An Introduction ...
Welcome to volume 1 # 1 of our new ezine "Issues & Alibis." Our goal is to present to you on a bi-monthly basis America's best writers and political cartoonists, so that you can cut through the political bullshit and past the spin-doctors to the heart and the truth of the matter.On the 1st and 15th of every month no smoke and mirrors will stop us from bringing you your political reality no matter how horrible it actually is. You can always deal with the truth no matter how bad it is but you must know what it is. This is not an ezine for the weak of heart or for those who would rather have a sugar coating on the truth. We're going to tell it like it is and let the chips fall where they may! We hope you are ready for "Issues & Alibis."
The American Presidency from a plutocrat's viewpoint:
Buy it for yourself, or put a shill in there that will do your bidding...
Some people have said that with the ascendancy of the Bushit regime democracy in this country is dead. I beg to differ with those folks. If one has taken the time to study the situation one comes to the conclusion that there was never democracy in the United States. There was a sort of Republic that lasted twelve years until the Thomas Jefferson/ John Adams debacle of 1800. Since then on at least four occasions the powers that be have stepped in to throw an election. I refer of course to John Quincy Adams/Andrew Jackson of 1824, Rutherford B. Hayes/Samuel J. Tilden of 1876. Benjamin Harrison/Grover Cleveland of 1888 and of course our own George W. Bush/Al Gore of 2000. So as you can see, election year treason is as old an American tradition as mom’s good ole apple pie. This is not to say of course that other or all presidential elections aren’t equally as treasonous but they were at least able to hide the treason a little better than in these examples.
A quick glance at the founding fathers tells you all you need to know about the chances of actually forming a democracy. They were to a man the richest men in their area or were sent to the new Congress by the richest men in their areas. They were all white with the majority being slave owners or in sympathy of the slave owners. All were tired of bowing to a king and thought that those who were rich by their own deeds or perhaps their fathers deeds were the very ones to rule and exploit this new land. The Electoral College is a good example of this and has been used in all the above examples to throw an election. In every case it was the candidate of the very rich who though losing the election became the next president, funny how that works, eh? Of course selling that to the sheep back at home wasn’t always easy and so the spin-doctors were born. They would say things like well you know the average person isn’t up to date on the election and so we’ll help him out by disenfranchising him, er helping him make the right choice. I mean we have lands, freshly stolen from the natives and therefore we are somehow better and see the big picture. The big picture of course was them going to the bank to make a deposit every day!
Then of course we have the Senate and the Congress, neither of which is fair or equitable. Neither represents one man, one vote. The people in Rhode Island have the same say in the Senate as the folks in California although there are more people in one average California town than in the entire state of Rhode Island. There are more folks in Los Angeles then in a half a dozen states combined. Yet they all have two Senators. So much for one man one vote. And one man one vote is the very first principle of a Democracy. Majority rules and whether or not this is a good thing really doesn’t enter into it, you can not have a democracy with out it. Again the Congress is limited by numbers so that no matter how large the country grows only the few will have representation. Consider it was only in the last century that everybody got the vote with the Native Americans being the last to get the franchise in 1924. The native factor never came up at the continental congress even though they out numbered the white folk who were busily orchestrating a campaign of genocide against them. Although black men got the vote at the end of the second revolution, they really could only use it during reconstruction in the south and as soon as Rutherford B stole the election, their voting days were over until the late 1960’s. Black women like white women and Indians of every persuasion had to wait until the 1920’s for their franchise.
So to those who say the treason of the Bushit family has ended democracy I say guess again. How can you lose something that you never had? Others say that with the House as close as it is and the 50/50 split in the Senate though try as he might the Emperor won’t be able to do very much damage, just a couple of thoughts on that. Instead of worrying about what Smirk might do, we should be dragging that son-of-a bitch out of the ‘Peoples House’ to a quick trial followed by a slow execution and then hang that traitorous bastard up high for the entire world to see. Instead he will no doubt spend the next four years at least, being your Dictator and playing petty tyrant to the world. If you think the Democrats or Independents are going to stand up to him I submit they already have their pants down around their ankles begging him not to stick it in too far. Remember the congressional black delegation that begged for just one Senator to stand up and be counted with them, in order to have a debate on the Florida election fraud during the Electoral College vote count? Remember how many Senators stood up for the people? The correct answer of course is zero. Don’t count on your elected representatives doing anything about it except lining their own pockets and giving you double speak. So I wonder, what will you do about it Mr. and Mrs. America?
This was Ernie's first column on Issues & Alibis, which he directs.
(c) 2001 Ernest Stewart a.k.a. Uncle Ernie is an unabashed radical, author, stand-up comic, DJ, actor, political pundit and for the last 5 years managing editor and publisher of Issues & Alibis magazine. In his spare time he is an actor, writer and an associate producer for the new motion picture "W."