Oct 09 2007
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By Peter Chamberlin
“But the book [The Israel Lobby], and the response to it, open up another controversy: the stifling of debate about unconditional U.S. support for Israeli policies… They work diligently to silence those who question ill-conceived policies of the Israeli and U.S. governments… the stifling of dissent… Even Walt and Mearsheimer, who are getting plenty of exposure, couldn’t have asked for better proof of their point that the lobby works to stifle dissent… Unless this atmosphere of intimidation is confronted, Americans will continue to lack access to information and perspectives necessary to formulate effective Middle East policies, virtually ensuring that Israel and the United States will be at war for many years to come.”
“Dissenting at Your Own Risk” http://www.star-telegram.com/245/story/255318.html
By CECILIE SURASKY, Jewish Voice for Peace http://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/
Time is running out for the Zionists, time is catching up with them. If they panic now, everything is exposed; all their big dreams threaten to fail.
The real Zionists in Israel understand the lateness of the hour – Zionism is a dying entity.
It is no longer possible to foresee this Israel having a real Jewish majority. Acts of desperation have marked the last thirty years of Israeli policies, which have been tailored to incorporate more and more Gentiles as “Jews,” even though not one drop of Jewish blood flows through the veins of some of them. First, the Zionists co-opted the Soviet “Jews,” who are descended from Khazarian converts to Judaism, in southern Russia. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Cyprus/8815/Khazars.html Now we read of the IDF soldiers who are trying to convince another two million foreign workers in Israel to convert to Judaism. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1189411516931&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Barring a new wave of extreme anti-Semitism scaring the entire Diaspora back to the holy land, the security and comfort of assimilation and inter-marriage have doomed the Zionist dream to failure.
By every available indicator the proof is rushing in, Zionism has failed. The dreams of Herzl, Ben Gurion, Begin and Jabotinsky are being exposed as the brutal shams that they have always been. The Jewish people cannot be seduced or forced back to the brutal desert land. Zionism cannot re-create the Israel of the God of peace, by force; it cannot seize God’s promise from His hand; it cannot re-build God’s Kingdom using Hitler’s methods.
Faithful Zionists are expected and encouraged to help cultivate the image of Israel that is exposed to the eyes of the world. Citizens of Israel assume that all American Jews have an obligation to rush to Israel’s defense whenever the Lobby needs foot soldiers. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1189411488404&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Zionism needs to maintain two images of Israel, to be selectively projected to the world when the need arises - the civilized, cultured, moral side of Judaism, and the brutal repressive military force (that will not hesitate to strike the enemies of Israel). If the world is allowed to see the true nature of Zionist Israel, before the psychological war is finished, then their cover will be blown. The plot to seize God’s land by force would be exposed. There is a deep division within the Jewish community between the true believers in God and the believers in the devious plans of man. The Lobby exists on its ability to manipulate secular Jews ands true believers in Torah into helping to cover-up the carnage generated by the barbaric Zionists and their acts of ethnic cleansing of the land of Greater Israel. http://www.palestineremembered.com/Acre/Maps/Story1045.html
While the power of The Lobby is openly respected in Israel, here in America we are expected to pretend that it has almost zero capability to move government, or to affect foreign policy. The lobby can only string America along as long as we allow it to project the benevolent image of Israel, the mask, behind which hides the extortionist and the killer. No other group (especially one that claims to have no power over anyone) wields a similar political power to bend the will of the United States government,
The pro-Israel lobbies have to hide the awful truth about Zionist intentions from the world, in order to achieve them. Normal Jewish folks cannot be allowed to learn that Zionism has always been about force, and that one day the hidden sword will be fully unsheathed and used upon the people of Palestine. Zionist literature acknowledges that the Arabs will never yield to Israel’s demands and that eventual overwhelming violence will be the only solution. The key to success is to keep the inevitable bloodbath hidden for as long as possible, hopefully until it is too late to prevent it. The powerful image of the fourth most powerful army in the world serves as an unassailable “iron wall.” It is meant to frighten the Palestinians and the Arabs into submitting to Israeli demands. It is also meant to frighten non-Zionist Jews into submission.
The Lobby is but the point of the spear that Zionists use to gouge the fleshy parts of the complacent, fully-assimilated Jewish Diaspora into rising-up in America on behalf of Israel. Since the Jewish assimilation into the body of America is an accomplished fact, they cannot be scared back to Israel, although they can be made to feel guilty. The Zionist agitators can stage events to motivate Jewish activism on behalf of Israel. One of the most important tasks for this agitated and aroused Jewish minority is the movement of money into the right pockets, the pockets of the government and the friends of government. Along with these political “donations” comes a torrent of money into thousands of other different causes and political coffers. This is the real power of the Lobby; they wield the power of the purse, capable of bending the will of those who touch it.
The power of the Lobby’s purse can silence political opposition, through threats, arm-twisting and cronyism. Besides the obvious stranglehold maintained over the American media and the press, we see the political debate about Israel and Zionism being stifled by powerful American Zionists. The intense political pressures being brought to bear against Mearsheimer and Walt, and others like Prof. Norman Finkelstein, are exposing the power of the Lobby’s to bring out the big gun Jewish lawyers like Alan Dershowitz to label all legitimate criticism as “anti-Semitism” and “hate speech.”
The Zionist focus at this time is in “debunking” the work of Mearsheimer and Walt’s claims about the power of the Lobby to affect American foreign policy in the Middle East. This effort will continue until the American/Israeli bombs begin to fall upon Iran; the proof of Israeli culpability will be in the skies over Tehran. Our primary reason for taking on the Israeli lobby is to alleviate the pressure on Washington that is being generated by Israel. Since this pressure is only coming from two sources, Israel and the Zionist neocons, proving the Neocon history of manipulating American foreign policy to attain the goals of Israeli foreign policy, will also provide evidence that many of them are agents of foreign governments, right on up the line, all the way to back to AIPAC and AEI (American Enterprise Institute).
The anti-Zionist front against AIPAC and the rest of the Israel lobby has just been reinforced, with the new controversy generated by the research of Grant F. Smith in Foreign Agents: The American Israel Public Affairs Committee From the 1963 Fulbright Hearings to the 2005 Espionage Scandal . http://www.antiwar.com/orig/gsmith.php?articleid=11727 This book documents the Senate Fulbright hearings into groups who were acting as agents of foreign governments, while seeking to undermine US foreign policy. The testimony revealed that AIPAC and its predecessor, the American Zionist Council acted as “non profit” corporations under control of The Jewish Agency, which was created by the Israeli Parliament, operating on funds from Israel, carrying out the orders from an executive who became the next President of Israel. Fulbright uncovered major covert initiatives designed to influence U.S. policy through media campaigns… [including in 1954] a covert false-flag operation in Egypt known as “Operation Susannah.” Israeli agents launched terrorist bombing attacks against U.S. -, British-, and Egyptian-owned targets in Egypt…” – aka Lavon Affair. These findings were suppressed within the government, never to be followed up on.
Since June 8, 1967, the foreign agents of The Lobby have been busily suppressing news reporting on another Israeli attack, where Israeli forces determinedly tried to sink an American warship, the USS Liberty, in order to hide their activities during the “six day war.” http://www.nsa.gov/liberty This historical incident, where 34 Americans were silenced permanently by Israeli boats and bombers, is also refusing to fade away, with this October 2 Chicago Tribune article on the hidden attack.
http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-liberty_tuesoct02,1,4731731.story?coll=chi_home_top&ctrack=2&cset=true Here we have documentation on the lingering power of Israel to cover-up and stop investigations of murder and acts of war committed against American citizens by the Zionist Israeli state.
The Jonathan Pollard spy scandal in 1985 involved the theft of over 800,000 secret documents from the Dept. of Defense, which were transferred to Israel, allegedly with the help of American neocons, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith and Lehman. http://www.serendipity.li/wot/wilson01.htm Richard Perle was also caught passing secrets to Israel on his own, in a separate series of incidents. http://www.rense.com/general29/perl.htm
Another timely event that helps prove Israeli/Zionist duplicity and hostile intent in its manipulations of American foreign policy is the spy trial for AIPAC heads Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman. They have been indicted for violating the Espionage Act, for handing over top-secret intelligence to Israeli embassy officials. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A54494-2004Sep1.html They have been implicated in the Larry Franklin spying case, http://www.prospect.org/cs/articles?articleId=8764 where they received top secret plans for regime change in Iran from Franklin, who was an underling of Douglas Feith in the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans.
The Office of Special Plans was the insertion point for much of the Israeli-provided “intelligence” on Iraq that was used to steer America into this first war fought for Israel.
http://www.juancole.com/2003/10/us-intelligence-failures-on-iraq-wmd.html In the Nation, June 19, 2003, Robert Dreyfuss reports on comments leaked by a high former US government official, who claimed that Ariel Sharon started his own Off. Of Special Plans, to feed dubious “evidence” on Iraq to its American counterpart:
“According to the former official, also feeding information to the Office of Special Plans was a secret, rump unit established last year in the office of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel. This unit, which paralleled Shulsky’s–and which has not previously been reported–prepared intelligence reports on Iraq in English (not Hebrew) and forwarded them to the Office of Special Plans. It was created in Sharon’s office, not inside Israel’s Mossad intelligence service, because the Mossad–which prides itself on extreme professionalism–had views closer to the CIA’s, not the Pentagon’s, on Iraq. This secretive unit, and not the Mossad, may well have been the source of the forged documents purporting to show that Iraq tried to purchase yellowcake uranium for weapons from Niger in West Africa, according to the former official.”
Karen Kwiatkowski, then working at the Pentagon, describes how “…a desk officer appointee from the Washington Institute for Near Policy [a think tank closely tied to the main pro-Israel lobby in Washington, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee]” had been made “the Israel desk officer to the Pentagon.”
There is no way to disprove that the neocons and the Israelis have been primary motivators in instigating the two wars. The same Neocon plotters who manufactured the false “evidence” used to justify the Iraq war for their pro-Israel scheme through the Office of Special Plans are now actively providing Israel the same service in the run-up to the Iran war (some of them in the “Iranian Directorate,” the new OSP). This is the same series of planned wars around Israel that Neocon agents Perle and Wurmser had tried to persuade Netanyahu to undertake in the “Clean Break” proposal.
The entire Zionist/Neocon philosophy has been based on the concept of waiting for the worst to happen, for the opportunity it will create. It cannot yet be proved at this point, that the Israeli agents of the cabal took actions to cause the worst to happen on September 11. But there is considerable evidence that the Neocon/Israeli network knew that the attack was coming, and they did nothing to avert it. A government that treats emergencies as opportunities to expand its power is not a government of the people. A government that does not take proactive measures or preventative measures to protect it citizens from impending doom is hostile to democracy. A foreign policy that reflects the will of a foreign power is a form of tyranny that cannot be accepted.
Here is a nearly complete list of fifty years of hostile Israeli actions, intended to force American foreign policy into a pro-Israeli mold.
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Here is a legit platform to go for the gusto “This American” - have a blast.
“..Acts of desperation have marked the last thirty years of Israeli policies, which have been tailored to incorporate more and more Gentiles as “Jews..”
An act of desperation they obviously pilfered from the pages of Hitler’s Gestapo. The Gestapo, eager to enlarge the race of “Supermen” they were sure the Nordic descended Germans were, started recruiting peoples from Poland and eastern Europe.
Didn’t matter they weren’t pure Germans or even half. What mattered was that they had some some desired Germanic traits, like blonde hair or blue eyes.
The Gestapo even went to far as to recruit new “Germans” from their slave labor camps, hoping to sufficiently increase their numbers.
An increase of new “Germans” that would be used to not only support the Fatherland, but to be pressed into combat with the Wehrmacht.
Which, as we all know, was to no avail, as Hitler’s regime came tumbling down around his head in 1945, well short of the promised “1,000 year reign.”
But that was because most of the civilized world recognized evil when they saw it and banded together to fight Hitler’s war machine and banish their form of fascism to the pages of time.
Or not. Now, the world is confronting a new evil, one that has risen from the ashes and dust of the old. This new evil is called “Zionism” and is threatening to not only set aflame the entire Middle East, but to possible engulf the planet in a world war, all to satisfy Zionist needs.
What the Zionists crave is something they call “Eretz Israel.”
This land consists of much of the Middle East. From Wikipedia:
Greater Israel would comprise, roughly, all of modern-day Israel as well as the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, Jordan, and Lebanon, much of Syria, Iraq, and Kuwait, as well as parts of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey.
All one has to do is to look at the Israeli flag to see their true intentions for grabbing by any means necessary, most of the ME. The two blue stripes on that flag represent the rivers Nile and Euphrates.
Will the civilized nations of the world again unite and banish this latest evil to the pages of history or will we set back, fat and happy, while our own version of Nero, GW Bush, fiddles with his guitar?
It’s no secret that a Jewish Zionist cabal owns and operates America in totality.
The American Jews, who have succeeded in taking over just about every facet of the American machine, especially the mass media, have a romantic ideal about the “state” of Israel without ever having to live in Israel. They enforce this romantic ideal through their disporportionate power in the USA.
The American Zionist Jews don’t have to raise children nor own and operate a business in Israel, so they can idealize Israel from the safe confines of America. Many Israeli Jews have a much more realistic view of the situation and many would rather settle up somehow for peace than to continue the occupation of Palestine.
Alas, the American Zionist Jews are more powerful than the voices of reason from Israeli Jews. Also, the American Zionists can dictate to the masses of Goyim that Israel and America’s destiny are one and the same. This gets Joe Cornfield and Innercity Jerome to enlist in the American military and fight, kill, and die in wars that benefit Israel.
Walt and Mersheimer are heroes!! Their book is mind blowingly accurate. The American government does not serve Americans. It serves Israel. Period. This must stop and a more reasonable and fair approach needs to be put in place.
This why the Jews are afraid of Ron Paul. They don’t necessarily OWN him like they OWN Guiliani, McCain, Thompson, Romney, Hillary, Edwards, et al
The Lobby should be required reading for every American.
Oh what fun, Hitler is being reborn through twisted facts, and ethnic/relgiious bigotry right here…Wonderful. Ain’t that America…
Dr Joseph Goebbels wrote in his diary in 1941:
“The Jews aren’t always so clever as they would like themselves to believe. Whenever they are in danger they prove to be the stupidest devils” [Goebbels Diaries. Louis Lochner. [1948] Pg 183].
Curt Maynard wrote a couple of years ago:
“It’s the Jews Stupid!”
# Curt Maynardon 10 Oct 2007 at 1:47 pm
Dr Joseph Goebbels wrote in his diary in 1941:
“The Jews aren’t always so clever as they would like themselves to believe. Whenever they are in danger they prove to be the stupidest devils” [Goebbels Diaries. Louis Lochner. [1948] Pg 183].
Curt Maynard wrote a couple of years ago:
“It’s the Jews Stupid!”
Wow…I think I made my point right?
“One aspect of the [Nuremberg Laws of September 1935], now long forgotten but which attracted considerable attention at the time, was the fact that from then on only two flags were to be permitted in the Third Reich, the swastika and the blue-and-white Zionist banner.”
Rosemary sleeps with the devil.
Right on, Nikon! Truth doesn’t always taste good, but it’s the most nourishing. Too bad the American diet is mostly fast-propaganda, heavy on the polyunsaturated bullshit, and trans-fathead fries.
“It’s no secret that a Jewish Zionist cabal owns and operates America in totality.”
What a statement! Please explain how Jews compose the majority of the U.S. government, and super rich elite that own this country?
Nobody here (me) is denying that Jews aren’t among the ruling elite of America, and haven’t played a huge role in orchestrating neo-conservative policies over the last few decades, nor does Israel have a right to exist in the way in which it desires to, but lets see you explain how the American plutocrats and corporations ONLY exist to serve “Israel” in it’s “totality”? Some of you Americans are sounding like you would like to scapegoat a certain ethnic group (jews) to cover up for the fact that the U.S. relationship with Israel is necessary for the rich white Christians of this country, such as the Bush family, so they can secure oil reserves in the Middle East. I can think of another country which started blaming Jews for EVERYTHING, or in it’s TOTALITY in a very similar fashion.
Let the dissertation begin…come on Doc.