2:59 AM by
Dateline: Wednesday, 03 October 2007
There can be no doubt that much Hip Hop product is pathological. But whose product is it? Industry activist Lisa Fager went to Capitol Hill to school lawmakers on the real purveyors of audio and video mayhem: the music and communications corporations that control the destructive content that saturates the market. Pathology is not limited to musical product; it oozes into the public discourse in the form of racist speech and images that defame the powerless - all for the sake of corporate profit margins. Under relentless media consolidation, music playlists have become uniform indicators of massive payola - “an organized corporate crime.”
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Posted in Race Matters, Bourgeois Economics, Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, Cultural Oddities, Corporadoes | No Comments »
9:10 PM by
“We have established a global presence and provide training and tactical solutions for the 21st century. Our clients include federal law enforcement agencies, the Department of Defense, Department of State, and Department of Transportation, local and state entities from around the country, multinational corporations and friendly nations from all over the globe.”
Blackwater corporate website
“I would like to have the largest, most professional private army in the world.”
Gary Jackson, president of Blackwater USA
“Blackwater . right now has contracts that [Gary Jackson] says are so secret that he is not able to tell one branch of the Feds that he’s working for a different branch of the Feds.. Much of the interview I had with them was couched in this — this almost cowboy-like secrecy. They were very proud of being on these top secret missions.”
Barry Yeoman, author of “Soldiers of Good Fortune,” on Democracy Now
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Posted in Indecent Plutocracy, Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, Capitalist Whores, Unredeemable Scum, Presidential Tyranny, Bourgeois Democracy, Corporadoes, Middle East, Zionist Footprints, Imperial Policy | No Comments »
5:02 PM by
Nader, a tireless crusader for an America that might one day live up to its promise.
Who Will Confront the Unprecedented and Unconstitutional Concentration of Executive Power?
The rogue regime of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney — so widely condemned for its unconstitutional, criminal Iraq war, its spying on Americans illegally, its repeated illegal torture practices, its arrests and imprisonment of thousands in this country without charges and its
pathological secrecy and corporate corruption — still has not felt the heat of the 800,000 practicing lawyers and their many bar organizations. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, Anti-War Work, Class Analysis, Ideological Combat, Indecent Plutocracy, Presidential Tyranny, Corporadoes, State Crimes, American Way of Life, Bourgeois Democracy, Establishment Whores | 1 Comment »
7:47 PM by
Considering what a repugnantly amoral opportunist Chris Matthews is, he got off easy with Jon Stewart, who remains a voice for serious morality camouflaged in comedy. Stewart is to be commended for not being afraid to tackle these systemic topics. But being, after all, a corporate media figure, his is indeed a highwire act and the men behind the curtain, the top corporadoes, could easily tire of his jabs at the system and suddenly pull the rug from under him.
If you have ever bemoaned the turn Matthews — a former newspaperman — has taken in recent years, you have to check out what happened on “The Daily Show” on Tuesday night. Matthews called it “the worst interview ever.”
(October 03, 2007) — You may find this hard to believe, but there was a time when TV gasbag Chris Matthews was a respectable hard news reporter. He worked in Washington, D.C. for the San Francisco Examiner from 1987 to around 2000, and also wrote columns for the San Francisco Chronicle and others. But if you have ever bemoaned the turn his career took as an interviewer/talk show host – or if you just hate the inside-the-beltway mentality of many of our leading press and TV pundits – then you would have loved Jon Stewart’s dismantling of Matthews on “The Daily Show” last night (Oct. 2, 2007). Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, Moral Depravity, American Way of Life, Toxic Culture, Mediocrats | No Comments »
6:02 PM by
“Don’t wait up for me, darling.” Bush patting one of his European concubines in crime.
By Bill Van Auken | 29 September 2007
A solidarity post with World Socialist Web Site
WSWS : News & Analysis : North America
THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE FEBRUARY 2003 discussions between US President George W. Bush and Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar published Wednesday by Spain’s largest daily, El Pais, provides fresh documentary confirmation of what is already a widely known historical fact. That is: the Bush administration was determined to wage a war of aggression to conquer Iraq and was not about to allow international law or compromise settlements to interfere with its long-planned invasion. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, Indecent Plutocracy, Capitalist Propaganda, American Politicians, Anti-War Work, Presidential Tyranny, Bourgeois Democracy, Middle East, Europe Matters, Zionist Footprints, State Crimes, Imperial Policy | No Comments »
6:14 PM by
Vacant-brained Fred Thompson and his GOPer trophy wife. One of the most baffling things about evil is that it often assumes attractive packages.
BY MATT TAIBBI | Dateline: Sep 24 2007
I can say exactly when I first knew that Fred Dalton Thompson is dangerous. It is 12:07 p.m. on Sunday, September 9th, in Manchester, New Hampshire, just outside a restaurant called Chez Vachon. Thompson has just served up another mumbling, noncommittal tour through a packed diner of breakfasting locals, sitting glumly through the requisite this-sure-is-great-coffee shot. Then, once the needed photos are banked, the lumbering B-list character actor — who plays a video called “The Hunt for Red November” at every campaign stop and sells buttons that, in an unsettlingly McLuhanian twist, pimp him as the “Law and Order candidate” — tries to make a quick beeline back to his bus. But a cheeky local TV reporter shouts at him before he can reach the door. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Capitalist Whores, Unredeemable Scum, PARTY FRAUDS, American Politicians, Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, Toxic Culture, American Way of Life, CJO'S OpEds | No Comments »
4:19 PM by
The Iranian President at the United Nations.
COMMENTARY By Jerry Mazza /•\ Online Journal Associate Editor | Dateline: Sep 26, 2007 // Fraternal crosspost
The Ahmadinejad visit to New York provided the media and its associated political class with yet another feeding frenzy to exercise their well developed talent for high-handed hypocrisy. Obviously it helps when the target is long preceded by and shrouded in obstinate ignorance and consequent confusion in a culture where history is only of peripheral interest, and where vociferous Zionism has a de facto chokehold on almost all critical institutions—from Congress to the media, and certainly academia. It also doesn’t help matters much that the Iranian leader—like most US imperial targets—is scarcely adept at juggling the symbols of American propaganda, and is often quite skilled at shooting himself in the foot. Like many smaller-power leaders who stand in defiance to probably the most hypocritical empire on record, they do not seem to fully understand the importance of communicating clearly and forthrightly with the US public above and through the curtain of thick distortions certain to be deployed by the corporate media and professional politicians (two sides of the same coin). And therein they miss fine opportunities to neutralize at least some of the poison being continuously spread around by these agents of imperial propaganda as they character assassinate the leaders and cultures marked for eventual physical attacks. It’s high time these leaders made an effort to understand and master this very special but essential language that could—up to a point—lessen the probabilities of such an attack.—Eds.
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Posted in Zionist Footprints, American Way of Life, Obstinate Conscience, Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, Middle East, Academic Battlefields, Obstinate History, Establishment Whores, The Contemptible Media, Toxic Culture, Imperial Policy | 2 Comments »
5:42 PM by
Giuliani—as phoney as a man in drag.
BY BILL CURRY | Dateline: September 24, 2007 The Huffington Post
Rudy Giuliani is slipping, if not quite sliding away. In early polls he led Hillary Clinton and every Democrat and was pulling away from the Republican pack, having benefited much from John McCain’s gracious decision to set himself on fire.
Back then the smart money–and it’s a wonder they still call it that– fretted that Hillary was ‘unelectable’. Today she beats Rudy in every poll. Among Republicans he’s again in a dead heat, this time with B-list TV celebrity Fred Thompson. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Capitalist Whores, PARTY FRAUDS, American Politicians, Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, CJO'S OpEds, American Way of Life, Establishment Whores | No Comments »
7:47 PM by
A creature of the system, a “mechanic” who knows how to work the machine, Bill Clinton has made a career of phoney populism all his life. He has successfully fooled a great may people while remaining sturdily on the center-right, what Beltway insiders like to call “the Third Way.” Unfortunately, fronting for a decomposing but still murderous capitalism is not the way to cure what ails America.
By David Nasaw
Dateline: Sunday, September 23, 2007 [Reproduced under Sec 17, US Code]
This piece suggested by and in simulpost at makingthemaccountable.com
“Giving,” Bill Clinton’s folksy first-person tour of worthy causes and the good people who support them, is so relentlessly upbeat that only the most churlish professor would say a discouraging word about the book. But the former president is so intent on celebrating 21st-century philanthropy — and highlighting his and Hillary’s role in promoting “the explosion of private citizens doing public good” — that he blithely ignores a hard reality: Philanthropy and democracy don’t get along nearly as seamlessly as “Giving” would have us believe. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Capitalist Propaganda, American Politicians, Unredeemable Scum, PARTY FRAUDS, Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, Indecent Plutocracy, Toxic Culture, American Way of Life, Bourgeois Democracy, Establishment Whores | No Comments »
11:57 AM by
Sheehan friends and relatives in demonstration in Virginia. Cindy presents a HUGE problem to the system’s apologists: a person of unshakable conviction who is firmly “on the left.” So far efforts at character assessination have failed, but should she gain public office, the most likely tack will be to kill her credibility with faint praise, suggesting she’s too “naive” about the world, she’s a one-trick pony, and so on. Media whores have their work cut out for them with Cindy.
BY CINDY SHEEHAN Dateline: September 19th, 2007
I am consistently amazed at things that right-wing nut jobs throw at me to justify their support of an unjustifiable war. Seriously, when you watch Generals, Ambassadors, Senators and Congress Reps and pundits who still cheerlead for a miserable, failed and murderous policy you can almost see the skepticism in their eyes, too. They know they are lying for their masters now, if they, like George and Dick didn’t always know they were lying. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, The US MIlitary, American Politicians, Anti-War Work, Indecent Plutocracy, Communism, The Contemptible Media, Toxic Culture, State Crimes, Obstinate Conscience, Obstinate History | 2 Comments »