Sep 22 2007
Cyrano’s Journal Online and its semi-autonomous subsections (Thomas Paine’s Corner, The Greanville Journal, CJO Avenger, and VoxPop) would be delighted to periodically email you links to the most recent material and timeless classics available on our diverse and comprehensive site. If you would like to subscribe, type “CJO subscription” in the subject line and send your email to

By Steven Jonas
Originally published at BuzzFlash
Karl Rove originally set out to establish the Permanent Republican Majority (PRM), his version of The Thousand Year Reich. The disastrous results of Bush’s foreign military and domestic economic policies combined have likely put an end to any hope for the Georgites to achieve that goal in the foreseeable future. However, for a variety of reasons, a Permanent Republican Presidency (PRP) is very much achievable. Working for whomever the Republican nominee is (and I still think it will be Giuliani), Rove will remain heavily invested in achieving this goal.
There will be a variety of factors working in his favor. However, the Democrats are likely to have a (relatively) permanent majority in the Congress and a majority of the country’s voters now are either Democrats or self-styled independents. Thus to achieve the PRP, Rove is going to need some help. Here are some thoughts on what the Democratic Presidential candidates and eventual nominee can do to assist the establishment of the PRP. I am sure Rove is counting on them to do their part, as he has so often been able to do in the past.
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Aug 22 2007
Cyrano’s Journal Online and its semi-autonomous subsections (Thomas Paine’s Corner, The Greanville Journal, CJO Avenger, and VoxPop) would be delighted to periodically email you links to the most recent material and timeless classics available on our diverse and comprehensive site. If you would like to subscribe, type “CJO subscription” in the subject line and send your email to

“Pageantry like some ridiculous game show churns along stronger than ever, where the likes of Mitt Romney spend $1000 per vote in straw polls.”
By Rand Clifford
“Never smarten up a chump, and never give a sucker an even break.”
—W.C. Fields
Government of, by and for corporations (CorpoGov) is closing the noose, while recourse for The People in post 9-11 America lie eviscerated to the point of simple dissent becoming a crime. So how might we temper CorpoGov’s assault on our Constitution, us, the world’s people—even the natural systems that support life on Earth? Have we any chance of nudging CorpoGov toward a revolution in clean alternative energies and away from obsession with controlling most of the world’s remaining fossil energy? Could any example of CorpoGov’s character shout louder than all the murder and destruction to dominate a resource that is destroying us?
“If our nation is ever taken over, it will be taken over from within.”
—President James Madison
Might we vote our way back to reason? Astonishingly, a majority of Americans still imagine their vote has influence on the federal level—an illusion vast resources are squandered to maintain. Pageantry like some ridiculous game show churns along stronger than ever, where the likes of Mitt Romney spend $1000 per vote in straw polls. But when the lying and posturing, spending and manipulation recede for some deep breaths of AIPAC before the next election show, those same elite responsible for handing occupation of the White House to another of the Bush Crime Family for two terms will have long before made our choice. Voters clearly rejected W, twice, but look at what has happened.
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Jul 27 2007
SPECIAL: From our classic archives

Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of propaganda, would have admired the American system’s ability to tell big lies and keep telling them year in year out to fool most of the people.
The presentation of an illegal invasion of a foreign country as a “preventative” or pre-emptive war did not originate with Bush, Cheney or Rumsfeld…It had ample precursors in Nazi Germany. The ongoing US aggression in the Middle East raises the most serious questions about the role of the mass media in modern society. In the period leading up to the invasion, the American [corporate] media uncritically advanced the Bush Administration’s arguments, rooted in lies, distortions and half-truths, for an attack on Iraq. It virtually excluded all critical viewpoints, to the point of blacking out news of mass anti-war demonstrations and any other facts that contradicted the propaganda from the White House and Pentagon.
The obvious aim was to misinform and manipulate public opinion, and convince the tens of millions within the US who were opposed to the Administration’s war policy that they constituted a small and helpless minority…[READ THE REST OF THIS IMPORTANT ESSAY]
Jun 21 2007
by Phil Rockstroh
Why did the Democratic Congress betray the voting public? Betrayal is often a consequence of wishful thinking. It’s the world’s way of delivering the life lesson that it’s time to shed the vanity of one’s innocence and grow-the-hell-up. Apropos, here’s lesson number one for political innocents: Power serves the perpetuation of power. In an era of runaway corporate capitalism, the political elite exist to serve the corporate elite. It’s that simple.
Why do the elites lie so brazenly? Ironically, because they believe they’re entitled to, by virtue of their superior sense of morality. How did they come to this arrogant conclusion? Because they think they’re better than us. If they believe in anything at all, it is this: They view us as a reeking collection of wretched, baseborn rabble, who are, on an individual level, a few billion neurons short of being governable by honest means.
Yes, you read that correctly: They believe they’re better than you. When they lie and flout the rules and assert that the rule of law doesn’t apply to them or refuse to impeach fellow members of their political and social class who break the law — it is because they have convinced themselves it is best for society as a whole.
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