume that the person speaking for equality is either arguing for a society that ENFORCES an artificial “equality” (socialism, utopianism), or is making the outrageous claim that all human beings presently function as equals. I addressed this concern when I wrote: “At the level of appearance, there is no equality and never will be. But so what? We don’t need a world of human beings who are all physically and intellectually ‘equal’, a grotesque and bizarre science fiction fantasy.”
The problem is not simply that most of us don’t understand the true meaning of equality. The fundamental problem is that we are all guided by incorrect ideas of what a HUMAN BEING is.
Racists and bigots are not the only ones who judge others solely on the basis of external appearances. Most of us think of a “person” as a body with a name, a brain, and a personality. This machinery is born, and is intensely programmed by countless outside influences called cultural conditioning (media, schools, religion, family, community). Like any computer software, the mind and the personality can be corrupted. A great trauma can leave both damaged, impaired, or even erased.
When we’re young, our personalities are incredibly pliable — nice, easygoing, and self-confident adolescents are easily transformed into addicts and criminals through abuse and mistreatment. Governments are certainly aware of the mind/personality’s susceptibility to coercion, and have invested untold funds in mind control research.
The question must then be asked, if a personality is so vulnerable to external (and often nefarious) influences, should it ever be thought of as ME?
I’ve always found it weird that most people feel morally superior to caricatures of evil like terrorists and suicide bombers. If this describes you, imagine being born into an environment where every person you respected told you that you could find Paradise by murdering a clearly identified enemy. If this message was pounded into your brain every day of your life by your parents, your spiritual leaders, your schools, and your media, do you really think you could just SHRUG IT OFF and choose a different path? Of course, the question is rhetorical. If you believe that you are impervious to the effects of outside conditioning, you are in denial and present a serious danger to yourself and everyone around you.
From my perspective, my personality and my thoughts are things that I own in much the same way that I own a body. In order to live a happy, healthy, and productive life, I must govern each responsibly. But that which I govern is not ME.
A personality is not a human being. Neither is the body or brain. Personalities, bodies, and brains are not EQUAL, and never will be. They are impermanent, weak, and terribly vulnerable. So what basis, if any, do we have for believing in a seemingly idealistic concept like intrinsic equality?
When our forefathers declared that “All men are created equal,” they could not have been referring to the body/brain/ego machinery that is mistakenly thought of as a “person.” It seems inarguable that they were referring to the indestructible qualities of the SOUL. It is also clear that the word “created” refers to an event in the PAST — that is to say, equality is a gift we were given by God, and like most gifts, one can choose to throw it away.
I can view others as equals only when I view MYSELF as an equal. I choose to believe that the permanent truth of who I am is equally great to the truth of who you are. This recognition is far from HARMFUL — in fact, it provides a doorway to inspiration and UNITY, the keys to real health and happiness.
Equality is not just some drab, stultifying PC concept used to celebrate mediocrity and “sameness.” It is not the Star Trek Borg, threatening to rob the individual of his or her unique identity and autonomy. It is the means by which human beings can be freed from mental prisons of competitiveness, anger, resentment, and guilt. You can view your brothers and your sisters as YOURSELF (the path to joy, sanity, and life), or as aliens to be feared and hated (the path to misery, insanity, and death).
To be equal…or not. The choice is mine, and it is yours.
If you wish to respond to this piece, you may do so at . If you’re going to write me, I have a couple of small requests.
1) Before composing a message, please take the time to READ the entire essay from top to bottom. And if you feel that any of my points are unclear, rather than making assertions about my position, please feel free to ASK ME QUESTIONS — I am happy to clarify any apparent ambiguity.
2) If you wish to proffer overtly racist, sexist, or otherwise inhuman assertions, please don’t waste your time or mine — we truly have no possibility of productive or meaningful communication
There is no subtance to this piece. It is simply an emotional diatribe.
There are biological underpinnings for human anger. Much of it is irrational and some of it necessary for self-protection. Learning to discern the difference is important for maintaining the level of human interaction needed for a well functioning society.
The trend of labeling everything “hate” whether it be speech, crimes or whatever the hate-du-jour is, is simply counterproductive because it doesn’t address the underlying dysfunction, clash of views, or simple act of unmitigated senseless violence.
Knee-jerk liberals railed against Noam Chomsky when he supported overturning an EU ban on free speech that prohibited anyone from suggesting that the Holocaust hadn’t happened. Chomsky rightly pointed out that just because someone makes a ridiculous claim doesn’t mean it should be banned as hate speech. He said it was far better to allow the absurd claim and then refute it with clear evidence.
The hate moniker is political correctness on steroids and only serves to impede the type of open dialogue important for a free society. Suppressing commentary or ideas as hateful does not make these basic impulses go away, instead the anger or frustation may emerge in other ways such as illness or ill-treatment of loved ones.
I have read your offerings only occasionally, inspired by the fact that we share the same last name and, I suspect, history.
Each time I have been impressed with your adroit use of the mind with which nature’s god has gifted you and urge you to continue to use it to good effect, as you have here.
It is only by serandipity that I happened upon your views on “hate” while seeking to know more about a man I have admired for more than half a century, Thomas Paine, who himself knew hatred well even though he deserved it not-at-all. Genius has its temporary drawbacks, but were it not for people like him the rest of us would not have the faintest idea what to aspire to.
John W. Goodspeed
(related to but far removed from theRoger Goodspeed of Barnstable, MS circa 1640)
Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! qiunayimltdazp