Sep 30 2007
The Ideological Struggle of the Twenty-first Century
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By Peter Chamberlin
“To oppose the policies of a government does not mean you are against the country or the people that the government supposedly represents. Such opposition should be called what it really is: democracy, or democratic dissent, or having a critical perspective about what your leaders are doing. Either we have the right to democratic dissent and criticism of these policies or we all lie down and let the leader, the Fuhrer, do what is best, while we follow uncritically, and obey whatever he commands. That’s just what the Germans did with Hitler, and look where it got them.”
—Michael Parenti, author
All of us who read these pages, on this side of the Internet, are stuck on the same unanswerable question: How can we stop this new war against Iran, before the “decider” pulls the trigger? The closest that anyone can come to an answer is expressed in the idea of rousing the American majority to take democratic action to oppose this rapidly approaching heinous act of pure evil. This leads to the question of “how?” Because Americans have been raised in a controlled illusory environment (which has been fabricated by decades of corporate/government brainwashing), like rats in cages, and because of the very effective “filtering” system on all public communications systems, it is practically impossible for the “Paul Reveres” of the Internet to awaken the town.
We look at the challenge before us and are overwhelmed at the utter impossibility of it all – how can we stop the things that are about to be, and save those things that are about to be no more? Is it America’s destiny to become the new “Reich?” Doesn’t our greatly revered Constitution acknowledge our God-given rights to oppose dictatorship if it raises its head in our government, and even to abolish and change government that becomes abusive of these rights and the rights of innocent others? Yes, we have all these rights and more. (Most of the powers that belong “to the People” are yet to be defined [10th Amendment, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved for the States respectively, or to the people.”], but that too has to change.) What we do not have is freedom of expression in this country for anyone who opposes the criminal actions by our government, or by those corporate elites who sit in the real seats of power, over them.
To activate the majority of the American people, or at least a large minority, it may only be necessary to give them the rest of the story about the real world (that we read about in our cyber-world everyday). Maybe all it would take is a little peek, done in a way that is beyond the control of the networks of the “corporocrats” to twist and spin it afterwards.
While some of us work to devise the means to make our little “pirate broadcast” others must concentrate on crafting a short message, that will lead open minds to the same conclusions that most of us have already made about the coming new war. The consensus seems to concur that this war is imminent, either by design, or accidentally through bluster and brinkmanship. We know that this new war will change all things, shattering the illusory world that we think we now know. We have to lodge an all-encompassing grain of truth into the distracted eye of the American sheeple.
The great problem for us is that we have to deal with those who only deal in disinformation. The real ideological struggle is here, within America, between Americans, not between us and all the Muslims in the Middle East. We have to fight a war of ideas to take back that which has been stolen from us. We the People must be the ones to set the foreign policy of this country, not a bunch of “dual loyalty” agents who are loyal to a duplicitous foreign government. The Neocon conspiracy (many of whom have dual American/Israeli citizenship) has bound America’s fate to Israel’s fate, and placed in Israel’s hands the trigger to be used to fire the first shot. To stop this war before the bombs begin to fall, we must take our trigger out of Israel’s hands and bring to justice the lying traitors who have placed our fate into the hands of a hostile foreign power.
Our task remains, to focus the argument against the war upon those who are working so hard to start it. If we can prove that because of Israel and the Neocon traitors, we are about to launch a “blitzkrieg” upon Iran, then we can also prove that the Iraq war can be linked to them as well. If not for the Neocon plot this war would not have happened. Since the Neocon motives and the Zionist motives cannot be separated, implicating one surely implicates the other. It is time for our own counter-offensive to get underway, unleashing our own “blowback” (backlash) that the enemies of America never even dreamed would happen. It is time for every American with at least “half-a-brain” to fight the defining “great ideological struggle of the twenty-first century,” just like Bush said we would.
We have to dig out and discredit the neo-conmen who still have their hands on the government machinery and those neo propagandists who puke out the lies for the new war. They all have to go. It is time that we stopped laying-down before the neoconservative intellectual plot. The Neocon cabal that fronts for the Zionist cause here is a subversive, highly un-American force. They are dangerous to us and to the world. The most important thing in the world, right now, is that we unseat them from their positions of power in government, academia and the media, where they have subordinated the legitimate foreign policy of the United States to their own pro-Israeli foreign policy.
To those of us who are now determined to stop the cabal from launching a war against Iran, it should be obvious why we must concentrate all our efforts on the only two forces that are pushing us towards this new war – the Israelis and their lobby, and the Zionist/ Neocon ideologues. There is nobody else who really wants this disastrous new war, except for the anti-Iranian Sunni terrorist groups like Mujahadeen e-Khalq (MEK), who have served as the Israeli Mossad’s only source of evidence on Iran’s nuclear intentions. Two recent mysterious incidents (involving 6 “misplaced” American nuclear cruise missiles and the Israeli air strike on Syria) should be seen as elements of the Zionist/Neocon plot to manipulate America into another war on Israel’s behalf.
Debate on Iraq is distracting us from our urgent task. The pro-Israeli propagandists have their hands full with their PR campaigns in America to create this war and to defend their lobby. Instead of approaching the American people in a legitimate fashion, to argue for the new war, the Zionists have tried their usual divide and conquer strategy, by dividing Americans with the smokescreen they are creating over the “Israel Lobby.” By using this charade to label all criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism, they hope to paint everyone who criticizes Israel for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and their aggression against Iran, with the big red brush of anti-Semitism. This is the key to countering all of these disinformation psychological warfare operations; they always seek unity of their cause through the sowing of division.
To fight the war campaign, we fight the division. The centerpiece of the ADL campaign to slander Walt and Mearsheimer’s “Israel Lobby and American Foreign Policy” is the lie that Israel did not help to push the Iraq war upon us. The Zionist agents and “fellow travelers,” like Colin Powell’s aide Larry Wilkerson, are coming out of the woodwork to dispute this claim from the book. The truth on this matter is in the public record, just as the overwhelming proof that Israel is behind the coming nuclear attack on Iran is. We have to hit hard at proving the truth about Israeli/Neocon intentions and actions, exposing the lies they helped to supply us before the attack on Iraq and now before the coming attack on Iran, both wars fought as much for Israel as for American oil concerns.
Surely we can muster enough good American anti-Zionists to mount our own PR campaign to counter the lies with the truth about the Israel Lobby. If we defend American Jews from those who would manipulate them to support cold bloodied murder, then how can we be called “anti-Semitic?” After all, the known objective of AIPAC and the rest of the pro-Israel lobby is to manipulate Jewish Americans into activism on behalf of Israeli aggression in Palestine and elsewhere. The primary target of their disinformation campaigns here are always Jewish Americans. The Zionists manipulate unsuspecting Jews to do their bidding, usually by feeding the fires of anti-Semitism, in order to scare them back to Israel, or into speaking-out in defense of those Zionist Jews who are already there.
A successful anti-war anti-Zionist offensive would have to enable us to separate the Jewish people from their Zionist manipulators, their tormentors. Their claim to the mantle of “spokesmen” for all of Judaism is the basis of the Israeli claim of divine right in their siege of the Palestinian people. According to these ultra-orthodox Jewish sites, Jews Against Zionism and Jews Not Zionists, the Jewish people of the Diaspora have always been victimized by anti-Semites, because of Zionist agitation against hostile fascist nationalist interests. Publicity stunts engineered by groups like AIPAC here are also done with the same intention, to provoke anti-Semitic hatred, as a motivator for the targeted Jewish people.
Legitimate criticism of Israel or Zionism is deterred by harassment tactics and threats of lawsuits for “libel.” Many websites are afraid to publish anything of this nature because of the threats, or because of the power of “cronyism” to effect journalistic content. Wealthy Jewish lawyers like Alan Dershowitz provide the legal “muscle” that is needed to intimidate would be critics of Israeli actions. By making well-publicized examples of anyone who speaks-out, or by using well-known “anti-Zionist” agitators like Prof. Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky, to serve as counterfeit counter-points, a lot of the potentially effective opposition is cowed into acquiescence. You know that Finkelstein is a fake, because he has taken Walt and Mearsheimer to task for their claims about the power of the lobby to influence American policy. According to Finkelstein:
“I don’t think there’s any evidence that the is lobby was a crucial factor in the decision for the US to go to war in Iraq and I don’t think that there is evidence that US policy in the Middle East in general is shaped by the lobby… I don’t think it determined US policy in Iran, in Turkey or in Iraq. But on the Israel-Palestine conflict – the building of settlements and the colonisation of Palestine, I think it is a crucial factor.”
The recent staged event at Columbia University was an AIPAC inspired publicity event, intended to mock and debase an invited guest of the university, in a most undemocratic manner. AIPAC used this event to once again manipulate the good Jewish people of the New York area into doing the bidding of the Zionist government in Israel. The main purpose was to scare the Jews and their American Gentile supporters into supporting this new war against this “frightening/pitiful” new “Hitler” (?). Even recent high school graduates in Israel know the real power of their lobby, to manipulate American Jews and thereby affect the policies of the American people. Why is it that common knowledge in Israel is slammed as “anti-Semitism” when spoken by Americans?
Another recent publicity event at the University of California, Irvine, was staged by the good foot soldiers of Zionism. Here, the B’Nai B’rith and ADL (Anti Defamation League) were using a Jewish student in an attempt to ban criticism of Israel or Zionism as “hate speech.” Their charges were based on deceptive quotes of famous Zionists, provided by a group called This group seems to play a central role in providing re-worked Zionist quotes, and in having “offensive” material removed from YouTube and elsewhere on the web. From their point of view, anything that shows the Zionist state in the real world must be suppressed, especially video evidence of brutal anti-Palestinian military/police actions.
Through the research that has been done by psychological and social science experts, the wealthiest of the corporate elite fully control America. According to people who count such things, 40% of all the billionaires listed on the “Forbes 400″ list are Jewish, making them targets of the Zionist manipulators. The Zionist provocateurs have been able to successfully manipulate mainstream America into accepting the ethnic cleansing policies that have historically been utilized against the Palestinian people, because of this effective stranglehold on the entertainment industry.
Israeli agents within the US government (neocons) like Sen. Lieberman are doing everything they can to compel the United States Congress to order military action against Iran (Lieberman-Kyl Amendment). Others, like Gen. Kevin Bergner, have been trying to provide evidentiary grounds for the Lieberman covert war declarations by trying to mislabel Iranian aid to fellow Shiites in Iraq with “hostile intent,” intended to kill Americans, instead of to be used primarily to defend against al Qaida attacks. They are also helping to fabricate proof of Iranian military support for Iran’s mortal enemies, the Sunni Baathists of Iraq. If the “evidence” that had been provided by General Bergner and General William Caldwell for Lieberman’s first subversive amendment were true, then why was it not also included in the second, more lethal Lieberman Amendment?
The existence of high-ranking generals within this manipulated effort to manufacture “grounds for war” and to force Congress into supporting their plot brings to mind past efforts by ranking generals (as high as the Joint Chiefs of Staff) to deceive the Congress into an unwanted illegal war - the 1962 “Operations Northwoods” false flag attempt. This was a formerly covered-up US military project proposal to undertake covert operations against Cuba, in the form of terrorist attacks, a staged remote control downing of a jet supposedly full of civilians, even going so far as to recommend sinking a US ship at Guantanamo. (Crashing remote control jets, in order to start a war – sound familiar to anyone?) According to the copy of the report, it was turned down by Sec. Defense McNamara, on orders from President Kennedy (not too long before he was murdered).
Cheney expressed a desire that Israel would start the bombing of Iran, intending to back them up, as Bush had promised. A recent Newsweek article quoted Cheney inner council acolyte David Wurmser as saying that Cheney wanted to provoke the Israelis to attack, which would provoke the Iranian retaliation that Bush had pledged to defend Israel against.
Now reconsider the two previously mentioned “mysterious events” of the last few weeks, in this light– the missing nukes headed for the Middle East and the Israeli practice run in Syria for the attack on Iran. Here we have an extremely complex scenario unfolding (made possible only because of a complicated series of improbable events) over US soil, where someone very high-up was trying to scare-up a few loose nukes (with one of the nuclear cruise missiles possibly still missing). Concurrently, Israel was running another psy-ops attack on Syria, in order to heighten the threat level and contribute to panicking the Congress into authorizing this new war. All this happens as the Lieberman war declaration is sneaking through the Senate, under the approving evil eye of Cheney and his civilian and military subordinates.
Since the two events virtually took place within the same time frame, it is reasonable to suspect a clear linkage. Both events, in light of the “Northwoods” danger, harmonize perfectly with Cheney’s sentiments as expressed by a key player from his office. It is time to tell the people about the danger. We have to make the Congress investigate Cheney and the neocons, in order to stop their new war plans and to find out exactly how far they have gone in subverting the Constitution of the United States. We have to do it now.
We have to overcome the ideological forces that suppress the real news in this country and devise ways to get word to the people, past the filter that sanitizes our communication. One commercial on “Northwoods,” then and now, with emphasis on the Israeli connection to the coming Iran war, might be a large enough dose of truth, to crack open the conspiracy known as “neoconservatism.” Meanwhile, we have to counter the organized campaign of lies that now masquerade as truth.
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Dear Sirs;
Peter Chamberlin is a friend of mine. We have been discussing this problem of the imminent attack of Iran, and what we can do to halt it. I have an hour long political talk show in the Tampa/StPete, and am beside myself with what is coming, and stumped for an answer as to what to do about it.
The only suggestion I could make was to bring about our own “October Surprise”.
What this would constitute, would be as many prominent people coming out against the Iranian invasion, as possible. Titans of industry, education, entertainment, politics, publishing, and on and on. Load the airways with their protests. Start a ground swell that cannot be thwarted. What else is there to do? Time is running out, and something has to be done now.
I am going to pass this Idea on to the few prominent people that I know, and hope it can start from there. Would you help?
If you have any guidance for me, I’m open to it.
Yours Truly;
John A Santomasso