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A brief history of the Cold War and anti-communism

This is a chapter (the Introduction) from Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II by William Blum, 1987 edition

American troops parade in Vladivostok, Siberia, in 1918, as part of a multinational intervention force to overthrow the new Soviet government.

Our fear that communism might someday
take over most of the world blinds us to the fact that anti-communism already has.–Michael Parenti(1)

It was in the early days of the fighting in Vietnam that a Vietcong officer said to his American prisoner: “You were our heroes after the War. We read American books and saw American films, and a common phrase in those days was “to be as rich and as wise as an American”. What happened?” (2) [Read more →]

The True — and Shocking — History of the CIA

BY CHALMERS JOHNSON \ Tomdispatch.com
Posted on July 28, 2007, Printed on July 28, 2007

Late Chilean President Salvador Allende (r) and CIA/Pentagon man in Santiago, Gen. Augusto Pinochet, later dictator of Chile for 17 years with ample Washington support. Just one of numerous crimes in the agency’s sordid history in defense of capitalism, not freedom.

This essay is a review of Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA by Tim Weiner (Doubleday, 702 pp., $27.95).

The American people may not know it but they have some severe problems with one of their official governmental entities, the Central Intelligence Agency. Because of the almost total secrecy surrounding its activities and the lack of cost accounting on how it spends the money covertly appropriated for it within the defense budget, it is impossible for citizens to know what the CIA’s approximately 17,000 employees do with, or for, their share of the yearly $44 billion-$48 billion or more spent on “intelligence.” This inability to account for anything at the CIA is, however, only one problem with the Agency and hardly the most serious one either. [Read more →]

Can We End the American Empire Before It Ends Us?

BY CHALMERS JOHNSON [Tomdispatch.com]
Posted on May 17, 2007, Printed on July 28, 2007

In politics, as in medicine, a cure based on a false diagnosis is almost always worthless, often worsening the condition that is supposed to be healed. The United States, today, suffers from a plethora of public ills. Most of them can be traced to the militarism and imperialism that have led to the near-collapse of our Constitutional system of checks and balances. Unfortunately, none of the remedies proposed so far by American politicians or analysts addresses the root causes of the problem. [Read more →]