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Wednesday, October 10, 2007


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Imperial Policy

HISTORY ANNALS: Hugo Chávez on the Failed Coup

11:35 PM by Greanville

President Hugo Chávez interviewed by Marta Harnecker, Monthly Review, Sept. 2005

This article is excerpted from Understanding the Venezuelan Revolution: Hugo Chávez Talks to Marta Harnecker published by Monthly Review Press. The book covers a wide range of topics, including Chávez’s political formation, the transformation currently taking place in Venezuela, and its place in the global context. In what follows, Chávez recounts the events of the failed coup d’etat of April 11, 2002.—Eds.

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Posted in Socialism & Communism, Media Reform, Indecent Plutocracy, Obstinate Conscience, Obstinate History, Imperial Policy | No Comments »