Greenspan on 60 Minutes: It was all Bush’s fault
As a disciple of Ayn Rand, Greenspan shares her notion that selfish pursuits are morally salutary.
BY MIKE WHITNEY Dateline: Wed Sep 19, 2007
Alan Greenspan’s appearance on 60 Minutes was preceded with all the pomp and ceremony of a royal wedding. The public relations blitz dragged out for a whole week.
What profound truisms would the elusive former-fed master divulge to the News Magazine’s withered-coquette, Leslie Stahl? Would he produce his crystal ball and forecast America’s blurry economic future in mangled Fed-speak? Or would he focus on the startling gyrations in the stock market and the “frothy” conditions in the slumping housing market? The suspense was nearly unbearable. [Read more →]