TEHRAN'S HOLOCAUST CONFERENCE By Stephen Gowans | It’s pretty clear how Western journalists summed up the event. The point of the conference was to assemble the world’s most notorious Holocaust-deniers and Jew haters, among them KKK kook David Duke, to lend support to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s claims that the Holocaust is a myth and to cheer on the Iranian president as he prepares to perpetrate a genocide against the Jews and ‘wipe out’ Israel. The problem is, matters aren’t quite as black and white as all that. Not even close. [MORE] THE SPOTLIGHT MOVES ON By Doug Moss | When Kanye West quipped on national television last September, as an astonished Mike Meyers looked on, that George Bush “doesn’t care about black people,” he was only partly right. George Bush doesn’t care about white people, either. In fact, George Bush only cares about rich people. [MORE] CLIMATE-CONTROLLED WHITE HOUSE By Paul D. Thacker | In February, there were several press reports about the Bush administration exercising message control on the subject of climate change. The New Republic cited numerous instances in which top officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and scientists at the National Hurricane Center sought to downplay links between more-intense hurricanes and global warming. [MORE] WHERE ARE TODAY'S MURROWS? Hughes for America | Our broadcast media are failing us. This, perhaps even more than the gripping political drama, is the greatest lesson to take from a viewing of George Clooney's important movie. And the media will continue to fail us as long as those in power believe the bottom line to be more important than an educated populace. [MORE] THE WORLD EXHALES: BUSH HUMBLED By John Maxwell | The world breathed a huge sigh of relief on Tuesday night when it became clear that the American people were a lot smarter than their President and his advisers. [MORE] FUCK'EM, I SAY By John Steppling | There seems little reason to go over the obvious "positions" of the newly elected democrats. Others will do that, and the obvious should be obvious. The Democrats are barely distinguishable from the Republicans. I've used the above quote because I somehow have stopped being able to really analyse the various Democrats and what they want or pretend to think is best. [MORE] BUSH SILENCES A DANGEROUS WITNESS | By Robert Parry | Like a blue-blood version of a Mob family with global reach, the Bushes have eliminated one more key witness to the important historical events that led the U.S. military into a bloody stalemate in Iraq and pushed the Middle East to the brink of calamity. [MORE] POLEMICS: REACTION TO SADDAM'S EXECUTION | Selected Blog reactions from Guardian Unlimited (UK). [MORE]
PROGRESSIVE CUBA-BASHING By Richard Levins | Cuba is not a dictatorial regime. There is a whole complex of elected assemblies at all levels, mass organizations of labor, women, and farmers, and all sorts of NGOs that make Cuban socialism what it is (more on this below). It is facile and disingenuous to brand this profoundly participatory political system as "dictatorial. [MORE] VOTING IN THE ABSENCE OF CHOICE By Charles Sullivan | Too many Americans harbor the illusion that we live in a democracy simply because we have the right to vote But let us be clear about something: voting matters only where real choices are allowed. It is universally understood that special interest money runs the American political system and thus defines what the choices will be. [MORE] A TALE OF TWO TEDS By Patrice Greanville | PATRICK McCARTHY's BENIGHTED OPINION OF TED NUGENT is testament to the truth of Bessimer's infamous dictum. Idiots may always be with us. But what's the reality behind the well-polished good 'ole boy act? At 57, Ted Nugent, heavy metal rock star for several decades, has been cheerfully "whacking" animals for 44 years. "Whacking", of course. is Ted's own cute term for what he loves to do best when he comes across an unsuspecting animal. [MORE] THE PACKAGED CONSCIOUSNESS By Herbert Schiller |The lore of laissez-faire capitalism has given rise to many self-serving myths, and nowhere have they found a more hospitable soil than in America. The reasons for this are many, and probably deserve a separate article, but suffice it to say here that the upshot has been a dismal state of comprehension of contemporary realities. [MORE] THE SHABRA AND SHATILA MASSACRE By Stephen Gowans |September 16 marks the 24 anniversary of the massacre by Phalangist militias of between 700 and 3,500 Palestinian and Lebanese refuges at the Sabra and Shatila camps in west Beirut. The massacre, carried out while the Israeli army ringed and sealed off the camp... [MORE] WHY DID THE GERMANS KEEP SUPPORTING HITLER TILL THE BITTER END? By R.J. Evans | Why did Germans keep supporting Hitler and the Nazis until the end of the war? Why didn't they rise up against a regime that was committing mass murder and atrocity on an unimaginable scale? Why didn't the mass Allied bombing of German cities lead to a popular revolt against Hitler? [MORE] SADDAM DIED BEAUTIFUL—A SPECIAL EULOGY By Gary Brecher | Saddam told the ski-mask monkeys they weren't real men. And he had the right to say that too. Call him what you want, but Saddam was a man, a real man. One of the last..." [MORE] SADDAM'S EXECUTION WAS A GARGANTUAN PR DISASTER By Matt Taibbi |"[T] he engine behind this entire escapade was really the great mass of ordinary Beltway apparatchiks and media creatures who cheerfully assented once the idea squirted out of Bush's mouth. You're talking about a bunch of half-bright golfers from the Virginian suburbs, people raised on Archie comics and fuzzy patriotic platitudes and old saws gleaned from William Holden war movies and their postwar corporate-executive Dads..." [MORE]