Sep 23 2007

The Abducted

Published by cyrano2 at 9:08 am under Corporatism, Spiritual Bondage, Wage Slavery, Poetry

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By Adam Engel


Bright lights.
Screechy scratchy
space gossip:
alien tongues
like insects in debate.
Cold instruments, hard tables.
Paralyzed, mute, helpless.
Steely gadgets telescoped up my –
but back in bed by six.
Clock radio Muzak
alarm, alarm. Alarm. Alarm.

That dream again?
No, look, proof:
tiny scoop-marks on my thigh
and oh my burning bum!
to the shower
the espresso pot
the car my pod my womb
two hours traffic
may I not collapse
on the packed pavement
of my destination or
drop dead
in the cubicle unremarked
till pay day or
stink of personal decay or
impromptu staff meeting.

May I survive this day’s
home again, home again
to night’s
white light blindness
catatonic lifetimes past
probes unspeakable
alien chit-chat
unidentified fleeting objects
of deliverance.

Adam Engel is a senior contributing editor for Cyrano’s Journal Online and can be reached at:



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