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Wednesday, October 10, 2007


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Imperial Policy

A Letter to the American Left

11:38 PM by Greanville

BHL, a man of strong opinions and a very high opinion of himself.


[from the February 27, 2006 issue of The Nation]

Editorial Caveat: Who is this diagnostician for the American Left?: In French and US establishment journals, Bernard-Henri Levy, or BHL, as he is commonly known, is one of the best-acclaimed “philosophes” and authors in France today. But when it comes to Henri-Levy, surely probably one of the great “poseurs” and leftist apostates on the world stage, such accolades are to be taken with a huge lump of salt. Indeed, a new biography by French journalists Jade Lindgaard and Xavier de la Porte is the first in a series of seven acerbic critiques of BHL to be released in the coming years and marks an unprecedented attack on the high-profile academic. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Indecent Plutocracy, PARTY FRAUDS, Socialism & Communism, Fascism US Style, American Way of Life, Controversy, Europe Matters, Cultural Oddities, The Left & Pseudo Left | 1 Comment »

The Iraq War As We See It—Seven U.S. Soldiers Speak

12:50 AM by ascetorix_ariz20

Dateline: Published on Sunday, August 19, 2007 by the International Herald Tribune

“Pacifying” Iraq has proved not just elusive but a costly nightmare with no end in sight. The truth on the ground that most American media continue to fudge about.

VIEWED FROM IRAQ at the tail end of a 15-month deployment, the political debate in Washington is surreal.

Counterinsurgency is, by definition, a competition between insurgents and counterinsurgents for the control and support of a population. To believe that Americans, with an occupying force that long ago outlived its reluctant welcome, can win over a recalcitrant local population and win this counterinsurgency is far-fetched. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in State Crimes, Indecent Plutocracy, Capitalist Propaganda, Zionist Footprints, Middle East, CJO'S OpEds, Controversy, Imperial Policy | 5 Comments »

The politics of blind hatred: Who are the fanatics?

2:07 PM by ascetorix_ariz20

BY PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Dateline: September 5, 2007

Embattled Rabbi Eric Yoffe—being antiwar and liberal he’s catching hell from the Neocons and the Israeli Lobby.

President Jimmy Carter was demonized for pointing out in his book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, that there are actually two sides to the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Distinguished American scholars, such as John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt have suffered the same fate for documenting the excessive influence the Israel Lobby has on US foreign policy. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Middle East, Zionist Footprints, Controversy, CJO'S OpEds, The Contemptible Media, Imperial Policy | No Comments »

The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy | Book Review

7:24 PM by Greanville

Fanatical Jewish settlers in disputed territories are forcibly removed by Israeli police.

Dateline: September 2, 2007
Reviewed by Max Hastings/ Timesonline

Five years ago, Atlantic Monthly commissioned two academics, John Mearsheimer of Chicago University and Stephen Walt of Harvard, to write a significant article about the influence of the Israeli lobby on American foreign policy. When the piece was at last completed, the magazine declined to publish, deeming it too hot for delicate American palates. It eventually appeared in 2005, in the London Review of Books, provoking one of the most bitter media and academic rows of recent times. The authors were accused of antisemitism, and attacked with stunning venom by some prominent US commentators. Mearsheimer and Walt obviously like a fight, however, for they have now expanded their thesis into a book. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, Zionist Footprints, Controversy, Academic Battlefields, Book Reviews | 1 Comment »

Rethinking Revolution: Animal Liberation, Human Liberation, and the Future of the Left

1:46 AM by Greanville

A “downed” cow dragged to slaughter. Transportation to the slaughterhouse is just the culmination of her awful fate. “Downers” are animals who have been severely injured or become ill in the process of being raised “for food.”

Other “downers”—this time a couple of hogs, one of which cannot stand at all, also waiting to be taken to the abattoir. How much suffering must transpire before humans start paying real attention to our species’ atrocious tyranny over fellow creatures? Although many will surely deny it, including quite a few on the Left, it’s clear that human supremacist attitudes easily qualify as the earliest and least recognized form for fascism. Factory farms, by treating living, breathing animals as mere cogs in an ruthless industrial profit machine, are one of its most obscene manifestations. How long are we going to allow this to go on?

“Animal liberation may sound more like a parody of other liberation movements than a serious objective.” —Peter Singer

“Animal liberation is the ultimate freedom movement, the `final frontier.’” —Robin Webb, British ALF Press Officer

Introduction: Framing the Unframed Issue

It seems lost on most of the global anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist Left that there is a new liberation movement on the planet – animal liberation – that is of immense ethical and political significance. But because animal liberation challenges the anthropocentric, speciesist, and humanist dogmas that are so deeply entrenched in socialist and anarchist thinking and traditions, Leftists are more likely to mock than engage it. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Obstinate Conscience, Moral Depravity, Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, Animal Liberation, American Way of Life, The Logical Misanthropist, CJO'S OpEds, Toxic Culture, Controversy, Animals & Environment | 1 Comment »

Shameless Name Dropping

12:47 AM by Greanville

Carl Sagan, the celebrated astronomist and distinguished humanist, who seriously objected to the notion that humans have an inherent “right” to do as they please with animals and nature.

Dateline June 29, 2007

There is a growing sense these days that the issues that plague our planet — war, injustice, and blatant abuse of nature — are intensifying and perhaps moving us toward the point of no return. And that if we don’t snap to attention and start doing things differently soon, we as a civilization, could be in real trouble. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in The Logical Misanthropist, Controversy, Animals & Environment | No Comments »

The SiCKO Controversy : Views From the Left

12:39 AM by Greanville

Moore speaking on health issues before sympathetic congresspeople.

Michael Moore’s documentary Sicko (2007) has attracted its fair share of critics among the liberaloid guardians of the status quo, and, naturally, rabidly negative and mendacious reviews from the right. But a film of this importance, that has managed to touch off a desperately needed debate about the nature of the “health care” system in the US, and the grasping values underscoring it, has also elicited criticism from the left. In this series of posts we cover the more compelling arguments.


By Carolyn Baker
Dateline: Sunday, 12 August 2007

It had to happen, but it took so long-indeed, too long, for a courageous filmmaker to rise up and put the abysmal U.S. healthcare system under a microscope in order to reveal how utterly pathological it has become. On one level, Moore repeated a blatant flaw in his craft so obvious in “Bowling For Columbine” and “Fahrenheit 911″ in that he almost always fails to fully connect the dots and take his work to the next level, and “Sicko” was no exception. Nevertheless, the film left me laughing, cheering, and crying and particularly gleeful regarding memos sent by management throughout the Blue Cross system warning employees of the possible side-effects of “Sicko” on their company’s image. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Bourgeois Democracy, Indecent Plutocracy, CINEMA REVUS, American Way of Life, Controversy, Corporadoes, The Contemptible Media, Capitalism for Dummies, The Left & Pseudo Left | 1 Comment »

Questionable Judgment? Daily Kos: A CIA Controlled Opposition?

12:44 AM by Greanville


The blogosphere is abuzz with news that Markos Moulitsas, the Daily Kos’ founder and owner, and outspoken Democratic Party would-be kingmaker was/is a CIA operative… Compounding the wound is Moulitsas’ own admission that “he would have ‘no problem working for them’ in the present.” That’s an awfully odd opinion for a man helming one of the nation’s largest “progressive” blogs. Is there any substance to the claims? Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Blogosphere, Controversy, Brickbats, The Left & Pseudo Left | 13 Comments »

MIDEAST CONFLICT: How the world backed itself into a corner

3:09 PM by Greanville

Palestine: a policy of deliberate blindness

Last year President Jacques Chirac asked Régis Debray to study the situation in the Middle East. On 15 January 2007 Debray sent the French authorities the following document on Palestine. It is an important key to understanding a long policy drift whose results are now obvious.

Dennis Ross, formerly the United States envoy to the Middle East, admitted back in 2000 that mistakes had been made in the 1978 Camp David accords: the diplomatic process had not taken enough account of developments on the ground, especially the settlements. The number of Jewish settlers in the Palestinian territories doubled from 1994 to 2000. As many Israelis have settled in the West Bank since the Oslo accords of 1993 as in the previous 25 years. With an international conference again being discussed, it would be a mistake to continue to ignore the real state of affairs. There is no need for a committee of inquiry. The report has already been drawn up, many times over. No conflict in the world is as well documented, mapped and recorded. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Zionist Footprints, Classic Archives, Middle East, Controversy, The Contemptible Media, Imperial Policy | 1 Comment »

Kucinich on the Record

4:44 PM by Greanville

An interview with Dennis Kucinich about his presidential platform on energy and the environment

Dateline: 01 Aug 2007

This is part of a series of interviews with presidential candidates produced jointly by and Outside.
Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich. The only one with a vision intelligent and bold enough to solve this nation’s central moral and economic problems. Of course, that in itself relegates him to the corporate media’s Siberia.
Editorial disclosure: Cyrano’s Journal supports Dennis Kucinich without reservations.
Photo: SEIU via flickr

He may be eating the front-runners’ dust in the polls, but among deep-green voters, Dennis Kucinich is considered a trailblazer. A Democratic U.S. rep from Cleveland, Ohio, Kucinich is calling for a radical overhaul of the U.S. government and economy — one that infuses every agency in the executive branch with a sustainability agenda, phases out coal and nuclear power entirely, and calls on every American to ratchet down their resource consumption and participate in a national conservation program. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Obstinate Conscience, American Way of Life, Controversy, Animals & Environment | 2 Comments »

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