Nov 06 2007

Survival of the Fittest

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By Vi Ransel


Even the most beautiful woman is not acceptable
enough to appear, unpainted, in public
without the billion dollar cosmetic burka
meant to conceal the real woman
as effectively as the identity-erasing robe/ghetto
each woman wears in the Middle east.

She cowers behind make-up, made afraid for profit,
that others will discover she is not as immaculately groomed
and hyperfeminine as stunningly sexy transvestite RuPaul
nor as overendowed and open-legged as cartoon Jessica Rabbit.
These hollow caricatures are what a woman is shamed
into believing is all that men will respond to
once she matures past the ripe age of fifteen.

However we no longer live in that jungle where sex
must of necessity inhabit life’s driver’s seat.
It is nature’s cruel joke that though we rose to stand
on our own two feet and developed oversized brains
we do not use them. Our males are proud to maintain
their “biological imperative” to lead with the small,
not the big head, as if it were a plus to be sub-human.

But perhaps they are, as they claim, nothing
but a bunch of dicks bellowing
that women are too hormone-driven to lead
even as their own testosterone poisoning
had led us into war without end
and most-hated nation status
in their efforts to win
a global pissing contest.

Vi Ransel is a regular contributor to Thomas Paine’s Corner and has a strong aversion to capitalism.

[Author’s Note: This all goes back around to dominion, patriarchy and the beginnings of agriculture - Dominus Dominion - which I have not been working on. And by sub-human, I do NOT mean non-human animal.]

4 Responses to “Survival of the Fittest”

  1. katecontinuedon 06 Nov 2007 at 2:18 pm

    Brilliant. This is a post I have hoped to see for a very long time. Well put.

  2. Jeffrey Irvingon 07 Nov 2007 at 8:19 am

    As a male I have no criticism for your observations about the effect of testosterone upon the motivation, competence or morality or of my sex. Indeed. it is beyond my imagination that women, if vested with the power of governance, could or would have led us to this intolerable precipice upon which we are teetering.

    I am concerned that you had in mind the candidacy of the recipient of the greatest amount of money from the military industrial complex. If this what you were suggesting and you expect better from this woman who has embraced all the same unnamed lobbies, rampant corruption and genocidal initiatives of her predecessors which now threaten our very existence, I fear you will be greatly disappointed. Witness the performance of another woman, Nancy Pelosi.

  3. muthabroadon 08 Nov 2007 at 5:20 am

    Testify. What a great metaphor, that Western women are as much trapped by their freedom as their Middleastern counterparts, liberating us with the false bravado that sexual fantasy is the highest goal women can attain.

  4. Vi Ranselon 08 Nov 2007 at 6:36 am

    Dear Jeffery Irving -

    I would not trust any of the “front runners” on either side of the one party duoploy that runs this country to clean my cats’ litter box - OR the, excuse the expression, Speaker of the House. And I did not mean to imply that I’d support Clinton in any way shape or form. I SPIT on her nomination. The closest we come to having a candidate who’s interested in The People, other than as prey, is Dennis Kucinich. In addition, I do NOT think that just because a woman is a woman she would make a better candidate for any office in this used-to-be The People’s Government. (Remember Maggie Thatcher.) If I gave you that impression, I’m sorry. Please tell me where I went wrong in my explantion, or if there’s something I should have added to make it clearer. I thank you for letting me know I need to delve further.

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