Sep 19 2007
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By Vi Ransel
Corporations seek pockets of poverty
like pit vipers lock on to heat,
taking advantage of cheap, docile labor
and creating corporate fiefs.
The Poor get used as chum
in the roiling economic waters
to attract the sharks of profit
that circle the bottom line’s coffers.
Corporations promise job creation
then run small businesses out of town
along with those original jobs, so in fact,
the number of jobs goes down.
They also extort tax abatement
to get them to relocate at all.
What this does to property tax and schools
should be against the law.
This economic piracy is aided and abetted
by each Congress and administration
bought through the use of lobbyists
by those bent on total deregulation
so “corpse” can devour each other
bloating into huge conglomerations,
Frankenstein-like profiteers
that feed off the Poor of all nations.
The profits these corpses should pay tax on
they traitorously stash in sham offices offshore.
These and the tax breaks they get for outsourcing
strangle federal programs we need here at home.
Our federal budget supports corporate welfare
and the Military-Industrial Complex’s wars.
Less and less tax-collected funds are available
for the social programs we need more and more.
Corporations continue to feed on
the minimum wage and labor unions.
This administration has excused them
from cleaning up their own pollution
which creates diseases so costly
only the most callous couldn’t see why
that without any health insurance
all the Poor can afford is to die.
It’s hard to pay for heating oil
to survive the winter’s cold,
or gas enough to get to work
if you’re someone whose still got a job.
What happened to the Progressive Income Tax
and funds for our children’s education?
Where’s the money to rebuild New Orleans
and for energy-saving public transportation?
Our infrastructure’s been terminally neglected.
We can no longer count on voting integrity.
Jobs, except in the service sector, have been exported,
leaving us at the corporations’ economic mercy
since day by day the Social Safety Net
is rapidly disappearing
as corpse are granted more human rights,
making humans an endangered species.
Public airwaves were auctioned to corpse,
at less than bargain basement prices,
and now their media deem poverty a non-issue
leaving the Poor to their own devices.
And corporate income tax rates are almost a joke,
leaving The People to support their free ride.
Do they never stop to think what happens
when they finally bleed us dry?
An increasingly impossible American Dream
rubs the face of the Poor in this fraud.
And the Poor are increasingly aware
their situation’s not an act of God
nor the Invisible Hand of the Market
but, in fact, a conscious decision
made each and every day
by their erstwhile fellow Americans.
And this strategy isn’t hidden, it’s open
and aggressive with a minimum of cover,
and as outsourcing continues to accelerate,
works its way up the economic ladder.
Elected representatives just wring their hands
and cry crocodile tears in mock sorrow,
then vote to grant corspe more rights.
The Poor du Jour could be you tomorrow.
And as corpse and their minions conspire
to get more rich by creating more Poor,
where there once was a War on Poverty,
there is now a War on the Poor.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,
make violent revolution inevitable.” - John F. Kennedy
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