Danny Schechter







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MediaChannel founder and executive editor Danny Schechter is also a founder and Vice President/Executive Producer of Globalvision, Inc., an award-winning media company formed in l987. Danny has served as a broadcast and print journalist and is an internationally recognized speaker and writer on media issues. Schechter was a Nieman Fellow in Journalism at Harvard University and his work has been honored with, among other recognitions, Emmy awards, the IRIS award, the George Polk Award, the Major Armstrong Award, and honors from the National Association of Black Journalists. Among other credits, Schechter was an on-air reporter for WGBH, and a news program producer and investigative reporter at CNN and ABC. His print journalism has included serving as the London editor for Ramparts magazine. His articles have appeared in Newsday, Boston Globe, Columbia Journalism Review, Detroit Free Press, Village Voice, Media Studies Journal, and Z Magazine, among others. Danny Schechter is the author of "The More You Watch, The Less You Know" (Seven Stories Press) and "News Dissector: Passions, Pieces, and Polemics" (Electron Press).

"BIAS": Media Criticism and Conservative Politics Wherein Danny takes Goldberg to task for hollering "Bias!" and demolishes--rather swiftly--most of his arguments. We haven't heard from Goldberg yet.

Media word play: The Right's mastery of the echo chamber Frank [Luntz] and Co. take credit for coming up with concepts like "Contract With America," "Partial Birth Abortion," "The Marriage Tax" and "The Death Tax". They have a way with words because they understand the importance of words in framing the way the media covers stories and people understand them...

Musings on CBS, Sinclair Broadcasting...from the News Dissector's blog, Oct. 10-11, 2004.

Watch Danny Schechter's Weapons of Mass Deception promos "WMD now has distribution. A just concluded deal with Cinema Libre Studio in California assures that the film will be in selected theaters this October. Cinema Libre will also distribute DVDs. Stand by for details. Cinema Libre is the company that is distributing OUTFOXED and other important films in theaters nationwide."

Progressive Activists and Legislators Challenge Corporate Media's Failure to Cover Downing Street MemoInterview with Danny Schechter, journalist and filmmaker, conducted by Scott Harris (Between the Lines)