PATRICE GREANVILLE Editor in Chief JASON MILLER Associate Editor ED DUVIN Editor-at-Large • John Steppling, Senior Editor Arts & Culture, Voxpop Guy Zimmerman, Senior Editor Arts & Culture, Voxpop Gary Corseri, Senior Editor, Arts & Culture Sadi Ranson-Polizzotti, Senior Editor, Poetry, Photography & Life Chronicles Susan Rosenthal, Senior Editor, Medicine, Politics & Empowerment Steven Jonas, Special Contributing Editor, Politics & Culture
"Privatization does not mean you take a public institution and give it to some nice means you take a public institution and you give it to an unaccountable tyranny."—Noam Chomsky "What happens to beasts will happen to man. All things are connected. If the great beasts are gone men would surely die of a great loneliness of spirit." - Chief Seattle, 1884
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"PATRIA ES HUMANIDAD" (Humanity is Our Fatherland)Motto of Havana Fire Department BONUS TO OUR READERS—HUMOR RELIEF | Comedy • Political Cartoons by the likes of Ruben Bolling et alspecial: THE GREAT GEORGE CARLIN TELLS IT LIKE IT ISGeorge on the greatest oxymoron ever: &
COULD YOU DEBATE A RIGHTWING OR MAINSTREAM TV HOST?See the instructive exchange between CLG's Michael Rectenwad & Tucker Carlson.
ELOQUENTLY PUT"Those who take the trouble to look will apprehend the disastrous results of the ruling elites’ pathology: wars of choice sold to a credulous citizenry by public relations confidence artists; a predatory economy that benefits one percent of the population; a demoralized, deeply ignorant populace who are either unaware of or indifferent to the difference between the virtues and vicissitudes of the electoral processes of a democratic republic, in contrast to the schlock circus, financed by big money corporatist, being inflicted upon us, at present..."Even in Iraq |
INDISPENSABLE ARCHIVES Is redemption possible? Can hardened racists change their ways? The life of ex-Klan leader C.P. Ellis provides hope that anything can happen. Here's the legendary INTERVIEW with Studs Terkel.
THE NEWSHOUR WITH JIM LEHRER: When pedantry passes as a high form of journalism [READ MORE ] PUTTING BLACK FACES ON IMPERIAL POLICIES Sophisticated bamboozlement is the weapon of choice in what still passes for a democracy. But Glen Ford ain't taken in by this imposture, especially when it seduces African Americans to front for imperial policies...[READ ON] SPECIAL FEATURE: HAROLD PINTER'S ACCEPTANCE SPEECH AT THE NOBELS AND NOW, OUTING THE "L' WORD, AND THAT'S FOR LIBERTARIAN, CHUM.....don't miss this one! [READ IT HERE] And be sure to check the latest installment on Cyrano's Thomas Paine's Corner CLICK HEREMeet NORA, Piano player extraordinaireCyrano is not only about ultra-serious (and often depressing) matters...we also have an ear for good music and a discerning eye for unusually talented artists. Such is the case with this gifted young virtuoso. CHECK IT OUT. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted articles and information about environmental, political, human rights, economic, democratic, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. This news and information is displayed without profit for educational purposes, in accordance with, Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Cyranos Journal Online, LLC. is an internet resource devoted to the ideals of citizens' journalism, with the aim of strengthening and defending participatory democracy in the United States and abroad.
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