Oct 29 2007

Shouting at the Devil: “Fuck You, Capitalism!”

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By Jason Miller


“America touts itself as the land of the free, but the number one freedom that you and I have is the freedom to enter into a subservient role in the workplace. Once you exercise this freedom you’ve lost all control over what you do, what is produced, and how it is produced. And in the end, the product doesn’t belong to you. The only way you can avoid bosses and jobs is if you don’t care about making a living. Which leads to the second freedom: the freedom to starve.”

–Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine

Does my profanity offend? If so, accept my sincere apologies for having the audacity to use a vulgar expletive in reference to the malignant force that is raping the Earth and murdering its sentient inhabitants. Then take my ‘deeply sincere’ pleas for forgiveness, and with the aid of an unlubricated rod of significant diameter, ram them firmly up the collective asses of the plutocratic bags of shit who comprise the ruling elite in the United States.

Capitalism, capitalism. How do I loath thee? Let me count the ways….

1. Few would argue with the conclusion that greed, selfishness, ruthlessness, and egocentrism are qualities that all of us humans possess, to varying degrees of course. Equally compelling is the argument that nearly all of us are capable of acting with kindness, compassion, justice, honesty, generosity, and empathy. Yet despite the sweeping epidemic of unnecessary suffering caused by torrential waves of avarice, self-centeredness, and brutality, our filthy moneyed elite, their well-compensated sycophants, and countless millions of deeply inculcated members of the working class defend the sacred cow of capitalism with the zeal of the Siccari. What a brilliant way to conduct human affairs and organize ourselves socioeconomically! Not only do we embrace the inevitability of our human frailties; we willfully and perpetually embrace a system that ensures that the worst elements of the human psyche will predominate AND which amply rewards those who act the most reprehensibly.

2. One of the idiocies advanced as a logical argument to justify the continued existence of the abomination of capitalism is that while it may be flawed, it is still better than any alternative. If capitalism is the best humanity can do, it’s time to cash in our chips and leave Earth to our non-human animal counter-parts. They may not have opposable thumbs and formidably sized frontal lobes, but at least they don’t engage in the systematic destruction of themselves and the rest of the planet. However, before we act too hastily and engage in mass Seppuku, perhaps it would make more sense to implement a mass reorganization of our socioeconomic structure, basing the new paradigm on far more egalitarian, sustainable, democratic, just, and rational principles. Or we could just keep destroying each other and the fucking planet….

3. Capitalismo has raped Central and South America nearly to death. Unlike the “Land of the Free,” most of those horribly victimized nations have a vibrant, thriving, and well-organized Left to stand in opposition to the scourge of humanity and the Earth. US-sponsored death squads, torture, disappearances, privatization, “free” trade, deregulation, union busting, evisceration of social programs, coups, and vilification of leaders with the audacity to defy the status quo of avarice on steroids have assailed our southern neighbors since we in the United States (the self-appointed champions of capitalism) began our wholesale exploitation, imperialism, and neoliberalism by “acquiring” half of Mexico. Let’s see now. Remind me again. How many invasions has that “dire threat” to humanity named Hugo Chavez launched? How much “collateral damage” has he inflicted?

4. Capitalism is an anachronism that long ago out-lived its usefulness (except to the morally rotten parasites comprising our de facto aristocracy) and has proven itself to be an abject failure as a means of human interaction and organization. It’s one step removed from feudalism, for Christ’s sake! (Oops! Sorry, I forgot about mercantilism—the transition to capitalism made such a difference). One of humanity’s strengths is our capacity to evolve. Given that, why in the hell do we stubbornly cling to a system that enables a fraction of a percent of the population to live in OBSCENE opulence while 35,000 of our fellow human beings die of starvation-related causes each day? Are the rest of us truly inane enough to believe that asinine myth that any of us has a REALISTIC chance of becoming the next Bill Gates, if we “just work hard enough.” Or that there is an ounce of moral virtue in pursuing the accumulation of excessive wealth?

5. Resting upon the “pillars” of greed, selfishness and hyper-competitiveness, capitalism is irrational and unstable. Crisis and resource wars are chronic and inevitable. How could we expect it to be otherwise? Unleashing some of the ugliest aspects of the human spirit and creating artificial shortages in a world of abundance (by allowing a select few to hoard most of the resources as “their property”), capitalism doesn’t exactly engender an environment of peace and brotherly love. While our filthy ruling plutocracy has allowed a degree of socialism to diminish their power to rape, pillage and plunder, they only did so to quell social unrest during times of serious instability (i.e. The New Deal). Meanwhile, reactionary elements in our “democracy” are consistently scheming to eliminate the use of public monies to actually benefit the public. Witness George Bush’s ongoing demands for an open purse to fund our insanely bloated military and the war crimes we are committing in Iraq. Compare that to his recent refusal to spend an additional $35 billion to provide health care for 3.9 million children. Bush and the moneyed interests for whom he is fronting are inflicting gaping, cankerous wounds upon humanity and the Earth. How much more obvious could it be? (And this administration isn’t an aberration; they are simply bold enough to reveal their agenda—that’s the scary part).

6. Thanks to our slightly adulterated yet plenty virulent infestation of capitalism, the United States is not the “Christian nation” it touts itself to be. While we certainly abide by the Golden Rule in the sense that “he who has the gold makes the rules,” there is little about the manner in which we conduct ourselves as a nation (particularly in terms of foreign policy) of which the person meeting the Biblical description of Jesus Christ would have approved. Let’s just run through a few highlights. We have killed millions of Iraqis via two invasions and barbaric economic sanctions (the sanctions alone killed over half a million children—they’re on your tab, Bill Clinton)—and these are people who NEVER attacked us nor posed a true threat to our “national security.” We arm and support Israel, the diseased enforcer of the mental illness known as Zionism. Ethnic cleansing. Now there’s a spiritually nourishing Christian pastime for you. We revere, idolize, and empower talented, “beautiful” people whose moral evolution came to a screeching halt at about age five. They are our CEOs, politicians, celebrities, athletes, billionaires, pundits, and Wall Streeters whose smug, hubristic “all-American” mugs, talking heads, and ‘surgically enhanced’ bodies are blasted into our homes 24/7 via Fox, CNN, ABC, and a host of other disseminators of the fetid garbage of infotainment. Sorry folks. Calvinism is about as close as our culture comes to the compassion and love modeled by Christ. And with John Calvin in the saddle, we fall significantly short of that mark. As his unwitting disciples, we are imbued with cynicism and self-hatred (we are, after all, “original sinners”), a sadistic desire to inflict ample doses of punishment for the smallest of transgressions (hence the US having the largest prison population in the world—comprised largely of non-violent drug offenders) and the notion that being rich means one has acquired God’s stamp of approval. (Thoughts of camels, needles, and kingdoms of heaven keep throwing me into a horrid state of cognitive dissonance in my desperate efforts to be a good little capitalist by embracing Part III of the Calvinist doctrine…..). Somehow I don’t think Christ had capitalism in mind when he preached the Sermon on the Mount…..

7. Let’s consider sustainability and consumerism for a moment, shall we? Two more of capitalism’s noxious, life-extinguishing qualities are its demand for infinite growth and its unavoidable “dilemma” of excess production. Problem number one is insoluble, but we can simply let our grandchildren worry about our insane insistence on maintaining a system demanding infinite resources from a finite world. As for excess production, that one is simple. We have the most advanced agitprop industry (Madison Avenue) and the most powerful delivery devices (the mainstream media) in the history of humanity churning out alluring appeals to consumers to buy what they don’t need, can’t really afford, and may never even use. Surplus schmurplus….

8. As an “added bonus” to the wounds it inflicts upon humanity as a collective, capitalism also causes serious character malformations in individuals. As infants and young children, human beings naturally believe themselves to be the center of the universe. In order to “succeed” (and sometimes just survive) in the rat race of capitalism, as we mature we begin viewing our narcissism as an attribute. Rather than shedding it, we nurture it with the tenderness of the most devoted of mothers. Looking out for number one, careerism, an obsession with winning, acquisitiveness, and putting money and appearances ahead of principles and people are considered to be virtues in this violently seething cesspool we euphemistically call a culture.

9. Perhaps most disturbing of all is the way in which capitalism’s relentless advocates have managed to bamboozle billions of people into equating it with democracy. Diabolical to its core, but sheer genius nonetheless. Concluding that capitalism and democracy are somehow synonymous is a bit like saying that Dick Cheney and the milk of human kindness relate to one another in even a very remote fashion. (Have you seen the myriad pictures of his evil grimaces floating around the Internet? Despicable creature that he is, he doesn’t even attempt to mask his malevolence). Capitalism is naturally hierarchal, authoritarian, and brutal. Corporations, the legal vehicles for the plutocracy to maximize their profits while minimizing liability, are structured as tyrannies. What the hell is democratic about dog eat dog, law of the jungle, and every man for himself? Besides, if we uber-capitalists here in the United States are truly “democratic,” and we “elected” a depraved idiot like W to what is ostensibly the most powerful position in the world, what does that say about us?

George Bush, Dick Cheney, et al aren’t anomalies or accidents. They are the naked face of savage capitalism evolved to its ultimate and inevitable state, which is embodied by corporatism, monopolism, cronyism, imperialism, and fuck-everyone-but-the-rich-ism.

Slice it, it dice it and spice it any way you prefer. A pile of shit is a pile of shit by any other name. Capitalism is just that from the standpoint of compassionate, moral, and intelligent human beings. One exceptionally virtuous person, Archbishop Don Helder Pessoa Camara, who was a progenitor of Liberation Theology and an unwavering champion of the poor, once remarked, “To examine capitalism is to indict it.”

Unfortunately, capitalism remains the 800 pound gorilla in the room. There is little doubt that its countless millions of fiercely loyal minions amongst the working class and poor will continue heeding their indoctrination, daring us to pry their copies of Atlas Shrugged “from their cold dead hands.” And we can count on the fact that the likes of the Mars heirs, Richard Mellon Scaife, and their ilk are not destined to experience profound spiritual awakenings anytime soon.

Yet there is hope. Capitalism exists in a state of perpetual crisis. Inequality is on the rise, globally and domestically. Our lords and masters are beginning to fall victim to their own hubris as they practice their predations more and more overtly. Palliatives can only delay the system’s inevitable collapse for so long. Sooner rather than later the deepening undercurrent of social unrest will burst the levees of injustice asunder.

Relative to what’s coming, the Great Depression was a mere warm-up. Yet in adversity there lies opportunity. Our US gulag, often referred to as the prison industrial complex, will serve as excellent quarters for the irredeemable scum stalking the corridors of power in DC, the Walton clan, Larry Ellison, and the rest of the parasites atop the capitalist pyramid.

Or perhaps things will take a more Jacobin turn and we won’t need to waste any more precious resources on these predatory sociopaths….

Fuck you, capitalism; fuck you…..

Jason Miller is a wage slave of the American Empire who has freed himself intellectually and spiritually. He is Cyrano’s Journal Online’s associate editor (https://bestcyrano.org/) and publishes Thomas Paine’s Corner within Cyrano’s at https://bestcyrano.org/THOMASPAINE/. You can reach him at



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23 Responses to “Shouting at the Devil: “Fuck You, Capitalism!””

  1. Giordan Smithon 30 Oct 2007 at 12:13 am

    The only country that ever seriously took on plutocracy was National Socialist Germany, and look what happened to them. As Goebbels wrote in 1939, ‘The English prime minister announced the day the war began that England’s goal was to destroy Hitlerism. However, he defined Hitlerism in a way other than how the English plutocracy actually sees it. The English warmongers claim that National Socialism wants to conquer the world. … In reality, however, there is another reason for England’s war with Germany. The English warmongers cannot seriously claim that Germany wants to conquer the world, particularly in view of the fact that England controls nearly two thirds of the world. And Germany since 1933 has never threatened English interests. So when Chamberlain says that England wants to destroy Hitlerism in this war, he is in one sense incorrect. But in another sense, he is speaking the truth. England does want to destroy Hitlerism. It sees Hitlerism as the present internal state of the Reich, which is a thorn in the eye of English plutocracy. England is a capitalist democracy. Germany is a socialist people’s state. And it is not the case that we think England is the richest land on earth. There are lords and City men in England who are in fact the richest men on earth. The broad masses, however, see little of this wealth. We see in England an army of millions of impoverished, socially enslaved, and oppressed people. Child labor is still a matter of course there. They have only heard about social welfare programs. Parliament occasionally discusses social legislation. Nowhere else is there such terrible and horrifying inequality as in the English slums. Those with good breeding take no notice of it. Should anyone speak of it in public, the press, which serves plutocratic democracy, quickly brands him the worst kind of rascal. They do not hesitate to make major changes in the Constitution if they are necessary to preserve capitalist democracy. Capitalist democracy suffers from every possible modern social ailment. The lords and City people can remain the richest people one earth only because they constantly maintain their wealth by exploiting their colonies and preserving unbelievable poverty in their own country. Germany, on the other hand, has based its domestic policies on new and modern social principles. That is why it is a danger to English plutocracy. It is also why English capitalists want to destroy Hitlerism. They see Hitlerism as all the generous social reforms that have occurred in Germany since 1933. The English plutocrats rightly fear that good things are contagious, that they could endanger English capitalism. That is why England declared war on Germany.’

  2. uhuruon 30 Oct 2007 at 1:55 am

    wow, excellent!!!!!!! bravo!!! this needs to read by all! in the Uni-tied Snakes of .America

  3. Vindixon 30 Oct 2007 at 4:33 am

    Your vitriol is well matched by your veracity

  4. Shayne Nelsonon 30 Oct 2007 at 7:09 am

    Dear Jason,

    It’s all dead on, except your final echo of Marx’s theory that capitalism contains the seeds of its own destruction. Nope. History is not a pendulum. Capitalism contains the seeds of the destruction of everything but itself. History is a snowball, and any trend or movement continues not only to exist but to become bigger and bigger until an organized, determined force comes along to oppose it.

    Capitalism will never die from within, from its nature, that’s wishful thinking. Until the opposition gets really organized and determined, capitalism will continue to get more crushing and the fate of 99.9 percent of humanity will get worse.

  5. Toddon 30 Oct 2007 at 8:40 am

    You nailed it all. You also evoked this tangent:
    On item 8, the view of being one with the world had by young children is not narcissism until culture severs that connection in the public education run up to the competitive world of capitalism with ratings by reward and punishment according to personal obedience to indoctrination goals. It is that innate sense of oneness with the world that reemerges and seems like a religious revelation when the rat race is recognized for what it is. It’s often referred to as enlightenment through the ages when the prison without bars of culture’s myth is seen beyond. The real culprit is the inculcated belief so unconscious that it seems natural: that we own all we survey as granted by its supreme creator just for us to do as we damned well please, manifest destiny, eminent domain all the way out to the stars put there just to serve as their calendar!!

  6. argonneForesteron 30 Oct 2007 at 9:05 am

    A brilliant volley against the enemy of nature and humanity (I’m only grieving for the better part of humanity here, whose obituary is far too premature).

    Jason Miller is amply justified in his passion, and expletives are in order…The American population lives in a state of appalling confusion: its priorities upended, its mental capabilities reduced to the minimum necessary to discharge their specific economic functions, its political syntax and concentration interrupted and destroyed by a million frivolous items of repulsive banality, its working class organizations in shambles and often corrupt. Telling capitalism to go fuck itself is liberating; it may be inadequate to describe the magnitude of the horror we inhabit, a horror most of us in the US, to our eternal shame, condone as silent accomplices or profit from, through inaction and cowardice…but it’s a start. It’s an open rejection of the Emperor Without Clothes in our midst, and it may not be a plan–(it’s not intended as such)–but it’s a cry of rebellion, of defiance, and courage is contagious, just like cowardice. Other decent people reading this essay may nod in agreement and be moved to action. I sure hope so, because it is determined, patient, courageous, and above all LUCID political action–as suggested by Shayne Nelson on this thread– that will eventually get rid of this man-made cancer assaulting the planet.

    The American population HAS to stop looking at world and home events in its usual “bovine”, myopic, and selfish mood, figuring, well, things are pretty bad, but I’m still all right, Jack! We’re still the best country on earth–just look at all those Cubans, Mexicans, and Haitians dying to get to our shores… and, besides, the cesspool waters haven’t reached my neighborhood yet…The sooner they too start swearing at capitalism, the better for everyone. At least it will be a healthy sign that they will have begun to recognize who the real enemy is.

  7. HughHamiltonon 30 Oct 2007 at 9:22 am

    Next time someone brings up Britney Spears or Madonna, or Hillary Clinton, or any of those other celebs and famous multimillionaire, pampered imbeciles that flicker in the American firmament, just tell them to fuck off! Show’em you got a pair, man! Enough of this shit.

  8. Lancasterian9on 30 Oct 2007 at 9:28 am

    Giordan Smith, you need help. An utterly deranged presentation of what really happened.

    You lost me the moment you (with an air of authoritativeness) declared that England opposed Hitler because he was a socialist! Anyone with a modest understanding of modern history knows the Nazis appropriated the word “socialist” to steal some of the wind propelling the socialist movement’s ship in those days. Socialism–even the bankrupt social democratic form–was correctly perceived as an opponent of capitalism, feudalism and plutocracy, and the Nazis saw the advantage of grafting the name onto their blazons and slogans.

  9. Giordan Smithon 30 Oct 2007 at 9:53 am

    Lancasterian9, you’re just showing your ignorance - and how much you’ve uncritically accepted pro-British Empire and ancient Communist propaganda (which coincides on this point). In fact, if you read accounts of people who actually visited Germany in the late 1930s what bothered them was how socialistic it was. In fact, one diplomat (although it could have been a journalist), said that the difference between German socialism and that of the USSR was that the former worked and the latter didn’t - which made Germany by far the more serious threat!

    You’re also completely out of date concerning historical scholarship - academics are now admitting that by the late 1930s Germans were living in a society in which ordinary people were far better off than in places like England and the US. They just attempt to put a negative spin on it by saying that this is how the German government ‘bribed’ the people into accepting dictatorship.

    In short, truth and warmed-up WWII British propaganda are two very different things. Open your eyes.

  10. Nikonon 30 Oct 2007 at 10:27 am

    Good reminder, Giordan Smith, that the USA fought against the wrong side in WWII and instead teamed up with the most un-democratic states to fight against a nation simply seeking it’s own self-determination.

    Morever, Goebbels, whether you like it or not, also predicted very accurately more than 60 years ago the consequences of American style capitalism and the kind of world it would lead to. In one of his essays called “Year 2000″, when read today, he seems almost prophet-like.

    And National Socialist Germany wasn’t the only nation destroyed by Zionist/Capitalist madmen. Hundreds of other nations have fallen victim over the years for simply having the audacity to bypass the Empire and follow their own self-interest and self-determination. Why, there’s several examples going on currently in the world.

    Anyway, the article by Jason Miller should be required reading in schools and universities across the “free-est” nation in the world….that is if the youth could even understand it. Many adults would barely understand what Miller is saying.

    “Communism steals a man’s freedom; Capitalism steals a man’s soul.”

    I don’t know who coined that phrase….and I used to think it was poppycock…..but in light of what’s happening today, the full weight of that statement is truer than ever.

    God help us.

  11. Lancasterian9on 30 Oct 2007 at 10:37 am

    By your logic, Giordan, we shoud all move toward Nazism.

    Your superficially sophisticated but nonetheless pathetic anticommunist bias is too obvious to discuss matters like rational human beings. Yours is the old argument that the trains ran on time under Mussolini and that big public works were launched in germany, thereby putting a lot of the population back to work. Well? That’s the ostensible picture. What was going on underneath all the glitter and the marching? Something entirely different, something that soon showed that the working masses were losing ground in economic terms, while their working class defense organizations were being smashed and their leaders packed to jail or murdered with impunity. But do we have to recount here the true history of Fascism? Has everyone been asleep for the last 100 years in this republic?

    And what’s with this fixation against the Brits? True, the British ruling class has few parallels in history for its machiavellism, but so what? ALL ruling classes are beyond teh pale my friend, look at what the neocons are doing today…or what Sarko wants to implement in France…To remain focused on British perfidy–and there’s plenty of that– is to miss the boat, for they merely represent yet one more example of aristocratic usurpation of democratic structures, a pretense that was naturally not needed in prior centuries…It’s a class question man, try to get that through your thick head, and stop reading rightwing revisionist historical crap, which never goes out of fashion because those who own most of the engines of mass manipulation–take a wild guess—are the plutocracy such analyses end up favoring! This is not rocket science, but there is no worse blindness than self-inflicted prejudice and imbecility. If you can add 2 + 2, then there’s some hope.

  12. hawk1976on 30 Oct 2007 at 12:29 pm

    Incorrect analysis results in incorrect determination.

    Capitalism produces wealth, unlike any other system. It frees a man to sell his labor as he sees fit. He is free to increase the value of his labor through skill or training. He is free to pursue courses that he believes will provide him with the most happiness. He is free to use his intellectual and real property as he sees best. It requires no external input to determine the distribution of wealth, as each will earn as best he can.

    If the resources of the Earth are finite, the resources of this universe are not. When the need arises, we will expand outward and away from the Earth, just as a bird leaves it’s mother’s nest.

    You will not produce a system without inequality, because it can not be done. You mentioned Jesus? Even he declared that the poor would always be amongst us. A poor American is a rich man elsewhere. Capitalism creates a situation where one can choose to work their way out of poverty. This is superior to any other system.

    You do not mention who will determine who gets what wealth, how many will you include in your select few? Who will decide who gets treatment in a medical system with resources even further than they are now? What will be their recompense for making such hard decisions? Will they live in palaces while the hordes are forced to live in 600 sq. ft. studio apartments? What will happen when someon decides they don’t like your system? Will it tolerate protest or will you crack down on them, using either the law enforcement mechanisms, ir just witholding services and goods necessary to life? What about innovation? Will people have the right to their intellectual property? For that matter any property?

    No, I have seen the future you would submit me. I would suggest that you be prepared if you ever attempt to impliment it. I don’t always like the corporations. But for you, if you want that level of control over me and my family, I only have two words: MOLON LABE!

  13. John Galton 30 Oct 2007 at 1:01 pm

    Jason, did you happen to get paid for this article? If you did, you are guilty of Bushian-level hypocrisy - because selling your product, be it shoes or bullets or labor, for the highest price you can get IS capitalism. And who amongst us takes a lesser price than he can get, for anything.
    You do not sound very intellectually and spiritually liberated to me, Jason. Actually, you sound exactly like all the nasty old-time communist hypocrites I have known for 30 years past, since I started university. Your problem - and it is a terribly common one - is that you mistake corporatist gangsterism for capitalism, instead of identifying it correctly as FASCISM. That mistake will only guarantee you live in a fascist world, instead of the free, rich and compassionate world you want, which CAPITALISM alone can give you.
    No decent person would argue with your attitude toward Bushreich and EnronWorld. But do us a favour, and blame the criminal - fascism - not the victim - capitalism.

  14. FrankBendix76on 30 Oct 2007 at 2:51 pm

    Join the parade of terminally confused JohnGalt. Your “diagnosis” of where the author of this piece is coming from– is transparently wrongheaded and insidious. Insidious because it reworks one of the oldest shibboleths that never die among the ahistorical crowd you travel with, the fact that capitalism and fascism have no familial bonds, that they’re no kin, instead of the historical truth, that capitalism engenders fascism in any and all instances of that despicable system.

    Fascism is capitalist rule without its usual masks, and any pretense of freedom, respect for human rights, or “democracy.” Are you saying that we are and have been for a very long time living under fascism in America and no one noticed? My oh my, isn’t that some feat of magic! Because, as most Americans will attest, even those whose minds barely function at all, everyone is aware that the big corporations have run and owned this nation without much hindrance for the last 100 years, with a Rooseveltian interlude on account of the system’s collapse and abuse that led the inside crowd to apply–at last–some socialistoid patches to the rotten structure. So to recap, since, by your formula, corporatist rule = fascism, ergo, we have been living under fascism all along!

    Your distinctions between capitalism, communism, “corporatism” and fascism are worthless. Do us a favor, Galt, do not try to teach fellow Americans about such distinctions, beginning with that ludicrous presentation of goody two shoes capitalism as a poor helpless victim of fascism. I’ve heard many things said about capitalism in my time, but never something so utterly idiotic.

    And by the way, if you accuse the communists of hypocrisy, what’s your main evidence? You are gonna stand there and tell us that capitalism–that is from the word go based on organized mendacity–is not hypocritical? You need to worship anotehr God my friend, but then again, I realize I’m wasting my time. No one who thinks the way you do is likely to change his ways of looking at the world.

  15. President Lindsayon 30 Oct 2007 at 4:25 pm

    Nikon writes: the USA fought against the wrong side in WWII and instead teamed up with the most un-democratic states to fight against a nation simply seeking it’s own self-determination.

    Well, there was also that little matter of that nation invading several others. I grant you that teaming up with Stalin was a Faustian bargain, but pragmatic at the time. If Patton had had his way we’d have kept going to Moscow, and in retrospect that might well have been the best idea. But everybody was quite sick of war by then, so that was a tough sell. That being said, while I don’t argue with the fact that Germany had enacted some great social programs in the 30s, I’d hardly say the USA fought on the wrong side. What have you been smokin’?

  16. Ivor Higheson 30 Oct 2007 at 6:43 pm

    Jason ..

    very well placed arrows .. straight to the gold :-)

    Because that is the problem .. Usury Economics .. that is the root of the rotten poisonous mess within which we are wading .. but I like the bit that alludes to the ultimate goodness that resides in mans heart .. that is a universal truth held by all peoples irrespective of ethnicity.

    I would like to quote here what I found on a California Mortgage Brokers website ..

    [b]House Loans 107% Mortgages [b/] ..

    wow! really! .. where where ? Because if one has to borrow 107% of an inflated house price .. well to be frank .. Ya cant afford the Mortgage .. sure sure one makes a few payments but the strain gets too much .. House repossessed .. A very fast no reserve house sale .. and to satisfy the borderline legalities of the matter .. the sale is advertised in an obscure news rag a couple of thousand miles away ..

    This is a no reserve sale at which the friendly third party does the bidding .. they purchase the house at knock down price and pocket the difference .. the unwitting dupe is then told that the house did not meet the debt .. err anyone have any idea what happens next?

  17. Andrew Ian Murphyon 30 Oct 2007 at 6:45 pm

    I think it is funny how other countries in the world treat their own people and how the US discusses it…for example, the oil rich country of Kuwait provides an extensive welfare system for it’s own people that includes free phone service and an annual dividend of the nations oil wealth.

    People in the US than say, “Well, see how rich oil makes a country? Those people are free to truely indulge themselves in real social wealth…”

    Oh really?

    So why is it that the US has a higher GDP per capita is allowing people to sleep, and in the winter, to die on their streets?

    Capitalism is more than a shitty system…it is a system of institutanalized evil.

  18. lauraj400on 30 Oct 2007 at 7:00 pm

    Nikon,and the six million would have died sooner or later anyway,right?

  19. Ivor Hugheson 30 Oct 2007 at 7:19 pm

    Mr Galton I assure you .. that what has been branded .. is exactly the same as in the UK .. and for that matter .. all of the English speaking Nations .. it looks the same .. it smells the same .. Do I really need to taste it!

    I will tell you what Capitalism UK flavour is .. its shit! .. because it is embedded in the same dog eat dog mindset that is ruled by greed and avarice .. Charles Dickens gave us a glimpse into the Black Heart .. well those who form the bottom layer .. have to look out for each other .. when the usury merchants tighten the screw ..

    The urge to trade goes much deeper than daily necessities such as bread and milk .. it is hard wired into our very physical essence .. billions of transactions a second .. at the speed of light everything bartering with everything else .. what a grotesque Golem we parade .. of the outer manifestation .. of ones inner reality.

    I am not in the least impressed with your response to the article .. as a working class person I KNOW .. all about Capitalism and especially its effects .. it is a morally repugnant creed .. that can only survive in its present form .. just as long as there is some thing left to consume .. then we will be urged onto even greater senseless consumption .. then when its all gone .. we the producers of wealth will be abandoned .. what an utterly primitive mindset .. how crude! .. how cruel! .. But the people are awakening .. the blogosphere is running red hot ..and the word is spreading like dispersing steam .. As Bob Dylan sang .. ‘The Times they are A-changing .. so move over or get trampled in the rush.

    # John Galton 30 Oct 2007 at 1:01 pm

    Jason, did you happen to get paid for this article? If you did, you are guilty of Bushian-level hypocrisy - because selling your product, be it shoes or bullets or labor, for the highest price you can get IS capitalism. And who amongst us takes a lesser price than he can get, for anything.
    You do not sound very intellectually and spiritually liberated to me, Jason. Actually, you sound exactly like all the nasty old-time communist hypocrites I have known for 30 years past, since I started university. Your problem - and it is a terribly common one - is that you mistake corporatist gangsterism for capitalism, instead of identifying it correctly as FASCISM. That mistake will only guarantee you live in a fascist world, instead of the free, rich and compassionate world you want, which CAPITALISM alone can give you.
    No decent person would argue with your attitude toward Bushreich and EnronWorld. But do us a favour, and blame the criminal - fascism - not the victim - capitalism.

  20. Shadow Danceron 30 Oct 2007 at 9:32 pm

    Well, you can’t give up money now & go back to simple earth living as the Native Tribes lived upon the earth so there is the manufactured reality of your world & system.

    No, your Nation has never been a Christian Nation. Jesus did not teach religion he taught his Father’s Spiritual Kingdom. Christianity that started with the Catholic’s is just man’s religion again that is mostly Pharisee Political Religion as are most of it’s offshoots.

    A man who traveled amongst the Tribes in the early years stated the Tribes lived like it said to live in the Bible and the Tribes didn’t even have the Bible. The only way this world would not come to it’s end made by the hands of men is for everyone on the Planet to live like the Tribes lived year in & year out.

    I certainly know none of you are actually going to give up your money as you know the reality of not having money in your world. Therefore you are enslaved by money as most all people on the planet are now enslaved by money.

    I know man upon the earth is going to continue on destroying the earth through his pollution alone as well as possibily bring about his destruction of most of the human populace of the earth through his weaponry.

    All these things including the Europeans coming here and causing the Native Tribes misery are written about in our prophecies…the way this world will go are written in Biblical prophecies, also, as well as many other prophecies of other peoples.

  21. MrSaitoon 30 Oct 2007 at 11:27 pm

    There are so many incorrect premises in this essay it is difficult to address them all. Suffice it to say that man will always thirst for liberty, above all. Liberty, private property, and the rule of law are the pillars of peace and prosperity.

    Liberty does not guarantee equality. Men are not equal, their talents, skills and propensities are of a great variety. Thus they will compile wealth in differing proportions and in different fields, and even of different types, because their preferences are also varied. If left alone under such a system, all men prosper, but yes, in different proportions.

    This in NO WAY means that currently liberty and the rule of law prevail. Our government carries on an incestuous relationship with the those parties, and groups that seek special favors - but this is not the fault of Capitalist, but the fault of man. It is our fault for allowing it. Still, though we keep insidiously sliding further toward a more pervasive and powerful central government, we are much better off than China, Cuba, and in the past, the Soviet Union - men RISK THEIR LIVES to escape such places.

    Centrally planned societies compound this incestuous relationship exponentially. The people under such governments suffer extreme poverty, shortages of the most necessary items, and are subject to grotesque abuses of power. Their economies are dysfunctional because prices are absent to guide the efficient allocation of resources.

    “Liberty is the mother, not the daughter, of order” - Frederick Bastiat

  22. Christalon 31 Oct 2007 at 1:04 pm

    To the poor rich man looking forward to the capitalist’s inheritance:

    Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.
    But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

    [Matthew 19:21-22]

  23. cjmon 31 Oct 2007 at 7:52 pm

    The idea that capitalism ,as practiced, not the fairy tale, rewards a persons efforts is absurd. If anyone believed in rewarding effort in the US the inheritance tax would be one hundred percent and the income tax zero. People would be allowed to keep the fruits of their own labor rather than riding their parents shoulders. To hear
    George Bush Junior or even senior talk smugly about the virtues of hard work and self reliance is absurd, just as foolish as if Paris Hilton or Richard Mellon Scaife did. All of these parasites had a huge hand up in the world. Ayn Rand and Rush Limbaugh would not have had time to produce the outpourings of nonsense if they had to put a roof over their heads and food in their bellies at 18 without Mummies support. I feel very confident in saying that if George Junior, Paris or Richard were left on their own at high school graduation and had to make their own way in the world they would fail. Without his Daddy’s support and bailouts George Jr. would be in a halfway house or prison today. Paris would be in another type of house suited to her peculiar talents.
    If we were serious about rewarding effort and hard work, rather than maintaining a lightly disguised class system, inheritance would not even be remotely acceptable. People would be expected to demonstrate their own value. For every Edison, Henry Ford I or Steven Jobs who overcame the class system there have been one hundred trust fund babies and Wall street financial hacks who have parlayed mommys and daddys connections into a soft life with little accountability. And there have been thousands of bright and creative or even brilliant people held back by lack of resources which have been hoarded by Paris and her fellow parasites.

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