Archive for May, 2007

May 31 2007


By Gary Corseri


So I broke down and I watched the Miss Universe pageant.

It just happened to come on while I was finishing my late dinner. I hadn’t planned on it. Suddenly, there are these 77 gorgeous limbs, torsos and faces saying “Miss Denmark,” “Miss U.S.A.,” “Miss Angola,” “Miss India,” etc.

It’s a lot showier than when Bert Parks used to sing:

There she goes–Miss America.
There she goes–my ideal.

It’s also a lot more globalized. Blondes and white skin are quickly sidelined as the contest rolls on. My wife says, “How can anyone choose who is the most beautiful?” I suggest that each of the 77 gets a medal and that’s that.

But we watch anyway. We’re tired from our day of brain-work, and the little I’ve seen this Memorial Day of Brad what’s-his-name emoting about the ultimate sacrifice of our soldiers, or Diane Wiest acting the role of a brave mother sitting in the snow at Arlington cemetery, has convinced me that this particular mindless event has less claim on my pinched heartstrings and will provoke less sense of wallowing in pigs’ dung. (Of course, I’m wrong about this; but more on that later.)

Most of the women make you want to bite your knuckles and cry, how does God make such creatures?

For a moment, you can almost forget the war and the bullshit and the fact that all of this glittering beauty is being brought to you on Memorial Day by one of Capitalism’s major domos —Donald-The-Hair-Jackass-Trump.

Now, this is the first time I’ve seen this contest—or any contest—broadcast from Mexico City. It doesn’t take long to apprehend that all the pomp and glitter are excellent stage-propping for selling Mexico. So, we’re treated to scenes of Palenque and San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas state—but nothing about Commandante Zero and the struggle of los indios pobres in that same beleaguered territory. There’s Tulum and Cancun in the Yucatan, with the bathing-beauty Universe contestants frolicking in sand and surf, but nothing about “wetbacks” braving the desert badlands, scrounging for work in El Norte.

The stage heats up as scores of beauties are eliminated in a couple of fell swoops. This whole strange affair has started with all 77 dancing in individual enclosed cubicles or cell blocks, kind of like Elvis the Pelvis in “Jailhouse Rock.” But now, after flooding the stage with surfeits of estrogen and feminine pulchritude–observed from various angles and callipygian points of view—we’re down to the last ten.

Wife and I agree that Miss Venezuela is a statuesque goddess such as Praxiteles must have loved. But we’re both dubious the winner could be a Latina two years in a row.

Time limps on and the last five contestants linger nervously as la gente in the Mexican auditorium grows muy descontenta. When it’s clear that Miss Mexico is out of the comp, there’s genuine booing! The hapless hosts of this great charade are looking a little nervous on stage. The crowd is especially miffed at Miss U.S.A.—a cute-enough number with pixyish dimples to die for. The fact that she fell on her ass while sashaying in her evening wear has earned her no sympathy from this audience of Zapatistas! She deserves better, really, but it’s easy to understand how a few hundred years of La Conquista could sour the best of us. So there it is in black and white and color beamed to a billion TV sets all over the world as the former beloved Superpower is personified by a cute little woman being booed for her country’s sickening, noxious policies.

Soon, Miss Japan is crowned Miss Universe—do we really know there are no greater beauties in our galaxy, let alone our universe?—with a $250,000 Mikimoto pearl coronet. Not to take anything away from this bijin from the Land of the Rising Sun, but was the fix in when Mikimoto offered its crown? Or was the fix in when Donald The Hair-Brained determinate that a lot more tourists would come from Japan, flashing their yen, than from China, counting their renminbis? I was musing on this when I caught sight of the Donald sitting behind the judges wearing that beatific expression of arrogance he has down to a—well, what else?—a “T”!

Except, that’s when I got pulled in even deeper because his ears started to grow before my eyes, his nose elongated into a snout, and he started to he-haw!

“Did you hear that?” I asked my wife, but she had fallen asleep from all the excitement.

Soon, the hosts, the judges, the contestants–all were transforming before my eyes and he-hawing!

Terrified, I switched to TiVo to an episode of Oprah which I had missed. Ah, there she was in perfect Oprah mode—warm, cuddly, understanding—in short, the best Billionairess in the world, explaining the merits of a book called “The Secret” and how understanding the “Law of Attraction” had changed her life. It was at that very moment I learned why I had spent years sleeping under bridges and why I had failed at every golden opportunity to buy depressed real-estate and make millions. I hadn’t wanted it enough! I hadn’t visualized hard enough! I was attracting the wrong kind of energy! Oh, how I longed to be more like Oprah!

So I tried it, by God, right then and there. I wished for Bush and Blair and Olmert and Cheney to just disappear. And, poof!—they were gone.

I visualized the end of the reign of 946 billionaires in the world—and poof!—it was fact. I closed my eyes so tight they hurt and I squeezed my fists and my face got red and I wished for an end of Fascism, terrorism and war, and I opened my eyes and the world was new-made with robins singing and azaleas blossoming, a rainbow forming after gentle rain, and healthy children singing everywhere.

Except … I was dreaming.

In a corner of my dream, I heard someone weeping. It was a mother who had lost her son in an unnecessary war. Absolutely unnecessary—as most wars are.

People huddled around her, but no one could console her. She was very tired. She had tried so hard to awaken people. She had been very brave. No soldier had ever shown more courage. And now she felt broken. It had cost her so much.

And she was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.

Gary Corseri’s is a senior contributing editor with Cyrano’s Journal Online ( His work has appeared at CounterPunch, CommonDreams, DissidentVoice, Cyrano’sJournalOnline, The New York Times, Village Voice, PBS-Atlanta and elsewhere. His books include Manifestations and A Fine Excess. He can be contacted at .

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May 31 2007

Why I am Ashamed to be an American

By Doug Soderstrom


Having grown up in a small town in Central Kansas I was taught to believe that my country, the United States of America, was a land committed to justice and peace, a nation that one could count on to do the right thing, a country of civilized folks who had but one thing in mind…….. that of doing the will of God. I also began to realize that there is nothing wrong with feeling ashamed for having done something wrong, that such a response is a rather natural consequence of having violated one’s conscience, a voice from deep within that is no doubt a reliable guide for how a man (or woman) of true integrity ought to live his (or her) life. However, for those who seem to lack the capacity to feel ashamed, one can only wonder what must be wrong with them.

As I began to emerge into manhood there was an ever, ongoing flow of hints, subtle suggestions that things were not as I had been told. However, it wasn’t until our country vented its awful wrath upon a post 9-11 world that I began to realize that I had been misled. At that point I had no choice but to take a long, hard look at the history of our country, a thorough examination of what turned out to be a past drenched in the blood of our foes, foreign lands raped of their natural resources, democratically elected governments overthrown, an outrageous succession of egregious arrangements with tyrants and dictators from around the world, along with the fact that our nation is the only developed country in the world that utilizes the death penalty to kill its own people, and that we imprison more of our own people than any other nation in the world…… all of such having enabled me to gain a better understanding of why there are so many folks around the world who have become upset by our nation’s apparent willingness to abuse and exploit our fellow man. As a result of what I found, I have come to the conclusion that the vast majority of the American public is out of touch with reality, that such folks have unwittingly allowed themselves to have become mercilessly entangled in a world of fabrication and make-believe, a nation dominated by sheepish yes-men unwilling to face the fact that we, as a nation, are, and for some time have been, caught in a downward spiral of moral decline.

I have found it rather common for folks to become a bit upset with people like myself who occasionally pass judgment upon our country. In fact some have even told me that if I don’t like my country then perhaps I ought to consider leaving it. Such folks seem to believe that criticizing one’s country (one that has attained such a high standard of living…… as if such a thing should make a difference) is somehow unpatriotic. However, the last time I checked there seemed to be no relationship whatsoever between a nation’s quality of life and that of its moral standards. I have also found that individuals that tend to equate criticism of one’s country with that of being unpatriotic either do not understand the postulates upon which democracy is based or that their identity is so terribly intertwined with that of their nation that they have seemingly lost the capacity to reason in an objective manner. Finally, based upon my experience of having debated with such folks, it has become rather clear to me that most of these quislings have little or no education as well as being relatively uninformed as to what is going on in the world.

Now, if you don’t mind, allow me to take a look at a few things that tend to bother me regarding the country in which I just happen to have been born……. the United States of America.

I never cease to be amazed at how terribly ethnocentric the typical American tends to be. It is almost as if having been born in the United States confers upon one the right to think of himself as a privileged person, a contrived sense of status that no doubt lies at the very heart of everything that I will discuss in this paper. For example, consider religion…… the fact that the majority of Americans look upon Christianity as the one and only road that leads to salvation, every other faith a blind alley leading to the unending fires of Hell. Next is that of capitalism, a system having apparently received the blessing of God as the universally correct way of doing business. And then democracy, a political system that apparently no one in their right mind has a right to question. Of course there can be no doubt that democracy is certainly a stellar way of running a country, but must everyone in the world agree? Besides if the religious right (just as Moslems in Iraq) were to seize control, don’t you think that they (as fundamentalists) might be tempted to set up Christianity as the official religion in our country rather than that of running a democracy based upon the separation of church and state? Think about it……. fundamentalists are no doubt fundamentalists regardless of the color of “their stripes!” On the other hand, one must ask what right we (as citizens of a nation that is a mere 231 years from its own inception) have to tell folks living in countries not more than a hop, skip, and a jump from the “Garden of Eden” how they ought to live their lives. Ethnocentrism yes, but perhaps even worse than this is that which such narrow-mindedness almost always brings to pass; an unreasoning sense of arrogance generally referred to as that of the arrogance of ignorance!

Due to what appears to have been a rather serious lapse of judgment on the part of tens of millions of Americans, the voters, for whatever reason (perhaps it was a matter of fear), chose to place into power a President (a presidential administration) that: may well have laid the groundwork for 9-11 (the “new Pearl Harbor”) that, according to PNAC (Project for the New American Century) was needed in order to pave the way for our country’s military/economic takeover of the world; is in the preparatory stages of going to war with Iran (a conflict that will no doubt reign havoc upon our nation as well as that of the world); lied to the American people in regards to why we went to war with Iraq; lied to citizens in that our government has no intention of leaving Iraq given the fact that it is in the process of building as many as fourteen “Enduring Military Bases” (enough to house at least 100,000 soldiers) along with that of having built the world’s largest Foreign Embassy located in Baghdad (a 592 million dollar, 104-acre, 21-building complex); committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, as well as high crimes and misdemeanors for which several of our leaders should be impeached; condoned the systematic use of torture against prisoners; violated the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution by intentionally choosing to interfere with the free flow of information to the American people; enacted laws (such as that of the Patriot Act) that are seriously eroding our freedoms; through the use of the Military Commissions Act, granted the President the right to arbitrarily detain, imprison, and torture U.S. citizens at that of his own discretion (and without the right of Habeas Corpus!); allowed the President to disobey more than 750 U.S. laws through the use of so-called “signing statements”; through the passage of the Defense Authorization Act of 2007 set the stage for, essentially creating the likelihood that, our country might one day become a military dictatorship; allowed the United State’s military to develop an extremely sophisticated, website-based video game (America’s Army) to be used as a recruitment device that is teaching millions (perhaps as many as nine million) of our children to kill human beings with an increased degree of efficiency, all of such having desensitized our teenagers to kill others with little, or no, psychological pain; has enabled politicians to profit immensely from funds awarded to corporate enterprises associated with the military-industrial complex; bankrupted the nation by allowing the national debt to rise to nine trillion dollars in spite of the fact that the nation’s actual debt is a little over 59 trillion dollars due to the government’s use of unorthodox (essentially unethical if not illegal) accounting practices that intentionally disregard (essentially misinforming the American people with respect to) unfunded promises to reimburse (that is to repay) Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and an assortment of federal retirement programs; and has been absolutely unwilling to take responsibility for the fact that we, as a nation, have done more to destroy the ecosystem of our planet than anyone else on Earth.

For anyone who has taken the time to study the history of the human race, there can be no doubt that one of the primary, if not the primary, cause of harm is that of people taking up arms in the name of God. No one in their right mind can deny that Jesus, the Buddha, Mohammad, Confucius, or Lao Tse were men of good will. However, over the centuries the simple yet profound truths taught by these wonderfully wise men have been perverted beyond recognition. And, as far as the West is concerned, the greatest perversion has been that of the religious right’s willingness to accommodate the needs of neoconservatives in Washington D.C., a well-thought-out, although no doubt surreptitious, plan to allow the Bush-Cheney presidential administration to utilize their faith (a plan of salvation that rather conveniently ignores the teachings of Jesus, the fact that we should love rather than kill others) as a theologically-based (no doubt divinely inspired) justification for a cadre of militants all to ready to go to war in order that they might one day rule the world……. and all of such in exchange for political presence, an increased opportunity for the religious right to publicize a gospel of family values (a rather fabricated attempt to “sugarcoatedly-disguise” an undoubtedly well-documented ideology of out-and-out social-political conservatism). Looking back at history, there can be little doubt that much the same occurred in the 1980’s when Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority decided to align itself with Ronald Reagan’s tenure as President, and, before that, when Germanically-oriented Christians decided to go along with, and therefore to support, Adolph Hitler’s Nazi inspired efforts to rule the world.

Concerning the education (or shall I say the mis-education) of our children it is high time that we do the right thing, that we stop lying to our kids and begin telling them the truth. The school’s job is not to make “good citizens” of our children, for in doing such a thing our children end up being duped, conditioned, slowly but surely brainwashed, into becoming truckling sycophants, bootlicking followers of the status quo. As one who has taught college students for the past 41 years, the only task worthy of a teacher is that of teaching our kids how to think for themselves, critical thinking skills that might perhaps enable them to counter the outrageous mendacity of those in power, chauvinistic jingoes who would, through the use of propaganda, have our children believe a lie rather than that which is true.

Regarding our economy, a capitalistic enterprise focused upon one, and only one, thing (the enrichment of the rich euphemistically referred to as that of “the American Dream”), we, as Americans (those of us who are rather well-to-do), should be ashamed of ourselves, ashamed of having become an island of enormous wealth stationed in the midst of a poverty-ridden world (not to mention an ever-expanding proportion of our own people who are poor) in that we go to bed every night with a willingness to anesthetize ourselves to the needs of billions of folks whose lives are inextricably mired in an absolutely desperate attempt to simply survive. And then due to what appears to be a rather natural correlate of capitalism (activities that no doubt follow capitalism wherever it goes), the American people (folks so terribly possessed by that which they possess) have developed an apparently insatiable appetite to be rich (the capacity to consume anything and everything they want), the need to be constantly entertained, a near addictive fascination with sex, drugs, gambling, pleasure, power, and violence, and all of such no doubt nullifying any legitimate interest in the “finer things of life” such as that of developing a meaningful philosophy of life, a desire to understand what it means to be a human being, and that which might perhaps be worthy of our time here on Earth.

And then based upon the laws of our nation, lobbyists (highly paid representatives of the corporate world) have been granted the right to converge upon our elected officials for no other reason than to coerce them into conducting business in a manner that more often than not benefits the rich at the expense of the poor. We, as a people, have been led to believe that our votes count when in fact our ballots far too often elect congressmen, the majority of which, wait in hiding for a handout (a bribe) that will serve to fill their “electoral coffers,” and all of such in exchange for a simple promise to use their congressional powers to expedite the needs of their benefactors who in turn are far too likely to reward their compatriots with a well-paid, “post-retirement” position the purpose of which is to use their “congressional knowledge” to bribe those who have now taken their place; a revolving door of immense corruption that is no doubt destroying the foundations of a once democratic republic!

The final, and perhaps most important, reason why I am ashamed to be an American is due to the fact that we, more than any other people, have used our accumulated wealth (part of which comes from money earned from having sold more weapons of war to the rest of the world than the rest of the world combined) along with having developed the largest, most destructive military force (larger than the accumulated defense budgets of the rest of the world combined) since the beginning of time (next year’s defense budget will be nearly 700 billion dollars!), all the while realizing that if we had proven our love for God by using such funds to feed the hungry, medicate the sick, clothe the poor, house the homeless, and liberate the oppressed, we would have become a nation loved and revered by all…… rather than, as things have turned out, having become a land hated by nearly everyone in the world.

In conclusion, in order that you might understand where I am coming from, you need to realize that I do in fact have a bit of respect for my country, or at least for that which was envisioned by our forefathers, the founders of, what has turned out to be, a once great nation. However, just as we would with someone we love, we have no choice but to call attention to weakness, since in doing such a thing we give our loved ones an opportunity to address the problem. It is, and must be, the same with that of the land in which we have been born. If we truly care about our country, if we really do want our nation to flourish, then we should realize that we have not only the right, but, much more importantly, the responsibility, perhaps even, one might say, a moral responsibility to point out its deficiencies in order that it might once again be revived. For we must remember, as our nation goes, so do we……. in its flourishing we, as a people, will no doubt thrive, but in passing away, we, as a collective society, might well cease to exist.

Doug Soderstrom, Ph.D. is a psychologist and can be reached at

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May 31 2007

Terrorism Defined

by Stephen Lendman


Probably no word better defines or underscores the Bush presidency than “terrorism” even though his administration wasn’t the first to exploit this highly charged term. We use to explain what “they do to us” to justify what we “do to them,” or plan to, always deceitfully couched in terms of humanitarian intervention, promoting democracy, or bringing other people the benefits of western civilization Gandhi thought would be a good idea when asked once what he thought about it.

Ronald Reagan exploited it in the 1980s to declare “war on international terrorism” referring to it as the “scourge of terrorism” and “the plague of the modern age.” It was clear he had in mind launching his planned Contra proxy war of terrorism against the democratically elected Sandinista government in Nicaragua and FMLN opposition resistance to the US-backed El Salvador fascist regime the same way George Bush did it waging his wars of aggression post-9/11.

It’s a simple scheme to pull off, and governments keep using it because it always works. Scare the public enough, and they’ll go along with almost anything thinking it’s to protect their safety when, in fact, waging wars of aggression and state-sponsored violence have the opposite effect. The current Bush wars united practically the entire world against us including an active resistance increasingly targeting anything American.

George Orwell knew about the power of language before the age of television and the internet enhanced it exponentially. He explained how easy “doublethink” and “newspeak” can convince us “war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.” He also wrote “All war propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from (chicken hawk) people who are not fighting (and) Big Brother is watching….” us to be sure we get the message and obey it.

In 1946, Orwell wrote about “Politics and the English Language” saying “In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible” to hide what its user has in mind. So “defenseless villages are bombarded from the air (and) this is called ‘pacification’.” And the president declares a “war on terrorism” that’s, in fact, a “war of terrorism” against designated targets, always defenseless against it, because with adversaries able to put up a good fight, bullies, like the US, opt for diplomacy or other political and economic means, short of open conflict.

The term “terrorism” has a long history, and reference to a “war on terrorism” goes back a 100 years or more. Noted historian Howard Zinn observed how the phrase is a contradiction in terms as “How can you make war on terrorism, if war is terrorism (and if) you respond to terrorism with (more) terrorism….you multiply (the amount of) terrorism in the world.” Zinn explains that “Governments are terrorists on an enormously large scale,” and when they wage war the damage caused infinitely exceeds anything individuals or groups can inflict.

It’s also clear that individual or group “terrorist” acts are crimes, not declarations or acts of war. So a proper response to the 9/11 perpetrators was a police one, not an excuse for the Pentagon to attack other nations having nothing to do with it.

George Bush’s “war on terrorism” began on that fateful September day when his administration didn’t miss a beat stoking the flames of fear with a nation in shock ready to believe almost anything - true, false or in between. And he did it thanks to the hyped enormity of the 9/11 event manipulated for maximum political effect for the long-planned aggressive imperial adventurism his hard line administration had in mind only needing “a catastrophic and catalyzing (enough) event - like a new Pearl Harbor” to launch. With plans drawn and ready, the president and key administration officials terrified the public with visions of terrorism branded and rebranded as needed from the war on it, to the global war on it (GLOT), to the long war on it, to a new name coming soon to re-ignite a flagging public interest in and growing disillusionment over two foreign wars gone sour and lost.

Many writers, past and present, have written on terrorism with their definitions and analyses of it. The views of four noted political and social critics are reviewed below, but first an official definition to frame what follows.

How the US Code Defines Terrorism

Under the US Code, “international terrorism” includes activities involving:

(A) “violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State;”

(B) are intended to -

(i) “intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

(ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

(iii) affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and

(C) occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States….”

The US Army Operational Concept for Terrorism (TRADOC Pamphlet No. 525-37, 1984) shortens the above definition to be “the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in nature….through intimidation, coercion, or instilling fear.”

Eqbal Ahmad On Terrorism

Before his untimely death, Indian activist and scholar Eqbal Ahmad spoke on the subject of terrorism in one of his last public talks at the University of Colorado in October, 1998. Seven Stories Press then published his presentation in one of its Open Media Series short books titled “Terrorism, Theirs and Ours.” The talk when delivered was prophetic in light of the September 11 event making his comments especially relevant.

He began quoting a 1984 Reagan Secretary of State George Shultz speech calling terrorism “modern barbarism, a form of political violence, a threat to Western civilization, a menace to Western moral values” and more, all the while never defining it because that would “involve a commitment to analysis, comprehension and adherence to some norms of consistency” not consistent with how this country exploits it for political purposes. It would also expose Washington’s long record of supporting the worst kinds of terrorist regimes worldwide in Indonesia, Iran under the Shah, Central America, the South American fascist generals, Marcos in the Philippines, Pol Pot and Saddam at their worst, the current Saudi and Egyptian regimes, Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), and for the people of Greece, who paid an enormous price, the Greek colonels the US brought to power in the late 1960s for which people there now with long memories still haven’t forgiven us.

Ahmad continued saying “What (then) is terrorism? Our first job is to define the damn thing, name it, give it a description of some kind, other than (the) “moral equivalent of (our) founding fathers (or) a moral outrage to Western civilization.” He cited Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary as a source saying “Terrorism is an intense, overpowering fear….the use of terrorizing methods of governing or resisting a government.” It’s simple, to the point, fair, and Ahmad calls it a definition of “great virtue. It focuses on the use of coercive violence….that is used illegally, extra-constitutionally, to coerce” saying this is true because it’s what terrorism is whether committed by governments, groups, or individuals. This definition omits what Ahmad feels doesn’t apply - motivation, whether or not the cause is just or not because “motives differ (yet) make no difference.”

Ahmad identifies the following types of terrorism:

– State terrorism committed by nations against anyone - other states, groups or individuals, including state-sponsored assassination targets;

– Religious terrorism like Christians and Muslims slaughtering each other during Papal crusades; many instances of Catholics killing Protestants and the reverse like in Northern Ireland; Christians and Jews butchering each other; Sunnis killing Shiites and the reverse; and any other kind of terror violence inspired or justified by religion carrying out God’s will as in the Old Testament preaching it as an ethical code for a higher purpose;

– Crime (organized or otherwise) terrorism as “all kinds of crime commit terror.”

– Pathology terrorism by those who are sick, may “want the attention of the world (and decide to do it by) kill(ing) a president” or anyone else.

– Political terrorism by a private group Ahmad calls “oppositional terror” explaining further that at times these five types “converge on each other starting out in one form, then converging into one or more others.

Nation states, like the US, focus only on one kind of terrorism - political terrorism that’s “the least important in terms of cost to human lives and human property (with the highest cost type being) state terrorism.” The current wars of aggression in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine underscore what Ahmad means. Never mentioned, though, is that political or retail terrorism is a natural response by oppressed or desperate groups when they’re victims of far more grievous acts of state terrorism. Also unmentioned is how to prevent terrorist acts Noam Chomsky explains saying the way to get “them” to stop attacking “us” is stop attacking “them.”

Ahmad responded to a question in the book version of his speech with more thoughts on the subject. Asked to define terrorism the way he did in an article he wrote a year earlier titled “Comprehending Terror,” he called it “the illegal use of violence for the purposes of influencing somebody’s behavior, inflicting punishment, or taking revenge (adding) it has been practiced on a larger scale, globally, both by governments and by private groups.” When committed against a state, never asked is what produces it.

Further, official and even academic definitions of state terrorism exclude what Ahmad calls “illegal violence:” torture, burning of villages, destruction of entire peoples, (and) genocide.” These definitions are biased against individuals and groups favoring governments committing terrorist acts. Our saying it’s for self-defense, protecting the “national security,” or “promoting democracy” is subterfuge baloney disguising our passion for state-sponsored violence practiced like it our national pastime.

Ahmad also observed that modern-day “third-world….fascist governments (in countries like) Indonesia (under Suharto), Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo - DRC), Iran (under the Shah), South Korea (under its generals), and elsewhere - were fully supported by one or the other of the superpowers,” and for all the aforementioned ones and most others that was the US.

Further, Ahmad notes “religious zealotry has been a major source of terror” but nearly always associated in the West with Islamic groups. In fact, it’s a global problem with “Jewish terrorists….terrorizing an entire people in the Middle East (the Palestinians, supported by) Israel which is supported by the government of the United States.” Crimes against humanity in the name of religion are also carried out by radical Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and others, not just extremist Muslims that are the only ones reported in the West.

In August, 1998 in the Dawn English-language Pakistani newspaper, Ahmad wrote about the power of the US in a unipolar world saying: “Who will define the parameters of terrorism, or decide where terrorists lurk? Why, none other than the United States, which can from the rooftops of the world set out its claim to be sheriff, judge and hangman, all at one and the same time.” So while publicly supporting justice, the US spurns international law to be the sole decider acting by the rules of what we say goes, and the law is what we say it is. Further, before the age of George Bush, Ahmad sounded a note of hope saying nothing is “historically permanent (and) I don’t think American power is permanent. It itself is very temporary, and therefore its excesses have to be, by definition, impermanent.”

In addition, he added, “America is a troubled country” for many reasons. Its “economic capabilities do not harmonize with its military (ones and) its ruling class’ will to dominate is not quite shared by” what its people want. For now, however, the struggle will continue because the US “sowed in the Middle East (after the Gulf war but before George Bush became president) and South Asia (signaling Pakistan and Afghanistan) very poisonous seeds. Some have ripened and others are ripening. An examination of why they were sown, what has grown, and how they should be reaped is needed (but isn’t being done). Missiles won’t solve the problem” as is plain as day in mid-2007, with the Bush administration hanging on for dear life in the face of two calamitous wars the president can’t acknowledge are hopeless and already lost.

Edward S. Herman On Terrorism

Herman wrote a lot on terrorism including his important 1982 book as relevant today as it was then, “The Real Terror Network.” It’s comprised of US-sponsored authoritarian states following what Herman calls a free market “development model” for corporate gain gotten through a reign of terror unleashed on any homegrown resistance against it and a corrupted dominant media championing it with language Orwell would love.

Back then, justification given was the need to protect the “free world” from the evils of communism and a supposedly worldwide threat it posed. It was classic “Red Scare” baloney, but it worked to traumatize the public enough to think the Russians would come unless we headed them off, never mind, in fact, the Russians had good reason to fear we’d come because “bombing them back to the stone age” was seriously considered, might have happened, and once almost did.

Herman reviews examples of “lesser and mythical terror networks” before discussing the real ones. First though, he defines the language beginning with how Orwell characterized political speech already explained above. He then gives a dictionary definition of terrorism as “a mode of governing, or of opposing government, by intimidation” but notes right off a problem for “western propaganda.” Defining terrorism this way includes repressive regimes we support, so it’s necessary finding “word adaptations (redefining them to) exclude (our) state terrorism (and only) capture the petty (retail) terror of small dissident groups or individuals” or the trumped up “evil empire” kind manufactured out of whole cloth but made to seem real and threatening.

Herman then explains how the CIA finessed terrorism by referring to “Patterns of International Terrorism” defining it as follows: “Terrorism conducted with the support of a foreign government or organization and/or directed against foreign nationals, institutions, or governments.” By this definition, internal death squads killing thousands are excluded because they’re not “international” unless a foreign government supports them. That’s easy to hide, though, when we’re the government and as easy to reveal or fake when it serves our purpose saying it was communist-inspired in the 1980s or “Islamofascist al Qaeda”-conducted or supported now. Saying it makes it so even when it isn’t because the power of the message can make us believe Santa Claus is the Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

Herman also explains how harsh terms like totalitarianism and authoritarianism only apply to adversary regimes while those as bad or worse allied to us are more benignly referred to with terms like “moderate autocrats” or some other corrupted manipulation of language able to make the most beastly tyrants look like enlightened tolerant leaders.

In fact, these brutes and their governments comprise the “real terror network,” and what they did and still do, with considerable US help, contributed to the rise of the “National Security State” (NSS) post-WW II and the growth of terrorism worldwide supporting it. In a word, it rules by “intimidation and violence or the threat of violence.” Does the name Augusto Pinochet ring a bell? What about the repressive Shah of Iran even a harsh theocratic state brought relief from?

Herman explained “the economics of the NSS” that’s just as relevant today as then with some updating of events in the age of George Bush. He notes NSS leaders imposed a free market “development model” creating a “favorable investment climate (including) subsidies and tax concessions to business (while excluding) any largess to the non-propertied classes….” It means human welfare be damned, social benefits and democracy are incompatible with the needs of business, unions aren’t allowed, a large “reserve army” of workers can easily replace present ones, and those complaining get their heads knocked off with terror tactics being the weapon of choice, and woe to those on the receiving end.

The Godfather in Washington makes it work with considerable help from the corrupted dominant media selling “free market” misery like it’s paradise. Their message praises the dogma, turning a blind eye to the ill effects on real people and the terror needed to keep them in line when they resist characterized as protecting “national security” and “promoting democracy,” as already explained. All the while, the US is portrayed as a benevolent innocent bystander, when, if fact, behind the scenes, we pull the strings and tinpot third-world despots dance to them. But don’t expect to learn that from the pages of the New York Times always in the lead supporting the worst US-directed policies characterized only as the best and most enlightened.

At the end of his account, Herman offers solutions worlds apart from the way the Bush administration rules. They include opposing “martial law governments” and demanding the US end funding, arming and training repressive regimes. Also condemned are “harsh prison sentences, internments and killings,” especially against labor leaders. Finally, he cites “the right to self-determination” for all countries free from foreign interference, that usually means Washington, that must be held to account and compelled to “stop bullying and manipulating….tiny states” and end the notion they must be client ones, or else.

Referring to the Reagan administration in the 1980s, Herman says what applies even more under George Bush. If allowed to get away with it, Washington “will continue to escalate the violence (anywhere in the world it chooses) to preserve military mafia/oligarch control” meaning we’re boss, and what we say goes. Leaders not getting the message will be taught the hard way, meaning state-sponsored terrorism portrayed as benign intervention.

Herman revisited terrorism with co-author Gerry O’Sullivan in 1989 in their book “The Terrorism Industry: The Experts and Institutions That Shape Our View of Terror.” The authors focus on what kinds of victims are important (”worthy” ones) while others (the “unworthy”) go unmentioned or are characterized as victimizers with the corrupted media playing their usual role trumpeting whatever policies serve the interests of power. The authors state “….the West’s experts and media have engaged in a process of ‘role reversal’ in….handling….terrorism… focus(ing) on selected, relatively small-scale terrorists and rebels including….genuine national liberation movements” victimized by state-sponsored terror. Whenever they strike back in self-defense they’re portrayed as victimizers. Examples, then and now, are legion, and the authors draw on them over that earlier period the book covers.

They also explain the main reason individuals and groups attack us is payback for our attacking or oppressing them far more grievously. As already noted, the very nature of wholesale state-directed terror is infinitely more harmful than the retail kind with the order of magnitude being something like comparing massive corporate fraud cheating shareholders and employees to a day’s take by a local neighborhood pickpocket.

“The Terrorism Industry” shows the West needs enemies. Before 1991, the “evil empire” Soviet Union was the lead villain with others in supporting roles like Libya’s Gaddafi, the PLO under Arafat (before the Oslo Accords co-opted him), the Sandinistas under Ortega laughably threatening Texas we were told, and other designees portrayed as arch enemies of freedom because they won’t sell out their sovereignty to rules made in Washington. Spewing this baloney takes lots of chutzpah and manufactured demonizing generously served up by “state-sponsored propaganda campaigns” dutifully trumpeted by the dominant media stenographers for power. Their message is powerful enough to convince people western states and nuclear-powered Israel can’t match ragtag marauding “terrorist” bands coming to neighborhoods near us unless we flatten countries they may be coming from. People believe it, and it’s why state-sponsored terrorism can be portrayed as self-defense even though it’s pure scare tactic baloney.

The authors stress the western politicization process decides who qualifies as targeted, and “The basic rule has been: if connected with leftists, violence may be called terrorist,” but when it comes from rightist groups it’s always self-defense. Again, it’s classic Orwell who’d be smiling saying I told you so if he were still here. He also understood terrorism serves a “larger service.” Overall, it’s to get the public terrified enough to go along with any agenda governments have in mind like wars of aggression, huge increases in military spending at the expense of social services getting less, and the loss of civil liberties by repressive policies engineered on the phony pretext of increasing our safety, in fact, being harmed.

The authors also note different forms of “manufactured terrorism” such as inflating or inventing a menace out of whole cloth. It’s also used in the private sector to weaken or destroy “union leaders, activists, and political enemies, sometimes in collusion with agents of the state.”

The authors call all of the above “The Terrorism Industry of institutes and experts who formulate and channel analysis and information on terrorism in accordance with Western demands” often in cahoots with “Western governments, intelligence agencies, and corporate/conservative foundations and funders.” It’s a “closed system” designed to “reinforce state propaganda” to program the public mind to go along with any agenda the institutions of power have in mind, never beneficial to our own. Yet, their message is so potent they’re able to convince us it is. It’s an astonishing achievement going on every day able to make us believe almost anything, and the best way to beat it is don’t listen.

Noam Chomsky On Terrorism

In his book “Perilous Power: The Middle East and US Foreign Policy,” co-authored with Gilbert Achcar, Chomsky defines terrorism saying he’s been writing about it since 1981 around the time Ronald Reagan first declared war on “international terrorism” to justify all he had in mind mentioned above. Chomsky explained “You don’t declare a war on terrorism unless you’re planning yourself to undertake massive international terrorism,” and calling it self-defense is pure baloney.

Chomsky revisits the subject in many of his books, and in at least two earlier ones addressed terrorism or international terrorism as those volumes’ core issue discussed further below. In “Perilous Power,” it’s the first issue discussed right out of the gate, and he starts off defining it. He does it using the official US Code definition given above calling it a commonsense one. But there’s a problem in that by this definition the US qualifies as a terrorist state, and the Reagan administration in the 1980s practiced it, so it had to change it to avoid an obvious conflict.

Other problems arose as well when the UN passed resolutions on terrorism, the first major one being in December, 1987 condemning terrorism as a crime in the harshest terms. It passed in the General Assembly overwhelmingly but not unanimously, 153 - 2, with the two opposed being the US and Israel so although the US vote wasn’t a veto it served as one twice over. When Washington disapproves, it’s an actual veto in the Security Council or a de facto one in the General Assembly meaning it’s blocked either way, and it’s erased from history as well. Case closed.

Disguising what Martin Luther King called “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today,” referring to this country, a new definition had to be found excluding the terror we carry out against “them,” including only what they do to “us.” It’s not easy, but, in practical terms, this is the definition we use - what you do to “us,” while what we do to you is “benign humanitarian intervention.” Repeated enough in the mainstream, the message sinks in even though it’s baloney.

Chomsky then explains what other honest observers understand in a post-NAFTA world US planners knew would devastate ordinary people on the receiving end of so-called free trade policies designed to throttle them for corporate gain. He cites National Intelligence Council projections that globalization “will be rocky, marked by chronic financial volatility and a widening economic divide….Regions, countries, and groups feeling left behind will face deepening economic stagnation, political instability, and cultural alienation. They will foster political, ethnic, ideological, and religious extremism, along with the violence that often accompanies it.”

Pentagon projections agree with plans set to savagely suppress expected retaliatory responses. How to stop the cycle of violence? End all types of exploitation including so-called one-way “free trade,” adopting instead a fair trade model like Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s government follows that’s equitable to all trading partners and their people. The antidote to bad policy, brutal repression, wars and the terrorism they generate is equity and justice for all. However, the US won’t adopt the one solution sure to work because it hurts profits that come ahead of people needs.

Chomsky wrote about terrorism at length much earlier as well in his 1988 book “The Culture of Terrorism.” In it he cites “the Fifth Freedom” meaning “the freedom to rob, to exploit and to dominate society, to undertake any course of action to insure that existing privilege is protected and advanced.” This “freedom” is incompatible with the other four Franklin Roosevelt once announced - freedom of speech, worship, want and fear all harmed by this interloper. To get the home population to go along with policies designed to hurt them, “the state must spin an elaborate web of illusion and deceit (to keep people) inert and limited in the capacity to develop independent modes of thought and perception.” It’s called “manufacturing consent” to keep the rabble in line, using hard line tactics when needed.

“The Cultural of Terrorism” covers the Reagan years in the 1980s and its agenda of state terror in the post-Vietnam climate of public resistance to direct intervention that didn’t hamper Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. So unable to send in the Marines, Reagan resorted to state terror proxy wars with key battlegrounds being Central America and Afghanistan. The book focuses on the former, the scandals erupting from it, and damage control manipulation so this country can continue pursuing policies dedicated to rule by force whenever persuasion alone won’t work.

A “new urgency” emerged in June, 1986 when the World Court condemned the US for attacking Nicaragua using the Contras in a proxy war of aggression against a democratically elected government unwilling to operate by rules made in Washington. In a post-Vietnam climate opposed to this sort of thing, policies then were made to work by making state terror look like humanitarian intervention with local proxies on the ground doing our killing for us and deceiving the public to go along by scaring it to death.

So with lots of dominant media help, Reagan pursued his terror wars in Central America with devastating results people at home heard little about if they read the New York Times or watched the evening news suppressing the toll Chomsky reveals as have others:

– over 50,000 slaughtered in El Salvador,

– over 100,000 corpses in Guatemala just in the 1980s and over 200,000 including those killed earlier and since,

– a mere 11,000 in Nicaragua that got off relatively easy because the people had an army to fight back while in El Salvador and Guatemala the army was the enemy.

The tally shows Ronald Reagan gets credit for over 160,000 Central American deaths alone, but not ordinary ones. They came “Pol Pot-style….with extensive torture, rape, mutilation, disappearance,” and political assassinations against members of the clergy including El Salvador’s Archbishop Oscar Romero gunned down by an assassin while celebrating mass inside San Salvador’s Hospital de la Divina Frovidencia. His “voice for the voiceless” concern for the poor and oppressed and courageous opposition to death squad mass-killing couldn’t be tolerated in a part of the world ruled by wealthy elites getting plenty of support from some of the same names in Washington now ravaging Iraq and Afghanistan.

Chomsky cites the Reagan Doctrine’s commitment to opposing leftist resistance movements throughout the 1980s, conducting state-sponsored terror to “construct an international terrorist network of impressive sophistication, without parallel in history….and used it” clandestinely fighting communism.

With lots of help from Congress and the dominant media, the administration contained the damage that erupted in late 1986 from what was known as the Iran-Contra scandal over illegally selling arms to Iran to fund the Contras. Just like the farcical Watergate investigations, the worst crimes and abuses got swept under the rug, and in the end no one in the 1980s even paid a price for the lesser ones. So a huge scandal greater than Watergate, that should have toppled a president, ended up being little more than a tempest in a teapot after the dust settled. It makes it easy understanding how George Bush gets away with mass-murder, torture and much more almost making Reagan’s years seem tame by comparison.

Chomsky continued discussing our “culture of terrorism” with the Pentagon practically boasting over its Central American successes directing terrorist proxy force attacks against “soft targets” including health centers, medical workers and schools, farms and more, all considered legitimate military targets despite international law banning these actions.

Latin America is always crucial to US policy makers referring to it dismissively as “America’s backyard” giving us more right to rule here than practically any place else. It’s because of the region’s strategic importance historian Greg Grandin recognizes calling it the “Empire’s Workshop” that’s the title of his 2006 book subtitled “Latin America, the United States, and the Rise of the New Imperialism.” In it, he shows how the region serves as a laboratory honing our techniques for imperial rule that worked in the 1980s but now face growing rebellion providing added incentive to people in the Middle East inspiring them to do by force what leaders like Hugo Chavez do constitutionally with great public support.

But Washington’s international terror network never quits or sleeps operating freely worldwide and touching down anywhere policy makers feel they need to play global enforcer seeing to it outliers remember who’s boss, and no one forgets the rules of imperial management. Things went as planned for Reagan until the 1986 scandals necessitated a heavy dose of damage control. They’ve now become industrial strength trying to bail George Bush out his quagmire conflagrations making Reagan’s troubles seem like minor brush fires. It worked for Reagan by following “overriding principles (keeping) crucial issues….off the agenda” applicable for George Bush, including:

– “the (ugly) historical and documentary record reveal(ing)” US policy guidelines;

– “the international setting within which policy develops;”

– application of similar policies in other nations in Latin America or elsewhere;

– “the normal conditions of life (in Latin America or elsewhere long dominated by) US influence and control (and) what these teach us about the goals and character of US government policy over many years;

– similar matters (anywhere helping explain) the origins and nature of the problems that must be addressed.”

It was true in the 1980s and now so these issues “are not fit topics for reporting, commentary and debate” beyond what policy makers disagree on and are willing to discuss openly.

The book concludes considering the “perils of diplomacy” with Washington resorting to state terror enforcing its will through violence when other means don’t work. But the US public has to be convinced through guile and stealth it’s all being done for our own good. It never is, of course, but most people never catch on till it’s too late to matter. They should read more Chomsky, Herman, Ahmad, and Michel Chossudovsky discussed below, but too few do so leaders like Reagan and Bush get away with mass-murder and much more.

Chomsky wrote another book on terrorism titled “Pirates and Emperors, Old and New: International Terrorism in the Real World.” It was first published in 1986 with new material added in more recent editions up to 2001. The book begins with a memorable story St. Augustine tells about a pirate Alexander the Great captured asking him “how he dares molest the sea.” Pirates aren’t known to be timid, and this one responds saying “How dare you molest the whole world? ….I do it with a little ship only (and) am called a thief (while you do) it with a great navy (and) are called an Emperor.” It’s a wonderful way to capture the relationship between minor rogue states or resistance movements matched off against the lord and master of the universe with unchallengeable military power unleashing it freely to stay dominant.

The newest edition of “Pirates and Emperors, Old and New” explores what constitutes terrorism while mainly discussing how Washington waged it in the Middle East in the 1980s, also then in Central America, and more recently post-9/11. As he often does, Chomsky also shows how dominant media manipulation shapes public perceptions to justify our actions called defensible against states we target as enemies when they resist - meaning their wish to remain free and independent makes them a threat to western civilization.

Washington never tolerates outlier regimes placing their sovereignty above ours or internal resistance movements hitting back for what we do to them. Those doing it are called terrorists and are targeted for removal by economic, political and/or military state terror. In the case of Nicaragua, the weapon of choice was a Contra proxy force, in El Salvador, the CIA-backed fascist government did the job, and in both cases tactics used involved mass murder and incarceration, torture, and a whole further menu of repressive and economic barbarism designed to crush resistance paving the way for unchallengeable US dominance.

The centerpiece of US Middle East policy has been its full and unconditional support for Israel’s quest for regional dominance by weakening or removing regimes considered hostile and its near-six decade offensive to repress and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians from all land Israelis want for a greater Israel. Toward that end, Israel gets unheard of amounts of aid including billions annually in grants and loans, billions more as needed, multi-billions in debt waived, billions more in military aid, and state-of-the-art weapons and technology amounting in total to more than all other countries in the world combined for a nation of six million people with lots of important friends in Washington, on Wall Street, and in all other centers of power that count.

It all goes down smoothly at home by portraying justifiable resistance to Israeli abuse as terrorism with the dominant media playing their usual role calling US and Israeli-targeted victims the victimizers to justify the harshest state terror crackdowns against them. For Palestinians, it’s meant nearly six decades of repression and 40 years of occupation by a foreign power able to rain state terror on defenseless people helpless against it. For Iraq, it meant removing a leader posing no threat to Israel or his neighbors but portrayed as a monster who did with Iranian leaders and Hugo Chavez now topping the regime change queue in that order or maybe in quick succession or tandem.

It’s all about power and perception with corrupted language, as Orwell explained, able to make reality seem the way those controlling it wish. It lets power and ideology triumph over people freely using state terror as a means of social control. Chomsky quoted Churchill’s notion that “the rich and powerful have every right to….enjoy what they have gained, often by violence and terror; the rest can be ignored as long as they suffer in silence, but if they interfere with….those who rule the world by right, the ‘terrors of the earth’ will be visited upon them with righteous wrath, unless power is constrained from within.” One day, the meek may inherit the earth and Churchill’s words no longer will apply, but not as long as the US rules it and media manipulation clouds reality enough to make harsh state terror look like humanitarian intervention or self-defense by helpless victims look like they’re the victimizers.

Michel Chossudovsky on “The War on Terrorism”

No one has been more prominent or outspoken since the 9/11 attacks in the US than scholar/author/activist and Global Research web site editor Michel Chossudovsky. He began writing that evening publishing an article the next day titled “Who Is Osama Bin Laden,” perhaps being the first Bush administration critic to courageously challenge the official account of what took place that day. He then updated his earlier account September 10, 2006 in an article titled “The Truth behind 9/11: Who is Osama Bin Ladin.” Chossudovsky is a thorough, relentless researcher making an extraordinary effort to get at the truth no matter how ugly or disturbing.

Here’s a summary of what he wrote that was included in his 2005 book titled “America’s War on Terrorism (In the Wake of 9/11)” he calls a complete fabrication “based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden (from a cave in Afghanistan and hospital bed in Pakistan), outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus.” He called it instead what it is, in fact - a pretext for permanent “New World Order” wars of conquest serving the interests of Wall Street, the US military-industrial complex, and all other corporate interests profiting hugely from a massive scheme harming the public interest in the near-term and potentially all humanity unless it’s stopped in time.

On the morning of 9/11, the Bush administration didn’t miss a beat telling the world Al Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center (WTC) and Pentagon meaning Osama bin Laden was the main culprit - case closed without even the benefit of a forensic and intelligence analysis piecing together all potentially helpful information. There was no need to because, as Chossudovsky explained, “That same (9/11) evening at 9:30 pm, a ‘War Cabinet’ was formed integrated by a select number of top intelligence and military advisors. At 11:00PM, at the end of that historic (White House) meeting, the ‘War on Terrorism’ was officially launched,” and the rest is history.

Chossudovsky continued “The decision was announced (straightaway) to wage war against the Taliban and Al Qaeda in retribution for the 9/11 attacks” with news headlines the next day asserting, with certainty, “state sponsorship” responsibility for the attacks connected to them. The dominant media, in lockstep, called for military retaliation against Afghanistan even though no evidence proved the Taliban government responsible, because, in fact, it was not and we knew it.

Four weeks later on October 7, a long-planned war of illegal aggression began, Afghanistan was bombed and then invaded by US forces working in partnership with their new allies - the United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan or so-called Northern Alliance “warlords.” Their earlier repressive rule was so extreme, it gave rise to the Taliban in the first place and has now made them resurgent.

Chossudovsky further explained that the public doesn’t “realize that a large scale theater war is never planned and executed in a matter of weeks.” This one, like all others, was months in the making needing only what CentCom Commander General Tommy Franks called a “terrorist, massive, casualty-producing event” to arouse enough public anger for the Bush administration to launch it after declaring their “war on terrorism.” Chossudovsky, through thorough and exhausting research, exposed it as a fraud.

He’s been on top of the story ever since uncovering the “myth of an ‘outside enemy’ and the threat of ‘Islamic terrorists’ (that became) the cornerstone (and core justification) of the Bush administration’s military doctrine.” It allowed Washington to wage permanent aggressive wars beginning with Afghanistan and Iraq, to ignore international law, and to “repeal civil liberties and constitutional government” through repression laws like the Patriot and Military Commissions Acts. A key objective throughout has, and continues to be, Washington’s quest to control the world’s energy supplies, primarily oil, starting in the Middle East where two-thirds of known reserves are located.

Toward that end, the Bush administration created a fictitious “outside enemy” threat without which no “war on terrorism” could exist, and no foreign wars could be waged. Chossudovsky exposed the linchpin of the whole scheme. He uncovered evidence that Al Queda “was a creation of the CIA going back to the Soviet-Afghan war” era, and that in the 1990s Washington “consciously supported Osama bin Laden, while at the same time placing him on the FBI’s ‘most wanted list’ as the World’s foremost terrorist.” He explained that the CIA (since the 1980s and earlier) actively supports international terrorism covertly, and that on September 10, 2001 “Enemy Number One” bin Laden was in a Rawalpindi, Pakistan military hospital confirmed on CBS News by Dan Rather. He easily could have been arrested but wasn’t because we had a “better purpose” in mind for “America’s best known fugitive (to) give a (public) face to the ‘war on terrorism’ ” that meant keeping bin Laden free to do it. If he didn’t exist, we’d have had to invent him, but that could have been arranged as well.

The Bush administration’s national security doctrine needs enemies, the way all empires on the march do. Today “Enemy Number One” rests on the fiction of bin Laden-led Islamic terrorists threatening the survival of western civilization. In fact, however, Washington uses Islamic organizations like Islamic jihad as a “key instrument of US military-intelligence operations in the Balkans and the former Soviet Union” while, at the same time, blaming them for the 9/11 attacks calling them “a threat to America.”

September 11, 2001 was, indeed, a threat to America, but one coming from within from real enemies. They want to undermine democracy and our freedoms, not preserve them, in pursuit of their own imperial interests for world domination by force through endless foreign wars and establishment of a locked down national “Homeland Security (police) State.” They’re well along toward it, and if they succeed, America, as we envision it, no longer will exist. Only by exposing the truth and resisting what’s planned and already happening will there be any hope once again to make this nation a “land of the free and home of the brave” with “a new birth of freedom” run by a “government of the people, by the people, for the people” the way at least one former president thought it should be.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at .

Also visit his blog site at and listen to the Steve Lendman News and Information Hour on Saturdays at noon US central time.

2 responses so far

May 31 2007

Like a toddler driving a garbage truck on ice with marble tires toward a cliff

“Part of the reason I did it was to protest the injustice of so much money going to Offutt and letting the poor people in North Omaha, the blacks, wallow in poverty. Nobody seemed to care about that.”

“I’m just a soul whose intentions are good. Oh, Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood.”

—The Animals

Is This Heaven?

by Mike Palecek

No. It’s Iowa.

God Bless Rosie O’Donnell, huh? Having the guts to question the official government story of 9-11 on national television. What if Matt Lauer had guts or Katie Couric or Jay Leno?

It really wouldn’t take that much to really, really change this country.

You know, there are so many people working hard — hard — every day to make something good happen.

And then somebody like these pretty boys and girls with so much power, if they would just decide one day to make something of themselves — they could do in one day, one hour, what a million of us out here will not be able to do in our lifetimes.


How you doing? It’s been rainy and cool here in northwestern Iowa. I have been working again at the group home, got my old job back after the book tour.

A few minutes ago I heard the voice of Mumia Abu-Jamal for the first time, on YouTube.

Now I am interested in him.

You know why?

Because he sounds like a white guy. Or at least an educated black guy.

Prior to a few minutes ago I didn’t think much of him. He was just a black man who probably did the murder he is accused of.

That’s pretty bad.

On at least a couple of levels.

What do you want me to say? That I have always understood?

Shit. There is so much I don’t know. I have a list that runs from here to Hy-Vee.

And the fact that what he sounds like makes any difference … I’m not sayin’ it’s right … I’m just sayin’.

I got out of jail for — so far — the last time in 1989. I remember being quite surprised and suspicious at some point afterward to find that not all black men were violent and dangerous and vulgar and stupid. I grew up in a town where there were no blacks, went to an almost all-white college, seminary, then to jail and prison.

In the mid-1980s I was in prison in Chicago — Metropolitan Correctional Center, the downtown, high-rise federal prison.

I was put into a unit that housed mostly Hispanics: Cubans, Mexicans, probably every Latino group in the book.

And then me.

A bit after I got there a group of Brits arrived. They had been picked up in Chicago in some big-news immigration, green card something or other.

I envied them so much. They had a group. They were together. They talked together, had meals together, played cards. I was alone, the homeless person on the unit, pariah.

I remember huddling over my meal tray one night, unable to eat.

You ever get so depressed you really can’t stand the sight of food? I have not been that way for 18 years now, but I recall that it’s bad. And you get a feeling in your chest like someone is sitting on you, and a rash on your hands, and your lips get numb, you can’t smile, can barely talk, you turn corners at a right angle.

Well, a fellow prisoner bent down that evening and whispered softly in my ear, “Die.”

It is kind of complicated, but see the unit used to be for law enforcement officers going through the federal system, so that they could be safe.

During my intake interview they asked me if I had ever been a cop. I said yes. I had been a correctional officer for two months in 1978 at a work release center on the old state hospital grounds outside of Norfolk, Nebraska.

I quit there to be a county welfare worker and then got disgusted with that because I still did not feel I was doing enough.

So I took a trip in my dad’s ’59 Chevy with my dog to Oregon. Then I joined the seminary, etc., etc., etc.

Anyway. The black woman correctional officer asked. I told the truth. I was not smart enough to lie.

The unit was an open dorm, no bars, no cells, no protection.

There was still a contingency of cops on the floor, but they sat together during the day on this kind of raised cement platform, reading the paper, smoking, like a patio in hell. And they were locked in these glass cells at night.

They called me a cop but left me in the open dorm. It could have been a “conspiracy” against me, but I don’t know. I had just come off of a hunger strike in the Douglas County Correctional Center in Omaha, seventeen days of only eating a dab of toothpaste after each cigarette.

I was doing it to try to get Omaha Archbishop Daniel Sheehan to say that the targeting of nuclear weapons at Offutt was immoral. He would not.

Well, it got a lot, some, press in Omaha, and they could have been trying to retaliate.

But, really, I think I just kind of got myself into this mess on Floor 21.

I was serving six months for protesting at Offutt AFB against the United States military. Trespass. Federal misdemeanor.

Part of the reason I did it was to protest the injustice of so much money going to Offutt and letting the poor people in North Omaha, the blacks, wallow in poverty. Nobody seemed to care about that.

I remember the first night, in Chicago, MCC, one Hispanic guy asked me about my situation. Everyone else there was unsentenced, going through the court system. But I was sentenced. What was I doing on Floor 21 if I was sentenced?

Well, they sent me here because I was once a cop.


He asked me. I told the truth. I guess that’s stupid, huh? It is for a prisoner. There is more peer pressure in prison to do what everyone else does than in a Catholic school eighth grade restroom.

You lie, you fight, you hate, you scowl. You don’t smile and say, yep, I was a cop, nice to meet you. You from Chicago? I’ve never been here before.

Oh, wait, it was only two months. That’s not who I am. Wait a minute, let me explain.

I smoked constantly, for something to do. Ashes ran down my dark blue jump suit. Me unable to care enough to brush them off.

You had to hand it to those guys. They hated and they knew how to punish. They knew that I understood just a little Spanish, so they would all get together in a group and mumble and say “cinco.” They made sure I heard “cinco.”

And so I knew the attack would come at five in the morning. I buttoned my jump suit to my Adam’s Apple and stared at the ceiling from my top bunk all night long, watching the shadows, getting ready to fight for my life in prison, wondering how in hell I had come to this.

And so I stayed up all night. No attack came. And so for three days this continued and I never slept.

Yes. It’s funny now. But that was twenty years ago. It took me awhile to get the joke.

I eventually got into a fight with two young Hispanic guys who were sitting next to me playing dominoes. They kept saying “chinga” and I thought it was about me. I kicked their dominoes, challenged them, fought, etc.

Before I was taken to the hole, administrative segregation, for some reason they took me to another floor and put me in an empty room. The door was locked behind me and all the Hispanics on that floor crowded into the little window, pounded on the door and hollered at me.

Die. Die. Die.

I lay on the bed and turned my back to the door.

So, then, this is the big city, I thought.

And it went on from there. I got transferred to a federal prison in west Texas where practically everyone was Hispanic.

And as the prison grapevine goes, by the time I got to La Tuna, everyone knew about what had happened to me in Chicago, as well as what I had for lunch at Sacred Heart Elementary on the day JFK was shot.

But I got through it. I think they wanted to see if I would go to protective custody when I arrived at La Tuna. During that intake interview the correctional officer asked if there was any reason I could not be in the general population. I said, no.

And that night I walked the yard, by myself, in the dark, up to and past every little Hispanic group out there. I was so sick of hearing all this talk. I just wanted whatever needed to happen to happen. Nothing happened. I finished my sentence and actually had quite a few friends to shake hands with on my release day. Some of them Hispanic.

And so now when I see a group of Hispanics at Casey’s and they are talking loud and not in English I get a flash of hate and fear and distrust, and paranoia.

I also notice when they come outside and smile and pick up their kids and walk with them towards home, holding the children’s hands.

Maybe it’s a cliché. It is.

But we hate what we fear and we fear what we don’t understand.

At the Oasis Bar in Norfolk way back during the time of the Iranian hostage thing there was a sign over the bar that said: Kill An Iranian, Get A Check.

I think it was a play on a car commercial popular at that time.

And another sign: The Ayatollah Ass-a-hole-a.

It’s easy to get by with that kind of thing in a town where you know you won’t be challenged. Nobody would be brave enough to put up a sign over a bar that made fun of farmers or ranchers. And besides, everyone knows some farmers, and they aren’t all evil fuck slow drivers, only some.

This passage is from my novel “The Last Liberal Outlaw.”

Outlaw is published by New Leaf Press, of Chicago. The editor is Teresa Basille. I met her for the first time a few weeks ago at my reading at Barbara’s Books in Chicago.

I signed a whole bunch of books at Barbara’s — they won’t be able to return those to the publishers — so that is one place you can find a copy of at least a couple of my books.

TLLO is about a young man in Iowa working as an editor for a small daily newspaper. Tom Blue fights against the construction of a federal prison near Liberal, Iowa, and ends up going to federal prison himself, for sedition.

There should be more reporters in jail charged with sedition.

There should be one.

From “The Last Liberal Outlaw.”

“On six round tables half of the inmates ate, while above them the rest looked down from a rail encircling the amphitheater. Tom felt warm, safe, flush — confident this was not happening.

“The floor had once been reserved for FBI, DEA, CIA and Chicago city cops waiting for trial or serving a sentence. Those cops were now overrun by Cubans, Guatemalans, Chicanos, Mexicans, Salvadorans, in some phase of the BOP system.

“The homosexuals of the floor occupied a far corner. Tom recalled Midnight Express. Thin, white men with sparse beards smoked and played dominoes on beds with sheets hung around the frame. Their world had narrowed by steps from bedroom to school yard to one hundred feet in the sky.

“Tom lived in the open dorm. He wrote to Cheryl, clutching the borrowed pen with his fist like a toddler with a crayon. All he could say was “Daddy loves you” in the scrawl of a lunatic second grader.

“Those three days he spent walking around, talking to himself. Once he called home on the pay phone in the middle of the upstairs tier, but couldn’t talk and hung up. The three nights he spent awaiting attack.

“They gathered in a circle, grinning, everyone saying, “Cinco.” Knowing the attack would come at five in the morning, Tom buttoned his jump suit to the throat and lay awake on his top bunk, counting off the hours as the guard made his hourly flashlight checks.

“Esta loco. El grande montana. Muerte pinche gringo puta. Azul y rojo y verde des colores son bonito. The beauty of Spanish, that much more cruel when meant to injure.

“And in the morning there had been no attack, while Tom had been up all night. The Hispanics awakened, smiling, refreshed, loving every minute of it.

“Out of control, like a toddler driving a garbage truck on ice with marble tires toward a cliff, the pain in his head, his heart, his whole being banged so hard Tom burned from within. His temperature rose to 103, he was sure. He smelled his fear, like iron simmering in the ashes of yesterday’s fire.

“He chain-smoked for something to do. The ashes covered the front of his clothes, he unable to care enough to brush them off.

“At lunch one day — though Tom could not eat he was required to sit at a table — a prisoner bent down and whispered softly in his ear: “Muerte.”

“And die he was sure he would, one way or another.”


This is Iowa.

Where all the birds are colorful, all the grass is green, and all the thermostats are at 70.

See ya next week when our guest will be Rudy Guiliani.

We’ll ask him why he didn’t stay in his office in WTC 7, why he had all the metal from the towers removed before the investigators had a chance to do their work, and what did he get out of agreeing to be a party to murdering 3,000 people?


Palecek books:

KGB [Killing George Bush], The Truth, Joe Coffee’s Revolution, Terror Nation, The Last Liberal Outlaw, Looking For Bigfoot, Twins, The American Dream.

Mike Palecek website:

Palecek books are available through local bookstores, Amazon, or by going to,,,,,

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May 31 2007

What I Admire Most About Cindy Sheehan

Published by cyrano2 under US Imperialism, Anti-War

by Carolyn Baker


Corporate media—and even some alternative websites, are blaring with headlines about Cindy Sheehan “quitting” the anti-war movement. It is true that Sheehan has stepped down as the consummate symbol of the ordinary, salt-of-the-earth American mother crusading against the empire for the end of the war that brought about her son’s meaningless death. But it is not true that Cindy is “quitting.” After years of sacrifice, incomprehensible losses, and several hundred stages of burnout, she has walked away from a role and the symbolism inherent within it, but even more significantly in my opinion, and reverberating through her article “Letter To The Democratic Congress,” she has rejected the Democratic Party and its pretense of offering an alternative to the politics of empire.

Last night I watched Keith Olbermann begin his “Countdown” show with the story of Sheehan’s “quitting” the anti-war movement, even including some quotes from her, but mentioning nothing about her leaving the Democratic Party. How could he do otherwise when he devoted the next twenty minutes of the program to interviewing Al Gore and communicating unmistakably to the viewers that the former Vice-President is unequivocally our “savior”? What else could we expect from corporate media?

Yesterday, I received emails which described Sheehan’s departure as “sad” and “unfortunate”, suggesting that she had been “worn” down. I understand the intent of these comments, but I emphatically disagree. Could we all please look more deeply into Sheehan’s decision? What is it exactly that Cindy Sheehan walked away from?

What did she “quit”? Certainly, it was not her…

(The full article appears here)

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May 30 2007

Shape Up Democrats: Anybody But Bush Will Not Do

By Paul A. Donovan


With the 2008 election approaching fast, I find myself with the same unsettled feeling I had in the last presidential race to the bottom. Perhaps it is because I feel that the age-old maxim, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it,” is as true for today as it was in 2004. Fact is, if we do not wake up quick, and start pressing the current Democratic Party frontrunners Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama, to be more leftist, or in other words to be more like Presidential candidate Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), then we can hope for little substantive change in the next administration.

Recent polls reflect that President Bush’s approval ratings have fallen to a staggering low of 28%. As a result, many feel confident that it may very well be an easy stroll into the Oval Office for most Democratic hopefuls, who seem to be operating under the false illusion that Bush himself is running for a third term. If this assumption were false, how do we explain how little the frontrunners have done to win our affection? Leaving all the spin-talk aside, what is their true vision for a new America? (I guess that in itself is a useless question, especially when attaching it to a professional pol.) And why are they so confident that they can defeat Time Magazine’s 2001 man of the year Rudy Giuliani with such ease? As a native New Yorker I know first hand how slippery Giuliani is, and he should not be underestimated—ever.

So far, the Democratic Party frontrunners are behaving like a bunch of out of touch, over-privileged elitists. The frontrunners need to learn that the public—especially the Democratic base— won’t tolerate any more of the G.O.P-lite formula, which, to the party establishment’s shame, has come to typify recent elections. Contrary to their old stratagem of playing it safe, of cynical “triangulation,” a new formula must be adopted, one which presents the candidates as people of real conviction (assuming, of course, that there is someone in the front ranks who possesses this admirable quality). Without that there is no way to invigorate an otherwise alienated public, an electorate that feels more disenfranchised and apathetic than ever in regards to the search for a principled winner.

Flip-flops and examples to follow

The recent vote of “NO” against the Iraq spending bill by Senators Clinton and Obama came as a surprise to many of us, in light of their former support of the spending bill this past March. This change of heart by the frontrunners clearly demonstrates that the candidates are responding to the negative publicity they have been receiving by commentators on the Internet, and the liberal wing of the Democratic party, who are vehemently opposed to letting the frontrunners think we will accept “Anybody But Bush” as an alternative recipe for success. It failed Kerry and it will fail them if they don’t start taking a principled stance. There is political wisdom in principled consistency. It is very likely the Republicans will seize on any change in position as another reason to portray the Democrats as indecisive. The current frontrunners must have been aware this tap dancing technique would land them in hot water, but after calculating the risk, I suppose they felt it was worth it to respond to the public. See what playing the center gets you?

In light of all of their apparent shortcomings and evasions, it might be useful to ask them if they have comprehensive solutions in place to solve our myriad of problems, solutions that do not contain huge loopholes and compromises. Why is it that, so far, only Democratic candidate Dennis Kucinich has bills on the floor attacking the roots of the health care crisis, and a plan for immediate withdrawal from Iraq? What’s more, Kucinich keeps making the correct voting decisions and has yet to waver on anything. In a town, in a political environment, where everything revolves around self-preservation and advancement, and the scrupulous avoidance of risk, some would say with ample justification that he has often gone beyond the call of duty. Is it that maybe Kucinich needs to receive 25-26 million dollars in contributions for media campaigns before he will be taken seriously? I guess “money talks” after all—literally.

Meanwhile, Congressman Kucinich, who, unsurprisingly, receives little to no media attention, and for some odd reason which defies all reason, is every “realistic” voter’s worst nightmare, has a concrete plan to end the war in Iraq starting right away, as outlined under bill H.R. 1234, as well as the Universal Health care bill known as H.R. 676 which is brilliantly designed as “Medicare for all.” What are the frontrunner’s plans to handle the health care crisis, and a clear exit strategy for the troops in Iraq? So far I have seen them do nothing but pay lip service to the issue that effects 46 million Americans, and many more under insured, not to mention the 600,000 plus dead Iraqis and Americans, who suffered and are suffering for a war Hillary Clinton voted for. I suppose the largest demonstrations in the history of humankind didn’t signal to Senator Clinton that maybe voting for this debacle was a bad idea, and then afterwards continuing to attack Bush, while slipping a blank check under the table so he may carry out his exploits. Furthermore, and I may add, characteristically, Senator Obama and Clinton have recently voted to reauthorize a slightly watered down version of Bush’s Patriot act, while Dennis Kucinich, yes folks, you guessed it, voted it down, with a swift raise of the hand.

It takes no more than five minutes to examine Denis Kucinich’s policies, and to realize that they are every progressive’s dream come true. Kucinich provides the left with a new route, which would steer America clear of impending disasters. If this enormous cruise ship does go down, the waters will be much more brisk, and painful than when the actual Titanic sank - we can be sure of that. If I sound hyperbolic, then I must stress that you reevaluate the current predicament. Dennis Kucinich may not win the great American billion- dollar beauty pageant/popularity contest we call “presidential election” in this confounded nation, but he still may win a few hearts by actually telling the truth, a novel concept these days in American politics.

Not content with a record that many of these media favorites would envy for sheer honesty, Dennis Kucinich has also filed impeachment papers against Dick Cheney, a man emblematic of the revolting corruption and criminality that characterizes this system, and, as mentioned earlier, has bills ready to go on such urgent matters as “Medicare for All.” In addition to that, he has endorsed a policy that involves a multilateral coalition effort to rebuild Iraq. As we know, the United States plutocrats and energy corporations don’t want multilateral help because there is too much potential profit on and under the ground in the Middle East…if they only could get pesky Iran out of the picture, and grab their oil while they are at it, too. This is thieves’ calculus, and the whole world knows it, even if the American media and people do not.

Putting the ear to the ground

To Senator Obama’s credit he did vote “NO” on CAFTA. However, the newly elected Senator has already started make the appropriate presidential noises [read: the willingness to use military force] and to apply camouflage warpaint, if only to appear ready to handle— according to the “crise du jour”—any “threat of terror from Iran.” In keeping with this wrongheaded posture, recently Senator Obama started beating the drums and ratcheting up the rhetoric against Iran when he stated, “All options are on the table” with that nation, while repeating the poisoned media mantra, that they are “developing nuclear capabilities…and they must be stopped.” This bold statement by Obama excludes the fact that it is the right of Iran, a sovereign nation, to develop nuclear energy, and if they are developing weapons, as it is widely claimed, they should be supervised by the international community, not another meddling agency of the by now most hated foreign power in the region, who as we all know, is more than casually interested in oil, and in “stabilizing” the region strictly in its own terms.

At the same moment Gary Kasparov is being harassed by Russian police, the Democrats here at home, are in a scurry to the center of the political chessboard to appear to the public as “tough on terror” once again, just like their corporate counterparts in the G.O.P. Have they all forgotten, or did they never know or care, that it is our government’s meddling in Middle Eastern affairs that has given rise to “terrorism”—the Frankenstein that now threatens our seriously weakened democracy? Meddling such as the history of propping up oppressive regimes like the Shah and his SAVAK in Iran; the hot and cold wars in Iraq; the selling to both sides chemical weapons during the Iraq-Iran war (which, as Jesse Jackson notes “we have the receipts for”); and our government’s politico-economic love affair with the decadent Saudi Royal family? These are just a fraction of the crimes and irritations that are enraging “terrorists” and Arab nationalists alike, and which have created another, significantly larger crop of more ferocious enemies and demagogues throughout the Islamic world than we ever had to confront in the past. Yep, all of these wonders we owe our munificent foreign policy, whose motto should be “not a country left behind.”

Any rational thinking human with the intelligence of a stick of Juicy Fruit can easily arrive at the logical conclusion that the facts just stated would signal to our government that maybe it is time for a clear change in policy, but instead the Newspeak wisdom being touted by our politicians and their counterparts in the billionaire- controlled media, is that this raging desert fire is mostly a result of warring sects with different religious interpretations of Islam. In other words, it’s their fault, and we have nothing to do with this insanity.

Against this surreal backdrop, what level of narcissism do these politicians need to display before they have officially lost our complete confidence? Do we need to quickly go down memory lane, one more time …just to 2003 when all this extraordinary adventure officially began? Do we need reminding about the authorization and implementation of an ingenious plan to start an immoral preemptive war with a bullying anteroom called “Shock and Awe”…the whole criminal exercise according to these crooks meant to spread democracy in a nation we never gave one damn for before…as evidenced by the destruction we have rained on it for almost 3 decades…and which we continue to this day. Naturally, considering the greed that courses through some of the corridors that determine US foreign policy, it doesn”t matter one whit that almost the entire population of Iraq (except maybe for the Kurds) wants us out; that we are perceived as occupation troops and not as “liberators;” that some of our soldiers are returning home so psychologically distraught that they are killing themselves in increasing numbers; and that even some upper echelons of the US military are now also thinking that Iraq is far too costly an investment to maintain without damaging the force for years to come.

Splitting hairs if it’s politically convenient

Most people feel the Iraqis and the American soldiers are both victims of this war, yet Obama doesn’t evidence the same sympathy, and instead is happy to follow the line of least resistance and scapegoat the Iraqis as the primary problem preventing peace in Iraq. The audacious shamelessness of this position is breathtaking—to any decent and impartial observer, but not to a crowd lacking in all elementary moral reflexes, and where Newspeak is the only language they understand.

Accordingly, again straining to sound statesmanlike and presidential, Obama read the prevailing cues and intoned:

“To reach such a solution, we must communicate clearly and effectively to the factions in Iraq that the days of asking, urging, and waiting for them to take control of their own country are coming to an end. No more coddling, no more equivocation. Our best hope for success is to use the tools we have – military, financial, diplomatic – to pressure the Iraqi leadership to finally come to a political agreement between the warring factions that can create some sense of stability in the country and bring this conflict under control.”

In the most matter-of-fact fashion Glen Ford, editor of the Black Agenda Report, responded to this statement by quipping acidly that, “The U.S. has ‘coddled’ 600,000 Iraqis to death.”

(Well, of course, that was a few months ago).

In May 2007 Senator Obama sings a different tune, and, along with Sen. Clinton, states with unconvincing resolve that “enough is enough”, and that “we cannot give a blank check to continue down this same, disastrous path.” By now at least some of us recognize that Hillary Clinton is nothing more than a careerist establishment politician, a characterization requiring little explanation, but Barak Obama still has the audacity to present himself as a “champion of the people,” claiming to be a man sensitive to the plight of the struggling American worker and the “Middle Class.” Yet a statement in his new book declares without any sense of shame or contradiction that, “Serious concern over the nation’s harsh disparities is consigned to leftist ‘cranks’ and other assorted ‘unreasonable zealots.’” Does this sound like a man in touch with what this country needs to get done?

Senator Obama’s statements lead us to presume that he feels that those who speak out against socio- economic injustice, and 46 million still living without healthcare, are simply whiney babies who don’t appreciate all they have. Obama, basking in the establishment’s embrace, acts as if the working people of this country owed these corporate criminals something; even if it is they, after all, who are collecting the most welfare. Is it too unfair to suggest that, fully in his establishment persona Barack Obama sounds like a right-wing Harvard crank, totally out of touch with his roots as a community organizer in Chicago, and who in his climb to power “inadvertently” erased his memory of what it is like for everyday people? Barack, take a tour of the real Washington DC area, for example, leave the fancy confines of the Beltway, and reacquaint yourself with the reasons why us “cranks” feel distressed about domestic inequities.

A party worth voting for

I urge those who haven’t recovered yet from the post traumatic stress disorder of blaming Nader for Gore’s defeat in 2000 to get over it quick, and not be afraid to get tough on the frontrunners. I am well aware that many think voting for Dennis Kucinich is impractical or an impossible victory, and which may have a similar precipitous effect as the 2000 election. If you won’t cast a vote for a candidate you feel has no chance, please at least consider demanding that the Democratic Party frontrunners themselves abandon the “G.O.P. Lite” centrist formula which lost Kerry and Gore their elections, and make sure they start sounding (and feeling, if that were possible) more like Kucinich. If the mainstream Democrats happen to win and don’t follow through on their promises, they should be reminded that we, the people, will demand they get out of office immediately, or they will have to answer to a politically conscious, and completely disaffected public in no mood for more doubletalk.

I often find myself having flashbacks to 2004 as I watched Ralph Nader walk into a conference room with John Kerry to give last minute advice on how to drive the nail into the coffin of baby Bush’s campaign. As we watched the doors behind them close shut, I thought to myself maybe Nader could appeal to the once anti-war activist, turned Ketchup guru, John Kerry. When the doors reopened my fears had once again been realized, but it was not in the least bit surprising.

As Nader walked out of the room trying to mask the disenchantment on his face, and the defeat in his eyes, I knew at that moment that Kerry had cataloged Nader’s advice as “too risky or too left for his liking.”

But Nader knew that if John Kerry didn’t become more than just an “Anybody But Bush” he would not be able to conquer the fear mongering, and “tough on terror” platform of the Republicans. As anticipated, Nader proved to be once again correct. Even though Kerry ostensibly won most of the debates, he did not win the hearts and minds of the people nearly enough, which could have inspired them to go and vote in even greater numbers, armed with a hope for the future, instead of simply being motivated by the near paralyzing fear of another four years of George Bush. The sins of the 2004 election have not been so easily washed away by the ebb and flow of time, there is more blood on our shores now, and the stains of the Kerry defeat have by no means disappeared from the American psyche. Hopefully the 2008 election can draw in more voters than a vote for American Idol.

I was quite confident that Bush would win again a year before the election took place, quite certain in my gut feeling because I had seen the obvious: that the “GOP Lite” formula is a bankrupt centrist ideology with no principles, and which inspires far too few to go out and vote the decadent neocon murderers—or whatever branch of the imperial tree happens to be in office—out of power once and for all…

This time around, I urge readers to mobilize and vote against the “Anybody But Bush” formula for victory. History has been overly gracious and patient with us, and has kindly granted us a bit more room to maneuver, and maybe a small chance to redeem ourselves, even in the wake of eight years of George W. Bush. But history doesn’t stand still, or return to the exact same point in time over and over again, even though things at first glance seem similar. Thus, while, if lucky, we might just survive this regime’s second term, four years of another Reaganite might very well be the curtain call for what is left of our fading republic. Not to mention much of the world.

If we are, as some adduce, actors on the stage of history, I suggest we all note that we are approaching the final scene if we don’t adjust our failed formulas. If we don’t follow the path of social justice, as Kucinich has challenged us to do, we won’t be able to whittle away at the apathy and cynicism which infect the hearts and minds of people all over this vast nation. “Anybody But Bush” is not strong enough of a vision to steer us out of harm’s way.

Maybe now that Senator Obama has tasted his own blood again by voting “No” to Bush’s 120 billionaire check, he himself will be ready to draw up a bill to give us real Universal Healthcare, and have a clear exit strategy for Iraq just as Kucinich has already done. We see through you Senators Obama and Clinton, and we will not be fooled this time around. Either get tough or get out of the way and give Edwards and Kucinich a shot. I would feel much more confident having a Kucinich-Edwards ticket than an Obama-Clinton ticket, even if their belated conversions, which may prove illusory, align them, at last, with the majority of their party’s grassroots.

Paul A. Donovan is Assistant Editor at Cyrano’s Journal (

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May 30 2007

Need is a Nasty Word

By Sally Erickson


Sally Erickson, Producer of the documentary “What A Way To Go: Life At The End Of Empire” writes of the extent to which we need each other in the face of collapse and how our programming for “rugged individualism” is not working and will not sustain us—Carolyn Baker

Say hello to the last throes of America’s collective dementia. No amount of medication in the form of alternative therapy, I mean alternative energy, is going to repair the years of abuse to our collective body and spirit by the machinations of Empire. Antidepressants, I mean anti-inflationary economics, are rapidly losing their effectiveness. We’ve reached peak insanity. We’re sunk. Thank the gods. It’s all downhill from here.

We need help.

I come from a quietly dysfunctional, but highly functioning, middle-class American family. My brother and sister have both had incomes way into six figures for decades. I think. It’s not polite to discuss income so I can only presume.

I never had the guts to go there, to make a lot of money. I never felt I had the right to profit wildly from the abusive and exploitative system we call American capitalism. Well before I understood the nature of the crimes that American wealth is based on, I knew something was very wrong.

I traveled to India briefly during college. On my first day there I faced a tiny child who reached out with pleading fingers, still in her mother’s arms. I felt sick inside. What right did I have to live….

(Click here to read the article in its entirety)

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May 30 2007

New Opium Crops - In Iraq

Published by cyrano2 under War on Drugs, Iraq, Afghanistan

By Rowan Wolf


One would have thought this would have been big news, but somehow it has largley escaped the U.S. corporate media. Patrick Cockburn, however, writes Opium: Iraq’s deadly new export. While apparently in the beginnings of cultivation, the poverty and chaos which has enveloped Iraq is spawning opium fields in southern Iraq. Iraq has historically been one of the opium highways for Afghanistan’s trade.

Now Iraq is turning to opium cultivation for the same reason that Afghanistan returned to it - poverty, profit, and chaos:

As in Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban in 2001, these conditions of primal anarchy are ideal for criminal gangs and drug smugglers and producers. The difference is that Afghanistan had long been a major producer of opium and possessed numerous laboratories experienced in turning opium into heroin. The Taliban, on the orders of its leader, Mullah Omar, had stopped its cultivation by farmers in the parts of Afghanistan it controlled. Farmers near the southern city of Kandahar grubbed up cauliflowers and planted poppies instead as soon as the US started bombing.

The one factor currently militating against criminal gangs organising poppy cultivation in Iraq on a wide scale is that they are already making large profits from smuggling drugs from Iran. This is easy to do because of Iraq’s enormous and largely unguarded land borders with neighbouring states. Iraqis themselves are not significant consumers of heroin or other drugs.

There are well established links between the illicit drug trade, U.S. foreign policy, and global financial institutions. While the discussions of these are intricate and complex, the summation of them is not. The CIA - and more recently Special Forces - have utilized the heroin and cocaine trades to finance “black ops.” Corporations have equally benefited by laundering vast amounts of drug money through financial institutions and Wall Street.

One of the implicit “benefits” of massive instability resulting from conflict and poverty is the encouragement of drug production. The desperation created in nations such as Afghanistan and Iraq fuels the increase of illicit drug manufacture. It has been argued by some that the reason for the U.S. Southeast Asia intervention (Vietnam War) was to control the “Golden Triangle. Certainly, once the Taliban stopped virtually all of the opium production in Afghanistan, Myanmar/Burma once more emerged as the leading source of opium. The invasion of Afghanistan, and removal of the Taliban, has seen opium production in Afghanistan grow each year - it is now at record highs. It is hardly likely that this is simply coincidence.

It is no surprise then that Iraq would join the opium trail. The business is “good” for all “interests.” Crime rings, war lords, and extremist groups get a massive surge of resources. The CIA and Special Forces get funding for illicit operations. Arms dealers (including the U.S. which is the world’s largest arms dealer) are assured ongoing demand. Corporations get massive infusions of cash to extend their operations and line their pockets. Meanwhile, the “war on drugs” facilitates a growing militarized police state. With the privatization of jails and prisons, the growing populations of those incarcerated in the “war” creates a profitable labor force, while tax payers pay the bill for the whole thing. This was detailed in the case of Iran/Contra by Gary Webb in his series in the San Jose Mercury News and then in his book “.”

Tangled webs that ensure future conflict - and profit. So goes Iraq.

Other Related Articles

From The Wilderness Archive: CIA and Drugs

The Bush-Cheney Drug Empire. Michael Ruppert, 10/24/2000.

CIA, Drugs, and Wall Street. Michael Ruppert, 6/29/1999.

U.S. : Afghan poppy production doubles. Reuters, 11/28/03.

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May 30 2007

Human Lives - Collateral Damage to A Political Calculus

by Rowan Wolf


The Democrats caved in and supported the supplemental occupation funding demanded by the Bush Cabal. The arguments apparently being that they a) didn’t have the votes to overcome a veto; b) they didn’t want to be blamed for the growing death and chaos; c) the belief this keeps Iraq the Republican’s adventure; d) perhaps - because the PSAs haven’t been signed yet. Regardless, the considerations were political - not moral - not responsive to the mandate that the November elections sent. The arguments now are that they can revisit the funding issue in September - 4 months from now - 122 days from June 1 to September 31. Given a rough average daily death toll of five US troops and 50 Iraqi civilians, that makes a low estimate of 6710 (610 US troops, 6100 Iraqi civilians) deaths for buckling on the funding.

Six thousand seven hundred and ten lives for a failure of will.

Six thousand seven hundred and ten lives for vested corporate interests.

Six thousand seven hundred and ten lives for a coward’s political strategy.

Damn the Democrats, and damn the Republicans. Their gamesmanship is being paid for in the blood of others. How dare they do this? How dare we let them do this?

This is NOT a war. It is an OCCUPATION. It is a bloody occupation to be sure, but an occupation all the same.

Once more the Bush Folk are talking about regime change - this time to clean the militia influence (Al-Sadar) out of the Iraqi Parliament. How exactly are they planning the removal of a democratically elected block of another government? Who is in charge? Is there even the illusion that the Iraqi government is independent to the U.S.?

Six thousand seven hundred and ten lives (and likely far more) as collateral damage for a political calculus that is doomed to fail no matter what.

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May 29 2007

Annals of Stupidity: The Demise of Alexander Cockburn

By Gerald Rellick


There is no shortage of political pundits now wading into the discussion of global warming, despite the scientific complexity of the field. One of the latest entries is Alexander Cockburn. I have read Cockburn regularly over the years, and while I recognized him as a very talented polemicist whose acerbic screeds I could tolerate when directed to the likes of Henry Kissinger, Robert McNamara and Augusto Pinochet, his latest foray into the field of man-made global warming is scientifically dreadful, and hence irresponsible, and reflects journalism and public service at its worst. Were it not for the importance of global warming, we could easily dismiss his writing. But Cockburn has a sizeable reading audience through “The Nation” and his own publication, “Counterpunch.” And since educating the public on this matter is crucial if we are to do something about global warming, Cockburn needs to be taken to task for his dishonesty and slipshod journalism.

Cockburn’s writing is so confusing, so polemical, and his “science” so inaccurate that it’s difficult to know where to begin a critique. Nevertheless, let me try, although I believe that going toe-to-toe with him on points of fact is of no value. I’ll leave it to the legitimate climate scientists to deal with this if they wish. There exists a climate science forum for this (ref. 1). The scientists at this site have already taken apart George Will for his equally insipid writings on global warming (see ref. 2, “Will-full Ignorance”).

Cockburn tries to refute the consensus of the world’s leading climate scientists that man-made (anthropogenic) carbon dioxide is responsible for the planet’s current global warming trend. In his first article he does so by relying on the supposed expertise of one man who, it turns out, is no longer active in the field of climate research (ref. 3). Having received no doubt an avalanche of negative reviews, Cockburn begins his second article (ref. 4) by going on the attack:

“No response is more predictable than the reflexive squawk of the greenhouse fearmongers that anyone questioning their claims is in the pay of the energy companies.”

Cockburn throws out this sentence as a straw man. Anyone familiar with Cockburn is unlikely to charge him with being in collusion with any interest but his ego. Like any good polemicist Cockburn is drawn further into his subject by the negative reaction to it. This is quite simply what Cockburn does for a living. So we now have three articles – each worse than the previous – with the promise of at least two more to come.

In his third article (ref. 5) Cockburn gets all twisted around on the interpretation of carbon isotope ratios in the atmosphere, in the oceans and in plant life. Aside from his erroneous interpretations, what is most striking is his casual dismissal of scientists and the scientific method. Although a non-scientist, and one who has just demonstrated in three consecutive articles little or no learning of the relevant science of which he writes, Cockburn forges ahead and challenges the scientists in their own fields of expertise, calling them, for example, “misguided,” and operating on a “naïve and scientifically silly assumption” about how plant-based carbon gets into the atmosphere. To suggest that highly educated and respected scientists throughout the world would overlook something as fundamental and basic as this – but the non-scientist Cockburn would catch it – is utterly preposterous. This is about as credible as Cockburn telling us how, in his other job as an operating room janitor, he uncovered the medical malfeasance of a team of neurosurgeons, claiming they were incorrectly reading CAT and MRI brain scans – all this due to a few weekends of self-study in neurosurgery.

Cockburn also attacks at the personal level. Cockburn calls his critics in the scientific community “greenhouse fearmongers.” He implies they have personal agendas, tied to their need for financial support. But the truth is that any scientist who challenges the anthropogenic global warming scenario – either legitimately or illegitimately –would find almost unlimited financial support from the oil, coal and gas industries, all of which seek to burn their fossil fuels with impunity.

What we see in these writings is an unqualified intrusion into the very complex interdisciplinary field of climate science, which involves cooperative expertise in atmospheric chemistry and physics, geophysics, meteorology and oceanography. And while the overwhelming consensus of climate scientists is that man-made climate change is real, these same scientists also agree there are many details still under debate, but which will, in due time, be sorted out through the scientific process.

What makes the subject of global warming so attractive to lay journalists, compared to, say, neurosurgery, is that global warming is not remote from everyday life. It affects every person on the planet and, perhaps more importantly from the decision-making level, has profound financial and political-power implications. This opens the door to charges of biased interests and even conspiracy – the very life blood of polemicists like Cockburn.

At bottom, there is no intellectual honesty in Cockburn, just bad journalism, “bad faith,” and the need to be seen and read.

There is one truly strange comment by Cockburn near the end of his third article. It suggests that he’s either writing all this as a spoof or he’s become totally detached from reality:

“I had hoped to deal with criticisms at the end of the series [but] have changed my plans, since committed greenhousers like George Monbiot charge that I have ignored their rebukes. In actual fact I was offline, in Russia, flying thither over the Arctic and thus able to make a direct review of the ice cap.”

Is he serious? Perhaps next Cockburn will fly over New Orleans and tell us what needs to be done to get that city back on its feet.


Ref. 1.

Ref. 2. “Will-full ignorance,”

Ref. 3. “Is Global Warming a Sin?”, The Nation, May 14, 2007,

Ref. 4 “Who Are the Merchants of Fear?”, The Nation, May 28, 2007,

Ref. 5. “The Greenhousers Strike Back, and Strike Out,” The Nation, June 11, 2007,,

Gerald S. Rellick, Ph.D., worked in the aerospace industry for 22 years. He now teaches in the California Community College system. He can be reached at

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