Oct 11 2007
Mud, Fog, and Blackwater
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By Rand Clifford
Despite the muddy slurry streaming from mainstream corporate media (CorpoMedia), most Americans still seem to believe the indirection and untruth that washes out along with flecks of reality. Consider Iraq, a country we invaded to take control of their oil. Very simple, obviously true. But CorpoMedia gushed mud about weapons of mass destruction, mushroom clouds, shocking destructive powers of Saddam, freedom and democracy, liberators’ welcome, fighting terrorists over there so they won’t come and get us over here, Saddam’s role in 9-11?…on and on—and that’s all caked around the barest, simplest question of why did we invade? CorpoMedia even calls it a “war”, this invasion and occupation for booty. And the mud is often joined with befuddling banks of emotional fog that frequently condense into flags and yellow ribbons, “I Support The Troops” magnetics, more flags, and white and blue and red ribbons.
Why do we still occupy Iraq with so many troops? Because the New Iraqi Oil Law is yet to be chiseled into legal stone. Simple as that. The New Oil Law awards to primarily American Big Oil 75% of Iraqi oil revenue for 30 years, putting Big Oil in control of Iraq’s lifeblood and denying them any chance of recovering from our crimes. Whenever mentioning the New Oil Law, CorpoMedia likes to stick it low on lists of “benchmarks” we have set for the (independent?) Iraqi government. But ultimately, there is only one benchmark: The New Oil law. The other benchmarks are just so many rags thrown over the naked truth. The New Oil Law might have made it into legal stone while its details were hidden from even the Parliament set to vote on it; but now, leaks of truth leave Iraqis with no choice but to fight the occupier because the New Oil Law would remove their only hope of getting a fair share of their resources. So what does CorpoMedia call these people fighting for their own oil, fighting for their country? It calls them insurgents, terrorists, al-Qaida…. Is it even possible to kill enough Iraqis to get whatever survivors to sign over their oil? Well over a million has not been enough.
In the current mudbath for president, Ron Paul is the only politico besides Dennis Kucinich who speaks candidly. Regarding our foreign policy, Paul stated, “We need to look at what we do from the perspective of what would happen if somebody else did it to us.” He also cited the CIA’s own concept of “blowback”, suggesting that terrorism coming at us could be provoked by our abuse of so many other countries over the last 60 years…not because of CorpoMedia fog including freedoms, democracy, and promiscuously-clothed young ladies. So shocking was Paul’s uncloaking of American politics’ “big taboo” that he might never be invited to another Republican presidential debate, joining truth and meaning on the black list.
So what if Iraq unleashed Shock and Awe upon the United States? What if they murdered over a million Americans simply to steal our…ahem, okay, we’ve already hogged most of our own oil—MUD ALERT! CorpoMedia has many anti-environmental “pundits” screeching that we still have plenty of our own oil, but the environmentalists won’t let us pump it.
Transcending oil, let’s say that Iraq invaded the U.S. to steal our celebrities. Wouldn’t we have the right to take up arms and fight the attackers to defend what God gave us? Wouldn’t we be patriots, or freedom fighters or righteous defenders with justice on our side, not insurgents, or terrorists?
Back to our occupation of Iraq, exactly what is it that could signal our victory? The closest we might come would involve the Iraqi Parliament finally chiseling into stone our new Iraqi Oil Law. And if we ever finally kill enough Iraqis for that, we’ll still need to heavily occupy Iraq to comprehensively police our plunder of their oil. Might CorpoMedia ever mention that long before we burn all that oil, the climate will be in such chaos that little else will matter? Naw, omission is their ace in the hole. If they don’t report it, did it really happen? Also, we already keep troops in nearly 130 nations, and have 702 foreign military bases. With our new embassy in Iraq larger than the Vatican, dazzling new no-bid, hyper-overpriced military bases, plus their ocean of easy-access oil, does it seem possible that we will ever leave? Sure, we’ll metastasize to Iran, and wherever else Israel might demand, but we don’t do the leaving thing.
In Iraq, corporate fleecing of American taxpayers is an enormous story in itself. CorpMedia loves to play their omission ace on this. Besides, with all the hot stuff about Paris and Britney and such, where is there room for boring economics? Because public conditioning has come to define CorpoMedia, does anything short of absolute boycott by The People seem appropriate? A very strong indicator of American character is there, perhaps—keep gulping the bullshit, or shut it off? We still have the right to shut it off, that’s one they haven’t taken away yet.
Another recent example of CorpoMedia mud under extra heavy fog was the furor over the “attacks” upon General David Petraeus, which actually provoked hugely bi-partisan Congressional condemnations of free speech. Editorial cartoons—and not just those of Michael Ramirez—are still ripping Democrats with a spine, and MoveOn.org for disrespect hurled at General Petraeus. So much has been made of the General’s credentials as assurances of honesty, integrity and patriotism…solid reasons for unquestioned faith and respect that perhaps we should defer to someone with even greater credentials for reinforcement? General Petraeus’ commanding officer is Admiral William Fallon, chief of the Central Command (CENTCOM). Admiral Fallon, during his first meeting with General Petraeus in Baghdad last March, told Petraeus that he considered him an “ass kissing little chickenshit” and added, “I hate people like that.”
Enmity between the Admiral and the General was actually reported in CorpoMedia on September 9, including a quote by a senior Pentagon official who referred to “bad relations” between the two as “the understatement of the century.” The New York Times and the Washington Post both carried this story, proving that even CorpoMedia strays.
Admiral Fallon’s disgust has much to do with General Petraeus being front man for the Bush Administration’s efforts to sell its Iraq “surge” boondoggle. A veteran of 35 years, Admiral Fallon is known for his willingness to stand up to powerful figures, and independence from the White House—especially of late as it’s become the ultimate crucible of bad ideas.
Americans who get their “news” from CorpoMedia are on a diet of exactly what CorpoMedia wants their audience to believe. It’s the propaganda diet, and leaves too many Americans knowing so little about reality that they fall like lemmings into one of the core definitions of stupidity, which is: The clinging to powerful opinions regarding something one knows little or nothing about. Combine that with what people want to believe, such as that our government could never have been involved in 9-11, and expect the worst—meaning at least martial law, and mass detention of Americans in FEMA’s new forced-labor camps. (1) The list is growing so long…American imperialism, accelerating climate change, clean and renewable energies (exactly what nuclear is NOT!), electronic voting fraud, impending dollar crash and economic meltdown, 9-11, The War on Terror, 3 aircraft carrier battle groups in the Persian Gulf fishing for another Gulf of Tonkin incident, recent passage of the Lieberman-Kyl bill okaying attack on Iran, missing nuke from the Minot-to-Barksdale “non story”…. Perhaps the ultimate non story is that America now belongs to trans-national corporations, the industrial military complex, and AIPAC. People, you’ve been sold out.
The People even seem hopeful that 13 more months of presidential election mudbath will somehow end up making things better. Certainly, it seems hard to imagine the exit of W not being an improvement (if he does exit—martial law is just the stroke of a pen away now). However, the controllers who subjected us to 8 years of W will choose someone to keep us on this same miserable path, where the rich will get richer, the growing numbers of poor will get even poorer, AIPAC will “surge” again, the Constitution will finally be laid to rest, and an individual’s vote in national elections will mean something only to the voter.
CorpoMedia is simply the propaganda arm of CorpoGov, who won’t stop until the realization of CorpoWorld. A privatized world where the essentials of life will be available only to those who can afford them, and the idea of commonwealth is safe, deep in some landfill patrolled by Blackwater. A two-class world where the elite own virtually everything, live in self-contained fortresses patrolled by Blackwater, and travel only with Blackwater escorts. What’s to stop them now, other than Mother Nature? For a sneak preview of sorts, research what has really happened in New Orleans. And those 800 new detention camps in FEMA’s Rex 84 program are all decked out with guards and cattle cars, waiting for dissenters.
CorpoMedia keeps playing more and more omission cards, making it seem less likely every day that The People will wake up before it’s too late.
Didn’t they just take away Britney’s kids?
(1) http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=ROL20060820&articleId=3010
Rand Clifford is a novelist and essayist living in Spokane, Washington, with his wife Mary Ann, and their Chesapeake Bay retriever, Mink. His novels CASTLING and TIMING are published by StarChief Press: http://www.starchiefpress.com
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You are full of crap. Big Oil has avoided Iraq since the beginning because Big Oil knows the whole thing is bad for business. Big Oil already knows that Iraqis must work with French and Ruissians. Big Oil is staying away because it has never been able to work with Iraqis. But YOU–YOU would blame Big Oil for what it did not do, that which was actually done for your friends in Israel, you lying sack of crap!
Are we are living in strange times ? yes and No ,America has been like this for the last 40 years !
the Lies from our politicians are echoed in the press
instead of the press going to the politicians for confirmations ,the Govt sends out sound bytes and the Press using them as if they are truth ,without verification, or any forethought of the consquences.
The populace is so badly informed they believe anything they are told by govt. and the press. Though both sources have been caught time after time in a web of lies and manipulation.
I believe Americans are So badly informed, and even if truth stared them square in the face their patriotism won’t allow them to believe it.
they are no more capable of decerning truth they have been lied into a scatter brain condition.
propaganda so think that you can see it a mile away. and Americans jump on the patriot band wagon the first chance they get.
pro war will say things like ,”support the troops” Well nothing is more supportive of troops as is bringing them home. But they don’t get it .They just repeat the mantra support the troops.Fascism has arrived in America wraped in the flag, and touted as anti fascism.
Americans are destined to repeat thier mistakes for they are fools who repeat the same mistakes over and over ,they fail to learn from mistakes.
Iraq will continue for another 4 or 5 years and end in defeat .Just like Viet nam,
it will weigh heavy on America . it is no longer possible to win in Iraq monetarily it has been lost militarily it is lost. the Iraqis pull a mohamid Ali on the Americans the old rope a dope .IRan now looms inticing the AMericans to step further into the spiders web of defeat.
American Patriots the blind deaf and dumb so drunk with arogance and power
are like George Foreman bigger ,stronger,Ali just laying on the ropes has all the time in the world to let the big ox blow himself out .then the fire works begin.
America over extended drunk on power and arrogance . America you fail to learn the lessons of history,The British that you defeated for your independence lost ,you yourself lost in Viet nam .over extended ,drunk on power and arrogance .You can not see your folly.
Where G W Bush’s daddy made America forget About Viet nam Jr. has put Vietnam back in the psyche of every American alive. 6 years and counting ,the insurgents have all the time in the world they will play the rope a dope ,from time to time take a swing at you. eventually you will break. eventually even the blind deaf and dumb see reality and are made to face the music.
So beat the drums slowly and play fiefe lowly they are just patriots who know they’ve done wrong
Mr. Clifford:
Words … more words. Mud … fog … yes. Iraqn … Isnotrael … Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton Sorry … I’m too flourinated, aspartamed, BS~ed, micro-waved and Britnied to think today. Here’s a poem:
I betcha sweetheart
El Presidente don’t worry none
‘bout starvin’ beggars and such
that populate the very-same world
his holiness sits on.
“Stay ‘way from my door, pee-on”,
I betcha he says,
“while I build myself
a sterile, blood satin,
steel and plastic,
gunpowder, super-sonic
double-bladed, jaded
kill-happy, totalitarian
dream machine.”
“In my realm”, says he no doubt,
“each needle-point, axe-handle
mega-kilocycle murder
is a work of art.”
Stand back now sweetheart
and I ask you -
can a twisted mind hold noble ideas?
One potato, two potato, three potato, four.
“You may like kissing W’s ass
but I don’t like it worth a d*mn”,
says she no doubt.
Storm Warning
Today’s world brings a sense of uneasiness….the war in Iraq, gas prices, the economy, unusual weather, Mid East conflicts……..We want to trust everything will be okay, but —will it ? And what if it won’t ? That’s a scary thought if there are no alternatives. The following will give you not only the truth about what is going on, but real answers.
Ever since history began, man has desired power— more than money, pleasure, or possessions. It has been the propagating force behind all wars, all human conflicts. And that same insatiable drive is behind a group of very rich and influential people today. For now we will call them the NWO. They are a well organized, world-wide organization worth trillions and comprised of leaders from many major countries. And, in their obsession for control, this group has no concern for the good of any individual Deception of the masses through communication is their greatest weapon, and it is the masses they strive to control. They can, and will, stop at nothing.
Following you will find only the tip of the iceberg of evidence revealing this diabolical plan to not only bring America, but the world, to its knees in submission. It will give you understanding as to the why’s behind today’s disturbing events. The information is factual, reliable….. and sobering.
The plan is not new; in fact, it has been in the works for decades. As President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “In politics there are no accidents. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” The first step was to condition people, through our schools, not to think for themselves.. (ie, “Dumbed Down”) Most people don’t realize the NWO exists because their minds have been conditioned to reject any thought of such organizations.
In a similar vein, the NWO created a society addicted to pleasure and the money needed to pursue it. This brought about a culture too busy and conditioned to question the media or the government The time was now ripe to take over the media and the law makers. Today ABC, NBC, and CBS are owned and controlled by this group. The last nail in the coffin of a free democracy was the voting booth – now controlled electronically
by this same group. With no paper trail. the last vestige of checks and balances has been removed and they have been free to pass laws, elect their own kind, create wars, etc., with no fear of reprisal. They are now in charge.
Granted this is a hard concept to swallow as it shakes us out of our comfort zones. Michael Rivero states:
Now, to connect the dots for today. For the NWO to take over the world, it is necessary for several things to happen first:
1) Bring America down. (In process)
2) Identify and remove anyone who contradicts their plans through
government surveillance in cameras, RFID chips; internet and phone
monitoring, and government concentration camps ie, “Detention centers”
3) Eliminate as many people as possible (fewer to have to control):
Weather control (already in place): Tsunami, Katrina, War
4) Control the oil which runs the world : ie, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran
For awhile, the American people and the world went along with the Afghanistan war that was supposedly based upon Bin Laden (whatever happened to him?) and the Iraq War based upon Weapons of Mass Destruction (where are they?). These helped accomplish goals #3 and 4 above.
Now America is about to invade Iran. Once that happens many more dominoes will fall. First, Iran is backed by weapons from Russia, China and No. Korea.
America or Americans will be attacked from either a real or perceived enemy. Then the government will announce Marshall Law and implement all of its Patriot Act laws passed in Sept. 2001. We will then realize how non-free will truly are. (We are at this point of writing, but few have noticed)
Secondly, the price of oil will skyrocket, and the unstable economy, unable to sustain such prices, will begin to implode. Trucks and railroads will be forced to stop shipping.
Then comes Plan B. As people begin looting for food and water, the gov’t will “take over” food sources to “protect” the people. People will only be able to buy food through the government. Those whom the gov’t has already identified as “non-cooperative” will be denied.
Doesn’t make sense does it? Hmmm. Well, neither did the planes of 911 (Why didn’t NORAD scramble jets ?), the Patriot Act (passed without the reading of most of Congress), FBI surveillance of all citizens, the $384 million contract for Halliburton constructed “detention centers”, the Iraqi war, and the strange new diseases we have seen. Neither does the allowed invasion of thousands of Mexican illegals, the North American Union with Mexico and Canada by 2010, or Clinton’s donations of classified military information to China. The list could go on and on, but you get the picture.
In reading this, you may find your heart beating faster and you are wanting to forget what you have read. Granted, when it all comes down, it will not be pretty. However, I am not trying to scare you, but warn you in advance and give you the tools needed to be prepared.
When America falls, just like on 9-11, neither money, the government (remember New Orleans?), possessions, technology, money, even your family, can save you. You will be on your own to decide how to get food, transportation, water, and, basically, survive.
So, will you be ready? You may say, how can anyone really be ready for this kind of future? Well, there is a way. A book that has predicted hundreds of events including these today with 100 % accuracy also gives us a way to be ready. A book so accurate ought to be heeded!
This book is the Bible, which has guided men for 4000+ years without ever failing. It also tells us if you are truly living for Christ now you will have the peace, strength, and guidance needed for the future. I ask, what is more important right now?
The ONLY hope that each one has is to repent of his/her ungodly ways and idols NOW. Idols of pleasure, money, work, tv, things ….anything that has become more important in our lives than the Lord.
For the only true answer is in a deep, close relationship with Jesus Christ. He made this world, He knows what is going on, He is able to help. But, you’ve got to give your life over to him now. (While you still can).
Now is the time to forget the projects, the house, the escapes, and get alone with Him for an entire day. You say you’ve never done that? You don’t know what you’re missing. When you enter into His presence the troubles of the day fade gently away, and you will find a peace and comfort like never before.
And, yes, it will take making the time; and, yes, interruptions will try to happen. But quietly push them aside for one hour. Let God hold the obligations and the concerns while you take time to pray. Later, you’ll be amazed at how every-thing will fall into place when you return to your chores.
Then when the storms come (and they are rapidly approaching) you’ll know where to find shelter, direction, and peace.
The government has stated: “We can be afraid or we can be ready” However, the true source of readiness lies not in the physical, but the spiritual, as Pastor Charles Spurgeon once stated: “If God be true, then my soul is safe, and I am perfectly at peace.”
To summarize, there are three ways to be assured of the Lord’s guidance for now and the peace of eternal salvation:
Repenting –Not just saying, “I’m sorry,” but to daily ask the Lord to search your heart and see if there is anything you need to change for Him, and then doing it!
Obedience – 1) Know what His Word says, 2) Believe and follow it literally, at all costs - over money, security, people.
Humility – Surrender everything to His glory and to serving Him. Your time, your job, your family, your money, your possessions.
In other words, it’s not about us; it’s about HIM. Serving Him. Honoring Him. Obeying Him. Furthering His Kingdom. What can be more important right now?
It no longer matters what kind of car you drive, clothes you wear, or who you impress. It very much matters how much often you read the Bible, how much you are helping others to know Christ, how often you are on your knees.
However, the Bible says that “Living for Christ” does NOT mean just doing good things or going to a 60-minute church service. In other words, many people who think they are living for Him now, are NOT. Here is why:
When you awaken, He is first on your mind. You spend at least one hour a day reading the Bible and in prayer. You say you’re too busy? What, may I ask, is more important right now?
Throughout the day, you are constantly trying to do what is right by His Word. In every decision, every action, every relationship, every dollar you spend - you ask yourself, “Is this what God’s Word says I should be doing?”
It is clear: This is the beginning of the end, and I strongly encourage all to start a time of prayer and seeking the Lord now.
“What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his
own soul?” - Mark 8:36
Storm Warning
Today’s world brings a sense of uneasiness….the war in Iraq, gas prices, the economy, unusual weather, Mid East conflicts……..We want to trust everything will be okay, but —will it ? And what if it won’t ? That’s a scary thought if there are no alternatives. The following will give you not only the truth about what is going on, but real answers.
Ever since history began, man has desired power— more than money, pleasure, or possessions. It has been the propagating force behind all wars, all human conflicts. And that same insatiable drive is behind a group of very rich and influential people today. For now we will call them the NWO. They are a well organized, world-wide organization worth trillions and comprised of leaders from many major countries. And, in their obsession for control, this group has no concern for the good of any individual Deception of the masses through communication is their greatest weapon, and it is the masses they strive to control. They can, and will, stop at nothing.
Following you will find only the tip of the iceberg of evidence revealing this diabolical plan to not only bring America, but the world, to its knees in submission. It will give you understanding as to the why’s behind today’s disturbing events. The information is factual, reliable….. and sobering.
The plan is not new; in fact, it has been in the works for decades. As President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “In politics there are no accidents. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” The first step was to condition people, through our schools, not to think for themselves.. (ie, “Dumbed Down”) Most people don’t realize the NWO exists because their minds have been conditioned to reject any thought of such organizations.
In a similar vein, the NWO created a society addicted to pleasure and the money needed to pursue it. This brought about a culture too busy and conditioned to question the media or the government The time was now ripe to take over the media and the law makers. Today ABC, NBC, and CBS are owned and controlled by this group. The last nail in the coffin of a free democracy was the voting booth – now controlled electronically
by this same group. With no paper trail. the last vestige of checks and balances has been removed and they have been free to pass laws, elect their own kind, create wars, etc., with no fear of reprisal. They are now in charge.
Granted this is a hard concept to swallow as it shakes us out of our comfort zones. Michael Rivero states:
Now, to connect the dots for today. For the NWO to take over the world, it is necessary for several things to happen first:
1) Bring America down. (In process)
2) Identify and remove anyone who contradicts their plans through
government surveillance in cameras, RFID chips; internet and phone
monitoring, and government concentration camps ie, “Detention centers”
3) Eliminate as many people as possible (fewer to have to control):
Weather control (already in place): Tsunami, Katrina, War
4) Control the oil which runs the world : ie, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran
For awhile, the American people and the world went along with the Afghanistan war that was supposedly based upon Bin Laden (whatever happened to him?) and the Iraq War based upon Weapons of Mass Destruction (where are they?). These helped accomplish goals #3 and 4 above.
Now America is about to invade Iran. Once that happens many more dominoes will fall. First, Iran is backed by weapons from Russia, China and No. Korea.
America or Americans will be attacked from either a real or perceived enemy. Then the government will announce Marshall Law and implement all of its Patriot Act laws passed in Sept. 2001. We will then realize how non-free will truly are. (We are at this point of writing, but few have noticed)
Secondly, the price of oil will skyrocket, and the unstable economy, unable to sustain such prices, will begin to implode. Trucks and railroads will be forced to stop shipping.
Then comes Plan B. As people begin looting for food and water, the gov’t will “take over” food sources to “protect” the people. People will only be able to buy food through the government. Those whom the gov’t has already identified as “non-cooperative” will be denied.
Doesn’t make sense does it? Hmmm. Well, neither did the planes of 911 (Why didn’t NORAD scramble jets ?), the Patriot Act (passed without the reading of most of Congress), FBI surveillance of all citizens, the $384 million contract for Halliburton constructed “detention centers”, the Iraqi war, and the strange new diseases we have seen. Neither does the allowed invasion of thousands of Mexican illegals, the North American Union with Mexico and Canada by 2010, or Clinton’s donations of classified military information to China. The list could go on and on, but you get the picture.
In reading this, you may find your heart beating faster and you are wanting to forget what you have read. Granted, when it all comes down, it will not be pretty. However, I am not trying to scare you, but warn you in advance and give you the tools needed to be prepared.
When America falls, just like on 9-11, neither money, the government (remember New Orleans?), possessions, technology, money, even your family, can save you. You will be on your own to decide how to get food, transportation, water, and, basically, survive.
So, will you be ready? You may say, how can anyone really be ready for this kind of future? Well, there is a way. A book that has predicted hundreds of events with 100 % accuracy also gives us a way to be ready. A book so accurate ought to be heeded!
This book is the Bible, which has guided men for 4000+ years without ever failing. It also tells us if you are truly living for Christ now you will have the peace, strength, and guidance needed for the future. I ask, what is more important right now?
The ONLY hope that each one has is to repent of his/her ungodly ways and idols NOW. Idols of pleasure, money, work, tv, things ….anything that has become more important in our lives than the Lord.
For the only true answer is in a deep, close relationship with Jesus Christ. He made this world, He knows what is going on, He is able to help. But, you’ve got to give your life over to him now. (While you still can).
Now is the time to forget the projects, the house, the escapes, and get alone with Him for an entire day. You say you’ve never done that? You don’t know what you’re missing. When you enter into His presence the troubles of the day fade gently away, and you will find a peace and comfort like never before.
And, yes, it will take making the time; and, yes, interruptions will try to happen. But quietly push them aside for one hour. Let God hold the obligations and the concerns while you take time to pray. Later, you’ll be amazed at how every-thing will fall into place when you return to your chores.
Then when the storms come (and they are rapidly approaching) you’ll know where to find shelter, direction, and peace.
The government has stated: “We can be afraid or we can be ready” However, the true source of readiness lies not in the physical, but the spiritual, as Pastor Charles Spurgeon once stated: “If God be true, then my soul is safe, and I am perfectly at peace.”
To summarize, there are three ways to be assured of the Lord’s guidance for now and the peace of eternal salvation:
Repenting –Not just saying, “I’m sorry,” but to daily ask the Lord to search your heart and see if there is anything you need to change for Him, and then doing it!
Obedience – 1) Know what His Word says, 2) Believe and follow it literally, at all costs - over money, security, people.
Humility – Surrender everything to His glory and to serving Him. Your time, your job, your family, your money, your possessions.
In other words, it’s not about us; it’s about HIM. Serving Him. Honoring Him. Obeying Him. Furthering His Kingdom. What can be more important right now?
It no longer matters what kind of car you drive, clothes you wear, or who you impress. It very much matters how much often you read the Bible, how much you are helping others to know Christ, how often you are on your knees.
However, the Bible says that “Living for Christ” does NOT mean just doing good things or going to a 60-minute church service. In other words, many people who think they are living for Him now, are NOT. Here is why:
When you awaken, He is first on your mind. You spend at least one hour a day reading the Bible and in prayer. You say you’re too busy? What, may I ask, is more important right now?
Throughout the day, you are constantly trying to do what is right by His Word. In every decision, every action, every relationship, every dollar you spend - you ask yourself, “Is this what God’s Word says I should be doing?”
It is clear: This is the beginning of the end, and I strongly encourage all to start a time of prayer and seeking the Lord now.
“What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his
own soul?” - Mark 8:36
Ok - your point is?
Sorry I guess your overly verbose diatribe is missing a central theme. Try again. Please use a thesis or try to focus on a single issue and keep the rest for next time.
Good Luck
Iraq is not about pumping oil. Iraq is about controlling the FLOW of oil. For maxium profits one needs minimum flow. Too bad oil isn’t the color of blood. It would make it so much easier for Corps to cover up their crimes…
I’d like to suggest that after watching those videos, maybe we should all contact our Congressmen and ask them: “Why are we fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Haven’t you heard? Water burns!!!”
I see three versions of homo sapiens living today. These versions are distinguished one from the other not by what they say but by what they DO. It’s easy to tell the difference.
There is homo destructus which has all the nukes and seems to want to destroy the world, making it unfit even for themselves. This version belongs to all political parties and religions. These are the comfort and convenience types that will sacrifice the entire planet before cleaning up industry or giving up their private jet. These people are filled with hate and will lie to your face. Doing harm to others and the planet comes naturally to this misbegotten lot. They are aggressive and bullheaded, particularly when wrong. They love their nukes and continue to develop ever more horrendous hi-tech ways to kill people.
There is homo pacificus, who wants peace and justice, is tired to death of predatory capitalism, me-first, and sacrificing the entire planet so that Americans can have comfort and convenience. This version wants all nukes everywhere dismantled permanently and forever, wants clean energy NOW, and is completely and totally disgusted with the corporate state which represses and even murders those who would choose to help this planet rather than destroy it. These people are reluctant to be aggressive and violent, as that violates the basic principle of love that dominates their thinking. There are a few of these in political office, but it is difficult for them to get elected.
And there is homo sheepiens … all the rest who have fallen victim to TV mind control, do not know how to, and are afraid to, think an independent thought, and will not under any circumstances use the intelligence that god gave them. They have learned that GETTING CAUGHT is the only sin, have bought into the lie-cheat-steal mentality that has been sold to them, and couldn’t care less that every manufactured product they buy contributes to the poisoning of the planet. They are so deluded they believe they are living the good life. These folks are not aggressive, can be herded willy nilly, and led to believe whatever corp/gov wants them to believe.
There is enormous power in the people, but it will require that pacificus and sheepiens decide what action they will take. Massive civil disobedience would do it. It would be a wondrous thing to behold … millions of Americans staying home from work or everywhere walking for a day instead of driving, as an organized protest and demand that our corp/gov stop killing us, “them,” and the planet.
What need’s to happen in America right now is Yellowstone Park to blow up, at least that would give everyone somthing real to worry about.
If Jesus Christ is the answer, then we must accept the transgressions of assailants(turn the other cheek) and relinquish all of our possessions(It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven). As a”christian” nation, our foreign policy has always been quite the opposite of the master’s teachings, and that goes all the way back to the earliest of “christian” nations. So, unless you want to use your body for a doormat for foreign troops before they enter your home, devout christianity is NOT the answer, and obviously, even for “christian” nations, never has been. Religion and politics do not mix well, and the irony should be clear to all participants. Ruthlessness and aggression are the order of the day, and boots on the ground are getting depressed over the contradictions imbedded within the conundrum.
It is not about oil in Iraq, they already owned that like they own everything else. Electronic voting is bogus. I am from Texas and they the elite have been stealing elections here long before computerized voting. Elections are a sham. There are 50 states, 4 time zones and a whole lot of land mass, do you really think that they would really let us decide who gets elected, that would be stupidity on their part. They let us think that we are actually voicing our opinion. This makes us feel warm and secure.
Why do posters feel the need to swear and cut down another poster? If you are speaking from strength what are you afraid of? Do you think it makes you look smarter? Or maybe you are part of the elite?
The chance of everybody being right is ZERO, and the chance of everybody being wrong can be 100%. This applies to all aspects of life. Unfortunately we are way too close the the wrong end of the spectrum.
Why did you post my second comment without posting my first one? Ya know what? Cyrano can take a flying fuck! You bastards are part of the problem with our country…so here…this is just for you…FUCK OFF! (oh…don’t bother sending a reply…the email address I gave you is a throw-away … I can turn it on and off at my pleasure…so once again… FUCK OFF!!!!!
Jer.but we sure the hell didnt help put george w.in the white house. now who the dumb ass.
Appears to this Indian to be the same greedy lying thieving murdering Govt. it has always been since it’s inception.
And, Yes, at given time known to God, Jesus will take this planet back from the Devil and his Brew upon the Earth. Your Nation is just another Beast Nation in the Book of Revelation. Quite possibly Mystery Babylon. Quite possibly the biggest building block to the System of the Beast. The New Order of the Ages, or New World Order..or as a friend calls it, the New World Odor.
The Kingdom of Heaven is a Spiritual Kingdom. God is a Spirit. Jesus even in human flesh is a Spirit, and the Right of God, not to be confused with the World of Man’s notions of Politically Right & Left which your NWO Masters would have you believe & conditioned your thoughts to think in such terms with their Pavlovian Dog psychology.
A Spiritual Kingdom is not a Republic, not a Constitutional Republic, Not a Representative Republic.
It has all been said…but all is in flux, nothing is decided. Whoever claims to know the final score with the wheel still a’spin is lying to you, or themsleves.
We are all dreamers, infatuated with our own dream.
What will actually happen will be real only when actualized.
Until then it is immaterial (not material yet).
Maybe we should all work on our own dreams,
make them pleasant dreams…
of peace on Earth
without the dramatic catastrophic ending
and credit roll that none will be watching,
having left the theater.
Granfather how do we indians get our names.my son like running bear as he was born a bear ran by.why do you ask such things (three dogs hung up during full moon)
you know the differnce of a jew and a pizza? a pizza don’t scream in the oven.
ok wise guy what’s the difference between george bush and a pile of shit?the shit has scents.
while on a africian safari i noticed one lion big and robust,while the other was skin and bones.so they both eat five hundred pounds of nigger a day. so the robust lion says to the skinny one how do you prepare your niggers,well the first thing i do is get all that shit out of them. ahh-haa thats your problem,take all shit from them -there’s nothing left.
Do you know why a blonde wears panties? To keep her ankles warm!
From feudal church state (middle ages) to the nation state and now we have the corporate techno-fascist state, where governments strive to meet the needs of the corporation and not the public. Alvin Toffler, author of “Future Shock” predicted this in an article appropriately titled,”Fascism With a Smile.”
Sad to say, but the author of “The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich” predicted in the early ’60s that the American people would be the very first people in history to actually ‘vote’ away their civil liberties and civil rights.
Even scarier, Upton Sinclair, highly acclaimed author of “The Jungle”, wrote in the late 1940s a novel that chillingly portrays the current Bush administration in,”It Can’t Happen Here” which has been reprinted by popular demand, and honored by Joe Conason’s new book aptly titled, “IT CAN HAPPEN HERE!”
To sir, Tom Lowe, exactly how is the war in the Middle East bad for Big Oil? So far it has seemed to be a great excuse to make billions more in profits thanks to price hikes. So thats my street level view of the issue. Please share with us your insider’s vision. Thanks in advance.
Sam the Sham, Tom Lowe has been so upset already. Clifford’s article seemed like one of those sticky traps for spiders, in so much as it caught people like Mr. Lowe being the lemming he can’t help but be, after so much TV. Mr. Lowe seems stuffed with huge opinions of “things he knows little or nothing about.” Did Clifford spread a web to catch exactly the stupid Mr. Lowes he talked about? I think this was a great article. But the first thing I saw in the comments was that Clifford was full of crap, a “lying sack of crap.” That was from Mr. Tom Lowe, poor guy. When truth is crap, where can you go, Mr. Low?
that’s because they are inbreds. their brains are in gee dubya busche mode. tom is gas costing you more ,oh hell im sorry son i know you can’t be old enough to drive yet boy.
Today especially, it seems, it is most difficult to discern what may be true, and what may be a lie. Sometimes words do have a ring of Truth to them. For instance: In order to get something clean, you have to get something else dirty.
I know that oil is the focus of our war in Iraq, and probably with the impending war in Iran. However there is one other notable item which has not been talked about, gold. Iraq was, and Iran is not part of the international banking cartel. One of the first announcements after G.W. did his little flight suit appearance on the aircraft carrier to tell us, “Mission accomplished,” was that Iraq was now a member of the IMF.
Richard Kelley Hoskins, an author, who I was privileged to meet some years ago made a statement, of which I had not thought, but it immediately rang true. “The way the banking institutions are set up today, eventually one man will own the entire world.
It is not oil, money, or power, it is ownership. Who will own the world of tomorrow, good or evil?
Good produces, and quenches the spirit, and we become lackadasical. The thirst for evil is never quenched. Hence, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
I only wonder what these big over priced corporate executives will do when we peons are too poor to buy their products, or too sickly to grow food for them to eat.
god regrets creating man.
Where’s thy brother!