Oct 05 2007

Blackwater Rising

Published by cyrano2 at 11:27 pm under Iraq, War Profiteering, War Crimes, Blackwater, Mercenaries

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By Anwaar Hussain


Kālā Pānī, literally ‘Black water’ in Urdu/Hindi languages, a term for the deep sea and hence exile, was the name of a notorious cellular jail situated in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands (India). The prison was known to house many notable Indian activists during the struggle for India’s independence. In March 1868, 238 prisoners tried to escape. By April they were all caught. One committed suicide and of the remainder, British Superintendent Walker ordered 87 to be hanged.

On the U.S. mainland, the Blackwater River of Florida is a 58-mile long river arising in southern Alabama and flowing through the Florida Panhandle to the Gulf of Mexico. The river enters Florida in Okaloosa County and flows through Santa Rosa County to Blackwater Bay, an arm of Pensacola Bay. The river passes through Blackwater River State Park.

There is yet another blackwater river in North Carolina that goes by the name of White Oak River. The White Oak River is located in North Carolina’s outer coastal plain province in Carteret, Jones, and Onslow Counties.

Also in the U.S. state of North Carolina is a private military company, the Blackwater USA. It is a self-described private military company and security firm founded in 1997 by Messrs. Erik Prince and Al Clark. Blackwater operates a tactical training facility that it claims is the world’s largest. The company trains more than 40,000 people a year, from all the military services and a variety of other agencies.

Blackwater is currently the largest of the U.S. State Department’s three private security contractors deployed in Iraq. At least 90% of its revenue comes from government contracts, two-thirds of which are no-bid contracts. The cost for each Blackwater guard, a foot soldier, in Iraq is estimated to be around $445,000 per year, more than twice that of a U.S. General’s salary with 26 years of service.

On September 16, 2007, more than 20 Iraqis were shot at by Blackwater employees on an intersection in Nisoor Square, Baghdad. At least 11 were killed, including a mother and her child in an automobile. On September 23, 2007, the Iraqi government said that it expects to refer criminal charges to its courts in connection with the Blackwater shooting.

Can the Iraqi government do that? Not really. Two days before he left Iraq, L. Paul Bremer signed “Order 17” giving all Americans associated with the CPA and the American government immunity from Iraqi law. That exemption still holds.

The company markets itself as being “The most comprehensive professional military, law enforcement, security, peacekeeping, and stability operations company in the world”. In the international media, however, it has frequently been referred to as a mercenary group. The online thesaurus Encarta calls a mercenary a soldier of fortune, dog of war, soldier, legionnaire, freedom fighter, guerrilla etc. while the online Thesaurus.com calls a mercenary as acquisitive, avaricious, bribable, corrupt, covetous, grabby, grasping, miserly, money-grubbing, selfish, sordid, stingy, unethical, unprincipled, unscrupulous, venal etc.

So what are Blackwater operatives to be called, peace keepers, law enforcers or dogs of war, armed goons?

Let us decide.

Blackwater’s owner and founder is one Erik Prince. A former Navy Seal, Prince sold the idea of a “contractor brigade” at a military conference in early 2005. He said, “There’s consternation in the [Pentagon] about increasing the permanent size of the Army”. Officials “want to add 30,000 people, and they talked about costs of anywhere from $3.6 billion to $4 billion to do that. Well, by my math, that comes out to about $135,000 per soldier.” He added: “We could do it certainly cheaper.”

Prince is reported to have contributed $168,000 to the Republican National Committee since 1998, and has also supported the candidacies of conservatives such as President George W. Bush and Senator Tom Coburn etc. Cofer Black, the company’s current vice chairman, was the Bush administration’s top counter terrorism official when 9/11 occurred. Blackwater has become home to a significant number of former senior CIA and Pentagon officials. Robert Richer, formerly the head of the CIA’s Near East Division, became the firm’s Vice President of Intelligence immediately after he resigned his position as Associate Deputy Director of Operations in fall 2005.

Earlier this year, Erik Prince appeared before the House oversight committee. His demeanor suggested as though he were a general of US forces deserving rightful deference from run of the mill civilians. Prince simply dismissed any allegations of wrongdoing about Blackwater’s bloody trail in Iraq: “I believe we acted appropriately at all times.” His royal disdain for his congressional questioners was barely concealed. “If there’s two questions left,” he said, “I’ll take them and then let’s be done.”

Blackwater USA was formed in 1997 to provide training support to military and law enforcement organizations. In 2002 Blackwater Security Consulting (BSC) was formed. Blackwater has reportedly received no-bid government contracts of over one billion dollars so far.

In 2003, Blackwater attained its first high-profile contract: guarding the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority, Administrator L. Paul Bremer in Iraq, at the cost of $21 million for 11 months. Since June 2004, Blackwater has been paid more than $320 million out of a $1 billion, five-year State Department budget for the Worldwide Personal Protective Service, which protects U.S. officials and some foreign officials in conflict zones.

In 2006, Blackwater won the remunerative contract to protect the U.S. embassy in Iraq, which is the largest American embassy in the world. It is estimated by the Pentagon and company representatives that there are 20,000 to 30,000 armed security contractors working in Iraq, and some estimates are as much as 100,000, though no official figures exist.

For work in Iraq, Blackwater has drawn contractors from their international pool of professionals, a database containing “21,000 former Special Forces operatives, soldiers, and retired law enforcement agents,” overall. For instance, Gary Jackson, the firm’s president, has confirmed that Bosnians, Filipinos, and Chileans, “have been hired for tasks ranging from airport security to protecting Paul Bremer, the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority.”

According to The Age, Blackwater has been hiring mercenaries in Chile to replace its soldiers on security duty in Iraq many of whom had trained under the military government of Augusto Pinochet, the Chilean monster. “We scour the ends of the earth to find professionals” the president of Blackwater USA, Gary Jackson, said. Squads of Bosnians, Filipinos and Americans with Special Forces experience have been hired for various tasks. Their salaries can be as high as US $1000 a day, the news agency AFP recently reported. Erwin, a 28-year-old former US army sergeant working in Iraq, told AFP: “This place is a goldmine. All you need is five years in the military and you come here and make a good bundle.”

On Christmas Eve, 2006, a security guard of the Iraqi Vice-president, Adel Abdul Mahdi, was killed by one Andrew J. Moonen, a drunken Blackwater mercenary. Moonen left Iraq days after the killing, returning home to Seattle, Washington in the United States, where the United States Attorneys are investigating currently. The United States State Department and Blackwater USA had attempted to keep his identity secret.

In late May 2007, Blackwater contractors, “opened fire on the streets of Baghdad twice in two days… and one of the incidents provoked a standoff between the security contractors and Iraqi Interior Ministry commandos, U.S. and Iraqi officials said.” And on May 30, 2007, Blackwater employees shot an Iraqi civilian deemed to have been “driving too close” to a State Department convoy being escorted by Blackwater contractors.

On the whole, between 2005 and September 2007 Blackwater security staff was involved in 195 shooting incidents, in 163 of those cases Blackwater personnel fired first. 25 members of staff have been sacked for violations of Blackwaters drug and alcohol policy and 28 more for weapons related incidents.

Iraqi blood is cheap. That goes without saying. Rivers of it can be spilled. Americans are killing Iraqis, Iraqis are killing Iraqis. The mayhem goes on with no end in sight. But have the Americans imagined what would happen when the chickens finally come home to roost. Consider the Blackwater goon squad shooting at citizens of Washington DC who might accidentally get “too close” to a presidential motorcade. It may be recalled that Blackwater USA was deployed at New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The residents there were told by gun-toting guys dressed like Ninjas wearing “Blackwater” badges: “Try to go into your homes and we’ll arrest you.”

So what are these Blackwater operatives after all? Peace keepers, law enforcers or dogs of war, armed goons? Or are they the new Stasi?

Or have they, with the largest private military base in the world, a fleet of 20 aircraft and 20,000 gun-slinging soldiers at the ready, become the elite, rapidly deployable, avant-garde Praetorian Guard available to the highest bidder at the forefront of the global ‘war on terror’?

Any one?

Copyrights : Anwaar Hussain

Acknowledgement : Other than the embedded links, the article draws heavily upon various wikipedia sources.

38 Responses to “Blackwater Rising”

  1. marybon 06 Oct 2007 at 8:46 am

    Blackwater? More like Black Heart.

  2. Michael Hannonon 06 Oct 2007 at 11:48 am

    They’re ‘mercs. Hired guns. I knew guys in my combat unit in ‘Nam who got trigger happy
    and wanted to keep fighting after they left the military. They got hooked on the rush of arrogant aggression. Lotsa money, big adventure, elite “professional” status to keep that rush going. Problem was they were trigger happy and often didn’t look at other people like human beings, but objects. This is not a good sign that such businesses are now flourishing in the US. I saw Prince before Congress. This guy is as much an authentic Christian as a child molesting Priest. There is a sin called pride, and this guy is way beyond that - he is arrogant and is openly fostering a life of violence with high pay attached. Christian killers? Sure. And I’m the Pope. The religiously justified excuses some people today can come up with today for their incredible behavior are absolutely mind boggling. And they really believe God is sending them on these missions. That used to be called crazy - if a person believed that God made him do such things, they required serious psychoanalysis and medication. Whatever happened to that?

  3. RWon 06 Oct 2007 at 12:04 pm

    Very informative. Thanks for the info. Forewarned is forearmed, at least psychologically. These people (Blackwater) were unleashed on the citizens of New Orleans who were defenseless. The citizens who were armed were immediately disarmed at gunpoint. There was no accountability. I think we can only expect more of the same in the future. Can you imagine armed goons kicking in your door who don’t speak English? They will just have their way with you.

  4. davidon 06 Oct 2007 at 1:09 pm

    their god is behind them 100% , his name is Satan
    these killers should all be put down ,they are not humans ,as we know they do not view others as humans, they enjoy the killing of Iraqis, it is sport for them.
    But is everyday Americans are to blame ,for allowing this without protest.
    the so called Evangelical leaders like hagee ,who say they are christians but from the pulpit scream war, war and more war.
    this is the problem today, no one cares they are burried in their video games , everyday lives ,they are like zombies. What happened to marches on washington like in the 60’s ,why have the people forsaken their country.
    Zombie nation, America the retarded.
    If America can’t get the job done to prevent ww3 I assure you the world will put America down.Perhaps this is how the constitution is meant to die,a lost ww3.
    Don’t let them do this to you Americans you are better than this.

  5. Roxan Tiscarenoon 06 Oct 2007 at 1:37 pm

    Maybe I’m not marching in the streets (due to MCS illness), but I’m constantly writing/peticianing these elitists scumbag politicians about not only this but: stopping outsourcing, the H1B etc visas, stopping the illegal alien invasion, stopping this Iraqi war, freeing Ramos/Campeon (the border guards for doing THEIR Jobs) and allowing the twice-pardoned illegal alien drug runner Davila to cavort around free and to go after Johnny Sutton who allowed this situation.

    I’m also trying to gain help/recognition for this stupid MCS (multiple chemical sensivity), but I found out that was a “Politically Incorrect” illness and treated just like Gulf War Syndrome, Agent Orange and even like the people affected by the toxins from 9/11.

    Oh, I’m also writing to try warn people about this illegal alien invasion with their plans of: AZTLAN/ANAHUAC/merger of Swest to Mexico AND to stop the NAU (NORTH AMERICAN UNION)—the plans of the CFR (Council of Foreign Relations) who many politicians belong to as well as the TRILATERAL COMMISSION to merge the countries of: Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.

    There is so much going on, it’s ridiculous/insane. I’m feeling quite overwhelmed and all this is just about impossible to keep up with, but even if I’m only an “armchair activitist” due to illness and Chronic Fatigue, but I’m trying.

    I also feel that with all this going on, we aren’t going to go unpunished. From what I’ve been reading, the German people paid a very heavy price because of both world wars and I think we aren’t going to be excempt from this either.

    Hey, we’re already the biggest debtor nation in the world. China seems to be holding our massive deficit. All it takes is for China to pull the rug out from underneath us (with our dependence on China/our MASSIVE DEFICITS) and Presto, we’ll probably wind up exactly like those poor people of Zimbabwe (walking down the empty aisles in their grocery stores).

  6. johnon 06 Oct 2007 at 2:14 pm

    What happens when the war is over? Where will these killers get there pay checks from. Will they be manning the concentration camps in the USA? Will they rape, kill and disable Americans like they do to innocent people in Iraq? This organization is straight out of hell

  7. Earthmanon 06 Oct 2007 at 2:28 pm

    Certain Americans fighting WWII from posh retreats fell in love with the pomp and pagentry the NAZI’s paraded. They, like the NAZI’s, fell in love with the ancient notion of having the power to smash, kill, and control, with impunity, the rest of humanity they regarded only as “human resources.” Human resources they could capture, trade, use up, and discard at will.

    Slowly but surely these wannabe despots grafted the NAZI system into the American body politik. Now the American state more resembles the Frankenstein Monster than the image of Benjamin Franklin.

    Janet Reno, John Ashcroft, and Alberto Gonzales, with the complicity of the subordinate judges and lawyers of the United States, managed to give the illusion they had the power to shred the constitution, under the banner of national security, and simply make things up for the benefit of, and to fit the psychotic agendas of, whichever president they were serving.

    The 535 cowardly and incompetent members of congress stay on their knees with their lips firmly attached to the a–’s of the true “bosses” running the current horror show.

    The Blackwater thugs are mere symptoms of a far larger mental and ethical collapse of our once great nation.

    We must restore America as a nation of laws, not of psychotics ruling over cowards.

  8. Stephen Krizon 06 Oct 2007 at 2:39 pm

    The fact that the United States is the only country that employs hired killers who slaughter innocent civilians and children, tells you how wrong we have gone and how deeply fascism has taken root in what used to be the greatest democracy on the face of the earth.

  9. Gregory J. Pattonon 06 Oct 2007 at 2:41 pm

    The question that is missed here is not whether these mercenaries should be brought under the rule of law but whether they should be allowed to exist at all. They are a clear threat to the existence of the Republic! We’ve given this administration all the tools of dictatorship plus a private army with no allegience to anything save for profit; can we then claim surprise when they use these tools? My fellow Americans, turn-off fucking American Idol, NASCAR, and WWF; your country has been stolen from you while you slept the deep sleep of the willfully ignorant and the self-righteous fool! God help us! I fear for our future and I despise all who’ve enabled these fascists.

  10. Earthmanon 06 Oct 2007 at 2:54 pm

    Pogo was right: “I has seen the enemy, and he is us!” (Or something like that)

    “We can’t be the land of the free unless we’re the home of the brave!” Yes, I said that, but anyone can quote me.

  11. onewaratatimeon 06 Oct 2007 at 4:41 pm

    Michael Hanson is so absolutely right about Erik Prince, more than that: he’s right while being extremely lucid. (many people can’t communicate the truth clearly, sadly..)

    But as they say, when it quacks like a duck…twaddles like a duck and swims like a duck…well it’s probably a duck!

    Blackwater’s founder Erik Prince has impeccable credentials for a Class A moral incompetent, a prominent example of The Filth that is killing us all. Consider the (by now) almost classical signs:

    • The Ken & Barbie cleancut boy scout looks;

    • Early training in a macho/chauvinist military unit, SEALS, that means bragging rights for imbeciles;

    • “Captain of industry” (Blackwater and many other ventures) and a relative of grifter entrepreneur and Republican operative Dick DeVos, of AMWAY scam fame (see below);

    • Smug arrogance;

    • Total betrayal in practice—despite lip service—of a high ethic (in this case the true morals and example of Christ);

    • FAMILY ties: Prince’s father founded the Family Research Council with Gary Bauer.[7] Prince is the brother of Betsy DeVos, a former chairman of the Michigan Republican Party and wife of former Alticor (Amway) president and Gubernatorial candidate Dick DeVos[6], son of Richard DeVos, Sr. (listed by Forbes in 2007 as one of the world’s richest men, with a net worth of $2.4 billion).[8]

    • Typical “breeder” —six kids to date (official), and the tally may increase before this guy sees the error in thinking that you can procreate at will because you can afford to…and the environment be damned…a posture shared by other millionaires, including the misrevered Bobby Kennedy.

    • Religious type, funder of Christian Right cancers, and heavy contributor to the GOP and the Bush crime family.

    I could go on, of course, but you get the point. Beware of these “cleancut” guys. Most of them are far from pretty on the inside…It’s time for America to grow up and shed its fairytale infantile notions that beauty or “good looks” equal goodness. Most often, it’s Quasimodo who represents the values to follow.

  12. Iraq Vet 99on 06 Oct 2007 at 4:59 pm

    These slimeballs pulled a gun on me twice when I was in Iraq, for the high-crime of asking them to pick up their liquor bottles and throw them out of our working area. They drank when off-duty, and many were liquored up on duty.

    I know of cases where Blackwater intentionally killed children using sniper rifles, to provoke a counter attack. Firefighters need fires, cops need crime, and Blackwater needs local rage to stay in business.

  13. Iraq Vet 99on 06 Oct 2007 at 5:01 pm

    Maybe it is time for regime change in America. Not one NeoCon is a combat vet, and only one in ten ever served their country. Half are dual US/Israel citizens, and Israeli organizations have received 80% of all Homeland Security contracts, including guarding US nuclear installations.

    Something is wrong.

  14. RLEEon 06 Oct 2007 at 5:14 pm

    What is the difference between Al-Quida and Blackwater? They are or were both funded by the Pentagon & the CIA. Al-Quida in Afghanistan against the Russians and now Blackwater (in many countries) against Pentagon & CIA designated terrorists-of-the-day.

    Definition of Terorism - violent or destructive acts committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands.

    Blackwater, Dynacorp, PLA, PLO, Al-Quida - will the real terrorists please stand up.

  15. onewaratatimeon 06 Oct 2007 at 5:28 pm

    For 2500 years ast least of recorded history, mercenaries have been hated and distrusted by peoples everywhere, and consistently utilized by empires to buttress their flagging “willing” troops. They’re a sign of malignancy all right, attending the terminal illness of the system that employs them. True for the Asian empires, true for ancient Greece, true for Rome, true for the British and French empires…and true For America.

  16. m813on 06 Oct 2007 at 6:09 pm

    Roxan, “Maybe I’m not marching in the streets (due to MCS illness)”, But you sure are one gifted communicator, and when the time comes to be in the street one effective, clear thinking communicator can and will keep 1,000 foot solders informed and co-ordinated AND that is one important warrior skill that smug Mr. shaved-head-rent-a -thug (a aka rent-a-whore-pussy-broke-dick-scumbag real men kill children first etc etc ) has neglected to master and which in the long run will get him killed real quick.
    Now all that body armor is very good at stopping projectiles and frag, but I bet he forgot the simple yet time tested techniques of chemistry (aka fuel oil, diesel, etc) and combustion. Again you know the stuff that “geeks and fags” study, Oh yes poor Mr. Merc …Damm he thought he had it all down, Shaved Head, Nasty Tatt, Practiced making mean faces in mirror” I almost pitty him, but then I remember the words of another solder ………….

    “Iraq Vet 99on 06 Oct 2007 at 4:59 pm

    These slimeballs pulled a gun on me twice when I was in Iraq, for the high-crime of asking them to pick up their liquor bottles and throw them out of our working area. They drank when off-duty, and many were liquored up on duty.

    I know of cases where Blackwater intentionally killed children using sniper rifles, to provoke a counter attack. Firefighters need fires, cops need crime, and Blackwater needs local rage to stay in business.”

    And countless other former military men who report similar well documented incidents, and some how my “pity” drifts toward the dead civis and ALSO to the Future Dead US forces which now have to contend with the enraged population caused by Mr. Wanna-Be who performed his Brave Deed AND HAS THE LUXURY to leave the area, outcome and Mess to the enlisted and officers of the US Forces, who DO NOT SHARE this same LUXURY of move at will.

    I thank both of you for the sacrifices you made and continue to make, How refreshing to hear a true solders like “Iraq Vet99″ and Roxan and many others tell it like it is, simple, graphic and easy to understand!!

    In closing lets not forget.

    Anwaar Hussain
    “Consider the Blackwater goon squad shooting at citizens of Washington DC who might accidentally get “too close” to a presidential motorcade. It may be recalled that Blackwater USA was deployed at New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The residents there were told by gun-toting guys dressed like Ninjas wearing “Blackwater” badges: “Try to go into your homes and we’ll arrest you.”

    So what are these Blackwater operatives after all? Peace keepers, law enforcers or dogs of war, armed goons? Or are they the new Stasi?

    Anwarr definitly has us covered in strategic thinking and planning covered

    Will it be easy .. No Way… will shitwater give as good as it gets.. I have no doubt they will ..can they be defeated well look at present conditions and trends in Iraq and judge for your self and also remember to avoid as best you can any fantasy as to the rigors and hardship needed, nor engage in any fantasy about it being easy to take anothers life, even a piece of shit like tough-guy-shaved-head.. once he starts crying and begging it will appeal to your to mercy same as any other helpless human Make no mistake engage in No Fantasies about the cost and then maybee just maybee we will prevail

  17. m813on 06 Oct 2007 at 7:21 pm

    John, One possibele answer to your question (”What happens when the war is over? Where will these killers get there pay checks from”) might unfold as follws: Real Jobs at Real Wages continue to decline, While whore congress grants audience and h51 visa year after year to fat-pigs Mike Dell and Bill Gaates who claim they just cannot find Americans who are interested nor skilled in computer science (perhaps Mike and Bill did not hear of the internet where 16 year old boys are cracking passwords, down loding porn for free, devising and distributing little didgital gifts that keep giving I believe thier called viruses?)

    Any way to continue with a supposed scenario: Last weekworkers at xyz horse shit software voted to form a union of professional software engineers. Today tragedy struck as several of the striking workers became violent and started to open fire on other innocent workers who chose not to participate in the strike nor join the union.

    According to Mr Broke Dick of Blackwater Security forces, the security firm hired by xyz to insure all workers rights to work and the right to organize are protected, described the tragedy as Follows:

    “It was terrible, it appears that once the very vocal but very small minority of striking workers realized that the majority of thier fellow workers were crossing the line, the mood became very ugly.

    Eight to Ten of the strikers produced hand guns and a sawed of shotgun and methodically starting firing at the fellow workers as they attempted to peacfully exercise thier right to work (foor slave wages).

    We had no choice, and I sincerely regret and repeat we had no choice but to swiftly ayet forcibly stop this massacre”

    There is no magic solution in a situation like this, and the 102 dead workers and counting………

  18. Hells Comingon 06 Oct 2007 at 10:50 pm

    The existence of Black Water and their goon platoons is one very good reason and argument to fight viciously for your right to keep and bear arms. Do not fall for the PC crowd’s propaganda and whining about how necessary gun control is. If you are disarmed you can not defend yourself or family. You will be at the mercy of criminals and murderers and that can be translated into as good as dead.

  19. Willy Whittenon 07 Oct 2007 at 12:24 am

    A history; Remember the Hessians, the German mericinaries of the Revolutionary war?
    Mayer Amshel, was a local goldsmith and financial advisor for Count Hessan, the overlord of the mercinary army. Amshel advised him in his monitary schemes that helped Hessan became fabulously wealthy. It was this count who when petitioned by Amshel, granted the goldsmith a title for coats of arms. It was then that Mayer changed his name to the red shield: Rothschild.
    Of course Rothschild eventually took Hassen to the cleaners by his adept practice of usury. Everyone has heard the name Rothschild, few realize the power he wields over the world today. The black hearted Blackwater is drawn to this template. They have arisen in the USA today, partly in payback for the audacity of the American people to declare themselves free from the madness of the European system of usury. In 1913 Rothschild agents swindled back the country they had lost in war, with the Federal Reserve Act. After driving the US into debt slavery for close to a hundred years, it is time now to bring back the Hessians to finish the job.
    Iraq is the training fileds for Blackwater. America has been the real target all along.
    It is very late in the game…but take cheer in the fact that we kicked their ass once before, and we can do it again. Just takes a little spirit, that’s all.

  20. Quantum Disruptoron 07 Oct 2007 at 12:33 am

    I’m gonna go out on a limb here, and if alot of BlackWater Dirty Harry wannabee’s could put down their JAKKS Pacific game contollers… the probablity that America is gonna lose in Iraq and end up kicked out of the Mid-East all togther, nevermind end up standing trial for crimes against man/women/ the unborn, it seems has been surpassed. Althought the French still carry it , it’s not that other nations behave any less savage or more holy in self-worship. America in all it’s mass murder and rape and legal torture , still does.

    But, if America still thinks it can PR itself past the surrounding grave sites and believe it can come off as the “good’uns”? Well, I gotta tell ya, your balls aren’t as huge as an elephants for no reason. The sands of time are clogging up more than your gear. It’s pretty simple, really . Your balls have switched with your brains.
    America knows how to bullshit it’s own mind into a fight, the hard part is telling those who are still counting the day’s that Iraq is BlackWater’s new home. And it’s no secret you don’t ever plan on leaving. Dicky C’s old boss (Halliburton) is now moving in south of Iraq and setting up shop at the United Arab Emirates. (to keep a closer eye on their firedrake)

    If by God or man, America is forced to leave. NO DOUBT, the firelike mushrooming brilliance you would create would be the envy of any suicide bomber. According to the PNAC bible, it is indeed an all or nothing mission. If the Al-Qaeda (CIA) you created, not too long ago, can still come in handy! More power to your overlords. Sounds confusing, doesn’t it? The very essence of it’s ghost seems to follow you like a shadow. And yet somehow without it you cannot come up with a firm and believable excuse to “stay the course”, eh George? The principles underlying conduct , even in well scripted strikes , the evil practice of bloodletting in Iraq has long past reached it’s limits. The world can no longer turn a blind eye to the place once known as the Garden of Eden. America doesn’t listen to the UN, or anyone. Your specially designed sovereign snake~like mercenary armies, heed no law. Has the loving, caring, (Don’t tread on me) shining white lying snake returned?

    Your own lawlessness will also be your judge. Your own coup de etat, justice from within.

  21. Janeton 07 Oct 2007 at 12:41 am

    No kidding. When Michael Moores movie “Columbine” came out, he described how most Canucks used to never even bother to lock their doors. In the following months, right after this movie came out, there was a 75% increase of home invasions in Canada.

  22. Williamon 07 Oct 2007 at 5:37 am

    I hate to break it to you all, but the point and bottom line is ELECTION FRAUD people!

    Criminals like Clueless George, and Goon squads are what you get when legitimate government is derailed by ELECTION FRAUD!

    Spineless legislatures, and corrupt incompetent police commissioners are what you get ELECTION FRAUD!

    Murdered children, and worse is what you get from ELECTION FRAUD!

    Take the election process back, and the vermin retreat to the dark festering corners they came from!


  23. Animadvertoon 07 Oct 2007 at 8:51 am

    The Praetorian Guard coming to a town near you. Hail Cesar - GWB! All for the “glory” of Rome! What angers me most is that this “filth” is being funded by our tax dollars and we seem to be powerless to do anything about it. Will this come down to an all out war within our own country? Probably so; talk is cheap. Nothing against the blogger here; but most of the people in this country walk in a blind stupor of ignorance. And, no action will take place until it “hits the fan”. By that time, however, it may be to late. I guess we will find out soon enough, for it is going to “hit the fan”.

  24. John Zon 07 Oct 2007 at 12:06 pm

    I also saw some of the “Evil prince’s” remarks. Made me so damn mad and yet sick to my stomach.
    This is what we have become: A nation of lazy, stupid citizens who care nothing except for their own entertainment, have allowed an arrogant and deranged group of nazis to infiltrate the government, to create “false Flag ” events in order to rescind our Constitution. Along the way, we now have endless war, for profit and empire and with a praetorian guard created to be the army of the elite which will eventually turn on us.
    We are in very real danger!
    Prince is by all accounts nothing more than a charlatan and opportunist. His phony christianity is as about as real as a disney cartoon. This person is a danger to all of us.
    Black Water is coming. Are you armed? If not, then you should be. I plan to do so.
    When Benjamin Franklin said” Those who would give up liberty for safety, will have neither and deserve none”, turned into prophecey.
    Living in Michigan, I know about this bunch in Grand Rapids and Holland. The DeVos family and the Prince family all believe they are the lords of the manor. It tickled me to no end when Rich deVos lost to Granholm after spending $40 million of the family’s fortune( over1Billion) in doing so.
    Scamway believes it can do no wrong, even when it tried to defraud the Canadian government of import duties.
    I hope we can overcome this situation, yet I remain doubtful as most Amerikans remain ignorant and shackled to their TV set watching Amerikan Idol, NASCAR, etc.
    Is it too late? I hope it is not.

  25. Henry Hnyellaron 07 Oct 2007 at 2:56 pm

    War mind control politicians trilateral mercenaries domination food poisoning television slaves north american union hemp evil nazi radiation cell phone Bush Clinton election fraud CIA killers cowards blah blah blah.

    You idiots are blinded by your own stupidity and hatred. Every stone you hurl at Blackwater and the rest of the so called evil in the world should be hurled at you for you are just as bad as them. Get a clue.

  26. onewaratatimeon 07 Oct 2007 at 4:54 pm

    We may not be exemplary folks, Henry Hnyellar, but we are not yet warmongerers and warlovers…like the cabals that have usurped power in America, or the deranged prostitutes headed by The Prince of Filth. About time YOU got a clue and did something about that serious verborrhea problem…

  27. honoriouson 07 Oct 2007 at 6:47 pm

    these guys are heroes and patriots. while the communist scum who hate america and frequent this site are sitting at home the brave heroes of blackwater are abroad taking the fight to america’s enemies. of course if you believe foreign media propaganda then these guys just go around shooting “innocent” civilians, but of course we all know this is not the case at all. shit happens in war, which is something all you marxist losers out there would realize if you ever spent a day in uniform. you are pathetic and you deserve to be hanged as the traitors you are. god bless america!

  28. honoriouson 07 Oct 2007 at 6:49 pm

    the iraqis are uncivilized savages who have squandered the chance to build a decent country that we have paid for in blood.

  29. onewaratatimeon 07 Oct 2007 at 7:17 pm

    Hey (dis)honorious:

    The Iraqis DID NOT invite us to launch a despicable unprovoked war and invasion on them. So spare me the guilt about the utterly deranged notion ” that they “owe us something for our noble act…pf coming at gunpoint to rob them of their oil, and who have screwed the chance to build a decent society (on our terms)…and the rest of your rabid badly misinformed rightwing rant. Yeah, so what if the Arabs are lousy at running a society? Do we have a better one now with all these hypocritical zionist crooks running wild all over the body politic like maggots?

    You are the traitors to everything this country SAYS it stands for. As for spending “a day” in uniform, I spent 27 years in the military, retiring with Lt. Col rank, more than enough to let me assess with clarity what “civilians” and the “military” are all about or should be in a democracy. Fascistic, utterly brainwashed scum like you this nation certainly doesn’t need. I’ve seen enough war in my lifetime to be utterly sick of it, and thoroughly subscribe to what Smedley Butler and Sherman said about the profession, and war in general. (Check it out if your brainpower allows you to google a simple topic!). My people, my family to be precise, with roots in West Georgia and since 1837, Kentucky, have shipped out and proudly put on the uniform of this country for 9 generations. There hasn’t been a single instance of this country “needing a little dying” that at least one of us was not somewhere in the line of fire. We have earned the right to criticize this government’s slide to authoritarianism.

    This nation was built on the notion of a citizen’s army. Not a nation of Hitlerite morons marching in lockstep, with the “my country right or wrong” idea as their mantra.

    Education doesn’t kill, man, try it a bit, it might actualy liberate you. And using hyour mind won’t hurt you, either, unless you use it among a mob of idiots.

  30. Wolfgangon 08 Oct 2007 at 7:21 am

    here is a great idea…turn the blackwater merc’s loose on our jew controlled government… and shit who really give’s a shit .. these people are doing what they do best… killing motherfucker’s … and you know something asshole’s … people have been killing other people for a long time and it is something you had better get used to.. war and taxes… shithead’s

  31. Frankon 08 Oct 2007 at 8:13 am

    In the bible; beware of wolfs in sheep’s clothing…………

  32. Williamon 08 Oct 2007 at 9:06 am


    I could not have put it better myself.

    One side of my family literally goes back to the Mayflower, and both sides have defended this country from the moment they set foot here. I was in the Navy Electrinic Warfare program (ASMD), my dad came back from Korea with the Thousand Yard Stare, my cousin flew A-7’s, and F-16’s, my uncle nearly died at Ansio, Italy and was saved by his best friend who did die there…

    We, the real Americans who did what we had to do to protect our country from those who would make us slaves have been taught, and have taught our children far better than the two bit fascists who think thay run this country suspect.

  33. Quantum Disruptoron 08 Oct 2007 at 4:01 pm

    Hey, I was in the finger painters club when I was a kid. That puts me in the same level as President of a country who’s self-worshipping dolts wouldn’t know how to stop a backwards running lion, as it’s teeth weren’t visible.

    “..we the REAL American’s who did what we had to do to protect our country..”
    - Damn we’re good. Pat, pat, pat.

    Throughout our history, Canadian citizen’s have had to fight off numerous Napoleonic-like American invasions, (#7 is probably ’round the bend, even though your trying to sneak in the back door this time around, we still see you), and from the start of it all , our Canadian ancestors have recorded what they heard and witnessed for themselves, just how how your freedom loving MayFlower people set the standard by which you still live by today. First, you killed-off the native Indians food supplies and poisoned their water tables. And when that didn’t work fast enough, you handed their mothers and children and grandmothers disease ridden blankets. ( Let’s not forget, America is still the number one manufacturer of bio/chem weapons in the world / including weapons ..that guy was right It is a “racket” )

    Patheticly simple minded American’s have been programmed that everything it does is for a noble and worthy cause. So in despite of the facts, you continue to kill enmasse Iraqi citizens. And everything you claimed about Iraq was and will also go down in history as the greatest in-your-face lie /excuse ever told. Oil , and Setting up in Iraq as the central jumping-off point, are the reasons why you went in.

    But, there are two sides to every story.

    Most wars that America has gotten it’s head kicked in and then sent home with it’s hands holding it’s pee-pee’s for dear life, happend simply because of karma. Show me in the entire history of America , any country that has tried to invade her? Your not worth it. What the hell do you have that is worth risking land and people for? Freedom!? To do what? Divorce and ass fuck yourselves into another level of paradise? No thanks. 911, (PNAC=”New Pearl Harbor” ,phew), as has been proven by Saudi agents , the demolishing of building 7 alone is solid enough proof that the triggering came from the inside. Indeed.

    Well, even Jesus can’t keep America from killing itself if it continues to turn the other cheek the wrong way, as it just way too hard to compete with the massive golden idol of “America ,can do no wrong” that you self-worship.

    Yup, the only thing American has going for it now is fear. Fear mostly for others of a highly unstable and nutty screaming for revenge and blood America with your “nuklar” bombs ready to be dropped on the masses. Some countries are even afraid to breath as it might make you verry, verry ayngwee. And because the targets of your “theater wars” won’t simply swallow their pride and hand over their country to another US installed puppet so it’s regime can relinqiush their lives and hand it’s resources over to US interests so they can divvy up the swag , your neo-con media is jam’n into overdrive.

    We Canadians know what our “true friends” Government to the South have in store for us. No doubt there. After all, we live right next to you fake-fuck’n-pricks. (You’ve already skipped out on billions of dollars owed to us for lumber , dry goods and various other shipments we delivered. A simple promise from you that you will make up for it in the future is as about as good as your word. ZERO)

    America is nobody’s friend. It never was and never will be. Like most nations, the war whore craves power. Not justice. If you did, American flags would be hanging in every household everywhere on this world.

    I have a toilet with the American flag painted inside and a music box that plays “Let the Eagles Soar” whenever it flushes. A buddy of mine wants me to patent the idea and even suggested I make one with a snake (More piss on me) painted inside the bowl.
    I know it’s childish, but one has to think on the same level of the annoying American authority.

  34. Wolfgangon 09 Oct 2007 at 8:49 pm

    el presidente jorge boosh and his neocon jew handler’s are all fucked and should rot in hell if such a place exist…. amerika what have you become….

  35. Resist_The_Orderon 10 Oct 2007 at 12:35 am

    “Blackwater” the American version of the “SS” sadistic men with sadistic leaders, hand them a firearm and they become the “SS deaths head units” it’s an exact comparison.

  36. Wolfgangon 10 Oct 2007 at 4:11 am

    SS death squad’s and a rouge global gov, how do we resist, they have all the gotdam money and the bigger gun’s?Where do we start how do we make a difference…?

  37. Wolfgangon 10 Oct 2007 at 4:16 am

    In an age of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act…..
    George Orwell 1984

    how do we stop the north amerikan union… how do we stop these never ending war’s that make rich men richer and poor men poorer ….. what universal madness has taken hold of the human species….

  38. Wolfgangon 10 Oct 2007 at 4:39 am

    Freedom starts with freeing your own mind

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