Oct 08 2007
35% of US Americans Still Support Bush: Diagnosing the Insanity
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By Jason Miller
Cluster B Personality Disorders
1776.0 Americanistic Personality Disorder
The essential features of Americanistic Personality Disorder include pervasive patterns of extreme self-absorption, profound and long-term lapses in empathy, a deep disregard for the well-being of others, a powerful aversion to intellectual honesty and reality, and a grossly exaggerated sense of the importance of one’s self and one’s nation. These patterns emerge in infancy, manifest themselves in nearly all contexts, and often become pathological.
These patterns have also been characterized as sociopathic, or colloquially as the “Ugly American Syndrome.” Note that the latter terminology carries too benign a connotation to accurately describe an individual afflicted with such a dangerous perversion of character.
For this diagnosis to be given, the individual must be deeply immersed in the flag-waving, nationalistic, and militaristic fervor derived primarily from the nearly perpetual barrage of reality warping emanations of the “mainstream media,” most commonly through the medium of television. Typically indoctrinated from birth to believe that they are morally superior, exceptional human beings, these individuals suffer from severe egocentrism, a condition further engendered by the prevalence of the acutely toxic dominant paradigm known as capitalism.
Individuals with Americanistic Personality Disorder are generally covertly racist, xenophobic, and openly speciesistic. They readily participate in the execution of heinous crimes against human and non-human animals, even if their complicity is banal and limited. As long as they are comfortable, safe, and enjoying the relative affluence and convenience afforded by their nation’s economic extortion, cultural genocide, rape of other species and the environment, and imperial conquests, such individuals display an apathetic disregard for the well-being of other human beings, sentient creatures, and the environment.
Individuals with Americanistic Personality Disorder tend to exhibit unabated greed and an insatiable desire for material goods. Fueled by a compulsion to shop and acquire excessive amounts of material goods, a condition sometimes referred to as consumerism, they have no regard for the misery and destruction caused by their pathological need for “more stuff”. When confronted with the finitude and fragility of the Earth, they frequently react with level one ego defenses by denying that their behavior is a part of the problem or by distorting reality by asserting that concerns about Climate Change, resource depletion, and irreversible damage to the environment are over-blown. Their deeply entrenched sense of entitlement renders excessive consumption a nearly immutable aspect of their behavior.
Individuals with Americanistic Personality Disorder are virtually devoid of empathy or compassion. They view life as a game played by “law of the jungle” rules and co-exist with others in a chronic state of hyper-competitiveness, seeking only to advance their careers and “keep up with the Joneses.” Their desire to win, get ahead and “protect what is theirs” has been so deeply etched into their psyches that their capacity to empathize and experience true concern for the well-being of others is severely stunted or extinguished. The pursuit of property, profit, and power rules their malformed psyches, nearly eliminating their capacity for humane behavior.
Individuals with Americanistic Personality Disorder almost always rely on extortion or violence to get their needs met and to resolve conflict. Believing in their inherent superiority, they eschew laws or rules except when they can utilize them for personal gain or when they fear punishment. Given a choice between a just resolution to a situation and the opportunity to humiliate, subdue, or subjugate the other party, they will choose the latter with a high degree of frequency. They have an amazing capacity to justify their unethical or criminal behavior using false pretexts such as self defense, good intentions, ignorance of the consequences of their actions, or asserting that they were merely carrying out orders.
Individuals with Americanistic Personality Disorder tend to manifest traits indicative of two of Erich Fromm’s personality orientations. They thrive on adding to their possessions, and appreciate their acquisitions more when they attain them through coercion, theft, or manipulation, thus showing strains of Fromm’s exploitative type. They also exist at a very superficial level, offering the world the “friendly face” of the marketing personality that Bernays and Madison Avenue have taught them is the most effective way of advancing their selfish agenda. Opportunism, careerism, and narcissism poison nearly all of their interactions and relationships.
Specific Culture Features
Americanistic Personality Disorder appears to prevail in a very high percentage of those in the upper strata of the socioeconomic order in the United States (and to persist tenaciously because these individuals have little motivation to alter their pathological behavior as they are largely immune from the consequences of their actions). While it is epidemic amongst the opulent, this characterological deficiency does not recognize socioeconomic boundaries. Various segments of the middle, working and impoverished classes comprise a notable percentage of those exhibiting this condition, including those practicing deeply conservative Christianity, many residents of reactionary states such as those in the south, Kansas, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming, and many members of the Republican Party.
The overall prevalence of Americanistic Personality Disorder was recently measured at approximately 35% of the overall population in the United States.
Diagnostic Criteria for 1776.0 Americanistic Personality Disorder:
A pervasive pattern of greed, selfishness, and lack of empathy, beginning the moment he or she begins to intellectualize and presented in nearly all contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
1. lacks empathy due to an excessive degree of self-absorption
2. believes that he or she is exceptional and morally superior
3. frequently engages in exploitative behaviors
4. requires frequent acquisition of goods he or she doesn’t need
5. usually resorts to some form of overt or covert violence, coercion, or extortion to resolve conflicts
6. perceives others as obstacles to his or her “success”
7. disregards laws and rules except as a means to achieve his or her agenda
8. demonstrates deep hypocrisy by projecting a righteous, benevolent image while committing reprehensible acts
9. refuses to accept the consequences of his or her actions
Jason Miller is a wage slave of the American Empire who has freed himself intellectually and spiritually. He is Cyrano’s Journal Online’s associate editor (https://bestcyrano.org/) and publishes Thomas Paine’s Corner within Cyrano’s at https://bestcyrano.org/THOMASPAINE/. You can reach him at
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Astonishing that America produces so many sufferers of this vicious malady. Bizarre, too, in that, like Alzheimer’s it often inflicts even more pain and misery on those around the victim than on the victim himself. Dr. Miller has given us the correct diagnosis, and it should be used in political medical taxonomy from here on out. I understand from my own research that the retrovirus homo moronibus americanus is the main carrier. Very tough virus to beat once under your skin, but, like AIDS, when exposed to sunlight or simple air, it dies rapidly.
Typical anti-white propaganda. @ least Bush is bombing ragheads instead of white people like Clinton, FDR, & other idiots! If they gotta’ bomb somebody, @ least make it ugly stupid people instead of smart attractive ones.
But then U R a fag, so suicidal. Your slamming of a president who is AGAINST killing WHITE PEOPLE diagnoses YOU as insane.
Every president in history is a mass murderer. @ least keep the guns pointed in the right direction. Yes I know 911 was an inside job. Most wars R based on the GOVERNMENT ATTACKING IT’S OWN PEOPLE - so what else is new? Grow a brain.
Medical science must have made substantial progress because now we have brainless people posting on this thread, too, as evidence by the deranged post above.
The comment poster known as “U R a jackass faggot” displays all the classic symptoms of “Americanistic Personality Disorder”.
Having read the article and self-diagnosed his condition, he is obviously still in Denial that he suffers from the disease.
Unfortunately, APD, unless treated quickly results in reduction of cognitive ability and some sufferers may require long-term institutional care in a mental health of penal facility.
right on brother. i feel sorry for the thinking american who is along for the ride and can’t get off because mindless idiots are at the wheel.
This stinking worthless silver spoon lying murdering wasting product of anal sex occured when ms daddy and mr mommy decided to do it in 1945 celebrating the end of WW2 and the only true immaculate conception occuring when his sperm and her piece of feces united thus farting out this smelly spoiled rotten human turd and the world has been in mortal danger ever since as this elitist vowed vevenge on America after this self made peasant won in 1992 thus setting the stage for the cheerleader girlyboy biseuxal cokehead drunk and its been a catastrophe ever since causing ms daddy to cry in public that his fatboy Jeb wont be next in line ending the dynasty byt only after millions of innocents are dead or wounded not to mention the rigging of 911 by this piece of stink who has also doubled gas prices at the pump while oil has gone from 20 to 80 a barrell as trillions have been wasted doubling govt size or the reputation of America completely trashed.
The world has never seen such a screwup whose only vetos have been stem cells that will kill millions and the child insurance bill while this piece of human feces has allowed his GOPervs to pass trillions in debt to China and 50 million illegals to flood the borders.
Yes, these insane 35% GOPervs are really homosexual perverts and dykes who love hanging out in mens rooms in airports or going after young pages etc.
El Diablo is insulted that Chavez would degrade him with this piece of stinking feces.
Brilliant description, Cyrano. This disorder has long been recognized by people in the rest of the world and it is great to see that it is now recognized by people in the country in which it is primarily prevalent. This entry definitely belongs in DSM IV along with the other Cluster B disorders such as Narcissism, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Borderline Personality Disorder. I think it would be helpful if you pointed out that co-morbidity with the other Cluster B disorders often occurs, i.e. a person with Americanistic Personality Disorder is often also Narcissistic, Antisocial, and/or Borderline. There is also frequently comorbidity with low IQ and with addictions.
I am so fascinated that most people actually believe that Bush/Cheney are in charge
of anything. They are puppets on strings and do what they are told.
There is no Republican/Democrat issue. Thats just a smokescreen for the ‘Dummys’.
There is no difference between a Clinton, a Bush, a Julie-Anni, nor any high level
Democrat or Republican. They are all owned, greedy, selfcentered vermin.
Ron Paul in 08! For a complete change and the true American way.
You trust the same media and polling organizations that sold you the Iraq War to tell you truthfully that 35% of Americans support Bush? Don’t go off the deep end here - I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts those polls were slanted and massaged until they produced the numbers desired. Notice how you are never given the raw survey data and the actual questionnaire used when they feed you these communist-whitewashed numbers.
“There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies and statistics.” -Mark Twain
You are wrong on the numbers. You say 35% but that number is given to you by the mass media and the corrupted. That’s their biggest trick - in convincing you that it’s the real number. The truth in my opinion is that the REAL number is more closer to 3% and the fascists in power don’t want to see heads roll. They want you calm. Sedated. Sleepy Sheeple. They want you to believe that it’s bad for Bush… but not that bad. Ask around… we’ve got a 3% Diebold imposter puppet and as for those three percent, they’re probably government employees who are afraid of losing their jobs.
the 35% is highly moral people that just cannot pass the emotional age of a twelve year old child. they see what rush,bill,rupert,show them. that is whom they look up to, like most twelve year old’s.let’s just look over them,they are just children like their leader that never grew up.
Well said, Jason.
May I add three undiagnosed, yet widespread afflictions to this list:
1) The Disease of Conceit
See Bob Dylan
2) Hemorrhagic Stupiditas
3) Sadistic Fibrosis (See Voltman Dan)
Jason, you are one of the best writers on the Internet! I wish I wasn’t so broke; I would send you, Alan Watt, Michael Tsarion and many others the money you so desperately need to stay alive and well. Another symptom of this sick and depraved society is the failure of the affluent to materially support those who are actively pursuing the truth and exposing the reality behind this monumental charade they call “civilization”. Thank you!
Daniel Major
I like the description of Americanistic Personality Disorder. Now, a description of Anti-Americanistic Personality Disorder is needed.
1. irrational
2. emotionalistic
3. social metaphysicians - relies on the opinions of others rather than reality
4. dependence on others for judgements and decisions
5. collectivistic
6. altruistic
7. favors statism
8. favors socialism
9. various combinations of laziness, envy, feelings of helplessness, low frustration tolerance, leading to anger, hatred, hostility, and desire for aggressive coercion toward the most productive members of society
Your description didn’t include the ability to create language at will. There are many of us who believe a common language gives us a shared understanding of the meanings of words, so that we can communicate with each other easily. Bush’s Babel is a new language which redefines the words of our language so that, in effect, we have no common language anymore. To listen to Bush is to be caught up short with a wrinkled forehead, asking what the hell is he saying, because the words don’t mean what our shared language agrees they mean.
When he says the economy is “strong,” and almost all Americans, except the rich who don’t care, know that we are spending more and getting less in return (inflation), then that is Bush’s definition of “strong,” which is not a shared language definition. So now inflation means strong. That’s what he means when he uses the word. Truly, in that case, the economy is so strong nowadays! But of course, we don’t want a strong economy … we want something else that has no Bush Babel word for it yet.
Bush’s Babel meaning of “insane” is anyone who disagrees with him. He has said so more than once. Therefore … be careful here … he cannot be insane himself. Get it?
“Enemy” means whoever stands in the way of his/their plans.
“Evil” means anyone who thinks differently, particularly those from other cultures who are not white, and who do not kiss our collective American butt and buy into our schemes for world domination, genocide, and theft.
“Success” in Iraq apparently means genocide and the poisoning of the Iraqi people and our own soldiers, and the destruction of a country that did not attack us. (Careful here … you cannot call that evil under Bush Babel terms.)
I believe this tactic comes under the heading of “confuse the enemy,” which seems to be the American people, more likely the whole world. Until we understand this characteristic of APD, we keep trying to make sense of the words he uses. Just relax, take in the new meaning of the word, and understand that when addressing political or economic issues you will only trip yourself up if you try to common language meanings. It will be a great relief to return to normal language when this guy is gone.
Why would anyone that has a brain and is reasonably well read & honest with themselves believe these polls about Bush having a 35% approval rating? How many of the Bush .04 (his IQ?) bumper stickers have you seen lately? I live in what they profess to be a red state and I have not seen any of those stickers in the past 6 months. I also can’t find anyone that admits to now supporting him. Just who owns those polling companies??? Just who and where are they doing these polls??
Now of all of the supposed front runners in the 2008 presidential campaign, the so called mainstream media are telling us that Hellary is leading the pack. Funny, I can’t find anyone that admits that they like her or would vote for her — this includes all these supposed grass roots supporters that we are to believe are coming forward in her campaign. You know, the ones that have been displaced by her & Bill’s NAFTA, WTO racket. The ones that have had their family members shipped off to an illegal war for oil in Iraq that Hellary voted for. The ones that are losing their personal freedoms because Hellary voted FOR the Patriot Act (twice). The ones being screwed by health insurance companies that Hellary is taking big campaign donations from. You know, the 100 million of us that either don’t have health insurance (because we can’t afford it or have pre-existing conditions) or have inadequate coverage (try actually using yours & see how much they won’t cover/pay). Never fear, Hellary is going to FORCE us all to buy health insurance (at what cost?) from those big campaign donors without doing anything to guarantee us having jobs to pay for her corporate servitude health coverage plan.
All of the supposed front runners are mere puppets to the big corporations that are owned by the top 20% that own 95% of all of the wealth in this country. They even own the majority of the debt that most of us are enslaved to service with our tax dollars. But hold on! For those really over the top, here comes Ron Paul to the rescue. He’s ready to tell the top 20% that lied, cheated and stole 95% of the wealth that also control the front running puppets, he is going to punish them by eliminating their income taxes and further punish them by deregulating their corporations. Ron Paul also wants to eliminate social security and medicare (2 goals of Bush). I’m not drinking the Ron Paul koolaid, blind constitutional faith or not. We all know how presidents can abuse the interpretation of the constitution — look at Bush & his corporate cronies in the supreme court.
Do I believe 35% of the US populations still supports Bush? No way! However I believe that the majority of the big corporations what us believe we do (just like they want us to believe Hellary is our choice for 2008).
Hmmm, 35% support him?
I find that really hard to believe. Looks like nothing but propaganda.
Curious - the guys/polls that came up with this 35% statistic… these are the same ones that are spouting out that Ron Paul only has 2% support right?
Yeah right.
Start monitoring the campaigns and see who has the most showings. For someone only getting 2% why is it that Ron Paul events are standing room only and swarming with hard core supporters?
Why is it that the so called “top tier” showings are pathetically “under-filled” with paid supporters?
Turn your TV off people the B.S. is getting neck deep.
35% … more like 3.5% if he’s lucky and that’s extremely conservative.
Don’t go by “mainstream media” polls go by actual real offline supporters.
i recently took a poll on the job of about one hundred twelve people.eight says gee dubya has done a great job,four of which were free masons and the other four were just nuts.i would say thats about 6%.
Well Dr lauren monet has proved that due to radiation fallout that has contaminated the lower 48 from the all the nuke testing in the past.these 6 micron and less particles have a half like of 5 billion years or so.
has resulted in retardation of 24% of all americans born since the nuke testing began
that leaves only 11% that are semi sane and support him.
david, looks like you too got a mega dose.
Israel controls the United States of America and it’s foreign and domestic policies as well as it media. We can blame the victims, the American people, all we want, and I certainly do my share of castigating Americans for their craven stupidity but there are larger and more powerful and ruthless forces who’ve designed and engineered it that Americans remain stupid and pliable and worship State power.
Bush, 35% approval? Impossible. The idiots who still defend this idiot-in-chief can’t be more than 10%. But when has the will of the People ever mattered anyway to our Masters?
Your points are well taken, in general terms.
There is a percentage amongst the populous
who display the sort of hubris, mindless
consumerist and lacking-in-empathy nature
described in your piece. And yes, it is these
folks who might be most inclined to still
support the vacuous greed and mindless
imperialism embraced by those in the
Bush Administration.
However, you lose credibility on three points,
as I see it:
#1. The assumption that opinion polls owned
and operated by the corporate-controlled
mainstream media can be trusted to be an
accurate assessment of opinions or intellectual
trends. Since such polling institutions are a
part of the greater corporatist cabal, they can
not be trusted but rather can be expected to
manipulate data to fit their overall agenda. So,
if they are presently reporting that 35% of the
overall populous in this country are still supporting
Bush, I suspect the real numbers, if truth be
known, are far lower.
#2. Your labeling of this syndrome as the
“Americanistic Personality Disorder.” It might
better be described as the Imperialistic
Personality Disorder, since the same tendencies
have occurred within a significant percentage of the
populous in all historical Empires, most especially
during the early phases of their decline. The
Romans, for example, were not particularly noted
for their empathy.
Further, while this “syndrome” may appear to
best fit within the overall fabric of the American
nation or culture in this current era, the mentality
you describe is by no means limited to Americans,
even in the present era.
#3. Your generalizations regarding political
parties and most especially, geographic regions
are most unfortunate though all too typical
these days. This is a reflection of mass media
generated mind programming, i.e: “Red states”
vs. “Blue states” and the like. But you go a step
further and suggest that this Americanistic
Personality Disorder is endemic to what you
label as “reactionary states in the South” and
Utah, Idaho, Kansas and Wyoming, et al.
Good God! This smacks of mass mind prgamming
of the worst sort. It is what I would expect some
“pundit” to blurt out on CNN, MSNBC or on Faux
News! Even the heretofore-mentioned and
not trustworthy public opinion polls have recently
shown that every one of those “reactionary”
states in the South has a solid majority disapproval
rating of Bush and his policies amongst their
respective populations. In fact, as I recall, only the
state of Utah showed a small majority still in
support of Bush, alone amongst the 50 states.
Additionally, I am a resident of one of those
“reactionary” states. I have never supported
Bush at all, not from day one. Nor did I vote
for him and the same feeling is echoed amongst
all of my local compadres. And we are not at all like
the mindless Cretins that you describe in your article.
Rather, my friends and I and our associates are all
intellectuals and independent thinkers (*shudder*).
Currently, I am in the process of switching my voter registration to Republican (for the first time in my life)
from Democrat, solely so that I am able to vote for
Ron Paul in the upcoming state primary.
I suppose now that I am doing this, I will
become a mindless moron who froths at the
mouth with hatred of the “ragheads,” possesses
a false sense of moral superiority and who
desires only to acquire material goods so that
I can “keep up with the Joneses,” right?
I mean, what else could possibly happen if I
am a resident of a “Red” state and change my
party affiliation to Republican, right??
Oh wait! That’s right. I am intending to vote for
Ron Paul. Oh well, I guess then that I just don’t
count, since it would be too difficult to figure out
where I might actually fit within the totally
phony and wholly manufactured left-right
political dichotomy.
And besides, we all know that Ron Paul does not
have any *real* supporters. We are all just those
imaginary ghosts trolling the Internet, right?? Or
at least that is what Queen Hillary, King Julie Annie
and their puppet masters in the corporate media
keep telling us, isn’t it?
but wait youse guy, haliburton & the oil thugs,& the havemores took the survey.ron paul is just another gee dubya, mark it down.faux.has dubya down to 78%.
Censorship Test
Jews did 911 and all world wars.
Bush is a crypto-Jew.
hey guess what! this is GLOBAL! I live here in Shanghai China and I can tell you all first hand that this “disorder” is an intentionally programed condition that is the direct result of global capitalism, consumerism and fascism.
wake up people! this problem is NOT contained to a few societies. Essentially every last country I have visited and lived in is experiencing this phenomenon! its called people who are inundated with the programmed urge to watch team sports on TV… shop/consume… follow entertainment news, while living a fantasy life vicariously through said icons…
people… to quote a great film… the English Patient… “WE ARE THE REAL NATIONS”!
PatriotMilitiaDotCom - You should do all of us a favor and censor yourself….Why don’t you just make a site called adolfhitler.com, and just before you publish that ignorant idiocy , swallow a cyanide pill…. spare your dog and call it a day.
Jason, you have defined the “socio-political narcissist”. I hope to see this article in my new sociological textbook, while I earn my B.S. at Bulltshit University USA.
People who support Bush have to be complete Capitalist “free-market” ideologues, complete ignoramouses or flat out nationalistic/narcissistic idiots.
The Political narcissist….
A well-expressed essay here. The diagnosis is clear to me. But lets get past that and consider solutions. The comments here speak for themselves where the various authors are at. Ultimately, it matters little what others think and do. It matters only what we think and how we act individually. Nobody will reap our own karma except us. Those that are predators will reap what they have sown, and they are not to be envied. All of this simply makes me more sober, more thoughtful and a keen observer of both the beauty and the insanity. Humility has great value, we must remember. I too, am capable of self deception, I remind myself. People, don’t be fooled by looking outward. The answer is never out there. It’s in the other direction, inward…. in your own heart. If the world looks like an insane, horrible place, consider what you are adding to the mix. You have a choice of how to live your life, although the system we are born into would like to make those choices or you. We do have the power to create heaven or hell… as we choose moment by moment what we add to the mix. When enough of us have had enough of the nightmare to start being honorable in our relationships, and speaking and acting with integrity, the outside world will reflect this. Is there anyone out there with me would like to ponder, ‘HOW GOOD CAN WE MAKE IT’. Love alone endures. All else is futile.
Yes, it is GLOBAL because American culture, capitalist culture (spearheaded by decades of US penetration—sounds phallic I think) is global, just about the only “game” in town, and capitalist culture is all about me me me and consumerist bullshit, inequality, job insecurity and tons and tons and tons of bullshit.
Thinking and seriousness are anathema to commercial mass communications. And sincerity is unheard of in bourgeois politics or truth in its media. Programs that spread absolute gossipy celebrity fixation excrement in television terms, such as The Insider on Viacom’s CBS (a version of National Enquirer, but with quick cuts and loud multisensorial assault) are a good mirror to what this society has become. Junk food for the mind, but with far worse repercussions than just bad food.
The spectator, know-nothing, work your butt-off and keep consuming crap society, in an ever widening social gulf with peons and masters on either pole…while television—US style— presides over the wreckage. US tv is by far the worst offender—anywhere in the world. If American television had no presence in American homes, the mafia controlling this nation and the world would lose much of its power to brainwash the public every single day.
Just last night, the wee hours actually, I watched a program on PBS that SHOULD HAVE BEEN long time ago on prime, a documentary (INNOVATION) sponsored by the National Science Foundation, focusing entirely on the advances in medicine originating with stem cells. I can say that what stem cells can do is nothing if not miraculous: they’re now being used SUCCESSFULLY to cure spine injury lesions (as serious as the one suffered by Chris Reeve), all sorts of advanced heart diseases, and many other fields that show us a glimpse of where 21st century medicine could really go….The infamy here is that we still have millions of morons simply uninformed and misinformed. I regard myself as well-educated, well-read, and certainly well-travelled, have family members who are doctors and even I didn’t know how concrete and real these advances due to stem cells were…because those, like this super asshole greedy billionaire Sumner Redstone, owner of Viacom/CBS, who are charged with informing us, instead of wasting our lives and minds on criminal crap, did not see fit to give us this simple but critical information.
The show was eloquent in documenting several families for whom stem cell had been truly a miracle, and this despite the pitiful amount of financing allowed by the reactionary, medievalist views of Bush and his mafiosi, and the legions of morons who still support him, as this essay alarmingly comments on. Even if the number of idiots supporting Bush today is 20%, that’s way too much. The real superrich—his constituency—are no more than, tops, 5% of the population, and probably far less—like the top 1/10 of 1% of the American social pyramid…The rest are just wholly or partially misguided.
There are simply no words to really describe a society capable of having a much better life, a much better world, and which chooses the opposite; always superstition and obscurantism over real progress. That’s what we now spread all over the world—often at gunpoint, and it’s simply the luck of the mafia that rules this nation, that the world still contains reactionaries (like Osama) who they can demonize to strike terror in the hearts of our badly-conditioned citizenry. It’s disgusting.
What a bunch of nuts you people are! I find it funny that the chavez dick-sucking miller claims that this so-called syndrome only affects white republicans in conservative leaning states. his radical left-wing bias is so evident it’s hilarious. i’ve told him before and i’ll tell him again, if america is such a horrid place why not leave? i’ll even buy the ticket.
35%!!!!!! Nah, thats not true. I think its more like 10%.
But, whats so great about Ron Paul? He probably will be just another form of GWB.
But, this “disorder”Jason speaks of IS Global. You should read some of the internet messageboards. LOL! Some poor souls want Arnold the Terminator to be President of USA. Who’s next? Marilyn Manson? Johnny Depp? Bruce Dickinson? The world is infected with sychophantitis, and thats not funny at all. In fact, its damn frightening. Idol Worship, and its twin, money and status worship.
Yes, we need solutions, real solutions, and this anger and sheer silliness in regard to the mess we have in the world won’t solve anything.
GWB will probably get us into a war, or near economic collapse&leave it to the next President to fix, if they can.
God help us. Help us all.
And where would anyone go if they could leave? The mess is global. Just have all the fun that you can, while you can. Spend all the time you can with those you care about&do not take them for granted. Plan for the future, but do not obsess on it. Take one day at a time. Don’t let fear¶noia suck you in, thats what negative people want to see, people drowning in their own misery.
Call her Hellary if you want to, but I hope she wins.
However, I will feel sorry for her(or anyone elected) inheriting the spiteful mess GWB will leave her to clean up.
I think our real concern should be…Will any of us survive the next 10 years..?
Well, now I think we need to name the disorder that allows people to suspend belief(or disbelief) and think that Ron Paul will make any difference.
Wake up, he is a politician he lies, he’s good at it he has been re-elected multiple times, he is bought and paid for.
People who have trouble with this still believe RAY-gun was a President actor, once an actor always an actor
That will take some of that false hope out of “the ones that look for the light’
We deserve what were getting right now. Now back to the discussion so your mind will never have a chance to be still, and take some responsibility for YOUR OWN LIFE
# Daveon 09 Oct 2007 at 6:11 pm
I think our real concern should be…Will any of us survive the next 10 years..?
Point well taken Dave.
“There are simply no words to really describe a society capable of having a much better life, a much better world, and which chooses the opposite; always superstition and obscurantism over real progress. That’s what we now spread all over the world—often at gunpoint, and it’s simply the luck of the mafia that rules this nation, that the world still contains reactionaries (like Osama) who they can demonize to strike terror in the hearts of our badly-conditioned citizenry. It’s disgusting.”
That sums it up. Especially your reference to stem cell research. I have learned a bit about it myself, and every time I hear Bush voted against it on the car ride home on fascist public radio “NPR” (all to make those evangelical nuts happy) I start feeling the burning inclination to lift up my leg and kick in the car radio.
These people will deliver Dave’s fears for us, but at least we still have football, NASCAR, Britney Spears, and bullfighting to sustain us….Can’t Texas, and it’s counterparts just form their own country and leave the rest of us the hell alone?
Well, interesting posts all, I think the BEST thing I am finding throughout these posts by and large is that the FAKE so called “left/right” paradigm is quickly breaking down and the true hands of the puppeteers holding the puppet on the so called “left” and the puppet on the so called “right” is actually one and the same. NOt to say that there are not perhaps no small differences in the outlooks at the grass roots level but at the TOP of the shit heap almost ALL of the PUPPETS are owned and only playing parts in an Orwellian script.
Even the post by “URaJack”— that bashes posters here despite his “raghead” mentality— realizes that 9-11 DEFINATELY had “inside” help, that to me is quite a breakthrough from the state-run pysops Sheeple brainwashing of still too many of our fellow citizens that still might believe in the “bin laden dunnit cuz he hates our freedom ” BS WHITE HOUSE issued conspiracy theory. Even patriotic folks in our OWN CIA are coming out in mass saying the 9-11 report is a JOKE, as so many of us knew right off from the very start all along.
So I must agree that for now RON PAUL with his “end these BOGUS occupations for OIL/Israel/$$$/bases” stance is our BEST hope, so many Democarts even are coming around to see he is a MUCH better choice than PRO-ENDLESS war SHILLARY, or OBAMA both who are PUPPETS owned and operated by the SAME Elitist Puppeteers that gave us the pResident Bush. WE are experiencing a new wave of the LATEST political force. It is NEITHER so called ‘left’ or so called ‘right’ neither so called ‘dem’ or so called “rep’ it denies the Hegelians their Divide and Conquer strategy in short it has ONE name– independent —-TRUTHERS!!!! Ron Paul 2008 IMO America’s BEST and maybe LAST HOPE.- T.A.
Thoughts to several other posters:
To tomatochip— Yes, we might be well off to certainly look “inside” first as you say, to remove the log from our own eye, but at the same time we might not want to “sin by silence” leaving the “adulterous” to be stoned by even a far more sinful crowd, when we have the power to try and help lead “her” to safety.
To WTF?— You say Ron Paul will “probably just be abother form of GWB”? Really? I am not sure why you might think that, everything I have seen the man say and do indicates EXACTLY the opposite. NO cadidate is perfect. But to constitutional loving, freedom loving, Bill of Rights loving, Illegal and Unjust War hating Americans, how can you suggest Hillary might be a “better choice”. I’m puzzled. What about here makes you think it is SHE who will not simply be another shill carrying on “wars that won’t end in our lifetime” for Elitist goals of more PERSONAL $$$ (for them), less Liberty, less choice, less ability to defend oneself, and MORE Big Brother control over every aspect of your life? Is that REALLY what you want?
To Rosemary’s baby— I agree with you it is not rational to engage in prejudging ANYONE without the necessary facts to back it up, and overcriticizing anyone including “Jews” seeems unfounded. But let’s not forget that many, many, many, people are coming forth now even in the mainstream circles telling of how AIPAC is one of the very most controlling forces in Washington simply becuase it has such financial clout and resources and of course naturally Washington runs on $$$. That isn’t any more “prejudice” IMO than saying the NFL has a huge percentage of Black players or perhaps that many CEO’s of American corporations are white males. I think if we really value trying to find “TRuth” we will want to go wherever it takes us even if it is “politically incorrect” or steps on “protected” toes.
This American:
I was criticizing the fact that The Hitler Youth was not criticizing “Jews” for the correct reasons - which you noted but felt compelled to bring up anyway. I honestly don’t give a shit about how intellectually honest you want to be here, our friend doesn’t know what that concept is, and therefore his position in my book is nullified.
No need for you to be jumping on the Jew bus there…there are plenty of posts on this board which criticize the state of Israel in depth, and the role of such Jewish characters in the neo-con mafia, and powerful Israel lobbying groups in Washington…No need to take this opportunity to assist young Adolph in his mission out of “intellectual honesty” - there is a time and a place, and this wasn’t it, but maybe you were hoping it was?
There are only two candidates that merit attention and respect, and that’s Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. Whatever anyone may think of their stands (it will surely vary according to each personal political perspective) one thing appears certain about them: these men are not careerists ready to sacrifice principle for self-promotion, like the rest of the current contemptible pack. And, as far as I’m concerned, even though many social and economic issues are of pronounced significance, I’ll vote for either just on the conviction that neither will take this nation to war during their watch.
War MUST be avoided at any cost, at any sacrifice. No crime can begin to hold a candle to modern war. And no one who has seen war up close can proclaim to love it or like it. (Our top brass, except for the corporatized military, which I regard as a disgrace, are less sanguine about war adventures than the neocons or Bush and Cheney.) Only chickenhawks, morally-warped individuals, and profiteers can “like” war. It’s ironic that for some war does provide a sense of elation, like an adrenalin high, and a feeling of deep comradeship and, strangely, even purpose in a world normally permeated with selfishness, that is sometimes hard to leave behind.
Those who make war condemn thousands, sometimes even millions, to horrible destinies. Speaking of people in the abstract it’s easy to see how many are inured to their death or destruction. But meet a few, get to know them, see their humanity, their proximity to you and you will fathom how terrible this calamity is. And it never stops there: animals and nature also pay a heavy price. War is crime that should have been retired long ago by even a moderately evolved species, but here we are, hoping against hope that the moral retards and crooks this nation has managed to put into “formal” power, will not blow up the whole place.
As for Hillary, Obama, and Edwards—the Dems’ frontrunners—they will surely sell us down the toilet without much of a blink, especially Hillary, who is as ambitious and whorish as her husband. As for the official Republican frontrunners, puke is too good a word to describe the lot. Both the dems and the GOP are excremental heaps only deserving of public contempt. They say that no disease is ever cured until the disease is recognized as existing. Most folks on this thread —representing a fair cross-section of American society and world opinion—have come together to recognize the system is rotten and the options supremely unpalatable or nonexistent. If we weren’t so close to the edge, I’d say that’s encouraging progress.
A personal story related to this.
I used to house clean. I quit housecleaning because the guy I cleaned for supported the ‘War on Terror’ and GDub. It just goes to show you how your employees and friends can dump you like a worn out ex if you aren’t careful with your political leanings. I just didn’t show up one day and left the jerk to hang “high and dry” in his mansion.
It was quite liberating. I feel quite ‘free’ making $7.50 an hour as a waitress. The tips make up for the minimum wage most of the time. I wouldn’t go back to work for that skanky, Bush-loving, macroelite pig for all the money in the world. The elite who live in their economic bubbles make me wanna spew. Needless to say, the jerk was a stay-at-home man and his wife wroked from 4 am to about 8 pm.
“I am in the process of switching my voter registration to Republican (for the first time in my life) from Democrat, solely so that I am able to vote for Ron Paul in the upcoming state primary.”
Same here. I switched party last weekend for the same reason. I did it online. Very convenient.
Why Ron Paul?
I’ll tell you exactly why… it’s simple:
He supports the constitution as written.
Think about that statement and then compare his entire congressional voting record and his past track record with EVERY other candidate across ALL parties and you will quickly see that Ron Paul is the ONLY truthful candidate running.
Seriously… he is the only one.
There is a tipping point in this country and we are hanging over the edge of complete tyranny. Either the American people rise up and restore the constitution or you might as well kiss America goodbye.
It’s not even about Ron Paul the man - it’s about your liberty and freedom. The mainstream media try to marginalize Ron Paul and worse… his support, but in the end, this will be the medias own downfall. We already see that happening. They loose thousands of viewers/readers/supporters every single day and it’s only going to continue and grow.
More and more people are waking up to the mainstream medias unfair practices, corporate and government controlled propaganda and influence. More and more people are turning off mainstream media and ignoring mainstream papers because it’s nothing more than propaganda and entertainment.
See, they (and by they I mean the government and corporate media) underestimate the average Americans intelligence. They think you are dump as dirt and let your television and newspapers do your thinking. Oh how critically wrong they are.
It’s funny and sad at the same time watching mainstream media work. They claim Ron Paul support is limited to the Internet and then they try and marginalize that. Hmmm, last time I checked 3 out of 4 households are well connected to the Internet in this country.
If his support is so small then why does he have standing room only events practically everywhere he goes?
Why is he winning straw polls all over the country?
Why does he have a volunteer MeetUp group army of over 52,000 people?
Why dis he the ONLY republican candidate who had an increase in campaign contributions last quarter? That’s right EVERY other candidate is on a downhill slide.
Why does he have over sixty thousand myspace supporters and over thirty thousand youtube supporters? Miles beyond every other candidate on every party.
Why does he have more money in the bank then most top tier candidates?
Why do THOUSANDS of people loyally and voluntarily show up at his events when the other candidate have to pay people to show up at theirs?
Why did he raise over 5 Million dollars in the past quarter?
Why did he receive the MOST military campaign contributions out of all candidates?
Why does mainstream media keep claiming Paul is an isolationist when he is clearly a non interventionist just like the MAJORITY of Americans? Anyone can clearly see this with ten minutes of research.
If Ron Paul supports the constitution fully just as the founding fathers intended, why is mainstream including the GOP going against him? In reality, they are stating they don’t support the constitution… the very document this great “republic” was founded on. (your alarm bells should really be going off because of this)
Why are the borders “still” wide open if there’s such a huge terrorist threat against America?
Why do the media continue to feed you lies and claim Paul only has 2% support? Why do they lie and claim Romney, Giuliani are top tier when it’s clear to see Ron Paul pulls in the most support online and more importantly OFFLINE?
And the big question is - why is mainstream media not reporting extensively on the above FACTS? Yes, that is the big question and I think you already know the answer to that.
Controlled corporate media with their own interests and those interests are not shared by the American people.
It’s time for an end to mainstream media and all their games.
Do yourself a favor and research Ron Paul and what he stands for. Don’t let the mainstream media tell you who to vote for or how to live your life and definitely don’t let them do your thinking!
Think for yourself, do your own research and you’ll see why there is a GIANT ground swell of support for Ron Paul and his message that is growing every day.
Oh - and as far as voting for Dennis Kucinich? You had better do some more research because he is attacking Americans gun rights and that should also be sending alarm bells ringing.
He would NEVER get my vote. Look into it and you’ll see what I mean.
There’s only ONE single candidate that deserves my vote and it’s Ron Paul.
Wow, after reading all those posts and the article, I can see we have along way to go to eliminate 2 dimensional thinking in this country.
First off, the article makes some good points about some American attributes, but as a poster clearly pointed out, this is not a uniquely American problem. I would suggest it is a product of Capitalism gone amuck. (As the poster who suggested that this was not a unique problem of America alone, was living in China, it suggests these are recent problems in China. And what is recent in China, and is changing China forever, (for good or worse) is good old American Corporate Capitalism.
Throw in a large touch of Greed and avarice that has been nurtured for over 30 years by the powers that run the major propaganda tools(TV, Movies & Music) and you have
quite a stew of stupidity, that is present day America.
That stupidity is reflected in this articles’ usage of the juvenile terms of “red” states and “blue” states. As if everyone living in said “blue” state was of liberal think and
those of the “red” states were all reactionary conservatives. This is what is called
two dimensional thinking, if you can call it thinking at all. Since all it would require to
spew out these obtuse thoughts would be watching the ones who dreamed up the
red/blue phenonomen. The same ones mentioned above who recently coined these phrases in the last 2 presidential election cycles, the TV corporate news entities with
their oversized election maps of red and blue. How simplistic a world, red and blue.
they have come to the conclusion, that the populace has become so “dumbed down”, we (the TV media) can now treat them as the children they are. We, the TV media can
control them and seperate them as easily as labeling them as either, red or blue. Very similar to most boards games we played as children, one side is red and the other blue. Stratego comes to mind for me, perhaps another game comes to mind for you.
Now what’s equally disturbing about the authors’ generalities of those who live in
red states and those who live in blue states(other than the disgusting phoniness of the
concept itself), is the blatant and willful stereotyping involved here. Either this idiot never left the East or West Coast, never traveled anywhere or the 3rd option,
he’s part of the problem. Meaning he either actually believes in this over-simplication of
“red” states and “blue” states (which I doubt) or he is some kind of media propanganda
shill of another sort.
The author also exhibits severe bigotry when singling out only 1 religious group of the main purveyors of what he calls Americanistic Personality Disorder. As if no other religious group in America displays these “symptoms”. As for greed and hyper-competitiveness, (2 of said symptoms) I would say that the religious group singled out by the author, is
lagging far behind another much smaller religious group. As someone in a movie
called “Wall Street” bellowed out “Greed is Good”. And that character was written about the Prince of Greed, Corporate Raider Ivan Boesky and all his little Wall Street pals who you won’t see at the Next Christmas service. And quite coincindentally,
you won’t see most of the afforementioned Powers of Propaganda there either.
And more than likely you wouldn’t see the author of this article either.
Just a little note to the above. Bush should be impeached for Failure to
Defend the Borders during a War and his Failure to Defend the Constitution. (among other impeachable acts)
If we truly had a 2 party system, we would be having Impeachment hearings as I type this. This is a tipoff that the 2 parties are really 1 party, for surely the democrats would
love to put Bush thru an impeachment hearing as the Repubs put Clinton thru impeachment for far far less. And it is the “supposed” opposition party’s duty to act, as
it is for Congress in general to act, as a check & balance for the Executive Branch.
onewaratatime, I agree IMO all of us that believe these occupations with the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocents and the massive destruction and financial ruin they cause are NOT in the best interest of either America or of the world at large are looking FIRST for a presidential candidate that will put a stop to what neo-con mafia ring leader Cheney calls “wars that won’t end in our lifetime”. It is great to see a coaliton of wills from all perspectives put aside their MINOR (and some major) philosophcial differences to realize if the neo-cons and their cronies and cheerleaders continue to push us down this path of endless war that the WWIII they are lusting after will come and the pain and destruction it will bring for ALL of us citizens of the world will be immense and possibly worse than anything the world has seen yet. They MUST be stopped.
Rosemary’s baby, I’ll focus then also on our point of apparent agreement that whether or not we think their might be a “jew factor” deeply involved in the causes of many previous wars, we can both concede that in THESE occupations the “Israeli loyalists” (though they really don’t serve Israel’s best interests IMO) inside our own government, many with Israeli citizenships and ties, are aiding and abetting and promoting these illegal and immoral occupations. As you say that alone is enough to scorn them and realize in SOME ways (my words) AIPAC IMO is as much of a terrorist organization, promoting terrorism, as the people it claims “need killing”. WE need these people OUT of our government, to go home to their OWN country and get it’s affairs in order first and for them to stop trying to use America to do their dirty work. And of course the Bush/Cheney War Machine seems only to eager to use them too, as a pretext to open up the flood gates of the treasury to shower themselves and their cronies with the “limitless” $$$ stolen in the form of massive inflation from the citizens, and to seize *cheap* resources from others at gunpoint to further inflate their massive profits from blood.
listen children they are trying to trick you again.the repubs.lets not forget what they stand for ron paul is just a smoking mirror.the repugs whinned and bitched get goverment out of our lives because clinton made them pay their fair share of taxes.then along came dubya.then all his havemores got tax breaks to the limit the repugs, said dub will end all the mexicians plus get big goverment out of our lives.we now know that was one of many lies.if ron paul is elected dubya will be extended four more years.don’t be played for a fool again.
a friend of mine was “polled” for this travesty. the data was gathered from two sources/locales: a recent southern baptist convention, & a local gun show. actually, it was the same source/local - “The Atlanta Southern Baptist Convention & Gun Show.” the pollsters were giving away free gifts to anyone polled - either a hundred rounds of ammunition or a vibrator (the “lead” was sponsored by the NRA, the vibrators by “Oral” roberts university). so as not to overload the APD home crowd, only two questions were surveyed: (1) did you vote for bush in 04; (2) do you support the bush tax-cuts. that’s it. the responses were then massaged - apparently with the left over vibrators - to interpolate the end results; which of course, included additional questions/responses and theoretical percentages (the theoretical equations used - devised by alan greenback greenspan - included a speculative function of the power of 10 to the third of what bush’s approval ratings would be under three separate circumstances: (1) that he had not gone to war with Iraq; (2) that he had not been elected president; (3) that he had never been born). the pollsters obviously decided on the latter theorem. interestingly, 50% of the actual questions asked - “did you vote for bush in 04″ - was not included in the final results because the the poll’s sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points would have indicated a possible negative (-) 0.56 result. thank God for CNN and the comedy channel.
the repugs always say the liberals tax and spend.here is the truth, gas was $1.20 agal, now under dub 3.00 dollars a gal. my property taxes has tripled under gee dubya.my income is half what is was before dub.the water bill has doubled under gee dubya.groceries have over doubled under gee dubya.no president has spent as much as gee dubya.does the word( conservative) fit the repugs ha-aaah.is anyone doing better now, only billionaires.its as plain as the nose on your face.
Sometimes the “psyops” type Hegelian sophistry becomes so apparent on some of the boards I post on, it’s as if Carl Rove had an army of “plants” out there reading from talking points cards. Many of our VERY astute posters here, I am sure know what I am talking about and too those that spend much time on the net and in discussion circles.
The first turd to be thrown in the punch bowl usually is the “Jews are responsible for EVERY ILL in the entire galaxy” one and when that doesn’t work next it is the so called “liberal vs conservative “turd which also is designed to “divide and conquer”. Hahahaha, silly, silly, psyops, always trying so hard to keep WE THE PEOPLE divided and at each others throats, all the while the worlds darkest and most savage pedatory parasites steal and plunder and murder away the poor unwary sheep.
Who will end these *wars*? Who will honor The Bill of Rights? Who will protect OUR treasury? Who does the media hate (that alone should be a HUGE clue). Who are they AFRAID of? (That should be an even bigger clue). Who are they actually promoting non-stop? (The biggest clue to look the OTHER WAY). Look around. State-run/corporate media will promote IT’S own while putting down those that DARE challenge it’s hegemony.
The debilitating diseases are being recognized. However, “Endless Blathering Disorder” is not a cure for the epidemic of greed or a solution to society’s problems. If greed is caused by human nature and not by economic systems, maybe we could let capitalists manufacture the goods we really need and let socialists distribute them. They could work together for balance in economics and environmental issues. Maybe the best of human nature would respond to this challenge?
Ron Paul’s “simple” libertarianism may seem a bit dated in a complex world but simplicity is a better cure for consumerism than fascist or socialist totalitarianism. If we got rid of most republicans and democrats and put in thoughtful people who were not indoctrinated into any economic system, we might actually get something done!
for crying out loud i think the president has done a great job.i wish we could keep him forevery.for crying out loud the jews are god’s chosen people.we should all give them at least half of our checks,then god would bless the united states of amercia. 35% i think more like 75% i love george w. bush our leader.god sent him to save this world from satan’s liberal’s.vote for ron paul the right man to fill the shoes of such a great man as george w. bush.
can’t you people see two feet in front of your face.it’s as simple as right and wrong. there is a war going on now in the whole world good against evil. stop with all the bull crap,money is the root of all evil.dont vote for anyone !!why -evil will win every time (now) let them have their way just give up.wars are not won!!love conquerors all.don’t work,don’t vote,don’t pay your bill then see what they do.you may lose your life but you will get freedom.all must have freedom.its better than spending eternity in hell.
Every day I go to work and tell my eleven coworkers the latest fascist, criminal, genocidal, Constitution and rights shredding item to come out about the Bush Junta and their psychophantic ass-kissing Congress. Two of the twelve know the truth as they have educated themselves via the internet, the other ten generally have no reaction, although occasionally I get a “hmmm”. To those who don’t care, or do support Bush, or say “hmmm”; I now tell them to just go and continue being a good little German. Perhaps they may come to understand this reference between them, current America, and Nazi Germany of the 30’s and early 40’s.
Those dam voices,aliens dam aliens thats who elected that chimp bill clinton lied ,iraq ,iraq,send the terminator to pennsylvania avenue.w.m.d. clinton lied viet- nam #I \/I � � �= (666) - [���] I\|I\|I\ � � � �
Don (Barletta) is doing what every American should be doing. He is becoming another monkey wrench in the system’ vastly manipulative apparatus. It takes persistence and social courage to do this, but how else are we to rescue the semi-dead souls of our compatriots so deeply imprisoned by the lies and singsong of the prevailing ideology? Doing nothing is not an option.
If television was not available to Americans –as we know it — for even a few months, some of the deathgrip the system has on the public consciousness would begin to weaken. ALL corporate media are criminal these days because they are all part and parcel, willing accomplices, of a criminal global enterprise, but television—particularly American television— is the most dangerous. The value of our citizens’ media—such as this journal—grows by the day.
Well done, Don!
I wish Americanistic Personality Disorder (APD) would get the kind of attention and funding the utterly bogus Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is getting.
My legs only get restless when I’m near someone with APD.
The world has always been made up of crooks, suckers, and lazy cowards. The crooks and suckers have A.P.D. The rest of us are just lazy cowards.
I don’t believe it. I just saw a poll yesterday in mainstream polling service and it showed he was at 29% and congress was at 21%, even worse than Bush. I have no idea who did this 35% poll and would like to know since it just doesn’t sound right.
I honestly don’t know anyone supporting him in my circle of friends and they are republican and independants. I know he has some support but not 35%…. I just can’t buy it.
god i don’t care i’m going to cracker barrel.
Ron Paul 2008. America’s BEST hope and maybe last hope for ending these occupations and invasoins for OIL/ Petrodollars/ bases/Israel/ Cheney’s retirement fund (and cronies).
Support The BIll of Rights. ALL of it. Support Liberty. Watch how the media whores pimp EVERYONE almost, but not Ron Paul and how they ALL attack him. They clearly see the PATRIOT in the room and who might stand in their way of their “ANTI-Christ” SYSTEM of power Agenda. They slobber all over Hillary and Ghouliani, Thompson and Obama, and all the rest of their HAND picked shills, but they DESPISE the honorable DR.Paul the ONE with the guts to be HONEST and FAIR and NON-Pandering to the String-Pullers, but rather to WE THE PEOPLE.
It is really fascinating to watch the corporate media wolves come out and circle the ONE who might take their bloody corpse away they are feasting on. Those who love power and money more than neighbor, who love SPECIAL favors and pandering more than honesty and fairness.
sheeple the media will get who they want elected. next year all you will hear is abortion , gay bullshit from the religious right. rudy jewleeani will win,mark my word.i know if i vote its al gore all the way.hillary&rupert are to chummy.she leans to far to the right for me. ron paul is just like dubya a lieing sack of crap. beady eye fred is just a wantabe a goat like mccain.
oh wait a minute i forgot about all the gay repugs. they may wont to just stay on abortion this go around.and use flip flop.
Can you tell us all just exactly what Ron Paul has lied about? I’d certainly love to hear it.
While you’re at it please tell us all who voted against the *patriot* act and who has supported it?
Who supports the Constitution and Bill of Rights with EVERY vote?
Who voted against these occupations for Oil/Israel/$$$/ bases?
Care to talk specifics and voting record rather than just sling mud?
We’re all waiting.
Good luck,
By the way I wan’t even aware Gore was running in 08?
Will Gore stop any attempts to bring back the draft, like Ron paul commits to doing?
Will Gore reform marijuana laws that put a world’s RECORD number of otherwise productive citizens in prison like Ron Paul commits to? Or does Gore just smoke it and allow other less economically advantaged people to be incarcerated?
Will Gore help repeal Big Brother government legislation that uses BS acts like the so called “patriot act” to spy on it’s own citizens simply for being politically active?
Ron Paul puts his VOTES where his mouth is!
Read up and learn why this man is LOVED by MILLIONS.
Ron Paul 2008!
Great article…
A quick solution to all of these ignorants…
Drop private property rights…let the revolution begin.
This is, by far, the best way to stop all of the corporatist fiends. Capitalism is the problem and we need to find a new way. I’m thankful for all the fellow travelers on this site. Keep up the great work, Cyrano!!!
Sheeple, please do not fall for Ron Paul’s game. He will not be nominated, and then he will run on the Liberitarian party. Paul will get just enough votes(mostly from Democrats), to throw the Republicans back into office. Probaby Guiliani. So, its just a game to get the Repblicans another 4 years.
Actually I think the Elitists have already selected Shillary to continue these wars for Oil/Israel/$$$$/bases, they have used the so called “right” in the Hegelian game as far as they can. Next will come the attempts from the so called “left” to further weaken Americans ability to defend themselves by trying to disarm America, and to try and FORCE Americans to pay into a HELL CARE system that will continue to weaken them while stealing their money, and force them into the same BIg Brother 24/7 cradle to grave surveilance society the Orwellian cheerleaders are pushing for.
But DON’t take MY word OR the words of PRETENDERS here that ask you to listen to their mud slinging without examining things on YOUR OWN. GO to the websites of these different candidates, LOOK OBJECTIVELY at their voting records and see who they are and be VERY wary of Wolves in SHEEPS clothing who’s motives will become VERY transparent if you will use BOTH your intellect AND intuition to root out these FAKES.
Look again at whom the STATE-RUN media is promoting and whom AIPAC whores want to get into office. DON”T BE FOOLED. AGAIN NEVER TAKE MY WORD or the WORDS of anyone else, use your OWN intelligence and research to SEE. Always seek FIRST the truth of matters and you will EASILY see who is trying to mislead and who is HONEST.
american listen if he has a R in front of his name what does that say. all gops have the same sick beliefs.THEY WILL DISTROY THIS COUNTRY IF LEFT IN POWER, they always do
.ron paul (WHAM )poped out of the blue like magic to save the country.he is their ace in the hole.their w.m.d.
american are you related to proud? the both of you lean to the far right. i bet you like old gee dubya right.
T.P.A.G. listen to yourself, and your stereotyping. I simply ask people to examine ALL of the facts, listen to the candidates, look at their voting records and make up their OWN minds. People who have read my posts KNOW where I stand and when you simply try and sling mud, like people see you are doing without making ANY attempt to get over your prejudices, and to try the old “divide and conquer” so called “left” VS so called “right” people see right through it.
First and foremost I am an INDEPENDENT in about all ways you can think of. I will bash the so called “left” when it’s called for just as I will bash the so called “right” when it’s called for and I will even bash the so called “middle if needs be. But also I will hold up ANY candidate fromANY party when they have good ideas, and I will be the FIRST to do so. In this climate I don’t think anyone can anylonger tell who deserves the so called “left” label and who deserves the so called “right” label. Ron Paul is FAR more against war than PRO-WAR HIllary, he speaks out against the draft, against the immoral putting MILLIONS of our citizens behind bars for petty “crimes”, tell me are THOSE so called “left” stances” or so called “right” stances? If they are so called left stances then Shillary is actually to the so called right on THOSE issues than the honorable Dr. Paul is.
But Dr. Paul also holds up and supports so called “conservative” our BILL OF RIGHTS, can you say the same thing about globalist Shillary? I have Bashed Bush/Cheney and his Neo-CON nazis for their warmongering illegal murder of hundreds of thousands of innocents and his Fascist misnamed “patriot” act which Shillary seems to support. Shillary is much more Pro Neo-Con fascist than Dr. Paul. You seem to think supporting a Dem is somehow better than suporting a Rep simply because of the LABEL, I tell you BOTH many Dems and Reps LOVE DR. Paul becuase HE SUPPORTS THEM.
So ONCE AGAIN show me a BETTER candidate that LOVES liberty and fairness, who is against these occupations, the draft, expanding gulags, etc. and provide FACTS!
Patiently waiting
Got facts?,(or just mud)
U R a jackass faggot also pulled his own card when he said “white” because Cyrano never even brings up race. APD people are a race of their own and it crosses skin color boundaries with ease.
american i never vote gop because after sixty years i have seen what they all stand for. henry kissingjerk started destroying this (FREE COUNTRY),while nixon started trading with the chinese.reagoon was just the flip side of gee dubya. read my lips sr.he helped put a strangle hold on the working.reagoon,started destroying the unions,while man power became the worlds largest employer,then wal mart and all the neo merchants put more people out of work.meanwhile, the repugs were moving all over mexico buying property for a song.g.h. signed NAFTA about a month before clinton came into office.the repugs care for their circle that’s all.
T.P.A.G I understand where you’re coming from and I don’t disagree with much of what you’ve said. But would you really vote for a candidate who wants to keep these illegal and immoral wars/occupations for Oil dollars and Israel going just because they wear the “Dem” label” and against one who wants to put an end to these occupations just because they wear a “Rep” label. As an Independent I find that kind of partisanship very foreign to my way of thinking, but if you have always simply voted “your party” rather than for a candidate based on their voting record and credentials, I guess I can understand it.
But too remember, just because Ron Paul wears the “Rep” label he is much more of a Constitutionalist (with some Libertarian Civil Rights credentials) than anything and is NO way as corrupt as the Bush/Cheney/Neo-CON Cabal and DOESN’T share their bloody Fascist philosophy as much as Hillary appears to. I think it is very unfair to compare Dr. Paul to Bush. You should be very able to see the Neo-CONS and their corporate shills very much abhor his love of the Bill of Rights and they try and exclude him and disparage him every chance they get. Don’t you even wonder why Bush himself seems to be PROMOTING Hillary and even Neo-CON shills like Shill O’reilly are as well. It’s because she has been bought and paid for by Neo-CON interests. It is YOU IMO who are being fooled by labels.
So do you want these occupations to continue and for the draft to come back? If not then how is voing for a “dem” like Hillary or Obama this time going to stop that? Are you willing to continue this death of hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions more just because of your inability to look outside of “your party”?
you could be right. but can we afford to be wrong again.(IF ISRAELS GODS CHOSEN PEOPLE) GOD SAID I WILL FIGHT YOUR BATTLES FOR YOU.he who takes the sword shall perish by the sword.so israels proves with out doubt as does the religious leaders in the united states that god is a liar.
Well I might add it is not god that is a liar but rather those who falsely claim to speak for the Divine Will. We are warned to beware of False prophets and Wolves in Sheeps clothing. Ron Paul is a man of peace and integrity. He very much wants to stop this needless slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocents and the suffering it brings to so many. IMO it is HE who follows the great teaching laid out by The Master. If Israel somehow believes that they are somehow “supremicists” and more chosen than other people then I say let them fight their own wars. Rememebr it was a JEWISH writer who claimed the bias that they are MORE chosen in some way over others. IMO WHAT NONSENSE and Elitist attitude! They won’t need any U.S. aid or help from anyone IF that is truly the case.
the war president gee dubya is so bad,why not meet putin some where and sock it out.
the corporations wont cheap labor, the american people need to work ,insurance is killing the employers,income taxes are plus sky high insurance are killing the employee.why they move over seas ,to get 5$ a day workers plus no insurance for them.nasa has spent over 6 trillion dollars on a bag of moon rocks,plus the trillions of dollars we have spent on israel,that is not the problem SHEEPLE THE PROBLEM IS EVERY TOWN WITH A COUPLE THOUSAND PEOPLE HAS TEN OR MORE CHURCHES. THE CHURCHES OWNS MORE THAN THE GOVERMENT YET PAYS NOOOO TAXES.in other words everyone ellected looks out for the intrest of their host.or should i say prey.so if you vote in a lawyer whom will benefit,or say dr.or say actor or oil man or the ceo of a company.DID JESUS PAY TAXES? YES HE SURE DID -RENDER THAT WHICH IS CAESARS UNTO CAESAR. FOR AS THE REPUBLICANS PARTY HE WHO OPPRESSES THE POOR DESPISES HIS MAKER.GOD LAUGHS AT THE PROUD.
WE need Ron Paul more than ever.
Restore the Bill of Rights.
Stop endless wars for Oil/Israel/bases/$$$
Stop the Orwellian Surveilance State.
Stop the looting of our treasury.
Promote REAL freedom.
Will Hillary do this?
Will Ghouliani do this?
Will Obama do this?
Will McCain do this?
Will Edwards do this?
Ron Paul 2008.
America’s BEST hope and maybe LAST!
Hey America:
Only ONE answer to this current “end of times” bullshit!
Hell yes, hundreds of thousands if not millions dead all ready, tens of thousands coming back in pieces, hundreds and hundreds of billions of $$$ syphoned out of an empty treasury, a possible draft to fight endless wars that wont’ end… the vote you cast might really save your life, or perhaps the life of another.
There’s only two word’s for it “COLLECTIVE AMNESIA” no one can be that stupid and be awake.