3:44 AM by
Balthazar, finally at peace. This film by Bresson is probably the most haunting film ever made.
Movie Reviews \\\ Editors’ Note: At Cyrano we do not intend to reinvent the wheel. When we have a movie review written by one of our editors or associates, we run it. When we don’t, we still run the film and use a review in public distribution that we think does the job. The point is not ego but education of the public sensibilities, especially since we believe that all great art packs a strong moral message. This ecumenical approach is further suggested by the rise of the Net, and of citizens’ journalism, which provide a wealth of reviews from different quarters: readers’ commentary on films, professional evaluations by well-known critics, and so on. Cyrano’s reviews tap all of these sources without prejudice, as amateur reviews are often freer in their expression than commercial ones. But rarely does one single review capture all there’s to be said about an important film, so sometimes we run two or even three “takes” on a given title.
An engrossing view of sin, sainthood
By Ty Burr, Globe Staff
First Published: 04/09/2004
For my money, the most Christ-like figure now appearing on movie screens isn’t in “The Passion of Movie Review the Christ” or “The Gospel of John.” He isn’t even human.
He’s a donkey named Balthazar, and he suffers mightily for the sins of man in an out-ofthe- way French village in Robert Bresson’s 1966 classic “Au Hasard Balthazar. ” A new print opens for revival run today at the Kendall Square; a pilgrimage to absorb this quietly devastating, nearly perfect allegory is very much recommended. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Abominable Speciesism, CINEMA REVUS, The Logical Misanthropist, Cinema & Television | No Comments »
3:16 PM by
By Eduardo Lamazon*
Life for most animals can hardly be described as such. That is, it early on ceases to be life in the greater sense of the term, quickly devolving into an intense pain that serves as punishment for going along with a human coexistence that is entirely out of their control. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Abominable Speciesism, Animal Liberation, The Logical Misanthropist | No Comments »
1:46 AM by
A “downed” cow dragged to slaughter. Transportation to the slaughterhouse is just the culmination of her awful fate. “Downers” are animals who have been severely injured or become ill in the process of being raised “for food.”
Other “downers”—this time a couple of hogs, one of which cannot stand at all, also waiting to be taken to the abattoir. How much suffering must transpire before humans start paying real attention to our species’ atrocious tyranny over fellow creatures? Although many will surely deny it, including quite a few on the Left, it’s clear that human supremacist attitudes easily qualify as the earliest and least recognized form for fascism. Factory farms, by treating living, breathing animals as mere cogs in an ruthless industrial profit machine, are one of its most obscene manifestations. How long are we going to allow this to go on?
“Animal liberation may sound more like a parody of other liberation movements than a serious objective.” —Peter Singer
“Animal liberation is the ultimate freedom movement, the `final frontier.’” —Robin Webb, British ALF Press Officer
Introduction: Framing the Unframed Issue
It seems lost on most of the global anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist Left that there is a new liberation movement on the planet – animal liberation – that is of immense ethical and political significance. But because animal liberation challenges the anthropocentric, speciesist, and humanist dogmas that are so deeply entrenched in socialist and anarchist thinking and traditions, Leftists are more likely to mock than engage it. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Obstinate Conscience, Moral Depravity, Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, Animal Liberation, American Way of Life, The Logical Misanthropist, CJO'S OpEds, Toxic Culture, Controversy, Animals & Environment | 1 Comment »
10:11 PM by
DATELINE: October 2006
Most factory-farmed animals are confined for life in completely unnatural surroundings, reduced to mere abstract units denied the status of living creatures, and manipulated relentlessly to maximize profits. Alongside Big Pharma, agribusiness is one of the most corrupting influences in American politics.
For low meat prices, the animals, the environment and rural neighborhoods pay steeply.
There is a growing consensus that factory farming of animals - also known as CAFOs, or concentrated animal feeding operations - is morally wrong. The American animal rights movement, which in its early years focused largely on the use of animals in research, now has come to see that factory farming represents by far the greater abuse of animals. The numbers speak for themselves. In the United States somewhere between 20 million and 40 million birds and mammals are killed for research every year. That might seem like a lot - and it far exceeds the number of animals killed for their fur, let alone the relatively tiny number used in circuses - but 40 million represents less than two days’ toll in America’s slaughterhouses, which kill about 10 billion animals each year. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, Animal Liberation, Moral Depravity, Obstinate Conscience, The Logical Misanthropist, American Way of Life, Toxic Culture | No Comments »
12:47 AM by
Carl Sagan, the celebrated astronomist and distinguished humanist, who seriously objected to the notion that humans have an inherent “right” to do as they please with animals and nature.
Dateline June 29, 2007
There is a growing sense these days that the issues that plague our planet — war, injustice, and blatant abuse of nature — are intensifying and perhaps moving us toward the point of no return. And that if we don’t snap to attention and start doing things differently soon, we as a civilization, could be in real trouble. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in The Logical Misanthropist, Controversy, Animals & Environment | No Comments »
10:42 PM by
What the use of Nuclear Weapons really means
Picture taken of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945.
It is beyond my comprehension how our president or any world leader can loosely and irresponsibly talk about nuking ANYONE on this planet, as has become so popular these days. The first time I heard words to that effect out of our president’s mouth I thought that alone was grounds for removal from office because it indicated a serious lack of understanding about what he was talking about … or, even worse, that he did know and would do it anyhow. And here he is seven years later, still acting as if nuking somebody is actually a choice. Did/does he understand what nuclear bombs DO? He is certainly not speaking for the American people when he threatens half the world with the use of these weapons! Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in The Logical Misanthropist, State Crimes, Pathetic Idioten, Animals & Environment, Imperial Policy | No Comments »
9:14 PM by
July 22, 2007
The story many Long Islanders have followed during the past few weeks of an escaped steer on the North Fork whose notoriety landed him a refuge away from the abattoir gets more perplexing the more you think about it. From a strictly agribusiness point of view, of course, the fugitive livestock presented only the problem of recapturing an ornery investment before its due harvest. Bad cow - get back into the pen. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Obstinate Conscience, The Logical Misanthropist, Toxic Culture, Animals & Environment | No Comments »
3:43 PM by
Dateline: July 2007
Inpolite, infantile question: With so many American supermen of Scots-Irish ancestry, I don’t understand how the Irish don’t control the world already…
“There is an underscoring of collective anxiety in this film, everyone, from ordinary citizen to wonk- defense specialist, all seem nervous….even before anything jumps off. It is portraying a culture of deep almost bottomless anxiety…”
I have this three-week break before I go to Norway, and my girlfriend is already there, and school is over, so I have a lot of time on my hands……which is my excuse for going to see Die Hard 4 yesterday. Now, on the heels of your very good post on Arts and Entertainment, and our dissection of the pathogenics of *24*, I think a quick glance at the Bruce Willis franchise is in order. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in The Logical Misanthropist, Pathetic Idioten, Toxic Culture, Cinema & Television, Imperial Policy | 4 Comments »
11:00 PM by
Originally published by The Rec Report / Citizens for Legitimate Government
Only a small minority in the United States maintains an unwavering faith in the administration of George W. Bush. Most of the country has finally discovered Bush and his ilk are liars, thieves, incompetent hacks, and mercenary madmen. Only a few true believers remain. These few are reflected in the unwavering statistical minority of 30%-33%, who still support Bush, and apparently will support Bush, no matter what he does. This remnant, or as Steven Colbert called them, “the backwash,” will never sway. Like the Christian martyrs of old, they will go to their deaths swearing allegiance to their master. One might wonder who this faithful remnant is, and just where its members might be found. Well, a narrow and vociferous margin can be found screeching on Freerepublic.com. There, they are apparently alive, but judging from what they hold to be ‘reality,’ not so well. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in The Logical Misanthropist, Pathetic Idioten, Toxic Culture, CJO'S OpEds, Imperial Policy | 7 Comments »