Jun 24 2007
Overgrown Kids, Unshackled Ids, and the Death of the Superego
NOTICE TO OUR READERS: The editors will be most grateful for your attention at the end of this feature. Thank you.
Sculpture: “The Id” by TJ Dixon and James Nelson
By Jason Miller
Children are completely egoistic; they feel their needs intensely and strive ruthlessly to satisfy them.
–Sigmund Freud
Frightening as it may be, the Earth’s fate rests in the hands of children. With incredibly formidable military firepower at its disposal, the United States could catalyze Armageddon at any time. And while they may be adults chronologically, our sociopolitical structure is dominated by emotional infants.
Nietzsche once pronounced God dead. In the United States, we have a more readily demonstrable (and perhaps related) problem. Our collective id has rendered its governing superego impotent, and perhaps dead. Our prevailing moral standards, as inconsequential as they have become, are of the Jerry Falwell variety. They are mean-spirited, self-serving, judgmental, narrow-minded, selfish, and belligerent. As far as US Americans are concerned, Christ may as well have preached the Sermon on the Mount from the lowest recesses of Death Valley.
Recall that our basic drives such as libido, hunger, and aggression flow from the infantile dimension of our psyche known as the id. In terms of psychodynamics, the superego’s role is to counter-balance the irresponsible, amoral, and essentially sociopathic nature of the id with a healthy degree of conscience and guilt. Yet in the United States, we are inculcated with a deep sense of our exceptionalism and entitlement from the moment we emerge from the birth canal, thus crippling our ability to empathize and seriously impeding the development of our superego.
Consequently, conscience, guilt, personal discipline, and delaying gratification are barely extant in the toxic cesspool of our sociocultural environment.
Let’s examine some of the spiritually corrosive social forces which have molded our malleable natures in such a way that our behavior as a nation closely resembles that of a depraved miscreant:
While counseling and therapy are essential tools to heal from psychic wounds, emotional disorders, and mental illnesses, many mental health professionals offer their patients palliative “ego strokes” rather than the remedial brutal honesty and tough love they truly need. Instead of giving their clients the tools they need to heal themselves, they enable their ids to continue running rampant, unfettered by that “nasty old superego” and its “toxic guilt.”
Even those who don’t seek professional help are absolved of the pangs of conscience by the high priests and priestesses of the corporate media. Prostitutes to the establishment like Oprah pat them on the head, reassure them that their pathological self-absorption is wonderful, and tell them to further immerse their minds in pernicious idiocy by reading instruction manuals on narcissism like The Secret.
Commit a crime? No problem. We have a legal system, not a justice system. If you have money enough to hire a shrewd attorney, you are unlikely to face the consequences you deserve, regardless of the egregiousness of your crime. Unfortunately, if you don’t have money, you will face the equivalent of electrocution for stealing a loaf of bread, which means several brutal, dehumanizing years in the most populous prison industrial complex in the world for “crimes” like self-medicating to escape your already miserable circumstances.
Lack the cash to buy the $2,000.00 flat screen you “have to have” to watch the obscenely commercialized and over-hyped Super Bowl? No problem. In the advanced stages of our savage economic system, finance capital reigns supreme. There are untold thousands of lenders prepared to let you use their money, provided you agree to pay their usurious interest rates.
Want it yesterday? Not to worry. We have fast food, one hour photo, instant credit approval, movies on demand, pills to chase the blues and blue pills to give you an erection, instant coffee, microwave meals, zero down loans, and a host of other means to satisfy the relentlessly impatient demands of our ids.
Feeling bored, lonely, or depressed? Turn on the television. Fill your mind with inanity, brain candy, infotainment, and potent affirmations that your tenacious adherence to the reprehensible “American Way” is justified, patriotic, and admirable.
Need a career, training, money for college, the indoctrinated belief that you are risking your life for a noble cause, and the false security that your government will support you once they are done with you? “Join the people who have joined the Army” (or Marines, Navy, or Air Force). Our moneyed elite (desperately) need willing pawns to wage their wholesale terror operations in Iraq and elsewhere.
While it may sound a bit conspiratorial, before we go dismissing the notion that the erosion of our moral restraint (superego) has been intentionally engineered and orchestrated, let’s consider the question, “Cui bono?”
Having stunted, retarded, corralled, or in some cases, disabled the superegos of the “unwashed masses,” there is almost no end to the malevolence our sociopathic plutocracy, upper level military careerists, “religious” leaders, AIPAC, and reactionaries can commit in our names (with our overt or tacit approval) to further enrich and empower themselves.
Consider but a few examples of abominations for which we, as a nation, are responsible:
We have committed war crimes analogous to those of Nazi Germany through our pre-emptive invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. How many hundred thousand or million civilians must die before we realize that “collateral damage” is an Orwellian euphemism for mass murder?
We have long been complicit in the brutal oppression of the Palestinians. When the final Palestinian is imprisoned, obliterated, or driven out of Gaza and the West Bank will we then recognize that we facilitated an ethnic cleansing?
We employ economic tyranny and manipulation to make de facto colonies of developing nations, harvesting and consuming 25% of the world’s resources to “sustain” 5% of the world’s population. Isn’t gluttony one of the Seven Deadly Sins?
We listened to the likes of Ronald Reagan (a reactionary who never met a socially redeeming policy, law or public initiative he didn’t want to eliminate) when he moronically asserted that enacting universal health care would undoubtedly lead to “Godless Communism.” So we continue embracing a system enabling cynical wealthy elites and amoral corporations to generate outrageous profits derived from the administration of health care. As a result, there are 50 million uninsured US Americans, we have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world, we are 37th in the world in health care quality, HMO’s and managed care entities often refuse to provide necessary medical procedures, insurance companies routinely deny claims based on technicalities, and hospitals dump indigent patients on Skid Row rather than treating them.
On the subject of indigents, how is it that a nation awash in prosperity has over a million homeless human beings on any given night? Or that cities like Orlando and Las Vegas have made homelessness a crime? How can a significant percentage of those condemned to sleep under bridges and eat from dumpsters be veterans who fought for our country? Could it be that chicken hawk ruling elites like Dick Cheney used them as cannon fodder in their wars necessitated by capitalism’s endless demand for new markets, cheaper labor, and more resources, and then disposed of them like so much rubbish when they came home?
We strong-arm developing countries into implementing neoliberal economic policies and free trade, deepening the impoverishment of their citizens to further enrich ourselves. This leaves them little choice but to migrate here, where virtually all of the money and resources are flowing. Now that 12 million “illegals” have established residence in the US, we are arrogantly preparing to perpetuate their employers’ capacity to exploit them or to implement a draconian plan to rip their families and lives apart, imprison them, and eventually send them back to the abject poverty we created.
Climate Change? We simply deny we bear an ounce of responsibility and rev up our gas-guzzling SUVs, pick-ups, and Hummers.
Yes, in spite of the extreme moral poverty reflected in the myriad wounds we continue to inflict upon the Earth and its sentient inhabitants, we have the audacity to call ourselves a Christian nation. Whether it is conscious or not, we organize our existences around the abhorrent beliefs that “it’s all about me,” “get them before they get me,” “he who dies with the most toys wins,” and “blessed are the rich, the joyous, the well-fed, the aggressive, the merciless, the heartless, and the warmongers,” thus manifesting the virtual antithesis of Christ’s teachings.
But what can you expect from a nation of unsupervised ids?
Jason Miller is a wage slave of the American Empire who has freed himself intellectually and spiritually. He is Cyrano’s Journal Online’s associate editor (https://bestcyrano.org/) and publishes Thomas Paine’s Corner within Cyrano’s at https://bestcyrano.org/THOMASPAINE/. You can reach him at
For over two years now, Thomas Paine’s Corner has been a powerful and unwavering voice for a courageous and badly needed agenda for change. We have consistently delivered hard-hitting and insightful commentary, polemics, and analysis in our persistent efforts to persuade, educate, and inspire, and serve as a discriminating but generous platform for voices from many points of view with one thing in common: their spiritual honesty and quality of thinking.
Aside from the caliber of its content, Thomas Paine’s Corner’s strength is that there are no advertisers or corporations to exercise de facto censorship or orchestrate our agenda. We aim to keep it that way and we need your help!
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As Greek mythology has it, the powerful are frequently defeated by their own hubris, and that’s precisely what we are witnessing today. Our rotten-to-the-core, usurping plutocracy has become so overtly and arrogantly corrupt that our patience has now reached its generous limit, and the membrane of America’s collective consciousness is about to burst. This will result in a significant restructuring of our socioeconomic and political environments, we hope (and must make sure) for the better. Considering what is at stake in the world today, Cyrano’s Journal and Thomas Paine’s Corner want to accelerate the arrival of that new day, and its promise of a new, truly well organized, kind, and honest civilization.
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There is really one huge problem with this post–in that most of Freud’s work is nonscientific, especially his mental structure hypotheses. Also…you clearly don’t have a grasp of various modern therapies. Most of Freudian psychodynamics is crap (with certain notable exceptions; e.g., Oral stage, elements of the Oedipal complex).
When you talk about “pallatives” given to clients, you’re referring to Rogerian therapy–this type is NOT meant for mentally ill or disturbed clients, but rather for otherwise healthy people to help them progress further.
I hate to break it to you, but Reagan was a closeted communist himself; his anti-commie bravado was purely marketing from his Hollywood background. In fact, his nickname used to be ‘Red Ronnie’ in his acting circles.
Reagan signed a treaty of educational cooperation in 1985 with the Soviets, in which he invited their ‘educators’ to participate in developing the U.S. public school curriculum. Now, with only a 60% literacy rate among high school grads - most of whom can’t even find their own state on a amap of the U.S. - we’re supposed to believe Reagan was an ‘old right’ guy? Give me a break.
I think you are right on the money Mr Paine.
We are at an epoch in time where maturity is a necessity in order to survive, and yet never has it seemed further away from us.
There is only one condolance of immaturity as far as I can tell, and that is, as children, we cannot be held to contract, and are barely able to be held to account for our actions and inactions. This security blanket is relied upon heavily, to excuse and to justify cruelty, to dominate…and it won’t last for ever.
The only truth is, that eventually and as will all other beings and living things that breathe, we will be compelled by nature itself to grow, to mature. We can do that the easy way via willingness and accepting responsibility or we can do it the hard way. By nature, man has chosen the hard way every time.
I was interested to find that upon reflection, this very extreme and seemingly liberal viewpoint is not a far cry from the ideology of the evangelical right. You are essentially claiming that our “super ego” has decayed, allowing our immoral “id” to run rampant. To me this parallels the modern conservative and oft-touted theory that America is immoral and going to hell. Even Bush will tell you that we have lost our morality. As a nation, our divisions are so ingrained that we can say the same thing but swear the other side claims the opposite. Perhaps at heart we all want the same things…
A. Magnus
Right on. You stand out in a crowd my friend.
The author of the piece left this information out…
Historian John Toland (1992) has described in detail Hitler’s unprecedented offer to withdraw all of his troops from Poland during the first few days of the invasion; he had even offered to pay reparations to the Polish authorities in order to compensate them for the damages wrought by the Wehrmacht. As noted by Toland (1992), “[Ribbentrop stated] the Fuehrer is prepared to move out of Poland and to offer reparation damages provided that we receive Danzig and a road through the Corridor, if England will act as mediator in the German-Polish conflict. You [Hesse] are empowered by the Fuehrer to submit this proposal to the British cabinet and initiate negotiations immediately” (p. 573). This came after Hitler’s exceedingly generous peace offer prior to the actual invasion…this proposal included a resolution to the problem of the Corridor via plebiscite, which was completely democratic (Toland, p. 562). Need I mention that Hitler forbade attacks upon women and children during the Blitzkrieg campaign (Ibid., p. 570)?
According to Campbell (2006),
“Communists are the lowest form of life. We’ve been Communists since 1861. The Yankees, that is, and all who sympathize with what they did, which was wage aggressive war against people they’d already ripped off for decades. And then they ripped them off for decades after the war was over. That was Communism, American-style.
Karl Marx was a big fan of Abraham Lincoln and wrote to him in praise of his war of aggression against people seeking independence from Yankee dominance, under the terms of the Declaration of Independence. But Lincoln was our Lenin. Grant became Trotsky. Sherman, Sheridan, Custer and the other generals were their Bolshevik killers who went on to slaughter hundreds of thousands of American Indians, who also wanted independence. This was the first state-sponsored genocide and it happened here. Since then, no independence movement has been allowed by our Red government, anywhere in the world. I joined an independence movement in an African country called Rhodesia, but that movement was also crushed by the US government.
The American government is no more tolerant of independence than was the Soviet government. As I have pointed out many times, the American government created the Soviet government in 1917 and sustained it to its bitter end, and then supervised its reorganization in 1990. All Communist governments since, from China’s to Cuba’s, from East Germany’s and all of Eastern Europe’s to North Korea’s, from Vietnam’s to South Africa’s, have been organized by the US State Department and/or the CIA.
The hallmarks of Communist power after 1917, the things that made it different, were the psychiatric prisons and forced confessions of “crimes of disloyalty” that never happened. The most loyal and die-hard Communists were frequently executed by their own colleagues after they confessed to made-up charges. Party members were expendable and formed a valuable database for the control of the general population. This was revealed also by the American Communist, Benjamin Gitlow, in his The Whole of Our Lives. He wrote that party members were occasionally murdered by other party members and their deaths blamed on “reactionaries.” The purpose was mainly to radicalize even more party members, and reinforce their fanaticism and fear. It was all about mind-control, and still is. Our churches do it, too, and our schools. The only difference is the level of fear needed for control. Most people only need a little fear to be controlled.
America has lots of Communists. Bush and Cheney and their neo-cons are Communists. We all know that. But so are prison guards. Soldiers, marines and airmen, too. They just don’t know it, because “they fight for freedom.” Our police have become Communists, the way they lie and plant evidence and invade people’s homes. IRS agents are Communists, along with just about everyone else in government - especially the FBI. The way our politicians take our money and pay themselves - at the point of a gun - qualifies them as first-class Communists. But anyone who is willing to kill for political power is what today we might call a Communist. The CIA got its original members from the wartime OSS. The OSS’ membership was comprised of fifty percent members of the Communist Party USA (to gain the immediate cooperation of the French Underground).
The American-built Soviet Communist machine finally ran out of gas and our military-industry gangsters lost their valuable and lucrative “enemy,” which had to be replaced quickly.
My wife and I watched a new movie the other night - “The Road to Guantanamo.” It is the true story of several British Pakistanis from Tipton, West Midlands, who accompanied their friend to Pakistan, where he was to be married. This was a few weeks following 9-11. The wedding was cancelled and the young Brits had nothing to do and so, through several misadventures, wound up across the border in Afghanistan. There, they were quickly rounded up by the Americans and our puppet hoodlums, the Northern Alliance. Falsely accused of helping the Taliban, the men were placed in appalling SRO dungeons and then in the dreaded shipping containers, in which most of those with them died of suffocation or gunshots by American soldiers. The movie did not depict that hundreds of these victims actually cooked to death in the containers, left out in the hot sun for days. This was overseen by our wonderful boys, who were fighting for freedom.
The lucky survivors, who included the British Moslems, were then processed and put into those bright orange jumpsuits with total sensory deprivation. Hearing and sight were deprived with ludicrous hoods, black-out goggles and hearing suppressors. Placed in ritualistic positions on the floor of a C-130, they were flown to Cuba, specifically Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay.
Here they were subjected to pure American sadism. That is, it was Israeli sadism administered by screaming American thugs, same as Abu Ghraib. The prisoners’ entire life histories were already known by the American dictatorship, and so it was known months in advance that none of these prisoners was guilty of anything. And this was the whole point of the torture.
My wife, a medical doctor, realized that these innocent guys were the subjects of a big experiment. She had seen the same sort of thing in Veterans Administration hospitals. That is, our entire veteran population is an experimental group. They have little choice but to submit to whatever procedures the government chooses for them, because they are Communists in a Communist system. She thinks that anyone who submits to the AMA priesthood is performing in one pharmaceutical experiment or another and should be paid by the industry.
The first big American psychological experiment was the Korean War, in which our wonderful boys killed and were killed under the flag of the United Nations. That was an experiment right there, having American soldiers who’d grown up pledging allegiance to the flag, living and dying under the blue and white UN banner. No one complained that I know of. In league with our North Korean and Red Chinese puppets (they were, after all, put in business by the US government), American soldiers were experimented on in very unpleasant ways. Pavlov developed brainwashing in Russia under Lenin, doing his dog experiments on Russians and others victims of Jewish Communism but the ultimate targets are American men and “conditioned response” had to be tried out on them.”
Love the article. However,
The only truth is, that eventually and as will all other beings and living things that breathe, we will be compelled by nature itself to grow, to mature. We can do that the easy way via willingness and accepting responsibility or we can do it the hard way. By nature, man has chosen the hard way every time.
How in the world can we blame man (child), when since the first breath taken, humans have been covertly programmed to be idiots. Is a child compelled by nature to know how to tie his shoelaces? Or is he taught?
The question is, why has this been allowed to be done to mankind? And who is doing this? And why dont they just stop it?
Well spoken Jason ..
Freud may have been a Cocaine snorting mother hating freak but he got a few things right .. try Dr Eric Berne’s .. ‘The Games People Play .. There we find Id on full display shitty nappies (diapers) and all.
Gimme gimme .. now now .. or better still yesterday .. at once! But hey don’t hog it all for the Americans .. we Brits want our share .. otherwise I shall break my bottle and spit the dummy.
Our Id is a different flavour but it is Id nonetheless .. the main difference between American and British instant noodles is the sauce .. Britain has had a 1000 years of Robber Barons that is why Robin Hood is an enduring folk legend .. At one time they used to play the National Anthem in cinemas and theatres with everyone standing no less .. the young could hardly hit the exit fast enough .. they no longer play God save the Queen .. it was a self defeating piece of brainwashing. We expect to have to fight for our perks because that has how its always been ..we knew that unless Daddy or Mommy was rich that we were Serfs.
The American flavour was that they started from the premise that they were free men and not serfs .. unfortunately Id is susceptible to bribes .. your Robber Barons strewed the sweets and chocolates taken from other nations ..as Empire gobbles their guts .. Moores Documentary ‘Sicko’ reveals how the elite treats its peasants .. fortunately I think middle America is awake and snorting fire .. go gettem folks ..
Memo to A. Magnus / Weronika Clark—whoever you may be: You need help, pal. You’re clinically sick. You are a waste of space and food and energy. You don’t know ANYTHING about history, or, rather, your mind is so deranged, so full of holes and conspiratorial manure, that you can’t even remotely weigh the few real facts you come across or interpret anything coherently or logically because you don’t know which way is up, down, north or south and have apparently no inclination to find out. In sum, you’re a functional imbecile. Too bad you seem to represent the overwhelmig majority of this nation.
An important subject rendered impotent by being written by one of the members of the class discussed.
Jason, I enjoyed your article and I presume in the very end of the
article that you are familiar with the dialect of change through
conflict. About a year ago I read a Scripture that still has me
contemplating the full ramifications of its meaning. It coincides so
well with your article that I thought I would copy and paste the
Scripture for you to read.I will use the Rotherham translation, and
the Scripture is out of the eighth chapter of Romans.
18 For I reckon that unworthy are the sufferings of the present
season to be compared with the glory about to be revealed towards us;
19 For, the eager outlook of creation, ardently awaiteth the
revealing of the sons of God,––
20 For, unto vanity, hath creation been made subject––not by choice,
but by reason of him that made it subject, in hope
21 That, creation itself also, shall be freed––from the bondage of
the decay into the freedom of the glory of the sons of God;
22 For we know that, all creation, is sighing together, and
travailing–in–birth–throes together until the present,––
23 And, not only so, but, we ourselves, also, who have the firstfruit
of the Spirit––[[we]] even ourselves, within our own selves do
sigh,––sonship ardently awaiting––the redeeming of our body; ––
Vanity, in essence, is ego. All the many egos of humanity struggle
with the many other egos and of course, with God. That is a conflict
that God intentionally subjected the creation to. And out of this
conflict, the synthesis emerges- the manifestation of the sons of
God.Quite a sobering realization. Thanks for the fine article Jason,
and it helped to further clarify the above Scripture. Luke
German born in 1931 I survived WW II. After 4 years of English classes in German real schule I spoke English well enough to work for the US army in Germany from 1945 until 1947 as an interpreter. During this time being totally immersed in the US army I had all day contact with the G.I.’s of that time. I was 15-16 years old at the time. I ate with the troops in the same mess hall.
Thank full for being able to eat as much as I desired for the first time in several years I was astonished at the general ignorance of the young men.
Most were good natured and friendly towards me. The lot of them varied greatly since they came from all different parts of the USA and from different backgrounds.
The most reserved and well mannered came from the mid west from farm families in the corn belt.
Many that came from the big cities turned out to be petty criminals and liars that stole army property and abused military equipment wantonly.
These were not battle hardened men but 19 year old youngsters send over after wars end to occupy defeated Germany. It was obvious that the incredible economic conditions of the great depression left many of them without a good education or the discipline that comes from a prosperous family environment.
I believe the constant warring since than has left a deleterious impact on much of the US population.
After all the mercenary US army is educated to be unquestioning killers send to subdue other nations by whatever means.
Upon returning and eventually raising families what kind of parents can these men be ???.
That and the brutal computer games now taking up the rest of the mind bending, creates a society of quasi criminal morons. The small fragment of educated and enlightened men and women are drowned in the sea of ignorami. And so we see the likes of G.W. Bush leading with impunity.
It is no wonder that the scientists that set the doomsday clock have moved it’s hands to 11.45.
Than again maybe the world needs the human scourge reduced by a few billion..
Well said and well done Jason.
We need to turn from our self created altars and the pundit high priests who keep them greased with myopia and human blood and reclaim whatever’s left of this country before Cheney & Co put the remainder of our future in the shredder.
I appreciated the essay, a little long, but very worthy. The mechancs of Freud’s theories are debatable, but they tend to stand the test of time with variation and inclusion, various modifications, all science is this way. One commentator dismissed Freud completely, which is perhaps premature. The author’s points seemed to support some of Freud through examples instructive to the greater debate about our sick society and was interesting.
there was a post describing lincoln as a communist and the confederacy as a construct of noble purpose, then an allusion to
Rhodesia (Cecil Rhodes the very architect of British racial genocide theories later passed on to various European and American “intellectual” establishment at very high levels in the eugenics movement). The confederacy supporter mixes the bag with outrages anyone can agree on with neo confederate british loyalism, which is what neo confederacy and George W/. Bush , Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and LBJ are demonstrably part and parcel of.
The principal of confederation is not in itself a detestable or unworthy concept, it was the hijacking of this idealism by foreign agents seeking to overturn the revolution and reclaim the americas as European colonies. To say that Lincoln from the grave ordered the extermination of indians is more propaganda showmanship by white supremacists like David Duke and other apharteid officianados. The extermination of the indians occasioned by European expansion is not the sole province of one white group but rather part of the entire depopulation of the Americas, mostly at the hand, after 1492, of the Catholic spanish inquisition. It was the RCC that conspired to assasinate along with the British Monarchy and other European fellow travellers., our greatest (and supremely secular) saviour of the republic from British and VAtican counter-revolution.
The idea that becuase karl marx wrote lincoln to condradulate him on ending slavery meant LIncoln was a “communist” is the very height of christian patriot right infantile propaganda that the subject essay’s author decried.
After Lincoln’s assasination and the retreat of the confederate generals and power brokers to London and Italy, where they recieved heros welcomes and where celebrations (especially the Vatican)were held to mark Lincolns death, it was a constant battle to retain the Republic against british and vataican espionage and up until WWI, the vast majority of Americans considered the British and Vatican mortal enemies of the republic
The infantalism discussed carries over to the grand singularity theories of Americas right wing patriot movement and equally on the left. A deeper analysis easily obtained through formal study on a broad variety of fronts will yield a more complete picture of what continues to threaten our republic, mostly destroyed not by Lincoln, the untimely and unfortunate one, but by neo confederate white supremacist British Loyalist and traitor Woodrow Wilson. Yes, the dupe, who through his british handlers brought us the much maligned (by racist white supremacy christian right) League of Nations. So you can see here the pathetic disconnects readily apparent in the propaganda of neo confederate British Loyalists who are far more active and dangerous to our republic than people realize and who will again lead us to civil war , which is what is currently happening, awaiting a trigger mechanism, then foreign troops , then a religious king over us courtesy of Britain and the VAtican under the new leadership of a former german Nazi (Bush bavarian connections).
GWB is a closet papist in the same mode as his father and Bill Clinton and British LOyalist with strong connections to NAZI elements from Bavaria. GWB is NOT a Mason. Surprised in these posts we did not hear Free Masonry blamed as another grand singularity responsible for all social ills (the “devil” as external entity or force). South African apharteid eugencist disciples of Rhodes are prolific on the internet via Jeff Rense and other “christian patriot” sites. There’s is a constant propaganda battle to degrade and diminish black African people in order to return to their former glory plantation economies. This is done throgh this type of infantile propaganda coined mixed bag operations by various intelligence community types specializing in rumor transmission and other mind control ops., for which the Vatican is infamous.
Freud’s ideas were not good. It’s time we grew up and recognized this. The reasons he is remembered are twofold; first, he facilitated the practice of a highly-paid profession, second, his memory is promoted –it’s brought up again and again by people incapable of remembering anyone else in the field. Anyone who thinks children are nothing but egos was never a child. What blather.
And most of these overgrown kids found their only real success in life killing their own superego in a Nintendo combat game their parents bought for them to play the role of one more substitute parent, along with the Ritalin-dispensing school teacher and the all pervasive teacher/mother/secret lover: television.
While I can admire your expert use of Freud’s terminology to make your point, I certainly hope that you were more tongue-in-cheek than serious there.
Without going into too much detail about Freud, how scientific his theories are, or how valid and pertinent psychiatry is in a post-modern society, I would hope that this article provides a venue for more careful consideration about the idea of division.
The ultimate division is what we call a self. That conceptual boundary, (as opposed to the more natural areas where the periphery of the organism meets its environment) is, especially in Western culture as sacred as the idea of God. And yet, the self never exists without an environment, and it is through the environment that the self is reflected and shaped. I say this in the sense that they are so mutually inclusive as to be one, in essence.
While I could go on and on about the nature and impact of Freud’s work, (especially in respect to his personality, habits, and life) it just bears noting that, we find more divisions inserted into the Gestalt by his ideas than a harmonious sense of wholeness and connection.
I would rather a person have clear and direct insight into their own actual nature and act true to it, than to have to rely on externally imposed ideas of guilt and even responsibility as their primary motivations. Yes, I am saying that Frued’s ideas are merely another type or leve, (an extension, if you will) of impositions by cultures, elites, and special interests to motivate, control, and capture human nature. Everything we know is imposed upon us by our culture when we are most vulnerable and organismic ally survival-oriented.
Once all the presumptions we have, based on what we have been given and often forced to be believe as true, are up for questioning and the question of our own nature comes into our genuine inquiry, then it does not take much convincing or verbiage to see the functionality of dogmatic relgion and Freud’s religion of mental divisions.
Seeing what wholeness of being is, (without external, compositional, moralistic indictments) and seeing how that relates and even relies on the wordless interconnection of all does not require new age ideas, theocratic religious validation, or philosophical labyrinths that support the analytical divisions that are just a few of the conundrums that are woven by that unquestioned layer of abstraction that we call mind.
We live today as if the organism knows nothing about how to behave and react naturally. We cannot even be the noble savage, let alone be free from the bondage of the virtual world of genuine substitutions that mind has given us with no tangible means to escape it because each result of mind is yet another abstraction. Nobody dares to question or attack mind, even in many religious circles, because mind generates it all as a method of its own self-perpetuation.
Since mind is clever, it has come up with religions, philosophies, and now science as a means to perpetuate itself and make itself immortal. Yes, I am speaking about it as if it were a separate, willful entity in order to underscore my point. If you can see it that way, then you can see how cunning and crafty the idea of God, Heaven, Immortality, and then Freud, etc. is, and how it works.
Sadly, (not for me, but for those who read this) there is nothing you can get from understanding this. Once the mind issue becomes crystal clear, it is merely a dead-end and well, even though that should be telling, it shows how mind wins out over organism and why we are still seeing the imposition of guilt and other synthetic, manipulative, and purely functional methods at directing human behavior and molding consciousness to the point where a person has to be divided-up to be ritualistically pulled into the thoughtspere of ideation and endless “as ifs” and kept there until death.
Keep in mind that I am not saying that we are not anything more than creations of our society that merely feedback, in one way or another, what the culture needs and wants. In a way, whether we are cognizant of it, or not, that makes us one with it all and the Tao flows as it does, but it seems to me, in an abstract, convoluted fashion. It is like a dark, obscuring veil that does not even exist, and so our reactions to it may only serve to reinforce its existence rather than impose anything new or accomplish what we think we may be accomplishing.
Sorry for that catch-22, but I had to note it, lest my response be taken seriously enough to counter itself by illiciting any kind of action or reaction. The mind is the matrix. It may appear to be there, but I am sure most thinkers will agree that it is a metaphor machine that, at best, functions on nothing more than representations and certain forms of compelling evidence. I fear that what we confuse with egotism is merely a distorted reflection of the avoidance of a very intrinsic and unsettling actuality.
We are using mind right now … or does it use us? That is purely a polemic statement offered to those who are great thinkers and have not yet embraced or considered the mandalic nature of thought itself or the potential that the problem is always the solution. I know it is not polite or fair of me to let my Id offer this solutionless enigma to those who strive to think and value the dominance of the cerebral overlay of a neo-cortex on a multi-million-year-old bio-computer that, by capacity and function, will always remain infinitely unreachable and incredibly superior to the verbal tapestry of ideas we appear to populate its furthermost outlands with.
This is a lesson in futility, and it appears that my super-ego has been active enough to resolve my ego of any toxic guilt that sharing this kind of thinking might generate. Of course, how to deal with the shame of being thought too obscure or even eccentric, or, (gasp!) insane is something all three of us find no resolution to as long as we cling to ideas like existence, birth, death, and everything in-between.
Weather you love or hate culture, it makes no difference to me. It is better to own up to the idea that you are it and it is you. At that point everything is seen in a new light and the solution we all seek is not a pre-designed requirement that the cultures have inculcated into us since our arrival into it. As complex products of minds and the oneupmanship they always serve to function in, they are remarkably well-geared to absorb and utilize both their benefactors and their detractors easily. And both the advocates and the rebels get their own, selfish rewards, regardless of how imaginary their individual impact seems to be.
[…] insane theyre acting out a death wish and our whole culture is following suit and its going to kill us and all the animals and plants and everything were caught in it and theres […]