Entries Tagged as 'CJO'S OpEds'

Maybe We Deserve to Be Ripped Off By Bush’s Billionaires


While America obsessed about Brittany’s shaved head, Bush offered a budget that offers $32.7 billion in tax cuts to the Wal-Mart family alone, while cutting $28 billion from Medicaid.

BY MATT TAIBI || RollingStone.com
Posted on February 20, 2007 | Posted at http://www.alternet.org/story/48278/

“Now, after she shaved her head in a bizarre episode that culminates a months-long saga of controversial behavior, it’s the question being asked by her fans, her foes and the general public: What was she thinking?”– Bald and Broken: Inside Britney’s Shaved Head, Sheila Marikar, ABC.com, Feb. 19.

What was she thinking? How about nothing? How about who gives a shit? How’s that for an answer, Sheila Marikar of ABC news, you pinhead?

I’m not one of those curmudgeons who freaks out every time that Bradgelina moves the war off the front page of the Post, or Katie Couric decides to usher in a whole new era of network news with photos of the imbecile demon-spawn of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. I understand that we live in a demand-based economy and that there is far more demand for brainless celebrity bullshit than there is, say, for the fine print of the Health and Human Services budget. [Read more →]

The September 11 X-Files

BLOG | Posted 05/30/2002


Since 9.11 a veritable cottage industry of conspiracy theorizing has arisen not only in the US, where it has naturally found a fertile ground, but around the world. This article by David Corn is one of the most comprehensive efforts, so far, to examine the possible substance that such claims may have. —Eds.

On March 25, during a Pacifica radio interview, Representative Cynthia McKinney, a Georgia Democrat, said, “We know there were numerous warnings of the events to come on September 11…. What did this Administration know, and when did it know it about the events of September 11? Who else knew and why did they not warn the innocent people of New York who were needlessly murdered?” McKinney was not merely asking if there had been an intelligence failure. She was suggesting–though not asserting–that the US government had foreknowledge of the specific attacks and either did not do enough to prevent them or, much worse, permitted them to occur for some foul reason. Senator Zell Miller, a conservative Democrat from her state, called her comments “loony.” House minority leader Dick Gephardt noted that he disagreed with her. White House spokesman Ari Fleischer quipped, “The congresswoman must be running for the Hall of Fame of the Grassy Knoll Society.” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution called her a “nut.” Two months later, after it was revealed that George W. Bush had received an intelligence briefing a month before September 11 in which he informed told Osama bin Laden was interested in both hijacking airplanes and striking directly at the United States, McKinney claimed vindication. But that new piece of information did not support the explosive notion she had unfurled earlier–that the Bush Administration and/or other unnamed parties had been in a position to warn New Yorkers and had elected not to do so. [Read more →]

Gold-Plated Activism? The Problem w. Mike Ruppert

The remains of an Iraq War victim (make that of an unnecessary Iraq War).

By KURT NIMMO | Dateline: January 21, 2005

On January 15th, at Kane Hall, on the campus of the University of Washington in Seattle, former L.A. cop and self-described 9/11 investigator Mike Ruppert told a standing-room only crowd the obvious:

“[Ruppert] believes that no sanctions, indictments or criminal prosecution [against the Bush warmongers] will ever be handed down. Rubicon [Ruppert’s book], he says, remains a base map of the decades before and the years since 9/11. But now he says we must look at the herd of elephants charging at us, instead of the one elephant that just ran us over,” Ken Levine summarizes on Ruppert’s From the Wilderness website. [Read more →]

Bush League Road Trips

BY ERNEST STEWART, Editor, Issues & Alibis

“On the road again. I just can’t wait to get on the road again.”
On The Road Again
~~~ Willie Nelson

“Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran!” ~~~ Senator Joseph Lieberman

Our national embarrassment has hit the road again and spent the week in Europe enraging and boring half a billion people. Some of the highlights of this latest State Department fiasco include…

The many brownie points that Putin scored ending Bush’s cold war stalemate by offering to build the “BMD” system for Bush and placing it in Azerbaijan. It made Putin seem magnanimous and compromising next to our little brain-dead. As Conan O’Brien said about Bush… “There was an awkward moment when Bush said, ‘I believe the correct pronunciation is Abracadabra.’”

Bush did miss a few meetings after he got loaded on beer and caught the hangover from hell. At least while he was retching into the commode he wasn’t doing worse things at the G-8 where as usual the rich got richer and the poor got screwed. Meanwhile outside the people fought a running battle with the German Gestapo while our rulers were protected from the people they enslave by thousands of miles of fences and Constantina wire. This time George didn’t molest the German Chancellor, or if he did at least not on camera. [Read more →]


THE NEED FOR CONNECTION, FAMILY AND FRIENDS’ TIES WAS DRAMATIZED IN FRANK CAPRA’S CLASSIC “IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE,” WITH JAMES STEWART AS THE SUICIDAL GEORGE BAILEY. The film resonated with audiences because it addressed a painful vacuum in American society, almost totally hypnotized with the pursuit of money.

Dateline: May 28, 2007 | Recommended to CJO by Carolyn Baker, editor of Speaking Truth To Power

Sally Erickson, Producer of the documentary “What A Way To Go: Life At The End Of Empire” writes of the extent to which we need each other in the face of collapse and how our programming for “rugged individualism” is not working and will not sustain us±CB

SAY HELLO to the last throes of America’s collective dementia. No amount of medication in the form of alternative therapy, I mean alternative energy, is going to repair the years of abuse to our collective body and spirit by the machinations of Empire. Antidepressants, I mean anti-inflationary economics, are rapidly losing their effectiveness. We’ve reached peak insanity. We’re sunk. Thank the gods. It’s all downhill from here.

We need help.

I come from a quietly dysfunctional, but highly functioning, middle-class American family. My brother and sister have both had incomes way into six figures for decades. I think. It’s not polite to discuss income so I can only presume.

I never had the guts to go there, to make a lot of money. I never felt I had the right to profit wildly from the abusive and exploitative system we call American capitalism. Well before I understood the nature of the crimes that American wealth is based on, I knew something was very wrong.

I traveled to India briefly during college. On my first day there I faced a tiny child who reached out with pleading fingers, still in her mother’s arms. I felt sick inside. What right did I have to live with privilege? America’s endless appetite left little to be shared. Members of the living community, human and non-human were suffering. Thirty-eight years later that little hand still tugs at my heart. [Read more →]




Dear Libertarians,

I sincerely appreciate the passion and sincerity you exhibit in your endeavors, and that is why I’d like to bring up a few points to your attention. These comments originate in my recent exposure to a very large number of posts commenting primarily on an article on the Thomas Paine’s Corner blog of Cyrano’s Journal, Annals of Stupidity: The Demise of Alexander Cockburn, by Gerald Rellick. (See: https://bestcyrano.org/THOMASPAINE/?p=54 )

I discern in this thread what I have observed elsewhere, a tremendous infatuation by Libertarians with Rep. Ron Paul. That certainly strikes me as logical: Paul is one of your own. The point of divergence, however, is equally simple. The reasons and personal qualities you adduce for elevating Mr. Paul to the status of national saviour are matched, and in many dimensions clearly exceeded, by another political figure, Dennis Kucinich. What is the reason then for this partiality? I don’t want to get ahead of myself here but just let me say the following: the only conceivable reason I can find for your complete disregard of Rep. Kucinich as a serious candidate and his clear and courageous stands is that he is not a Libertarian in political philosophy, that is, he does not worship individualism at the expense of the commonwealth. [Read more →]

Are Media Out to Get John Edwards?

Dateline: Friday 01 June 2007


Give me a break about John Edwards’s pricey haircut, mansion, lecture fees, and the rest. The focus on these topics tells us two things about corporate media: One, we’ve long known - that they elevate personal stuff above issues; the other is now becoming clear - that they have a special animosity towards Edwards. Is it hypocritical for the former senator to base a presidential campaign on alleviating poverty while building himself a sprawling mansion? Perhaps. But isn’t that preferable to all the millionaire candidates who neither talk about nor care about the poor?

Elite media seem more comfortable with millionaire politicians who identify with their class - and half of all US senators are millionaires.

Trust me when I say I don’t know many millionaires. Of course, I don’t know many presidential candidates either (except my friend Dennis Kucinich, whose net worth in 2004 was reported to be below $32,000). But I’m growing quite suspicious about the media barrage against Edwards, who got his wealth as a trial lawyer suing hospitals and corporations. Among “top-tier” presidential candidates, Edwards is alone in convincingly criticizing corporate-drafted trade treaties, and talking about workers’ rights and the poor and higher taxes on the rich. He’s the candidate who set up a university research center on poverty. Of the front-runners in presidential polls, he’s pushing the hardest to withdraw from Iraq, and pushing the hardest on Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to follow suit. [Read more →]

The Frustrations of Activism

Confusion about the nature of the Iraq War runs deep. This mother of a dead Marine chose to honor her son and his fellow soldiers by decorating a Hummer (!), and travelling across the nation on this mobile shrine honoring the war’s “noble goals.” Sadly, not all mothers figure it out like Cindy did.



Originally at OpEdNews, a CJO fraternal site

Original Content at http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_camillo__070531_the_frustrations_of_.htm

Dateline: June 1, 2007

In Good Riddance Attention Whore, Cindy Sheehan’s resignation as the “face” of the anti-war movement, she makes clear the frustrations of speaking truth to power in a country that is more concerned with who will be the next American Idol than with the deaths of thousands of its own children and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis. We who advocate peace understand and share Cindy’s frustration and dismay with the arrogance, ineptitude, and criminality of the current Administration, the moral and political cowardice of members of Congress, and the lack of outrage, apathy, and indifference of the American people. In solidarity with Cindy and the millions of others who make great personal sacrifices for peace and justice, endure the outrageous comments and intimidation of the ignorant, and easily lead, I offer the following dirge on the frustrations of activism.

They wage preemptive war based on lies and deception against a sovereign nation.We who advocate peace say such wars are illegal and immoral. And they say we are unpatriotic, treasonous, and unsupportive of the troops.

They chose not to serve or had “other priorities” when their Country called, and now cavalierly send our children to kill and to die in their war for oil and empire.We who advocate peace say that if the cause is so important and the threat so grave, our chickenhawk leaders and their privileged children should be the first to go. And they say we are unpatriotic, treasonous, and unsupportive of the troops.

They send our military into harm’s way unnecessarily, in inadequate numbers, with inferior body and vehicle armor, and expose them to harmful levels of depleted uranium. We who advocate peace say our troops are not cannon fodder and that such leadership is incompetent and indifferent to the needs of our military. And they say we are unpatriotic, treasonous, and unsupportive of the troops.

They deny a pay raise for our troops, cut the budget of the Veterans Administration, offer substandard physical and psychological treatment for our returning wounded and veterans. We who advocate peace say providing for the needs of our wounded and our veterans is a moral and legal obligation and should be our first priority. And they say we are unpatriotic, treasonous, and unsupportive of the troops.

They refuse to meet and to comfort the families of our fallen heroes, denigrate the memory, sacrifice, and dignity of our soldiers killed in battle by fabricating fantasies of their death and suffering to bolster patriotic support for their unpopular war. We who advocate peace say that exploiting the deaths of our soldiers and the grief and suffering of their families is unconscionable and depraved. And they say we are unpatriotic, treasonous, and unsupportive of the troops.

They torture detainees in Abu Graib, Guantanamo and “black sites” – secret prisons around the world — and deny “prisoners” even the most basic right of Habeas Corpus. We who advocate peace say that such acts increase the risk that our troops will be ill-treated and tortured should they be captured, and violate the United States Constitution and International law. And they say we are unpatriotic, treasonous, and unsupportive of the troops.

They exploit the fear of the American people post 9/11, violate their rights to privacy, misrepresented and now ignore the health effects suffered by First Responders and workers following the attacks on the World Trade Center.
We who advocate peace say such exploitation of a vulnerable citizenry, blatant disregard for their basic human rights, and indifference to the well-being of our First Responders and workers is “Un-American” and a violation of basic human decency. And they say we are unpatriotic, treasonous, and unsupportive of the troops.

They award no-bid contracts to favored corporations for personal benefit and to garner support for their corrupt agenda fleecing America of billions of dollars and, in many cases, placing the lives of our citizens (military and civilian) in danger. We who advocate peace say such war profiteering is an outrage and must be investigated and prosecuted. And they say we are unpatriotic, treasonous, and unsupportive of the troops.

They sat idle as the city of New Orleans and thousands of its inhabitants died while giving further unaccounted for billions of dollars to corporate criminals to salvage what remains for wealthy developers. We who advocate peace say such indifference to human pain and suffering is criminal and unconscionable. And they say we are unpatriotic, treasonous, and unsupportive of the troops.

They give tax cuts to the wealthy, tax incentives to the profit hungry oil industry that repeatedly enjoy record profits, ignore global warming and the environment, and cut aid to students and to health care. We who advocate peace say that fattening the corporate coffers and benefiting the affluent at the expense of the poor is anathema and a defilement of American values. And they say we are unpatriotic, treasonous, and unsupportive of the troops.

They waste billions of tax dollars on their illegal and immoral war, mortgaging our country to foreign interests and investors.We who advocate peace say such “selling of America” is fiscal suicide and threatens the future survival of our beloved nation. And they say we are unpatriotic, treasonous, and unsupportive of the troops.

They disclosed the identity of Valerie Plame, a CIA operative, to “punish” her husband for reporting the Niger uranium-production allegations to be untrue, jeopardizing Plames’ life, the lives of many other operatives she may have worked with in the past, and the CIA’s Counterterrorism operation…We who advocate peace say that knowingly disclosing the name of an undercover agent is treason and illegal under the Intelligence Identities Protection Act. And they say we are unpatriotic, treasonous, and unsupportive of the troops.

On Memorial Day, they stage Air shows, weapons displays and celebrate the technology of war all intended to entice other young men and women to die in war. We who advocate peace say that Memorial Day is not for celebration, or show, or deceptive recruitment, but for grieving and remembering the brave Americans already sacrificed, some unnecessarily, on the field of battle. And they say we are unpatriotic, treasonous, and unsupportive of the troops.

We thank Cindy for her courage, dedication, personal sacrifice, and commitment to world peace and social justice during a time of profound grief and suffering. We wish her health, personal peace, and happiness during her sabbatical of restoration. God speed, Cindy Sheehan.

Authors Website: www.svaphilosopher.com

Camillo “Mac” Bica, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. His focus is in Ethics, particularly as it applies to war and warriors. As a veteran recovering from his experiences as a United States Marine Corps Officer during the Vietnam War, he founded, and coordinated for five years, the Veterans Self-Help Initiative, a therapeutic community of veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He is a long-time activist for peace and justice, a member of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and a founding member of the Long Island Chapter of Veterans for Peace. Articles by Dr. Bica have appeared in The Humanist Magazine, Znet, Truthout.com, Common Dreams, AntiWar.com, Monthly Review Zine, Foreign Policy in Focus, OpEdNews.Com, and numerous philosophical journals.