9:40 PM by
John McCain a militaristic plutocrat of unregulated fascistic temperament. Thank you, GOP for giving America another great politician…
BY JUSTIN RAIMONDO, Editorial Director, Antiwar.com (Libertarian)
Dateline: April 13, 2007 | Antiwar.com
He’s volatile – and, in the White House, he’d be dangerous
John McCain was really caught off guard not only by the reaction to his recent walk in the Iraqi marketplace – ringed by a veritable wall of security, while US army helicopters hovered overhead – but also by subsequent events on the ground. “I just returned from my fifth visit to Iraq,” he told the cadets in a speech at the Virginia Military Institute: Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Presidential Tyranny, Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, The US MIlitary, American Politicians, Fascism US Style, Bourgeois Democracy, CJO'S OpEds, Pathetic Idioten, Zionist Footprints, State Crimes, Imperial Policy | No Comments »
9:06 PM by
The unsinkable Bill Moyers.
In a 2003 interview with BuzzFlash.com,[13] Moyers said, “The corporate right and the political right declared class warfare on working people a quarter of a century ago and they’ve won.” He noted that “The rich are getting richer, which arguably wouldn’t matter if the rising tide lifted all boats.” Instead, however, “The inequality gap is the widest it’s been since 1929; the middle class is besieged and the working poor are barely keeping their heads above water.” He added that as “the corporate and governing elites are helping themselves to the spoils of victory,” access to political power has become “who gets what and who pays for it.” Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Zionist Footprints, State Crimes, Middle East, The Contemptible Media, Mediocrats, Imperial Policy | No Comments »
3:14 PM by
Alan Greenspan, libertarian Republican and former controversial skipper of the Federal Reserve system, has finally found his voice to denounce George W Bush, albeit 1.2 millions lives (and still counting) too late…Thank you, Alan.
By Peter Beaumont and Joanna Walters in New York
Sunday September 16, 2007
The Observer | GUARDIAN Unlimited [U.K.]
The man once regarded as the world’s most powerful banker has bluntly declared that the Iraq war was ‘largely’ about oil.
Appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1987 and retired last year after serving four presidents, Alan Greenspan has been the leading Republican economist for a generation and his utterings instantly moved world markets. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Indecent Plutocracy, Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, Capitalist Propaganda, State Crimes, Middle East, Obstinate History, The Contemptible Media, Imperial Policy | 2 Comments »
1:34 AM by
Don’t be misled by all that pomp and circumstance and ivy…like all centers of plutocratic power Harvard is often an accomplice in imperial projects…if not the actual incubator.
Should a human rights center at the nation’s most prestigious university be collaborating with the top US general in Iraq in designing the counter-insurgency doctrine behind the current military surge? Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, Capitalist Propaganda, The US MIlitary, State Crimes, Middle East, CJO'S OpEds, Academic Battlefields, Establishment Whores | 1 Comment »
12:50 AM by
Dateline: Published on Sunday, August 19, 2007 by the International Herald Tribune
“Pacifying” Iraq has proved not just elusive but a costly nightmare with no end in sight. The truth on the ground that most American media continue to fudge about.
VIEWED FROM IRAQ at the tail end of a 15-month deployment, the political debate in Washington is surreal.
Counterinsurgency is, by definition, a competition between insurgents and counterinsurgents for the control and support of a population. To believe that Americans, with an occupying force that long ago outlived its reluctant welcome, can win over a recalcitrant local population and win this counterinsurgency is far-fetched. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in State Crimes, Indecent Plutocracy, Capitalist Propaganda, Zionist Footprints, Middle East, CJO'S OpEds, Controversy, Imperial Policy | 5 Comments »
12:38 AM by
Gen. Petraeus…”ass-kissing little chickenshit” and wholly owned subsidiary of Bushco. Careerism, as usual, trumps duty.
Dateline crosspost: 9.14.07 / http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=39235
WASHINGTON, Sep 12 (IPS) - In sharp contrast to the lionisation of Gen. David Petraeus by members of the U.S. Congress during his testimony this week, Petraeus’s superior, Admiral William Fallon, chief of the Central Command (CENTCOM), derided Petraeus as a sycophant during their first meeting in Baghdad last March, according to Pentagon sources familiar with reports of the meeting. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Indecent Plutocracy, Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, The US MIlitary, Presidential Tyranny, State Crimes, The Contemptible Media, Middle East, Zionist Footprints, Obstinate History | No Comments »
9:31 PM by
DATELINE: Information Clearinghouse 09/11/07 to whom we are indebted.
The Unwarranted Influence of America’s Global “Defense” Corporation
You know your country’s “democratic” leadership and rationale for war are in trouble when the anointed most-evil enemy makes more sense than they do.
Although for all we know Bin Laden’s “annual message to Americans” originated below Dick Cheney’s office where Bin Laden is living in luxury chained to a pool table, its contents ring with refreshing logic relative to what usually passes for truth in and around the White House. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in American Way of Life, Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, State Crimes, Zionist Footprints, The Contemptible Media, Middle East, Imperial Policy | No Comments »
10:53 PM by
The debate about whether Americans should stay or leave Iraq after four years of brutal occupation is surreal because it continues to be underwritten by enormous lies. Plain and simple, the US elites invaded Iraq to rob that nation at gunpoint of its major resource, oil, and all the current foot-dragging is simply to accommodate stateside politics to the ensuing debacle, while clinging to some “solution” that might provide a fig leaf for an indefinite US military presence in that region. The essay we reproduce below is an excellent dissection of the principal lies feeding the confusion, as usual with ample complicity on the part of the corporate media, which through shoddy work, or cynical collaboration, effectively prolongs the agony of Iraq. The evidence that the mass media are not doing their job is everywhere. Just consider for a moment the following astonishing facts—astonishing in their sheer obscenity when put in the context of so much want and misery in the world, and that most Americans never heard of them— collected by Doug Henwood for one of his remarkable essays, and published back in 2003:
In the early days of the war, when things weren’t going so well for the “coalition,” it was said that the force was too light. But after the sandstorm cleared and the snipers were mowed down, that alleged lightness became a widely praised virtue. But that force was light only by American standards: 300,000 troops; an endless rain of Tomahawks, JDAMs, and MOABs; thousands of vehicles, from Humvees to Abrams tanks; hundreds of aircraft, from Apaches to B-1s; several flotillas of naval support - and enormous quantities of expensive petroleum products. It takes five gallons of fuel just to start an Abrams tank, and after that it gets a mile per gallon. And filling one up is no bargain. Though the military buys fuel at a wholesale price of 84¢ a gallon, after all the expenses of getting it to the front lines are added in, the final cost is about $150 a gallon. That’s a steal compared to Afghanistan, where fuel is helicoptered in, pushing the cost to $600/gallon. Rummy’s “lightness” is of the sort that only a $10 trillion economy can afford.
Wrap your mind around those little facts before you read the rest of the indictment.—Eds.
Posted on November 28, 2006, Printed on September 6, 2007
http://www.alternet.org/story/44771/ Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in State Crimes, Indecent Plutocracy, Capitalist Propaganda, Zionist Footprints, Middle East, Obstinate History, The Contemptible Media, Imperial Policy | No Comments »
1:40 AM by
President Castro addressing the Cuban people in Havana.
The existence of a revolutionary socialist government with
growing ties to the Soviet Union only 90 miles away, insisted
the United States Government, was a situation which no self-
respecting superpower should tolerate, and in 1961 it undertook
an invasion of Cuba. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Indecent Plutocracy, Appalling Hypocrisy Annals, State Crimes, Middle East, Book Reviews, The Contemptible Media, Imperial Policy | 2 Comments »
9:33 PM by
Dateline: Thursday, August 09, 2007
Marjorie Cohn is a distinguished law professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego where she’s taught since 1991 and is the current president of the National Lawyers Guild. She’s also been a criminal defense attorney at the trial and appellate levels, is an author, and has written many articles for professional journals, other publications, and for noted web sites such as Global Research, ZNet, CounterPunch, AfterDowning Street, Common Dreams, AlterNet and others. Her long record of achievements, distinctions and awards is broad and varied for her teaching, writing and her work as a lawyer and activist for peace, social and economic justice. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Fascism US Style, Presidential Tyranny, Indecent Plutocracy, Bourgeois Democracy, American Way of Life, Book Reviews, State Crimes, Imperial Policy | No Comments »