Sep 15 2007
September 11 - the world changed
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“Six years after September 11, 2001 what we do have is what might be expected when revenge is pursued rather than justice. Pain, death, grief and anger. Fear, reactionary decisions, and rhetoric aimed at factionalizing a nation.”
By Rowan Wolf
On September 11, 2001 a series of horrendous events happened. Planes brought down two buildings of the World trade Center complex in New York City; the Pentagon was hit; and another crashed in a Pennsylvania field. It was a shock to the systems and psyches of the people of the United States and the world. It has been repeated more times than I can count the “world changed forever.” Personally, I think that is a grandiose claim, but it set in motion a series of decisions and events that continue to the present.
Bush reportedly “joked” after 9/11 that he had “hit the trifecta.” His choices after that event have ruined the lives of millions, and drug the United States into the dubious honor of being a rogue nation.
Six years after the crimes of 9/11/2001, we still have more unanswered questions than those that have been answered. We have a Constitution in tatters and the government engaging in illegal surveillance and detention of U.S. citizens and others. The U.S. stands in violation of a laundry list of breaches of international treaties and agreements. We have two nations in shambles - “bombed back to the stone ages.” We have tens of thousands of civilians dead in Afghanistan and Iraq. We have millions displaced - almost five million in Iraq alone. We have 3,776 U.S. troops dead (by Pentagon count), and at least 27,186 U.S. casualties. At least 122 U.S. service people have committed suicide.
All of this death and destruction, and there is no end in sight. General Petraeus (purportedly speaking independent of the White House) spoke of slow progress, but gave an expected up-beat report. Crocker (U.S. Ambassador to Iraq) was equally positive. Unfortunately, what I heard from their testimony was that by next summer the U.S. should have achieved a return to the conditions of the summer of 2006, which was worse than 2005, which was worse than 2004. In other words, this is not significant “progress.”
To add to the debacle, the world is now facing the fall of Musharraf in Pakistan. This is big news that is not being adequately discussed in the U.S. Musharraf has been an “ally” in the “war of terror” in Afghanistan. His ouster there would be very bad news for the U.S.. Meanwhile, the Taliban is increasingly presenting as the (re)emerging power in Afghanistan. On the other hand we have Bush and the neo-cons trying to manufacture legitimacy for a preemptive invasion of Iran.
Given the current lack of “progress” in Iraq, one has to wonder what “progress” is being pursued.
Somehow it seems to have been forgotten what BushCo. was looking for in invading Iraq. The neo-cons saw Iraq as a potential tabula rasa for a test tube experiment in unfettered capitalism. The resources of Iraq were owned and controlled by Iraq. The utilities and infrastructure were public. One of the first actions after overthrowing Hussein was to start on an across the board privatization of Iraq. This was particularly true of the petroleum resources of the country.
The Bush administration has repeatedly conflated unfettered capitalism with democracy. They have hammered home a meme that pre-dated them, but Iraq was and is the test case. Capitalism is not democracy, and in fact the two are in direct opposition to each other. Under capitalism, the only ones with real voice are those who control enough capital to have a voice. In the U.S. we have seen that the price tag on voice has gotten increasingly dear.
Many in the U.S. are beyond frustration with the Democrats for not making significant progress to resolve the situation in Iraq and bring the troops home. However, the Democrats are using the same yard stick of “progress” that Bush and the Republicans are - namely the private control of Iraq’s oil resources. They are apparently as heavily invested in the privatization of Iraq as Bush has been. However, neither the Iraqi people - nor the Iraqi parliament - are willing to sign over the wealth of the nation. Therefore, no “political” progress. Apparently U.S. “interests” are not served by Iraq controlling its own resources (or infrastructure). Of course, this is a simplistic analysis. A lot of money is being made by some on both endless war and keeping Iraq’s oil off the market.
One might ask if we (or anyone else) are safer now than we were before. By all reports, we are not, and the world is not. Al Qaeda seems to have more diverse and active elements now than before September 11, 2001. There is now an Al Qaeda Iraq that was never there before, and which is enacting violence against both “coalition” and Iraqi civilians. Possible “terror cells” seem to be active in Europe. Turkey is threatening to launch strikes against Kurds in northern Iraq. This would be an attack against Iraq and draw U.S. forces into a conflict with an ally - Turkey. There are rumors of a permanent U.S. base on the border with Iran. That is sure to be a point of contention. Jordan and Syria don’t know what to do with the 2 million plus Iraqi refugees, and the U.S. doesn’t seem to be offering much of a solution to that.
In the U.S., we have had a dramatic restriction/erosion of both Constitutional protections and civil rights. Tests of weapons getting past airport screening systems show big weaknesses in even that basic system. The Coast Guard has spent millions on ships that won’t float and are being decommissioned. Disaster response still seems to be a shambles.
So what do we have for all the cost paid by U.S. citizens, troops and their families, and people around the world? We have a highly intrusive (though apparently not particularly effective) “intelligence” apparatus. We have constructed a private contractor infrastructure that is not only expensive, but economically invested in continuing active war - forever. It has been suggested by more than a few that the massive diversion of resources into private contractors for military and intelligence purposes actually threatens the long - and short - term security of the nation. For example, 70% of the U.S. intelligence budget is going to private contractors.
Six years after September 11, 2001, we have a nation still largely in grief. We have added millions more to the casualty total of grievers - many now also looking for revenge. Revenge not against whoever was behind the events of 9/11/01, but against the United States.
Six years after September 11, 2001 what we do have is what might be expected when revenge is pursued rather than justice. Pain, death, grief and anger. Fear, reactionary decisions, and rhetoric aimed at factionalizing a nation. Our elected representatives need to step back from political and corporate interest and work on sane actions; healing actions; actions which move us all to a better place.
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Where was Osama on September 11, 2001?
by Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, September 9, 2006
9-11: The Illusion of a Historic Coup in the Course of Imperialism
By Hisham Bustani
The Fairmont Conference\zopinionz\960.htm&dismode=x&ts=13/09/2007%2002:34:32%20ã
9-11: The Illusion of a Historic Coup in the Course of Imperialism
By Hisham Bustani
1492 & 1620 stand far more out in mind as to when “The World” changed for the millions of residents of Turtle Island. 9/11 wasn’t anything new for your Nation. Just the continuation of murder, lies, greed, and theft of other people’s property around the Planet.
Don’t concern myself much with it as your already on course to to destroy most of the human race through your pollution of the Earth alone even without any wars that could esculate.
God has stated he will put it into the minds of men to burn Mystery Babylon in one hour which much like the Hopi prophecies foretell of this land being burned by nuclear fire or even the new fire works the Russkies have invented.
Don’t know what it is with you people bringing one abomination after another of unreality into reality.
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for more deails and amazing secrets
I have a problem with these statements: “Planes brought down two buildings of the World trade Center complex in New York City; the Pentagon was hit; and another crashed in a Pennsylvania field.”
Planes did not bring down those buildings. Yes, the Pentagon was hit, but not by an airplane, if that is what is being suggested. And finally, I can’t for the life of me find an airplane part in any of the photos taken of the hole in Shanksville.
As soon as a writer begins with these false assumptions I lose interest in the rest of the things they have to say, although they may be accurate. This is because I figure if the writer can’t see these obvious lies (no plane hit the Pentagon, planes didn’t bring down towers, etc), because of naivete or intentional deception, I don’t care a whit about his other thoughts.
When I arrived home on 9/11 and saw what had happened watching the buildings come down I said to myself, Controlled Implosion. Since Building 7 also came down the same way without being struck by a plane & only having a small fire the controlled implosion is even more obvious.
Firemen can be heard on video stating there are just small fires in the Trade Center before they start saying bombs are going off.
Paul O’Neils’s interview on 60 Minutes is on YouTube where he states your Govt. was planning the Iraq war from day one.
When I first saw your current leader on the thing called tv when he was just running for the nomination to run against Gore I said he would lead your Nation into wars, start taking away your rights under your Constitution, and call for the New World Order.
He has done all three things.
I figured the looting of your Treasury on behalf of the rich, the Banks, and Corporation were a given considering his political party.
Thankfully I am just passing through your world & having fun along the way.
“I have a problem with these statements: “Planes brought down two buildings of the World trade Center complex in New York City; the Pentagon was hit; and another crashed in a Pennsylvania field.”
Planes did not bring down those buildings. Yes, the Pentagon was hit, but not by an airplane, if that is what is being suggested. And finally, I can’t for the life of me find an airplane part in any of the photos taken of the hole in Shanksville.
As soon as a writer begins with these false assumptions I lose interest in the rest of the things they have to say, although they may be accurate. This is because I figure if the writer can’t see these obvious lies (no plane hit the Pentagon, planes didn’t bring down towers, etc), because of naivete or intentional deception, I don’t care a whit about his other thoughts.”
Where’s your proof otherwise Phil?
umm……yeah. That’s what I thought.
“That’s what I thought.” What did you think? By all means, if you think any part of the official story is true (planes brought down the towers, a plane crashed and disappeared into the hole in Shanksville, etc…), then don’t let me interfere with that belief. I, on the other hand, will turn my attention elsewhere. There is enough evidence now on the Internet to get a good handle on what didn’t happen on 9/11. Maybe, though, you need more “proof.”
“The Shadow Government”
Check it out.
This isn’t about “belief Phil”, which is exactly my point. It’s about where’s is your proof of such a tremendous conspiracy, unprecedented in its historical cover-up, and subterfuge. Where’s the evidence????…”that’s what I thought”. Unless you provide it you can continue to trust your gut, but that doesn’t seem to be proving anything to anyone.
Show us…
No plane hit the Pentagon? What about the families grieving over their lost loved ones? The plane that hit the Pentagon never existed I assume? What happened to all the missing passengers? What you are proposing isn’t the government, CIA, or whomever, shooting a man in a car, or stealing documents, or even blowing up a ship…
How would Bush and CO. keep a lid on such a conspiracy for 8 years? This administration has been OPENLY fucked up since day 1, and has never seemed to be able to keep much secret for very long at all.
Provide some proof, or don’t derail the discussion. “You stopped reading after the first paragraph”. Who cares why you stopped reading??? I don’t, nor does anyone else here. Provide some bit of proof of the biggest conspiracy orchestrated in the history of mankind, or quit boring everyone…Maybe you have some interesting info on Bush and U.F.O.’s too?
What about the debris…???I don’t know the government cleaned it up maybe?
You could be right..who the hell knows, but until you have some decent proof, don’t talk about this conspiracy likes it’s gospel.
Proof? Where is the proof that the official story is correct? I work in security for one of the largest international agencies in the world, and the first thing (the very first thing!) you learn is to never touch a crime scene. It is illegal. The 9/11 crime, in particular the Pentagon, scene was touched and changed a hour after it happened! Why because a cover-up was being commited.
And that is faulty logic: “How would Bush and CO. keep a lid on such a conspiracy for 8 years? This administration has been OPENLY fucked up since day 1, and has never seemed to be able to keep much secret for very long at all. ”
The lid is off and has been for a while now. Can’t you see that?? Don’t assume they couldn’t keep the lid on. That assumption is wrong. I live in Europe and have yet to meet anyone who believes the offical logic. If you show me any 757 airplane parts at the Pentagon I will change my mind.
If you can explain how building 7 came down in free-fall speed, in its own footprint, and symmetrically, I will changed my mind.
Otherwise, I will continue to KNOW that 9/11 didn’t happen the way the government says it happened. First clue: They changed the crime scene. YOU MUST PRESERVE THE SCENE!!!
And regarding the war in Iraq… For those making a profit (check out the value of Halliburton stock before the war and now), the war is going great… Just as it was PLANNED to go. Bush didn’t lie to get the U.S. into Iraq because he wanted anything other than to make money. The war is going the way it is, not because of incompetence, but because of very well laid plans. Can’t you see that? The weapons manufactures, the companies “rebuilding” Iraq are all getting what they want. They don’t want the war to stop! If your job and your livelihood depended on staying in Iraq, you wouldn’t want it to stop… ever. Isn’t that obvious??
The Bush camp is nothing if not extremely competent. If they wanted the war to stop it would stop immediately! Everything they have wanted to happen has happened! How the heck can you say they are “fucked up”?? They are doing exaclty as they please and we can’t stop them.
And another thing, the circumstantial evidence (there is tons of it relating to 9/11) showing guilt on the part of the U.S. Government is enough to get a conviction by a reasonable jury. Circumstantial evidence is very powerful in this case. The physical evidence was tampered with, and this also is a very valuable piece of circumstantial evidence. Circumstantial evidence can get convictions!
And finally, don’t tell me what I should and shouldn’t write. Are you against free speech or what? I left you the room to believe what you like; regardless of how off-base you are and regardless of your faulty logic (for example: Oh, Mr. A couldn’t have done it. He can’t keep a secret…. Baloney! The secret is out!).
As far as Bush is concerned, their plans are going perfectly. Even if you can’t see it.
Philip is exactly right. Bob Yeakley…the “proof” is every bit of evidence not feverishly destroyed. The “official story” has no basis in fact. Can you, Bob, cite even one instance of evidence that supports the “official story”? One?
On the other hand, in addition to destruction of evidence, and tenacity in fighting any actual investigation…the Gov. whines elaborately about people questioning the “official story” of the Pentagon attack, even though they have extensive video records of exactly what happened, confiscated from local business security cameras. Why don’t they just show us their “truth” as recorded, and confiscated and locked down? How about WTC7…did it collapse because it saw what happened to the towers, and was scared to death? Evidence supporting the “official story equals zero. Evidence supporting “conspiracy theories” is all there is.
And if a 757 hit the Pentagon there would be no mistake about it. None!! There would be plenty of clear photos showing this. Hundreds of seats, the two huge engines, the tail, the fuselage all would be visible!! Ditto for Shanksville!! Are you so naive??