Sep 19 2007
Shit fight to a non-existent “Easy Street”
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by Sylvain Lamoureux
After a while, one begins to realize that things must be narrowed down for those that can only take one or two things at a time–those who are so deeply entrenched into a system that they don’t even understand but will defend to the death.
Fear - a control mechanism used throughout history to mold and steer society in the direction that some think it has to go.
Daily the masses are subjected to images, sounds, and ideas that convey a message that they should be afraid of something or someone. I found evidence of this the other day when I was confronted by some individuals simply because I said that I was not afraid of anything. Apparently, I have to be afraid of something in order to be part of today’s society. I fear something: that the world and its inhabitants will not see clearly until it is too late.
Fear of the law and its consequences is a means by which civilized nations control their citizens. Fear of not fitting into the society that is available to you (judgment). Fear of not having enough money to purchase the items that are necessary for life. Fear of an illness that will suck those same monetary resources dry. Fear that you will lose your job unless you act in a certain way. Fear that someone will steal the material belongings that you worked hard to acquire, making yet another dent in your monetary resources. Fear of venturing too far into the unknown depths of nature. Fear that someone is lurking around every corner to mug or injure you. Fear of people that one does not know. Fear of people that think differently from the “norm”. Fear of what other people will think if your children act up in public (great for Ritalin). Fear of facing the world alone and maybe finding yourself. Fear of not finding your soul mate (great for dating agencies). Fear of not standing out in the crowd and being special (big car, big house, fame). Fear of other cultures (Muslims). Fear that someone will snatch your children. Fear that someone will kill you or your family. Fear of bacteria (how do you think an immune system develops?). Fear of terrorists. Fear of shoe bombs. Fear of shampoo and other liquids. Fear of other religions…..and on and on…..
I will now talk about the other side of the coin.
Perpetual Hope (that is largely false) - This gives the masses something virtually unattainable to look forward to. The greatest of these is America’s own “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” (which was on first draft “Life, Liberty and Land).
Happiness - an abstract concept that has no clear definition and which changes with each individual based upon perception.
Hope that you may get into a good school (if you can afford it). Hope that you too can sing or perform your way to the top (the top of what?). Hope that you too can win the lottery to make your life easier. Hope that you will find love. Hope that you are lucky. Hope that your boss likes your work. Hope that you can pay off that house and those credit cards. Hope that you stay healthy. Hope that your government is acting in your best interests. Hope that your crops will grow. Hope that the dollar is strong. Hope that you will be good parents (but good according to whom?). Hope that if you work hard, you will attain the life that you crave (does anyone realize that that life is manufactured?). Hope that you will be judged fairly (by whom again?). Hope that you will be a productive member of society. Hope that you find a good job (no matter how mind numbing it may be). Hope that you can satisfy the needs and the wants of your family.
Fear and Hope - the easiest ways to control people’s lives. First you make them believe that the things that they crave are really important and then you make them believe that they are attainable to anyone.
I hope for a positive change, a more natural and human existence for all rather than a shit fight to a non-existent “Easy Street.” I also hope for widespread clarity of thought which is the only thing that will expose the beast for what it is and thus evoke change. Don’t take my word for it. Open your eyes and look around; the signs are everywhere….
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excellent article
5 bucks…..ill fight you for it…hey wadda ya know the articles won.
makes you wonder about the true nature of the elite class, when it seems so obvious our pain, is their candy….
Good piece. May I recommend “Tao Te Ching”, writings attributed to Lao Tzu, considered the father of Taoism. It is time for the quiet revolution.
It’s not a surprise to me that dictatorships use big doses of fear to crush the people’s will to revolt against an unjust and corrupt system. Heck, it’s a perfected art in the US today, but our controllers throw us down just enough crumbs to keep us fat, dumbed down, and “happy”…, tv, and drugs. Nothing changes until the food and oil runs out.
RON PAUL IN 08……. the only candidate that will make the workings of government transparent. Please consider this man for your vote and contribution… RONPAUL2008.COM please go to youtube to watch his speeches and find what this Thomas Jefferson of our day stands for! RON PAUL IN 08!
These fearful people you write about are all around me and no matter how hard
I try, I can not convince any of them that it is all part of a ‘plan’. According to most
of them, ‘Islam is massing to wipe us out any day now’. When I ask, how those
islamic forces will get here, I am met by strange wildeyed glares. I guess Islamic
military has a way of walking on the bottom of the ocean I then state and am told
that I am un-American, a nutjob, anti-Bush, anti-US Military, anti-Christian and will
suffer in hell. Fearful people are everywhere.
Brian; I have tried very hard to talk to people about Dr. Ron Paul and am called all
the names as stated in my last comment above. People are afraid of change and
are too involved in party politics to even consider a ‘Maverick’. “RON PAUL in o 08″ is the glue that galvanizes the informed and weaker elements of society. Just ask someone to attend a politically charged meeting during the week; they’ll tell you ” Man I gotta go to work’; I have all these bills and a car note”. It is this fear of becoming part of the permanent underclasses (60% of us) and losing the little trinkets and, now a days, their personal freedom (prison). Yes, fear is the crazy glue that holds societies together.
To coin a phrase:
“Kill em all, and let God sort em out”
Little known quote to a reporter:>
“If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us from the lamp posts”
- George HW Bush -
Nuff said
Ecellent article. Sites like this should compulsory reading for schoolkids. And, as passive as I try to be, I can’t help thinking that “Eyes Wide Open” has it just about on the button.
Why do you need me to end you $5? Are you afraid that the site might not run or that you might have to do something else? Or is the money there to stave off something else you are afraid might happen?
I have observed my life becoming more frightening every day…for every missed step on the treadmill, a new problem ensues. Read the “Patriot Act”…it’s about money and protecting the banks. One thing though, “they” always overplay their hand…it’s a matter of a very short time before mass destruction is perpetrated (again) and the re-building begins. God help us.
Hey Brian go here and check out what this bitch say’s about Ron Paul mate, mind boggling.
yup/i will send you a 5 spot’i dont use of a credetcard,send to me a adress so i can mail you a ck.
Those that have not prepared themselves, or prepared for the coming shock ,will be in shock.
Americans for the most part have an illusion of we’re number 1 but have no idea what that means.
America was a revered country but the majority of Americans have no idea, what ,why, who ,where, or any clue about what the subject pertains to.
All Americans partake in the hubris and ego bloated circus that stems from it .obliviosly, they envision America as the top of the heap ,the land of the free . The rest of the world as the land of nod .
In reality they will soon awaken to a world quite different , it will be quite frightening to them. In the process the illusion of number 1 will have been shattered for all time.
What made America revered was the fact it was free ,nothing else other than that .otherwise America is no more different than anyother country.
The circus to arise from the idea fueled the credit card binges, the laissez Faire attitudes, XXX ,degradation, violence ,mass hysteria , ego bloating ,and a general
break down of society. I’m free to argue with my neighbors when i’ve had a bad day attitude.Our country will dictate how it’s going to be.
instead of what one would expect to happen which is a reverance to their forefathers and an eagerness to live productive and happy lives the masses instead adopted a f%$k you jake im free to do what I want and screw you attitude .
This went on for quite along time untill it infected everyone .Now the Govt. projects that image with full spectrum dominance .
But what was not forseen was there are real limits to freedom freedom is not a free for all. those limits have not only been reached but have been passed and in the next few weeks we shall see what happens to those that forsake the great teachings of their forefathers.
Iit will shake your windows and rattle your doors.
sometime in the next couple of weeks it will be plain that AMerica is doomed !
it has turned into a monster, no longer revered , no longer emulated, but instead despised by the land of nod.
the event about to unfold is the coming due of the bills and there is not but hollowed tills and empty pockets to pay them.
yes on every level AMerica will pay for tuning away for their forefathers teachings
what happens in your house when you cant pay the bills
America will sell off it’s hyways , lakes ,natural wonders, and parks.
America will will be stripped ,and picked to the bone.
so deep will be the picking that Americans will be left with little but the flesh on their bodies
even your pension funds will be stolen from you to pay the reaper.
those with the means to stave off personal disaster won’t have reason to be smug either they will have little to crow about .
Those who do not have a means to pay for their cradit card and personal debts will be sent off to work in Govt. run concentration camps never to be heard from again.
While Americans are crawling on all fours ,grouping for an escape from the madness, no longer will they shout screams of number 1, what will be heard are screams, and scenes of destitution, and horror.
then will the clarion be heard from the east then you will hear and see the man on the pale horse bearing down , you will know that your time is short.
But rising above the clamour of fear a voice will be heard ,not the voice of your master ,the voice of the sevant of your next master.
He will come to save you of your terrible fate, his mission to free you from your
sentence .
You will see the NAU be championed by those that swore they would not,
As the wind howls arround them, and the dream of their forefathers left in the dust.
The NAU is not to be thrusted upon you against your wishes ,it will be heralded as your savior.
it is already too late the deal is signed already , all of the t’s crossed your fate has been sealed .
from behind closed doors in secret meetings for over 2 years now they have pounded out a deal , it could not be debated by congress ,not voted on by the people.
because they are not responsible to do the right thing .
you see it is not a matter of should we do this ,nor is there time to debate should we do this ,no no we are at a time now that action must be taken ,or the country is gone.
they got the best deal possible !
Americans will get a dose of humbleness, mexican illegals will not be rounded up, because free and open borders are law soon.
there will be a Canadian Constitution that is permanent soon .which is the same as the American one, except that( unlawfull seach and seisure ,wiretapping and anytime marshal law as well as the use of the military to police the comunities which have all have been institued already ! the outlawing of automatic weapons and pistols being restricted weapons will be mandatory !
those that disobey ,react violently,protest it ,will be sent away or killed by Black water personel ,who will patrol your neighborhoods. These black water brigades will be made up mosty of foriegners who have no quam about killing you, there will be shock and awe when they storm into your towns.
and it saddens me to see that the people are oblivious to how close it is to happening ,or that even will happen.
it is not a facist plot ,nor a comunist take over, it is a settling of accounts that brings this about .
the reasons
$70+ trillion in Debts of the federal govt. unpayable
local govt debts that stagger imagination unpayable
personal debts that boggle the mind of the sane unpayable
it is the fault mainly of an Eddie bernays doctrine that was suppose to save you, but in the end it sowed your destruction.
As ACanadian I do not wich this upon you nor do I wish bad tidings
You have brought it upon yourselves you the people are to blame in the fullest
And by God will you pay
before you cast me off or what i I have written as a rant from a lunatic carefully consider what I have said here
and what your learned speakers like P C Roberts etc.. tell you about the state of affairs
the options put before your leader were plain and concise ,America fade into a dustbowl , or a merger with Canada and Mexico. No other options are left!
Do not take this lightly ,your fate depends on how you accept what is to be.
America will be tamed with the Canadian Constitution ,we will instill law and order to America, let no man be confused into thinking this will not be the case . For to do so would bring down the full weight of the yoke, being implanted on you.
I dont relish the thought of this upon the American people, I am thoroughly saddened by it, I write this from a humble perspective, but no other solution
could be found to save America from itself ,save it’s utter destruction.
David Stanley
Don’t forget our zionist ‘friends’. Only Israel benefits from these endless Middle East wars. Iraq is the beginning. As we commit war-crimes in Baghdad, the US gov’t commits treason at home by opening mail, eliminating habeas corpus, using the judiciary to steal private lands, banning books like “America Deceived” from Amazon and Wikipedia, conducting warrantless wiretaps and engaging in illegal wars on behalf of AIPAC’s ‘money-men’. Soon, another US false-flag operation will occur (sinking of an Aircraft Carrier by Mossad) and the US will invade Iran.. Then we’ll invade Syria, then Saudi Arabia, then Lebanon (again) then ….
Final link (before Google Books bends to gov’t demands and censors the title):
what a bunch of losers you people are! you are pathetic whiners who can’t hack it in the real world, so to make up for your own inadequacies you would impose your version of a marxist utopia on those of us who do succeed. sorry folks, it doesn’t work, they tried it in cuba and look at how those people live. talk about fear!
Fear . . . I live with the fear of bloggers perpetuating fear trying to get 5 bucks a month from me in order to provide me with eyes they feel I do not have, a brain I do not use, a world picture they feel I have no ability to discern, point out signs they have no more ability than me to read. This, so they can set themselves up as an oracle of truth.
I live with the fear that someone, someplace, peddling truth, will sucker and dumb down those hapless souls not bright enough to understand that the writer is not better than they.
Good article, but, of course, no solution! Now the 70% won’t be able to hack what I will have to say, but maybe some of you will…go to , read what I have to say about preparing for the coming meltdown, and do what you can to survive it. For I must say that as for “the sheep” mentioned in the article, one won’t find too many of them out here (of course, there are some, mostly yuppie types who would turn where I live into a suburb in a heartbeat, but right now they can’t…I, for on, won’t let them!). Learn to grow your own food, raise livestock (and fight NAIS!), have a non-metered water well dug, and learn to live without needing huge amounts of gasoline, and, if you can stomach it, off the grid.
I hope that I have no fear and fear that I have no hope
very wise information at your site
I retired 5 years ago at 48 bought a 117 acres place with a 7 bedromm house
I am lucky that out of the 117 acres 120 acres is wooded
so I get alot of fire wood to off set the oil prices in my oil furnace
TO those that don’t see with eyes that tell them the truth
adn can not forsee what is coming there will alway be bread lines I suppose
money may not help you if it is no longer legal tender
we will know more in oct when the figures are known But my feeling based on what the Chinese havebeen saying it wont be happy news
that is to say the Chinese have been getting out of holding the USD
if this is the case there will be a mad dash to unload the Usd
AMerica is at the end ,everything known to man has been tried to prevent this from happening, its still steamrolling at America full speed I might add.
this comes ontop of all the other bad news ,housing bubble busted ,dot com bubble busted ,the only bubble left in the air is the eddie bernays bubble and that will go when the dollar gets dumped
when the USD slides chpping another 30-50% off its current value
it wont be people losing there houses only but bussines too will be forclosed en masse
Ive already prepared my self psychologicaly and moved to the country
you can be a warmonger and try offset whats coming as GW BUSH is doing
you can be logical and move to the country
or you can stand there agape and refuse that it is coming
I chose to be self sufficient and I suggest you do the same money will mean little soon
all hands tied the ships going down