Entries Tagged as 'Toxic Culture'

Overgrown Kids, Unshackled Ids, and the Death of the Superego

Sculpture: “The Id” by TJ Dixon and James Nelson

Dateline: 6/24/07
NOTE TO OUR READERS: We will be most grateful if you also pay attention to our special note at the end of this feature. Thank you. —The Editors.

Children are completely egoistic; they feel their needs intensely and strive ruthlessly to satisfy them.–Sigmund Freud

Frightening as it may be, the Earth’s fate rests in the hands of children. With incredibly formidable military firepower at its disposal, the United States could catalyze Armageddon at any time. And while they may be adults chronologically, our sociopolitical structure is dominated by emotional infants. [Read more →]

Michael Moore’s SiCKO Is Boffo

We know what the diagnosis is and what needs to be done. Now the question is whether the American public has what it takes to drive the con men and other crooks from the corridors of power.

Three reviews of this important film published in The Nation magazine.

SiCKO Is Boffo
by David Corn
Dateline: 6.21.07

In 1971, Edgar Kaiser, the son of the founder of Kaiser Permanente, one of the first big HMOs, went to see John Ehrlichman, a top aide to President Nixon, to lobby the Nixon White House to pass legislation that would expand the market for health maintenance organizations (HMOs). Ehrlichman reported this conversation to Nixon on February 17, 1971. The discussion, which was taped, went like this:

Ehrlichman: I had Edgar Kaiser come in…talk to me about this and I went into it in some depth. All the incentives are toward less medical care, because the less care they give them, the more money they make.

President Nixon: Fine.

The next day, Nixon publicly announced he would be pushing legislation that would provide Americans “the finest health care in the world.” [Read more →]

Modern Man: homo destructus vs. homo pacificus

PHOTO CAPTION: The bitumen-impregnated sands of Alberta, Canada are said to rival the oil reserves of Saudi Arabia, but extracting and refining it from these sandy clumps requires a great deal more energy than the light to medium crude of the Middle East. Sunco currently produces 1 million barrels of synthetic petroleum a day from its oil sand operations in Alberta, Canada. It plans to increase production to 2 mbd by 2010. Photo courtesy of Suncor.


I envision the history of this world being written from some time in the future. The period of 300 years, from the industrial revolution in Europe to the present, will be, I am sure, recorded as the most destructive and insane time on this Earth, perhaps only outdone by the legendary destruction of Atlantis, which we really know nothing about.

It is said that 16,500 years ago there was a great war on Earth which destroyed civilizations [perhaps Atlantis, perhaps Mu, or both] that only exist in legend now, and for which we have no real evidence. Objects keep appearing in the earth that we interpret to be very old technology: the Dropa stones, the Baghdad battery, what appear to be electric lights in ancient Egypt. Supposedly King Tut was buried with a piece of steel over his heart, although we don’t usually think of the Egyptians as having that technology. The Temple at Baalbek, the Pyramids, Machu Picchu … we still don’t know how these things were made, even though modern archeologists and engineers attempt to explain them. [Read more →]

Request for Climate References


BY GEORGE MONBIOT Dateline: May 12, 2007
[Note: This is a reply to Cockburn’s second article on climate politics and climate change, which, while it did not directly respond to Monbiot’s or Mann’s first reply to Cockburn’s original article, did mention Mann by name.]

People who deny that manmade climate change is taking place have this in common: they do not answer their critics. They make what they say are definitive refutations of the science of climate change. When these refutations are shown to be nonsense, they do not seek to defend them. They simply repeat them as if nothing has changed, then move on to another line of attack. [Read more →]

Response to Cockburn (on his claims on global warming)


CLIMATE DENIER (!) ALEX COCKBURN. HIS MOTIVES FOR THIS UNCHARACTERISTIC STANCE, which makes him an objective ally of criminals outfits like ExxonMobil, ARE HARD TO FOLLOW.

BY GEORGE MONBIOT | SOURCE: ZNet Magazine | Science
Dateline: May 03, 2007

[Note: Click here for Alexander Cockburn’s precipitating article “From Papal Indulgences to Carbon Credits Is Global Warming a Sin?” Go here for ensuing debate…]

Let me begin this response with an admission of incompetence. I am not qualified to comment on the scientific claims made in Alexander Cockburn’s article. But nor is Cockburn qualified to make them.

When a non-scientist attempts to dispute the findings of an entire body of science, a good deal of humility and a great deal of research is required. Otherwise he puts himself in the position of the 9/11 truthers. Though they might know nothing about physics, structural engineering, ballistics or explosives, these people still feel qualified to assert that the experts in these fields are wrong, and that the Twin Towers were in fact brought down by controlled explosions. [Read more →]

Big Headache for Big Pharma

Eli Lilly CEO Sydney Taurel received a 5-year $37-million compensation package for heading a company whose ethical standards are indistinguishable from those of a common criminal.


For pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly, death and injury are just a cost of doing business. When Zyprexa, Lilly’s drug to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, hit the marketplace in 1996, it was hailed as an “atypical” – a “safe, gentle psychotropic,” more effective than older drugs like Thorazine and Trilafon, without the dangerous side effects. Sales skyrocketed. The hype soon gave way to reality, as Lilly faced waves of lawsuits by patients suffering from diabetes, massive weight gain, pancreatitis and cardiac problems. Lilly responded with the cozy arrangement that worked with Prozac, another blockbuster plagued with problems: quietly settle suits out of court, with proceedings sealed and secret under a gag order. Anything embarrassing – or illegal – that Lilly is doing behind closed doors would remain hidden from public view. [Read more →]

The Idiocy Behind the ‘9/11 Truth’ Movement


Posted on September 26, 2006

Why the “9/11 Truth” movement makes the Left Behind series read like Shakespeare.

A few weeks ago I wrote a column on the anniversary of 9/11 that offhandedly dismissed 9/11 conspiracy theorists as “clinically insane.” I expected a little bit of heat in response, but nothing could have prepared me for the deluge of fuck-you mail that I actually got. Apparently every third person in the United States thinks George Bush was behind the 9/11 attacks.

” You’re just another MSM-whore left gatekeeper paid off by corporate America,” said one writer. “What you do isn’t journalism at all, you dick,” said another. “You’re the one who’s clinically insane,” barked a third, before educating me on the supposed anomalies of physics involved with the collapse of WTC-7. [Read more →]

Maybe We Deserve to Be Ripped Off By Bush’s Billionaires


While America obsessed about Brittany’s shaved head, Bush offered a budget that offers $32.7 billion in tax cuts to the Wal-Mart family alone, while cutting $28 billion from Medicaid.

BY MATT TAIBI || RollingStone.com
Posted on February 20, 2007 | Posted at http://www.alternet.org/story/48278/

“Now, after she shaved her head in a bizarre episode that culminates a months-long saga of controversial behavior, it’s the question being asked by her fans, her foes and the general public: What was she thinking?”– Bald and Broken: Inside Britney’s Shaved Head, Sheila Marikar, ABC.com, Feb. 19.

What was she thinking? How about nothing? How about who gives a shit? How’s that for an answer, Sheila Marikar of ABC news, you pinhead?

I’m not one of those curmudgeons who freaks out every time that Bradgelina moves the war off the front page of the Post, or Katie Couric decides to usher in a whole new era of network news with photos of the imbecile demon-spawn of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. I understand that we live in a demand-based economy and that there is far more demand for brainless celebrity bullshit than there is, say, for the fine print of the Health and Human Services budget. [Read more →]

The September 11 X-Files

BLOG | Posted 05/30/2002


Since 9.11 a veritable cottage industry of conspiracy theorizing has arisen not only in the US, where it has naturally found a fertile ground, but around the world. This article by David Corn is one of the most comprehensive efforts, so far, to examine the possible substance that such claims may have. —Eds.

On March 25, during a Pacifica radio interview, Representative Cynthia McKinney, a Georgia Democrat, said, “We know there were numerous warnings of the events to come on September 11…. What did this Administration know, and when did it know it about the events of September 11? Who else knew and why did they not warn the innocent people of New York who were needlessly murdered?” McKinney was not merely asking if there had been an intelligence failure. She was suggesting–though not asserting–that the US government had foreknowledge of the specific attacks and either did not do enough to prevent them or, much worse, permitted them to occur for some foul reason. Senator Zell Miller, a conservative Democrat from her state, called her comments “loony.” House minority leader Dick Gephardt noted that he disagreed with her. White House spokesman Ari Fleischer quipped, “The congresswoman must be running for the Hall of Fame of the Grassy Knoll Society.” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution called her a “nut.” Two months later, after it was revealed that George W. Bush had received an intelligence briefing a month before September 11 in which he informed told Osama bin Laden was interested in both hijacking airplanes and striking directly at the United States, McKinney claimed vindication. But that new piece of information did not support the explosive notion she had unfurled earlier–that the Bush Administration and/or other unnamed parties had been in a position to warn New Yorkers and had elected not to do so. [Read more →]

DePaul Rejects Finkelstein

The embattled Finkelstein was foolish or courageous enough to defy the Zionist lobby.
DATELINE: Inside Higher Education June 11, 2007

DePaul University on Friday formally denied tenure to Norman G. Finkelstein, who has taught political science there while attracting an international following — of both fans and critics — for his attacks on Israeli policies and the “Holocaust industry.”

Finkelstein’s tenure bid has attracted an unusual degree of outside attention and his research has been much debated by scholars of the Middle East. In evaluating his record, DePaul faculty panels and administrators praised him as a teacher and acknowledged that he has become a prominent public intellectual, with works published by major presses. But first a dean and now the president of DePaul — in rejecting tenure for Finkelstein — have cited the style of his work and intellectual combat. Finkelstein was criticized for violating the Vincentian norms of the Roman Catholic university with writing and statements that were deemed hurtful, that contained ad hominem attacks and that did not show respect for others. [Read more →]