Jul 21 2007
The Great American Train Wreck
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By Rand Clifford
The tired old color-coded terror warnings that blare whenever justice sniffs at the heels of our leadership are primarily meant to divert attention. Of course ambient American fear must not be allowed to cool below a certain control threshold, and Americans have a very low attention span. But when the garish colors, bar graphs and pie charts are marched out to remind us that evil people want to hurt the righteous, and we need to be especially diligent, it’s time to look closer at the latest political scandal rather than watch for shadows of maniacal brown people fighting to deprive us of our oil. In this age of continuous and absolute lies, one thing Americans can rely on: If the government cries wolf, the sheep are relatively safe.
It’s when they try to be subtle that we should be most wary. Pseudo subtlety means trouble as sure as that knife at your back. America’s leaders are about as subtle as a rattlesnake bite, nothing subtle about flaming yellow and orange and red flourishes of Terror Danger! But on Thursday, July 12, headlines around the country announced: Al-Qaida regains strength, and you can be sure it has nothing to do with hyper over-hyped Jihadists, that we created, gaining strength, and everything to do with government knives and dead sheep. Other headlines: Group returns to 2001 levels. Whoa, now…real evil in the 2001 zone, especially riveting for those condemned to believe what they see instead of what professional liars say. So with this subtle new stratagem—subtle for them at least—we are being softened up for more terror, 9-11 false-flag style, our sentiments plumbed.
On Friday the 13th, the Associated Press chimed Wolf with: “According to a counter terrorism official, ‘Al Qaida is considerably operationally stronger than a year ago’.” And, “It has regrouped to ‘an extent not seen since 2001′.” Plus, “Al Qaida again seeking entry. Report: Terrorists trying to infiltrate U.S.” See the pattern…feel the feeling-out? Remember Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff recently saying that he had a “gut feeling” we face a heightened chance of terror attack this summer? “Easy way to get dirty bomb” was a sub-headline suggesting that this time we might see something nuclear…perhaps cesium 131 blown all over Detroit—certainly NOT Houston….
Conditions making American domestic peril inevitable are headed up by: The Bush Brigade is smothering under crimes and corruption to the point that even their own corporate media cheerleaders are over-stressed. Our fearful leaders are wounded wild animals, and the only cards they have left are the same as all the other cards in their deck. To appreciate what they might do next, consider what they have already done, and are doing now.
One might argue that our current perils are not entirely our leaders’ fault since they are simply corporate puppetry (CorpoGov) and there is absolutely no way they could do anything in the public interest. Corporate profit is everything, and if in pursuit of profit most everybody is poisoned, genetically maimed or outright murdered, and the planet is made inhospitable, that’s just tough. Part of the cost of doing business; besides, anything else could impact profits. This is a corporate world now (CorpoWorld). No, perhaps much fault lies with The People for letting this situation metastasize so comprehensively. Even now, people swallow the most incredible lies issued from liars who have done nothing but lie since they lied their way into office. One of the few things you can take for granted in American politics: If it’s an official statement, it’s probably a lie. Double Speak is rampant—which actually makes finding the truth reliably easy; simply reverse CorpoGov’s stated position, and there you’ll find truth.
An ongoing example of the duplicity of Bush Brigade and their Corporate media (CorpoMedia) sparkled beside the Friday the 13th report about terrorists trying to infiltrate the U.S. This was a Washington Post story bemoaning Iraqi pessimism over making progress regarding benchmarks set for them by Washington. The article tells about on “some of the most significant benchmarks, such as passing legislation to manage oil resources”—STOP! Reality Check: This “benchmark” is not about “managing”, but rather, stealing Iraqis’ oil resources. This is what everything we’ve done to the nation of Iraq is all about. We invaded Iraq firstly to plunder their oil, and will continue our current massive military occupation at least until passage of the New Iraqi Oil Law. The new law will put Iraq’s fantastic oil wealth under control of a “Federal Oil and Gas Council” comprised mostly of American Big Oil executives. This institutionalized pirating of Iraq’s oil wealth will pour up to 75% of the profits primarily to American Big Oil for at least 30 years. American puppets masquerading as “democratically-elected” leaders of Iraqi Parliament initiated legislation of the new law with little public knowledge in Iraq of the pillaging of their resources. But the truth has leaked out, and most Iraqis viciously oppose the new law, including Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mehdi Army. That’s bad news for Americans demanding an end to the carnage in Iraq. The ineffectiveness of the loud message voters sent in the last election clearly shows that profits trump the will of Americans—and profits in Iraq have been astronomical, one of the most enormous transfers of taxpayer dollars to war profiteers ever imagined. So regardless of surges, and dirges, public unrest at home or Democratic feints and ruses, don’t expect to see many troops withdrawn. All the rhetoric about bringing the troops home is just so much movement of political lips. CorpoGov’s bottom line remains: New Oil Law, or else. The fact that we are losing in Iraq puts that swinish dictum in Karmic contrast. Meanwhile, Karl Rove, the President’s brain, is slithering around giving speeches about how up to 90% of the opposition fighting in Iraq is suddenly coming from Al Qaida—he’s making this claim even at venues where Colin Powell is saying Al Qaida is responsible for only 10% of Iraqi opposition. Back to brain-of-the-twit…Karl, have you ever in your public life told the truth? Opposition in Iraq comes from Iraqi’s trying to stop Bush Brigade’s obscene looting of Iraqi oil, and even saying that 1% of opposition fighting is by Al Qaida is a whopper. Observers familiar with the guts of the New Iraqi Oil Law call it “shocking”, “outrageous”, “perverse”, and worse—that’s the new oil law, not Karl Rove.
And then, back to CorpoMedia’s story in the Washington Post, they acted like Washington was just as concerned about legislation to bring former Baath Party members back into the political fold—actually ran onto it in the same sentence as that “mentioning” the new oil law. The Post did go on to finish the propaganda piece by saying that U.S. officials consider Iraq’s oil law a “top priority” that has yet to be discussed in Parliament despite a May 31 deadline; and that the boycotting of Cabinet meetings by Sunni ministers has hindered progress on the law—boycotts because of their reservations about how Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish regions can “share revenue equitably”. Revenue? Oh yeah, that token 25% sacrificed by Big Oil….
Whenever platitudes and euphemisms are squeaked in CorpoMedia about the new Iraqi oil law, they would not be such pure lies if they mentioned: We (CorpoGov), just as all possible salient evidence indicates, pulled off 9-11 so we’d have an excuse to invade Iraq, and others; we call it The War On Terror, which is actually a war by the elites on everybody else. We’ve murdered up to a million Iraqis, destroyed their country in most every possible way (while safeguarding the oil fields), sacrificed way more American lives than we’ll ever admit, and sucked up a trillion taxpayer dollars…so there is no way in hell we are not going to Get That Iraqi Oil! That oil WILL BE OURS! Bet lives of the poor on it.
Why do Americans still swallow CorpoMedia lies? Perhaps it’s because, without lies there is nothing left, and something must be swallowed? At any rate, too many people want to keep swallowing lies—that’s the easy way. Don’t make a fuss. Too many people simply can’t stand the idea of CorpoGov being what it actually is, and doing what it actually does. Well, we’re getting way down that road to hell now…so far that Americans are being softened up for CorpoGov’s next move on US. Long ago—at least 5 years ago—we should have stopped swallowing the lies and done something to save our Constitution…meaning also our country and ourselves. We took it easy then, which is probably something like how we are going to take the impending new false flag terror extravaganza. As far as declaration of martial law, interment in forced labor camps and everything else so CorpoGov can further pursue “global hegemony” without having to look over their shoulders, or wonder what The People think…we’ll see. There has to be a point of abuse where enough Americans to change the tide stand up for their country. More and more people all the time are gagging on the continuous lies, anticipating the Great American Train Wreck. But for every one taking action there are many thousands good and ready to not make a fuss, confident that CorpoGov would Never Ever do anything to harm Americans.
Rand Clifford is a novelist and essayist living in Spokane, Washington, with his wife Mary Ann, and their Chesapeake Bay retriever, Mink. His novels CASTLING and TIMING are published by StarChief Press: http://www.starchiefpress.com
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