Sadi Ranson-Polizzotti is a British Poet, Writer and radical animal defender living in the United States. She's also—like many people possessed by a restless mind and a clear understanding of the fickleness of allotted time— something of a card-carrying insomniac. In one of her touching, up-close notes upon Hans Koning's departure from this Vale of Tears and Inanities, she confides,
"I find sleep a waste of time. Why sleep, I think, when I could be up writing. That I may be tired the next day simply does not occur as a reasonable thought. If Hans were here, this fuzzy logic would make sense to him, I think..."
Well, she's far from alone in that, at least within the confines of our small tribe.
Published widely in the United States and in Europe Sadi is best known for her proflic output online. Her first Novel, Eels, was published by Alyscamps Press, Paris, in 1997. Ranson has contributed to many publications and journals and her writings have been compared to Elizabeth Smart (“By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept”) and Sylvia Plath’s “The Bell Jar” among other writers.
Ranson has worked in publishing for her entire career, first at Condé-Nast Publications (the same program that employed Sylvia Plath and which served as the back-drop for The Bell Jar) where she worked for a number of magazines, including Vogue, and has worked at The Atlantic Monthly, Partisan Review, David R. Godine Publisher before founding her own imprint, Lumen Editions which met with considerable success and which she founded to publish literary works in translation, European authors, as well as first-time authors. As Founder and Editorial Director, Ranson published, among many other writers, Hans Koning, Marguerite Duras, Harry Mathews, Max Blagg and Ralph Gibson, and Jean Echenoz. On her board were, among others, such notables as Nobel Prize Winner Saul Bellow. Independent Publisher called Ranson the “enfant terrible” of the publishing world...and he was not being hyperbolic.
At present, Ranson-Polizzotti runs a highly successful website (www.tantmieux.squarespace.com) which is an archive of all of her writings and photography (which is represented), regardless of whether it is has been published elsewhere. She also writes for the famous Cleveland Blogcritics (Best of Forbes…) as well as Teleread.org and many online and offline journals. She is a Professor of Book Editing at Emerson Graduate School of Publishing and also lectures about Bob Dylan (about whom she runs a successful, highly trafficked site (http://tantmieux.squarespace.com/bob-dylan-on-tant-mieux-/) at New York University on occasion. Ranson-Polizzotti has lectured at some of the finest universities on the east coast including Harvard University’s Bunting Institute. Recently, Ranson-Polizzotti has been writing a biography about Lewis Carroll for Continuum-Books, New York, London, Editor, Evander Lomke. For further information, please visit the Continuum website at www.continuum-books.com.
Blogcritics publisher Eric Olsen perhaps described Sadi best when he offered this assessment: "Sadi brings an unyielding, sometimes self-lacerating honesty, a poet's ear, a critic's eye, and a literary mind to everything she writes. That she touches readers in so many ways is no coincidence. We are extremely lucky to have her."
Sadi joined Cyrano's Journal as a senior cultural editor in September of 2007. We too are happy to count her as one of our own.
—Patrice Greanville
the tantmieux chronicles: How it Begins
The place of my youth was not what one would call a beautiful part of town. It was North East London and the houses were simple and mostly built brick and each street had a pub on each corner that served as a bookend, hemming us in at every turn; around every turn there was a sweets shot offering Wall’s Ice Cream and long, black licorice whips that looked like shoelaces...
the tantmieux chronicles: on love and all the rest
There is just so much to say about marriage, relationships, being a wife, being a mistress, being the husband or the lover, the abandoned, the abandonee and i can tell you from all ends, no matter where you are at this moment in time, the situation is difficult for all concerned. The wife will think the mistress has the easier course and in some ways she is right: after all, she is not “being left.”
Author extraordinaire Hans Koning was born in Amsterdam and remembers being in high school when the Germans invaded his country on May 10, 1940. Koning, thankfully, managed to escape, and in 1942, he fled to England where he enlisted in The British Army (7 Troop, 4 Commando). After the stint, Koning attended The University of Amsterdam and The Sorbonne...