Jul 08 2007
Al Gore’s Trendy Environmentalism in Barcelona
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By Pablo Ouziel
On the 23 of June, I had the opportunity to attend the Friends of Trees Conference in Barcelona. It has taken me a few weeks to digest all the information, which I, together with about 900 other people managed to inhale: The fumes of change, the organic revolution, the climate crisis, the need for solidarity and action. It was a most overwhelming task: and Al Gore’s redundant joke of: “I used to be the next president of the United States,” has hardly helped ease the intensity of the situation.
The crowds clapped at every comment made by the speakers, who endlessly praised each other for their wonderful efforts in shaping the future of our environment. Yet my impressions of the entire event were so off-putting, that is until I listened to a most articulate and powerful Indian woman with a soothing voice and right hook dialogue, called Vandana Shiva. Her genuine commitment to the preservation of the planet, her emotional personal descriptions of the non-violent Chipko movement during the 1970s in the Uttarakhand region of India, her open dialogue about corrupt multinationals and unjust wars, and her inspiring leadership abilities should serve as an example to the rest of the world.
‘Saving the environment’ has become the latest trend in western societies, the new toy of the rich and privileged; this is something I would certainly not object to, if the consequences were not so devastating for those who have fought for environmental values for decades with the social stigma of being labeled with all kind of degrading labels, tree huggers and the likes. I am not a ‘tree hugger’ myself, however over the years I have spent a lot of time with many who are, people who have that characteristic innate in their nature, in their love for humanity, the environment; frankly, Al Gore hardly qualifies as one.
One can never be too sure about making the right judgment about a particular individual and the motives driving him or her into carrying out a particular action, however in the case of Al Gore, the whole staging of his persona as a born-again conscientious human being, seems a little opportunistic in the global game of personal positioning. One would undoubtedly argue after listening to his eloquent speech, which he repeats word for word in every country to which he is invited, that he represents the true values of western democracy: quotes from Genesis, respect for nature, concern for the people suffering due to the drastic changes affecting our climate, and added to that, the fact that he does this in representation of altruistic values.
I agree. Indeed, Al Gore’s efforts to save us all from the melting glaciers, the raising water levels, increasing number of tornadoes and stronger Tsunamis, together with his quotes from Genesis, are a true representation of western democratic values; however, for me, these western democratic values are represented in the double standards, and strategic omission of relevant information. In fact, I would argue that there is a very much probable imperialistic agenda hidden behind the façade of these ‘humanitarian’ initiatives.
Al Gore represents the birth of the 21st Century altruist; he is a man who has no time to waste for the world is collapsing and there is no time to accumulate wealth; indeed it’s time to ‘give back’ to humanity, to make change, now, and to implement drastic action; thus, we are all expected to listen to him, count our “carbon footprint” and then plant a tree.
But to make it a tad more interesting, maybe it would be motivating for the public in the next theatrical event which he stages, to be informed of the fact that he and his crew can only travel first class, and only sleep in top-tier hotels. Equally, maybe it would be interesting for the public to know, that a list of the cities’ dignitaries presiding the event has to be presented in advance, in order for him to evaluate whether it is worth his time to speak to the rest of us, the ones paying for the event.
Then perhaps he could’ve discussed his own “carbon foot print” during his 2000 United States presidential campaign in which, according to publicly accessible information during the period between January of 1999 and January of 2000, he reimbursed five groups and corporations for 16 flights on private jets. After all, flying around in private jets does more than four times the carbon emission damage to the environment than flying a regular commercial jet. Speaking of his political career, it’s rather telling that Al Gore did very little for the environment when he served as Clinton’s vice President for 8 years; it’s bewildering that we are expected to believe that the man who failed to contribute much to this pressing global concern as, presumably, the second most powerful man in the world, can do much now as a predictable speaker with a redundant joke.
Finally to end his future speeches he could perhaps mention something about the launch in late 2004 of the investment firm Generation Investment Management LLP, which he chairs, and seeks out companies taking a ‘responsible’ view on big global issues like climate change. Al Gore’s environmentalism is the most fashionable trend in today’s investment world and the man knows well that a lot of money can be reaped from his trendy humanism.
I don’t claim that Al Gore tells lies, or that there isn’t some good coming out of his efforts, but I guess all that I am asking for is just a bit of respect. The next time I sit in a hall to listen to someone who is championing, building and capitalising on a new and hip industry, I would like to know his true intentions in advance. I am truly glad, that Vandana Shiva as a ‘less prominent’ speaker holding the 1994 alternative Nobel price, was there to remind us of the fact that although planting a tree is always a good thing, the real environmental change will only take place when greed, extortion and theft are eradicated from human behaviour.
Without her speech I would not discard asking for reimbursement.
-Pablo Ouziel has international experience in Business Development and Corporate Communications having worked from London and New York, developing communications strategies and dealing with investor relations for many world leading companies. He was also co-founder of Latinia Corporation and Appareo Corporation, and currently is CEO of Can Poeti SL, a branding communications company which he runs together with his wife, and focuses on supporting projects around the globe in the areas of sustainability, ecology and health. Pablo also sits on the Board of Directors of Mas Claperol, the oldest organic dairy farm in Catalunya, Spain.
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Article Quote–”One can never be too sure about making the right judgement about a particular individual and the motives driving him or her into carrying out a particular action…”
T.A.–Indeed. Who knows whats really in a man’s heart?
Article Quote–”Al Gore’s efforts to save us all from the melting glaciers, the raising water levels, increasing number of tornadoes and stronger Tsunamis…”
T.A.– So many assumptions in that one sentence. I think rather than dispute the accuracy of those, I’ll simply point out the other obvious feature. Weather modification and control is a FACT, it is ongoing daily and having CATASTROPHIC effects on our planet. MILLIONS of citizens now know this including obviously Mr. Gore. Until the time he is ready to acknowledge this, I simply have to say DESPITE whatever his intentions may be, by his LIES OF OMISSION he is both a charlatan and an imposter.
Thank you for this article. It helps to feel I am not alone in questioning Al’s intentions.
And I have to say that it is a sad place to be; a skeptic.
I watched allot of the LE event yesterday, I saw Inconvenient Truth. I sincerely believe that 100+ years of Industrial Revolution have surely impacted climate change, even if only made worse a naturally occurring cycle. Regardless, my point is, it should be common sense that we are affecting the climate, and that we MUST act now to at least slow the damage we do. More importantly, we should have acted 50 years ago.
But… ( there is always a butt, and it is sad there must be )
What is Al’s part here? I mean he obviously has been privy to knowledge we can only surmise, as mentioned in the comments above, that there exists technology to manipulate the weather, that there has been technology suppressed for decades, that could ELIMINATE carbon fuels.
Add to that, the mention of the exploitation of Environmental danger as one of the 3 possible scenarios outlined by the Report from Iron mountain? ( Hoax, my ass… ) Although I do not subscribe to the Religious references, I am way too agnostic to trust that other source of Matrix like control.
it just causes one to wonder.
So, I don’t discard my belief that we need to change our ways of doing things, I believe that we are obviously experiencing possibly catastrophic climate change. But I am perplexed that it’s Al that’s spearheading the movement.
I wonder if there is truth to this new Benjamin Fulford person’s claim? I listened to the Rense Interview. It would be freaking AWESOME if it’s true, but so many questions remain.
Does anybody remember the “Electrical Deregulation” debacle of the last decade? You should, because Mr. Gore, as vice-president during the Clinton years, played a large part of that unmitigated disaster. Rolling blackouts, price gouging, political largesse on a massive scale–not to mention the tens of billions stolen from California’s energy consumers by ENRON. ‘Google’ in electrical deregulation, Al Gore, and smog credits and you will find plenty of excellent articles. It seems as “Veep”, Mr. Gore had quite a hand in the development of energy contracts with a good number of foreign countries in regards Enron-most of it dealing with the purchase of carbon credits for the furtherance of Enron’s portfolio in emissions trading–something Enron was very interested in promoting since a positive energy futures/emissions trading treaties, couched in their fabor would, as we now know, help balance out their creative bookkeeping entries in the power business. Records show that Mr. Gore, along with Commerce Secretaries Kantor, Brown, Energy Secretary Pena and others were urged along by Kenneth Lay to support legislation in laying out the groundwork to aid Enron’s dreams of being the dominant player in an electricity baded market place. Given his history, what bothers me is Mr. Gore’s sudden rush to judgement concerning global warming where he stands to be in prime position to capitalize on cap and trade arrangements–i.e., the ability to manipulate pollution credits in order to purchase “off-sets” for fun and profit.
Reason > Politics, it is always great to read comments from other “awake” Citizens that understand many of the things kept from the sight of those still “trapped in the Matrix”. I don’t mean to sound ‘elitist” to others by saying that but really so many get their “news” from State-run sources like FAUX. etc. that it always seems an uphill battle to try and just get at the more full nature of things. I have studied and watched and personally observed weather modification efforts for several years now and where once things like pushing and pulling the Jet Stream around were in the realm of ‘conspiracy theory” they are now almost “mainstream” (even though of course we still have the often paid “debunkers” to set out on the net and elsewhere to keep the wool pulled over Sheeple eyes.)
While most of us now know the potential of things like HAARP and the constant particulate and aerosol spreading from commercial/military tankers I am just now becoming informed how these ionospheric heaters and the like are being spread out throughout the world to move the weather systems around. While I once used to subscribe to the theory that is even being taught in our childrens text books–about how this particulate spreading is to “combat global wraming by sun blocking–I am now considering the very “Iron Mountain” scenario you described, and also how this weather/ water etc. manipulation is being used for the social engineering of the planet.
Was rain withheld from Afghanistan for several years to destabilize it before we went in to secure the pipeline route? I think so. Is the military actively carrying out their ‘Owning The Weather by 2025″ protocol against potential enconomic and political rivals? Again, I believe so. Did we see in 1993 an attempt to drive farmers out of the river bottoms by constant, constant seeding to get our 40 days and nights of almost continuous rainfall and subsequent flooding, and to have the land bought up by the Feds and taken over. Once more, I have to say VERY possibly. These things are all part of The Agenda.
These of course are just the tip of the so called melting iceberg. What we are witnessing is everything that can be used IS being used in this perpetual destruction of “democracy” and in it’s place an Elitist clique setting itself up as Ruler and decision maker over ALL livng and non-living things. And one of their KEY weapons to make this happen is using man-made events under the cover of “natural events”. Plausible deniability. At least for awhile longer.
Is Gore part of this??? Well, what can we say about those that KNOW and sin by silence, or worse pretending to be fighting the very thing they are aiding.
I have to add: I think the environment is extremely important (I used to be one of those “Tree Huggers” too unfortunately), but I agree with the comment of “Ommission of weather modification.”….There’s a LOT OF CHEMTRAIL ACTIVITY, but nobody’s willing to talk about it when I write my congresspeople or the weather people….I never recieved any replies (zip, nada, nothing). I also tell people I know, who now think I’m crazy.
2. Is Gore ever going to help anybody who wound up sick with MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity), Gulf War Syndrome, Agent Orange, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia?
These are illnesses pooh-poohed & dismissed by the Conventional Medical Community. It turns out that the drug makers also make the pesticides, fungacides, etc…..It just so happens that the drug companies heavily court the doctors.
There’s also all the lobbyists to Washington and it turns out there some think tanks such as: Stephen Barrett (Quackwatch), Ronald Gots (ESRI), Elizabeth Whelan, Steven Milloy (Formerly of Cato) & Michael Fumento (Hudson Institute), Dean Edell & John Stossel as well who also did a complete character assassination of us.
These illnesses seem to strike the CNS (Central Nervous System). With MCS, there might also be something wrong with some of our enzymes (dysfunction, deficient or missing) & possibly the blood-brain barrier.
These same guys completely disregard this information.
3. Is Gore going to go after the EPA & Christine Todd Whitman who lied about the air quality after 9/11?
And no, I didn’t know Gore was involved in this ENRON debacle (disgusting if he did). I who live in CA remember that very well….I learned from that time on also that Bush isn’t very Christian….He was going to let this situation get completely out of hand (He did say, “Whatever the Market Would Bear.”
I also learned that people from other states thought that CA deserved this & all we did was hang around hot tubs, beaches & surf all day. They weren’t very kind or understanding…..(so I did my part & reminded them that “if it could happen to us, it could happen to them)!
ANYWAY, If Gore would answer any of these questions, then I would listen to him. In the meantime (OR what I’ve been doing all along over the past 30 years) is: I recycle everything I can, I do consider what kind of car I drive (not a gas guzzler) and I do watch my energy use and occasionally when I go for a walk to my favorite place for a hike (which some people like to confuse with a garbage dump, I do occasionally grab a garbage bag and pick it all up). I also unplug any cell phones or certain chargers when done, lights are turned off when I leave a room, T.V./radio/computer is turned off when I done….So even if it’s not much, I have been trying to do my part all along.
Another comment about weather modification: With Texas and lower midwest experiencing record rain for so long and this extended heatwave in the west, is this just a fluke or is there weather modification going on here? (and yes I’m aware that weather varies & sometimes there’s flukes and with tectonic changes and mountain lift, large lakes have disappeared & mountains create rain shadows, blocking out any moisture).
Normally, rain only lasts for a few days and likewise with heatwaves and that’s why I’m suspicous. (yes, I’ve already been labled both a Conspiracy theorist-whacko & Tin Foil Hat Wearer many times, so those terms have already lost their affect on me).
Good Work, Roxan! Also, this new emerging Morgellon’s Disease. Seems possibly linked to the Chemtrails. Or maybe genetic modification of food? Who knows, but the CDC has been VERY slow to even acknowledge it.
And T.A. Yes, considering the amount of abuse we that are awakening, or are indeed awake, take from all the rest, it is always a pleasure to find someone, that understands.
yes, I failed to mention Chemtrails. It’s been going on for a long time, so obviously Al would also know about that.
I wasn’t aware of Al’s involvement in the whole carbon trading scam, so I appreciate the head’s up.
Also, with weather modification, I wonder if this has anything to do with it? EM Scalar Weapons and tech -
The Tom Bearden Website - http://www.cheniere.org/
Sooo many damn vectors. They come at us from so many sides at once.
Regardless, isn’t Al a member of the CFR? iirc, he must be, and if that’s the case, then the new emphasis on Climate Crisis, while being real just the same, is obviously serving the Agenda as well.
Roxan and R.P., yes I hesitated to use the word ‘chemtrails’ prescisely because as you alluded to it sounds a bit “tin foil” I prefer the scientific term geoengineering. But as I alluded to also, one day my children brought home their science book from school and I happened to flip it open, and I was aghast, there was a character picture of a plane with the words ‘particle air’ on the side and a caption about how these planes would be spreading unburnt fuel to create nuclei for cloud formation to block the sun to counter “global warming”. They ARE already teaching this in schools to kids to get them used to it! It is a FACT. Everywhere one looks now this desensitizing is going on all the way from these artificial plane made clouds showing up in so many advertisments all the way to the post office putting out stamps with “new cloud names” LOL showing geoengineered skies. Obviously though the research shows much more than just unburnt fuel is being used (as if JP-8 and other fuel isn’t bad enough anyway).
The oil industry has funded white papers through Stanford “A Climate Change Manhatten Project” as well as of course the late Ed Teller advocating “A Giant Pair of Sunglasses For Planet Earth” etc. etc. It’s everywhere and though it’s starting to leak out into the “mainstream ” like The Guardian paper advocating we need to find geoengineering solutions, so much of the world realizes geoengineering partciulate/aerosol spreading (chemtrails) has been going on strong since at least 1997 and much likely well before.
I ,like millions of Americans and others across the world, watch this intentional spreading of this stuff daily from pilots that seem to be lost flying in circles and X’s and right at each other until they have “whited out” the sky. I’m sure you know the routine. I once thought that maybe it was to aid “cooling” as it DOES seem to cool the temps by providing shading, but lately I have come to wonder if the real intent is simply more full force weather modification as it also seems to disrupt rainfall patterns among other things. In all fairness it also seems to mitigate cloud to ground lightning sometimes too.
In any case when Katrina came in toward New Orleans Many of us watched on satellite maps planes leaving many many huge white trails in the bands along side it, and we watched them AID the growth of the hurricane walls. While I am aware of technologies like “Dyno-mat” that supposedly have been tried to dry up hurricanes, these attempts definately seemed to be BUILDING up this one (and no these weren’t observation plane trails). We all watched a hurricane off the East Coast that one could see the trails being laid and it did a complete loop around on itself as if it was being driven by a joy stick. I won’t go on but suffice it to say the info is out there, the observations are out there, and IF anyone is left that doesn’t understand using weather as a weapon and as another means for social engineering then I would suggest a little homework for THEMSELVES. People in the military in the know tell me these “interferometers”? are on board many of our “nuclear” ships/ submarines now and can be used to effect the weather as well as for “other purposes”.
It’s real and as I said I would like to hear someone other than Dennis Kucinnich address it (he even folded due to presumed political presure). I don’t really trust Gore is anything more than simply ANOTHER ELITIST chopping the Tree of Liberty from the so called “left” just as Bush and his Fascist Neo-Con buddies chop from the so called “right”. Perhaps he’ll prove us wrong and show he’s more than just another ELITIST puppet. Time will tell.
I’d like to talk to you about this article. Get in touch with me at