Sep 02 2007
Alberto Gonzales: Who CARES!!
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“For although our President has lied and destroyed three countries during his term, it is irrelevant shit like this Gonzales scandal that gives the Congress, the press and the deluded a sense of justice.”
By Jonathan Lenglain
Who decides when there’s a scandal? It can’t be us regular folk, for although we can stage the largest political protests in world history denouncing the lies of an American President (like those on Feb. 15th, 2003, according to Guinness,) there has yet to be a fire as far as the media establishment can see. For all the talk about a failed presidency among today’s journalists and broadcasters, no major media outlet actually investigated the lies of this administration and conclusively settled the issue. No major newspaper or news program yelled “fire!”
Thankfully, some of us do shriek and blister in an inferno, and those who see dishonesty as a grave crime did just that before the white-hot lies of the White House. Those lies included the link between Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda, the false claim that Iraq could harm the UK within minutes, or that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. But despite the unprecedented scale of public protest, no headlines in the style of yellow journalism reading “SCANDAL!!: PRESIDENT MISLEADS AMERICA” were to be found.
When several attorneys got fired from the Justice Department, not so much as a fart came out of a grassroots group or protester, yet THAT became a political scandal of front-page news proportions. The result? A congressional investigation and subsequent resignation of the said Attorney-General.
I’m so jealous!! How many rallies did we regular people stage, denouncing, among other things, the Attorney-General John Ashcroft and the USA-Patriot Act? His resignation only came after his health deteriorated.
This is like the forced resignation of New York Comptroller Alan Hevesi, a competent comptroller who was forced to resign after he used state employees to drive his wife around – the kind of scandal that impacts no New Yorker. Yet the state government and local press cut him to pieces and he eventually had to resign or get fired. Never mind the corruption of Rudolph Giuliani!
So I’m not happy that Alberto Gonzales was compelled to resign. I wish he could stay. For although our President has lied and destroyed three countries during his term, it is irrelevant shit like this Gonzales scandal that gives the Congress, the press and the deluded a sense of justice.
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Is that human feces not the ugliest cockiest smirking bastard on the planet? This dispicable piece of feces product of anal sex between ms daddy and mr mommy 61 yrs ago when stupid daddy didnt pull out in time thus ejaculating in her bowels to create the only known miraculous conception between sperm and feces that farted this monkeyhead looking creature out 9 mos later and the world has been in mortal danger ever since espec after the ole man enacted revenge on America for having the gall to oust him in only 4 yrs for some self made peasant hick.
Everything has fuked up since as millions are dead or maimed with some bogus neheb war and even the economy propped up by the neohebs running the fed to help their puppet destroy the planet and attack Iran next. Phucked Up!!
Mike Mason, thank you for the precision rendition of the conception deception. For all of those still questioning the possibilities clearly backed up by w…the foul possibilties of sperm-feces fusion…the tadpole and the stool—behold, the President of the United States!
OK, guys. Enough with the junior high potty/sex talk. The country is in serious trouble. It is time for serious people to do something to fix it and get these morons out of office now—ALL of them. You diminish our credibility and give away our power with this kind of garbage.
Oh, Sue don’t spoil their party! What credibility? If I thought anything said in these posts would change things I would stay in hiding and not make a peep–because if they could change things you can bet your (Bleeping bleep) that the gestapo would be at our door within moments of our posting.
However pottymouthed our original author and his follow up toadies; the point is well made that it is not the particular goons chosen to play the parts in the Punch and Judy show in Washington DC–it is the SYSTEM!!!
Let’s face it, it’s all over but the screaming for the US. Our grandparents fell for this Wilsonian ‘democracy’ crap at the same time they fell for the FED, and personal income taxes.
The Constitution of the United States establishes a republic, not a democracy. As Plato points out in the REPUBLIC, democracy is always the stage before tyranny. If you think he lived too long ago to give valid advice, try the Federalist Papers and what they had to say about direct democracy as a form of government…or read the Constitutional Debates themselves.
The major scam of the 20th century was the huge propaganda program to promote ‘democracy’; mob rule. You know what the mob is doncha? The hysterical mindles mob with a rope out to lynch anyone the ‘leader’ points too. Read PROPAGANDA by Edward Bernays–you CAN fool all the people all the time.
“What is credibility?” said jesting Pilate adjusting his poncho.
Well the head of the House Judiciary Committee voiced his willingness to start impeachment proceedings with enough support. He’s kind of bluffing but only because he’s scared of losing support. If we could get protests and rallies going like we did back at the start of the Iraq War, then we could get the impeachment proceedings off the ground. I’m going to write about this soon. Stay tuned.
And I think we could all make an effort and be a bit more articulate, as to preserve our credibility, or, (if we already have none,) to establish credibility and respect as a movement.
Gonzalez is the emblem and the thumb in the eye to any of us who still believe in the possibility of democratic restraint of the abuse of power.
Torture, and Gonzalez as its advocate, is undoubtedly the expression of the ultimate corruption of power.
Therefore, everyone needs to be concerned when after Gonzalez has advocated torture, he is still nominated to the position of Attorney General and approved 60 out of 100 in the Senate.
One wonders if these Senators who voted for his approval have gone mad. They certainly have violated their oath of office to defend the Constitution and thereby the American people. No one who supported Gonzalez can claim to be a “Representative” of freedom or democracy ever again.
It is remarkable to consider that Gonzalez at the time of his nomination could have been tried, convicted and sentenced to death for his role in the institution of torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Concentration Camps for violation of the War Crimes Act and the Convention Against Torture. The Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution makes makes this kind of violation of international law a federal crime as well.
Think Gonzalez is a footnote? He is more like the Rosetta Stone that we can’t quite see until we imagine what is going on in Iraq. Chaos. Hell on earth. Bush and his supporters would bring it all home and have given us a horrible foretaste in New York and New Orleans.
Gonzales himself himself acknowledged in his infamous memo that violation of the war crimes act and Geneva Conventions can incur the death penalty. Thus the utility of declaring a paradigm shift in the war on terror that would declare the Geneva conventions “quaint” and irrelevant. It’s incredible that this was a news story, but that it never was a full blown, official scandal.
Wait a minute. I have postponed a reply. Have there really been no other responses? People need context. That is the problem with media. As it is , everything is evenly dubious not true or false. People need context and consequence to see the relevance of political events yet to unfold directly. What is the consequence in each household of the political events that have been set in motion by a government that has no president in the US, yet WELL KNOWN in Latin America and Eastern Europe? Contextualize THAT!
It’s interesting enough that I can fully understand what mike mason said on 9/4 completely and can’t figure out what gregory wood is talking about on 9/11.
thanks for the insight.
what are you talking about on 9/11 ?
Check out The Shock Doctrine at a book review by Stephen Lendman. The other aspects are incidental. Good luck.