Sep 18 2007
Crooks, Suckers, and Lazy Cowards
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By John Hanks
After the filth murdered the Wellstones, I knew that we were under a Nazi regime and that soon we would all be dead. At that point I just assumed I was dead, like any experienced combat soldier. I put signs in my car windows that say “Bush ordered 911″ or “Republicans Return to Their Own Vomit”, etc. Since I live in Wyoming, I figured that I would be murdered in short order, but so far I’m fine, after 4 years of comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable. If you put good hateful signs in your windows, you outflank the crook media, and cell phones often do the rest.
The only way to counter demoralization, which is the stock and trade of the filth, is to cultivate a black and intelligent hatred. Anger is an exhausting weakness and just an expression of demoralization. But, hatred is an instinctual reaction to those who would like to kill you. Republicans are full of hatred because they know that liberals would like to revoke their license to steal. That is why they don’t have to think except in terms of slogans.
The world has a minority of crooks and their suckers. The rest of the world just a bunch of lazy cowards. If you don’t overcome your physical cowardice now, you may have to be equally cowardly inside a concentration camp.
I have always wanted to have a good argument with Thomas Hartmann (sucker) on Air America Radio. But the constraints of money and time make it impossible. He exemplifies the best of the liberal tradition in his broad intelligence, senility and his respect for facts and ideas.
Compared to know nothings like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter he is like a cool shower after an encounter with a six pack of stale vomit.
The only problem with this picture is that Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter (crooks) are right about the human race while Hartmann is dead wrong. These crooks know that the human race consists of crooks, suckers, and lazy cowards, while Hartmann thinks that it is good and even educable in important ways. Liberals believe that people are moral actors, but experience shows us that nothing could be further from the truth. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, liberals still give lip service to the idea that people are good.
Hartmann thinks that the founding fatheads (crooks) thought well of men and their potential, while I think they were just the opposite. I think that the best of them, including Jefferson, were suspicious of both themselves and others. That is why they went to great pains to approve a Constitution that would set one institution against another in a sort of perpetual greedy gridlock. Of course, after all this work, they gave themselves a generous tip and the right to steal by doing nothing to balance the power of money or property. This omission has led to one catastrophe after another from the Civil War to commercial television.
But, I digress.
Why does it matter whether one thinks well or ill of mankind? Is it true that liberals are starry-eyed idealists that think a better class of humans can be produced in classrooms? Or is it also true that conservatives view man as depraved and therefore a ripe target for every sort of scam and contempt? I can only reply that I have always been a liberal, but I fail to entertain any hope for the world, this country, or anyone in it.
It is possible to have the cynical vision of H. L. Mencken without becoming a snobby blockhead or hypocrite. It is possible to get rid of the crooks without thinking that we haven’t asked for everything we get.
Republicans can walk and chew gum, but they rarely compare and contrast anything, since all major ideas have been set in concrete since 5th grade. They seem inherently incapable of entertaining more than one idea at a time. It is this lazy ignorance that makes them do their politics of destruction with no sense of blowback. They are so afraid of losing their stolen wealth that they try to demoralize an ignorant and cowardly population so that they actually think they are morally better by not voting.
This crookery works because Republicans prey on every human weakness. They mine Pride, Envy, Sloth, Anger, Cowardice, and Lust with gay abandon in or out of the political season.
In short, they know that weak emotions lead, while thoughts just tag along. They particularly like to exploit moralism and moralizing because it is the lazy man’s way of feeling superior to everyone else.
So what is the point of all this anyway? As long as liberals appeal to ideas and facts they can have a lot of good moralistic conversations, but they mean nothing to lazy cowards who like a good story which feeds conceit, lust, or fear. Almost all Republican jokes appeal to conceit because they are usually racist or sexist, and they give a little lift to the second-rate juveniles who make up the Republican filth.
Republican friends send me these jokes and I always analyze them in terms of the tawdry satisfactions they produce. Then I send them back since it usually pisses them off.
Today’s Republicans have all the characteristics of the Nazi movement. They are triumphal, ignorant, lazy, vicious, and they think that the use of lies and intimidation is the road to success. They love symbols, flags and media just like the Nazis did, and they have even built a few “internment” camps for the “homeland”. This time, they have turned Muslims into the bogey man, while the Jewish Neocons and the Pentagon are sporting the swastikas. They are even starting wars for bucks all over the world so that they can reap a bonanza from weapons, oil, graft, opium, and even museum treasures. This great adventure started with the 9/11 protection racket stunt, which has reaped even more billions from the lazy cowards amongst the gullible public.
Republicans have a problem with their sexuality, but Democrats have a problem with hatred. Anger has its problems because it is tiresome and sometimes outright dangerous. But a cold, black hatred is always serene and detached. Hatred is a natural response to liars and bullies. It is the source of all real thought and action. It is not a fist, but a compass. It is a radar that keeps us pointed in the right direction so we don’t get the next sucker punch. It is blowback with brains and understanding. It is not Osama or George. Republicans are always angry because they are afraid they will lose their stolen wealth. Their anger makes them clever like juvenile delinquents. My black hatred of them however makes me free to think up blowbacks. I would prefer government by Genghis Khan to these lazy half-dead second-rate bums.
Since liberals can’t allow themselves to develop hatred, they prefer to develop a culture of peace. The problem with this is that the only real peace is the peace of the grave. Otherwise peace is just a period when crooks set up the next war. This idea of a Beulahland heaven is just a childish fantasy. Man is and will always be more like a jackal than an angel. Hitler preyed on this sentimentality with his warm Nazi posters showing healthy farm girls holding infants in wheat fields. Everything a Nazi does is for a “higher good”, just like a liberal is supposed to provide an example of the one true moral way to a “higher good”. I have attended many liberal meetings where some blowhard bullies the proceedings and no one says anything for fear of falling off the sentimental moral pedestal. A Laramie peace group that I am in now is almost paralyzed by one professional female veteran who courts attacks, dominates and controls, and actually censors newsletter communications. All of her stunts are done with a lot of moralizing and remembering the “higher good”. Yet, the moralizers do nothing. Whenever I try to even start a conversation about this person, I get silenced. For all I know, she might even be an agent provocateur! For all I know, the whole group might be agent provocateurs!
John Hanks is a long-time agitator and fledgling sociopolitical editorialist.
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Mainstream liberals have the temperament of centrists—too milketoast to stop rightwingers–let alone full-fledged fascists. That’s why they’re are married to “PC” language, behave like a herd, and are totally uncomfortable with confrontations. For liberals to stop the right-wing they have first of all develop enough balls to become RADICALS, but that would take a personality transplant…so don”t wait up.
You are right on the money with this one. Ugly but very truthful!!
I used to be a Democrat, but I’m going Independent. I see that the Democrats likewise are not stopping illegal immigration, have not stopped the outsourcing and we’re still in Iraq even though the Dems know darn well that’s why the people voted in the Democrats back in.
The Democrats once they took control again should have impeached Bush/Cheney and cleaned house and also bring the PNAC crew to justice.
Now, I’ve learned about the NAU (NORTH AMERICAN UNION) and the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)….Robert Pastor was the main pusher of this plan.
There is also the NAFTA Super Highway and the SPP (Security, Prosperity & Partnership).
Q: What happens to OUR Constitution if this does indeed come to pass?
The Democrats have done NOTHING to stop any of this, nor do they breathe a word of it.
The Dems have not stopped the war and if anything, there’s been a surge and yet more money poored down the rabbit hole.
The Dems are no better than the Republicans and by them doing nothing and just going along for the ride, they’re aiding and abetting Prez Bush and this cursed war.
Neoconartists and demons
fighting back and forth
like 10 year olds
for ever in a dance of the dunces
just where your masters want you
born into the dielectic and will be burried by it
too stupid too actually put the effort into a 3rd party a grassroots party that stands for what All AMericans want
even dumber to not see it as such
vain self centered ego inflated wind bags on both sides
nothing ever changes but none notice
time passes by untill your off spring does the same dance of the dunces
how can it be america the land of plenty always slipping behind in the world
marching backwards while red china threatens to over take America as the number 1 english speaking contry in the world
or Japan a string of tiny Islands it’s Economy set to surpass that of America
America the land of the oafs
given every chance imagineable yet slipping 20th in the world in most areas
the richest country in the world on the verge of economic collapse
still the dance of the oafs continues
the dancers dont even notice that there is any other way
oblivios to the calamity coming their way
to filled with hubris to see anything but their own reflection
while you dance the dance of the dunce
and speak like the oafs
your leaders have signed all the treaies crossed all the t’s
you will now dance to Canada’s constitution the changes are permanent
and those 20 million illegal are permanent
and geuss who pays the bill and has to live with Canada’s Consitution
the oafs that dance the dance of the dunces
they don’t even notice and they never will
without the drama
your Constitution will never return to what it was this is factual
they will also water the 2nd amendment down
so it will be illegal to own revolvers and automatic weapons of any kind
this is to bring your Constitution in line with Canadas and for no other reason
And I tell you what else
it is already signed and is International LAw
a Treaty was signed in montebello Qc CA
Mexican illegals are legal
they can come and squat in America have babies and out vote you on bills
I tell you what else
A Parlementary system will be set up that is the supreme law of the land
they did it all behind closed doors
and it is all binding under international law
America is Bankrupt
there was no other way
it is that or your economy will be in ruins
By God Canada will lay down the law and order
and bring you back real justice
they’ve done it
it’s signed
while the oafs danced the dance of dunces
behind closed doors the deed was done
Congress was not even informed
Communism is Jewish. Birthed and financed by New York Jews. Jews did 911 and all world wars. They are now soon bringing you Depression II. They also brought the US and world Depression I via the Jew owned Federal Reserve. Soon Jew World War III will light up your life.
The Persian Gulf will cease oil production and Venezuela will shut off all exports to the US.
Food movements will be shut down. Starvation is the main weapon of the Jews as seen in Jew Bolshevic Russia where Jews murdered at least 50 Millions of Goy. Solshenitzan says more than 200 million were murdered by Jews. 1.5 Million Armenains murdered by Jews. Gaza is self explanatory. Jews use kids for target practice and rape as did Moses (Moshe) Numbers Chapter 31, Vs 15 on. Ain’t that right Mr. Tom Paine????
The Jews are the authors of the viruses that cause the Bee Colony Collapse Syndrome. Jews. Jews are the agents of death.
Their plan in the Protocols has been carried out to the letter. 2010 is the date of complete takeover.
The immigration problem is caused by Jew legislation many years ago. Jews like multiculturalism for the Goy while they incestuously inbreed and keep the killer genes in the tribe.
The Borg have nothing on the Jews.
When you are starving to death and the radiation sickness from Jew nuclear missiles (Yes, the Jews have their sub-based nukes trained on the USA to extort money and tribute on a yearly basis) makes you heave up your guts from both ends, remember it was the Jew who brought you this. Be protective of your children as they will sacrifice them in rites of Jew Ritual Murder to celebrate the victory over their enemies which is what ANY Jew Holiday is about. All lot of milk bottle pictures are a result of the Jew Blood Libel ceremonies and Jew porn and snuff film industries.
Remember Goy are cattle to Jews.
Name the jackals of war and profits or be complicit in the crimes.
Jews hate freedom of speech. Note how long this post lasts before Miller’s
fingers push the delete button.
Oy Vey!
Oy vey, indeed. But anyhoo . . .
I enjoyed the essay, I love your venomous voice. Your delivery is unique and bitingly amusing.
Get over the Left vs. Right bullsh*t. they are all the same. Selling missle technology to China fo campaign cash placed every living lting in the U.S, at risk, no different than the neo-crooks……..
There are powerful Jews inside and outside the US government directing alot of the foreign policy of both Republicans and Democrats but don’t forget that the Jews would never be able to do that without the willing participation of greedy and ruthless WASPS who control all of America’s corporations.
The fix is in as far as America’s destiny is concerned. We can all still commiserate here and other places on the internet for now but the day is coming when a loaf of bread will take a wheelbarrow of US dollars to pay for. Until then, nothing is going to change. Sadly, it’s going to take huge deprivations of food, water, electricity, etc before anything can change.
This is the best-written piece I have seen in a long time excoriating the dumb and dumber republicrats. Well done! John, I too feel the hatred for the lieing, bloody theives - and as a life-long yellow dog demo it hurts to finally acknowledge that the so-called ‘liberal’ side of the aisle is just as excrutiatingly evil as the ‘conservative’ side, if not more so. Perhaps they, the demos (aside from Barney Frank and B. Clinton) are just a little bit better at hiding their sick, disgusting sexual exploits.
And Thom Hartman … please, give me a break. I like the guy I guess, but is he a Neo-Con plant? How can he be so damn smart and not see right through the 911 crap?? Or the Rothschild banking scam??
And John Kerry … definitely a Neo-Con plant. Did you notice they let the kid go on … until he mentioned Skull & Bones?
We are in a heap of trouble ….
Patriot Militia, I hear what you are saying–I’ve studied this for years, I know the PROTOCALS, I also know the FABIAN Agenda, which is NOT Jewish–you need to understand that the average Jew is just as much a victim of the ZIONIST bullshit as the GOY. I am absolutely against the ZIONISTS! But man! Don’t get caught up in simple racism–believe it or not we are ALL human beings. The bigger danger is from the old Tory Anglophiles of SKULL & BONES. Yea, they are allied with the ZIONIST PIGS, there has been intermarriage and all of that–all true, but the fact is there are innocent Jews who just go along to get along like most any other cowards on this planet.
The Hegelian dialectic is in movement to divide us all from any bonds. The racial thing is a scam. Religion is a scam. Government is a scam. The left-right dicotomy is a scam.
Every scam we fall for makes us weaker. Do not fall for simplistic comic book stories, dig into the complexity of it all–but keep your mind! Remember the ZIONIST assholes made the Final Solution Deal with the Nazis so the ZIONISTS could steal Palestine, they sacrificed their own ‘brethren’, Jews as well, to the machine for political purpose.
I have a feeling you are a raving racist…prove me wrong, give me some intelligent responses–think it through. - This is really difficult for most “braindeadgoy” , good ‘JUDEO-CHRISTIANS’/Zionazi psychozoids - there were no ‘JEWS’ in Egypt, Abraham was not “Jewish”, Moses was not ‘jewish’…jESUS WAS NOT jEWISH-Jesus did not “hate” himself and the Almighty is not Jewish/Schizophrenic……..To Be jewish one must adhere to the Talmud, Hate JESUS ,….and do the Kol Nidre thingy….Think about putting the facts into the proper chronological order…and Voila you undo all the Jewish lies…Myths…fantasies….”Administrative Statutes”…provisions of the Bankruptcy….See Willie Martin Files Outline and do the reading concerning Who Israel really is. Israel has nevewr been Jewish. Jewish lies have never been Truth. Furthermore Jesus never had a conversation with a yiddish speaking “Jew”. “Truth is a wall you can’t blow down, and it won’t be laughed away.”(Harry Chapin)…..also do the reading on Ezra Pound,usury, and the First commandment….DUH !
The essay “Crooks, Suckers, and Lazy Cowards,” by long-time agitator John Hanks, was very witty and well-written. The piece flowed naturally from beginning to end, its headline presenting an irresistible hook. Best of all were the numerous epigrams, sometimes called witticisms or “zingers.” Here are a few that I enjoyed, worth repeating:
“The world has a minority of crooks and their suckers. The rest of the world [is] just a bunch of lazy cowards.”
“[L]iberals appeal to ideas and facts [and] have a lot of good moralistic conversations, but they mean nothing to lazy cowards who like a good story feed[ing] conceit, lust, or fear.”
“Today’s Republicans have all the characteristics of the Nazi movement. They are triumphal, ignorant, lazy, vicious, and… think that the use of lies and intimidation is the road to success.”
“They are starting wars for bucks all over the world so that they can reap a bonanza from weapons, oil, graft, opium, and even museum treasures.”
“I would prefer government by Genghis Khan to these lazy half-dead second-rate bums.”
“Republicans have a problem with their sexuality, but Democrats have a problem with hatred…
“Hatred is a natural response to liars and bullies. It is the source of all real thought and action. It is not a fist, but a compass. It is a radar that keeps us pointed in the right direction so we don’t get the next sucker punch. It is blowback with brains and understanding.”
“Since liberals can’t allow themselves to develop hatred, they prefer to develop a culture of peace. The problem with this… the only real peace is… the grave. Otherwise peace is just a period when crooks set up the next war… Man is and will always be more like a jackal than an angel.”
Although I agree with most of what you’ve written, I heartily disagree that “cold, black hatred” can be anybody’s friend. Hatred destabilizes and it’s cancerous, which means the person doing all the hating ends up on the short end of the stick. Being emotionally neutral makes a man much more dangerous. Enjoyed the article
anthony clifton; Maybe ‘Jesus’ didn’t have a conversation with anybody.
“What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us?”–Pope Leo X
Jesus Christ is Hesus Krishna, a myth disigned by the Roman Emperor Constantine for political purpose. The Catholic Church is nothing but the Roman Impire in drag…it follows that every split from there,from the Protestant forward, are all based on a 4th century political scheme for unbridled power.
This is a good article about an unspoken issue - anger and hatred. As Dave pointed out, though, hatred cannot be your friend in the long run. I have a lot of anger also and something that has helped me a lot is Shambhala philosophy based on Buddhism in the following book (a must read).
Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior, Chogyam Trungpa
Shambhala warriors are not war mongers, nor are they cowards. Cowardice is defined in Shambhala as “a refusal to acknowledge fear.” You must stand up to that which oppresses you. This does not necessarily imply violence, there are other ways of changing society without violence. However, if violence becomes necessary, the Shambhala warrior is always prepared.
“Being emotionally neutral makes a man much more dangerous” says Dave. He is absolutely correct - he must be a Shambhala warrior because this is exactly what we teach. You try to stay neutral by morphing your anger into something productive and you study martial arts and practice shooting, etc. To be an effective warrior you must be somewhat detached so that your emotions do not overwhelm and thus weaken you.
Scott, Shambhala Warrior
I don’t quite agree with the facile dismissal of “hatred” and “anger” in revolutionary politics. Emotions do guide behavior, and they provide a lasting fuel to absorb all manner of injury, insult and deprivation without abandoning the struggle. William Wallace (”Braveheart) perhaps one of the greatest heros of all time, hated and powerfully and without excuses to anyone. He was formidable. There is no single path to what makes a man (or woman) formidable as a longlasting warrior against injustice, but the idea that you should remain emotionally neutral or discard passions is so much poppycock coming from essentially midlle-class liberalism. And by the way, you can command hatred and anger and still remain quite lucid and cool. Many revolutionary leaders have done it, including Fidel, Lenin and Mao himself. Mao lost a son and a wife (both brutally murdered, one beheaded, by the “nationalist” forces supported by the US); Fidel lost some of his closest friends; and Lenin lost his own brother, hanged by the Czar, among others in his intimate personal circle. To claim these men had no emotions about such events is to think these men were non human. If there is a definition of a true revolutionary is that “nothing truly human is alien to him (her)”.
Put away your pocket book Buddha (without dismissing what it can teach you about compassion, for example) and face the world the way it really is: with warts and all.
We are in a great deal of trouble…more than we can wrap our minds around. As Carl Gustave Jung has advised ” you need to develop an imagination for evil “. In the most gentle way I would encourage all of you to take a look at Dr. Ron Paul’s presidential candidacy. His message of personal liberty and small government is contagious and is this once great Nation’s last hope.
The Communications Revolution didn’t just clue us in to who and where we all are, it also allowed the badguys to run a really effective worldwide criminal syndicate. Those who go to congress thinking they can make a change end up being blackmailed; the greedy welcome extortion. The “data” mining escapades of the NSA, etal, ensures the syndicate’s success. If “soft” crimes don’t work, there’s always a plane crash or an instant case of suicidal depression. So… Why do ideals seem to crumble to dust? And why do the goodguys lose? The answer’s as clear as that click on your phone- extortion or blackmail: you choose.
slime always rises to the top. but without the water for suport the slimes dries up then the winds blows it away.
Interesting to see the young man who questioned Sen Kerry get tazered, while not one of his classmates stood up for him. Not even Kerry himself said a word while they wrestled him to the ground and then stung him with thousands of volts. I never felt so ashamed of my country until then…
With regard to the irrational blathering posted by Patriot Militia. 1. Judism is a religion not a subdivision of the human race. Anyone can be a Jew if they so desire just as they can be a Mormon, Catholic, Lutheran etc.. 2. While many of the Bolsheviks were raised in the jewish faith they eventually became atheists and renounced their faith. 3. The Zionist Protocals are a work of complete fiction used to justify pogroms against those who practiced the jewish faith. Do your homework before you spout off!
Aka Alias, I’ve had my say to Patriot Militia here already. I presume you read my response to his post, it’s in this line a few up the page.
I would like to know how you are so very certain the Protocals are a complete fiction. There is a controversy; surely you must realise that. You ‘choose’ to believe that they are a complete fiction for your own reasons. And before you advise me to, let me just say that I have done my homework. I am familiar with the Dialogs between Montesgue and Machievelli that are supposedly the genisis of this ‘fraud’. So that’s it? Nothing more to consider?
Far from it. You take it on authoritie’s word, if you think there is no possibility that the Protocals are exactly what they are portrayed to be. US Intelligence had another opinion entirely at the time, and had good evidence that the author was actually Hertzle, and I’ve read their report.
Another thing is the actual fulfilment of the Zionist design for world conquest. If you can’t see this with your own eyes, as it is sitting right on top of you, there is no communicating with you at any rate.
Like I mentioned to our ‘patriot’ friend here, they AREN’T Jews–not in the street sense of the word, and they are aligned with the old Tory Anglophile network that hates liberty and human freedom; exemplified by Skull and Bones, the Rhodes network, the Fabian Society, et al. Dig a little deeper, and save your certainties for memories you yourself remember–not just things you have heard or read. If things are too scary to believe, denial still won’t make them go away.
John Hanks wrote:
“This crookery works because Republicans prey on every human weakness. They mine Pride, Envy, Sloth, Anger, Cowardice, and Lust with gay abandon in or out of the political season.
In short, they know that weak emotions lead, while thoughts just tag along. They particularly like to exploit moralism and moralizing because it is the lazy man’s way of feeling superior to everyone else.”
You might find it an interesting exercise to substitute the word “psychopath” for republican, crook and jackal in your essay, since imo that is the true state of affairs. We are ruled and terrorized by psychopaths who have an exquisitely detailed understanding of the vulnerabilities of the normal majority of humanity. Working together, they know how to exploit these weakness with diabolical precision. The orchestration of the aftermath of 9-11 is a textbook example of such.
Since psychopathy is a *biological condition* due to differing brain structure (see Robert Hare’s Without Conscience for some interesting information re MRI scans) psychopathy can occur in every race and civilization. Thus the bickering regarding Jews, blacks, Aryans etc. is moot. Psychopaths have predictable patterns of behavior regardless of the race or cultural background in question.
The most comprehensive analysis of the interaction of Psychopathy and Politics is a book recently published called “Ponerelogy: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes” by Andrew Lobaczewski. (find it here: )
It was written in secret by a group of Polish psychiatrists while living under the heel of first Nazism and then Stalinism. They worked to anyalyze the beast from within its belly so to speak. Many died collecting this knowledge. Dr. Lobaczewski, now in his eighties, is the last surviving member of this secret research team. Ponerology looks at the recurring pattern of totalitarianism, how it arises, what conditions of society allow the opening for such, who is attracted to this deviant form of social organization, and what causes its inevitable demise, all with the idea that it can be prevented if caught soon enough. But that is impossible without the correct understanding of the mind of a socially adapted psychopath. This book gives you that understanding.
John, the dynamics of your “paralyzed” peace group are playing out exactly to Ponerology form. Get the book! And for immediately applicable kung fu to deal with the gal, I also recommend “In Sheep’s Clothing” by George Simon. It gives ready to use tools to keep her from steamrolling the agenda to her personal whim.
Good Luck,
“Crooks, Suckers, and Lazy Cowards” is a nice way of putting the mind set of the oligarchy. That is how it looks like when we see from outside. Still they continue to rampage ahead like dosed monkeys with Guns over the shocked public and ready to consume the entire blue planet. How can they go ahead with out even the consent of any elected officials , most of the thiking military bosses with filthy recruitments of young uneducated people in military with their laziness , cowardise and selling every resource of the person, nation, world to unsupervised chosen private sector. They have a clear cut strategy that makes them comfy. there should be some thing more. Eienstien once said ” Problems can’t be solved at the level of understanding at which they were created “. Under this context , I completely agree with what Sariade about the psychopaths and ponerisation of the society. Ponerisation is a systematic, continous over a period of time, predictable systematic psychological process happens at all levels under the shock , which can easily explain all the evils of all ism’s in which the hitlers, bushes, cheneys are only the frontend of the few controllers. you may be interested to explore more.
Willy Whitten:
First off, I have based my “choice” on a series of articles from The Times of London written in 1921 by Philip Graves based in part on information from the work of Lucien Wolf, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in The Skeptic’s Dictionary, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion — Plagiarism at Its Best by José De La Cruz of the University of California at Santa Barbara, an essay by Dr. Daniel Keren and the 1993 Russian court ruling that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a forgery just to cite a few examples.
Secondly, Dialogues in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu (this is the correct spelling and title ) is more an attack on the political ambitions of Napoleon III than a refutation of the Protocols.
Finally, you cite “US Intelligence had another opinion entirely at the time, …” who or what is US Intelligence? Given the track record of organizations such organization such as the FBI or CIA I wouldn’t believe it if they said the sun rises in the east.
Good article. With full control of the media and an ignorant populace these psychos will probably have a good grip on us for while. I took a look at the link and did some searching and found this interesting bit:
The ultimate cause of evil lies in the interaction of two human factors: 1) normal human ignorance and weakness and 2) the existence and action of a statistically small (4-8% of the general population) but extremely active group of psychologically deviant individuals. The ignorance of the existence of such psychological differences is the first criterion of ponerogenesis. That is, such ignorance creates an opening whereby such individuals can act undetected.
The presence of such “disease” on the individual level is described in the Almost Human section of this website. However, depending on the type of activity of psychopathic and characteropathic individuals, evil can manifest on any societal level. The greater the scope of the psychopath’s influence, the greater harm done. Thus any group of humans can be infected or “ponerized” by their influence. From families, clubs, churches, businesses, and corporations, to entire nations. The most extreme form of such macrosocial evil is called “pathocracy”.
Well, it seems that the ‘infection’ is pretty far spread and we’re knee deep into this pathocracy. We got crooks in charge with suckers to follow and lazy cowards that are just letting this all happen. Rather grim I’d say, but this is the reality.
Mr. Hanks brings up some very good points in his article. However, it seems that there is no long two governing parties. They may have different names, but what they actually do is the same. They are all nothing but puppets. Dancing to the same tune. It is just that republicans are more blatant about what they are going to do while the democrats promise to do the opposite of the republicans while doing the same things that the republicans are doing.
But you can blame the jews, the neocons, the muslims, the nazis, the chrisians - it doesn’t make a difference. You cannot blame a whole race because of the deviants that control it. That is who we need to get out of power. These deviants have infiltrated any place that they can have some control. Government, judicial systems, law enforcement, religion, schools, medical schools. media, universities; the list goes on and on. They want nothing less than control over others.
After reading the link provided by Sariade above, I googled “ponerology” and found this link:
For those of you who really want to know who is really in control of the big blue marble here, this article is a real eye-opener.
as long as the fire is fueled it will burn. the more that fuels it the hotter it burns. when ice melts your left with water. when water evaporates you have nothing. you take care of the earth you will reap much. you don’t gaia will swallow you whole. your bones shall be grinded to dust. your planet will become a burned out cinder.
jeb bush 2008 shucks i bet oh dubya him have gas down $2.50 a gallon before him get out. man him has done one fine job just lookie at that stock market.there has been more jobs created every in history ,just that most have been in china,we in a little ole war but that voice in dum-dubya head said strike and by george thats what him done.we had to free them people from all saddam had done to them.dubya is hearing another voice saying strike iran.jesus w. bush keep the borders open we need slave labor to make up on the billions him giving to the have more’ george the best king this country ever had.gwb–god i,m
jeb bush 2008 shucks i bet oh dubya him have gas down $2.50 a gallon before him get out. man him has done one fine job just lookie at that stock market.there has been more jobs created every in history ,just that most have been in china,we in a little ole war but that voice in dum-dubya head said strike and by george thats what him done.we had to free them people from all saddam had done to them.dubya is hearing another voice saying strike iran.jesus w. bush keep the borders open we need slave labor to make up on the billions him giving to the have more’ george the best king this country ever had.gwb–god iam so proud of you.
Aka Alias, Thank you for your response and the correction of my spelling errors–you may find more of those when I am typing quickly here.
:” Dialogues in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu is more an attack on the political ambitions of Napoleon III than a refutation of the Protocols.”
BUT THIS IS the work that the Protocols supposedly are a forgery of. That is the basis for calling them a “forgery” rather than simply calling them a hoax. A ‘forgery’ is a fake of something else. You will note that it is not claimed that the Protocols were made up out of whole cloth–it is claimed (in the examples you site) that the Protocols are a plagiarism of the ‘Dialogs’. Sentences are compared, structure analyzed, etc. to come to the conclusion that the Russian officer used these ‘Dialogs’ as a model.
I am more concerned with the study of Zionism itself, it’s history and it’s goals. If you cannot see that the Protocols fit in EXACTLY with their agenda, then you are missing the over riding point here.
As far as ‘trusting’ US, or any other ‘Intelligence’ org., you have a very good point; but the same can be said of ‘trusting’ mainstream news sources, especially the London Times–which has a cock in the fight here, if you take my meaning…See the Fabian Society, Rhodes, the Illuminati, etc.
To my thinking, the post-controversy world has shown more circumstantial evidence that the Protocols are indeed from Zionist ‘elders’, than anything else. Just look around you at the present moment.
I am not one who lumps people together because of heritage, race, etc. I don’t lump all the Jews in with the Zionist agenda. The Jew on the street is no less a victim of Zionist intrigue than the average American is a victim of the fascist intrigue of the so-called ‘government’ here and now.
Case Closed is mind closed. A controversy disposed of prematurely may lead to a damaged compass…then we know not which way we travel. You may change my mind with excellent historical research–but if it flies in the face of what is more than obvious in todays world, my mind must bounce back to see clearly what is before me. I see Zionism as a dangerous insidious agenda, working hand in glove with the Tory Monarchists who have recaptured ‘the Colonies’ of the US.
I think it is always a good idea to assume that any social group can be a shell for all kinds of people, including crooks. As far as I know, all social groups from Jews to bridge players tend to protect their own even when they are justifiably attacked from outside. That is why crooks cultivate and rise within shells - so they will be protected by suckers and lazy cowards.
Right-wing and religiously-driven extremist groups are particularly susceptible to a take over because they have a narrow set of ideas which everyone is supposed to adopt. Republicans became “organized crime” because they demand loyalty and conformity which is easy to mimic, while democrats have little ideological agreement beyond a sort of moral sentimentality. Republicans are far worse, though both parties on on the take.
Both parties have become money gathering and laundering operations for crook media.
the gay ole party they think their evil is cloked,hidden with all this moral value they use the party to serve,create laws to profit them greatly,while the jews smile with glee knowing one hand looks out for the other. while satans preachers cheer them on,to the bank they go. soon they to will reap their reward.they boast,they brag,they say i have earned all this wealth from the sweat of my brow.
I essentially agree with the article. However, here is what I feel is wrong. Most people kind of sense that the Republicans are just plain hopeless and stiff on many issues. We don’t expect much but the usuall pandering to big business.
But now the Democrats have been revealed as totally complicit with much of it. My Lord, they should know better. Yet Pelosi has been a leader of what? Didn’t she say impeachment is off the table. Didn’t the Democrats whine and say that they and the nation were lead into a war by lies? And what of, as some posters have said, illegal immigration. Where are the Democrats on this? Well, Pelosi, Feinstein, and Boxer, just in California, have wholeheartedly supported non-citizens over citizens. They have allowed the unions to be more concerned over the fate of people who should not be here, rather than hundreds of thousands of union members who pay taxes and support the party. Hillary and Bill Clinton alone, have never seen a corporate donation that they didn’t like and accept. BillClinton singed all of the damaging “free trade” agreements, didn’t he?
Who is really more immoral when all of this is considered, the Republican Party non-neocons or the Democratic Party faithfull. For me it’s become quite clear. Non neon-con, Republican Politicians, about one-hundred have repeatedly spoken up for Americans on a number of issues and put them first. On illegal immigration, for instance, it has even cause a rift within the Republican Party. The Democrats who seem to have evolved into internationalists, are more concerned with every issue under the sun, but what affects the American citizenry. Where is the rift in the Democratic Party over their non-action when it comes to helping the American citizery? I can’t see it, and they seem to be happily united in their unconcern over it.
bobby had you rather work for a union or be a temporary employee.had you rather have social security.or see the elite get a huge tax break. had you rather see your tax dollars go to a war,or see the money spent in the usa.the gop is against the people,the liberals as you call us are for the rights of the working class.its not in the interest as a whole the gop is looking out for,they tell oh welfare health care is bad,yes bad for their big fat profits.most of the liberals you speak of now,they are plants they run on as liberals but really they are crag they are just playing a is just a puppet,his iq is that moron.who is pulling his strings? who benefits the most their will be the answer.