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Friday, October 12, 2007


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Coup Co-Conspirators as Free-Speech Martyrs

4:55 PM by Greanville

President Chavez at podium, during Bolivarian rally.


It’s obvious that the American media are, once again, doing their dirty imperial job and working hard to assassinate the character of a non-capitalist leader and his revolution so as to facilitate the entry of assassins or the US military. A viler form of prostitution is hard to find, but that’s standard operating procedure for much of US journalism.

Media Advisory by FAIR | Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR)
See also VENEZUELA’S RCTV: Sine Die and Good Riddance at Thomas Paine’s Corner https://bestcyrano.org/THOMASPAINE/?p=53

Dateline: 5/25/07

The story is framed in U.S. news media as a simple matter of censorship: Prominent Venezuelan TV station RCTV is being silenced by the authoritarian government of President Hugo Chávez, who is punishing the station for its political criticism of his government.

According to CNN reporter T.J. Holmes (5/21/07), the issues are easy to understand: RCTV “is going to be shut down, is going to get off the air, because of President Hugo Chávez, not a big fan of it.” Dubbing RCTV “a voice of free speech,” Holmes explained, “Chavez, in a move that’s angered a lot of free-speech groups, is refusing now to renew the license of this television station that has been critical of his government.”

Though straighter, a news story by the Associated Press (5/20/07) still maintained the theme that the license denial was based simply on political differences, with reporter Elizabeth Munoz describing RCTV as “a network that has been critical of Chávez.”

In a May 14 column, Washington Post deputy editorial page editor Jackson Diehl called the action an attempt to silence opponents and more “proof” that Chávez is a “dictator.” Wrote Diehl, “Chávez has made clear that his problem with [RCTV owner Marcel] Granier and RCTV is political.”

In keeping with the media script that has bad guy Chávez brutishly silencing good guys in the democratic opposition, all these articles skimmed lightly over RCTV’s history, the Venezuelan government’s explanation for the license denial and the process that led to it.

RCTV and other commercial TV stations were key players in the April 2002 coup that briefly ousted Chávez’s democratically elected government. During the short-lived insurrection, coup leaders took to commercial TV airwaves to thank the networks. “I must thank Venevisión and RCTV,” one grateful leader remarked in an appearance captured in the Irish film The Revolution Will Not Be Televised. The film documents the networks’ participation in the short-lived coup, in which stations put themselves to service as bulletin boards for the coup—hosting coup leaders, silencing government voices and rallying the opposition to a march on the Presidential Palace that was part of the coup plotters strategy.

On April 11, 2002, the day of the coup, when military and civilian opposition leaders held press conferences calling for Chávez’s ouster, RCTV hosted top coup plotter Carlos Ortega, who rallied demonstrators to the march on the presidential palace. On the same day, after the anti-democratic overthrow appeared to have succeeded, another coup leader, Vice-Admiral Victor Ramírez Pérez, told a Venevisión reporter (4/11/02): “We had a deadly weapon: the media. And now that I have the opportunity, let me congratulate you.”

That commercial TV outlets including RCTV participated in the coup is not at question; even mainstream outlets have acknowledged as much. As reporter Juan Forero, Jackson Diehl’s colleague at the Washington Post, explained (1/18/07), “RCTV, like three other major private television stations, encouraged the protests,” resulting in the coup, “and, once Chávez was ousted, cheered his removal.” The conservative British newspaper the Financial Times reported (5/21/07), “[Venezuelan] officials argue with some justification that RCTV actively supported the 2002 coup attempt against Mr. Chávez.”

As FAIR’s magazine Extra! argued last November, “Were a similar event to happen in the U.S., and TV journalists and executives were caught conspiring with coup plotters, it’s doubtful they would stay out of jail, let alone be allowed to continue to run television stations, as they have in Venezuela.”

When Chávez returned to power the commercial stations refused to cover the news, airing instead entertainment programs—in RCTV’s case, the American film Pretty Woman. By refusing to cover such a newsworthy story, the stations abandoned the public interest and violated the public trust that is seen in Venezuela (and in the U.S.) as a requirement for operating on the public airwaves. Regarding RCTV’s refusal to cover the return of Chavez to power, Columbia University professor and former NPR editor John Dinges told Marketplace (5/8/07):

What RCTV did simply can’t be justified under any stretch of journalistic principles…. When a television channel simply fails to report, simply goes off the air during a period of national crisis, not because they’re forced to, but simply because they don’t agree with what’s happening, you’ve lost your ability to defend what you do on journalistic principles.

The Venezuelan government is basing its denial of license on RCTV’s involvement in the 2002 coup, not on the station’s criticisms of or political opposition to the government. Many American pundits and some human rights spokespersons have confused the issue by claiming the action is based merely on political differences, failing to note that Venezuela’s media, including its commercial broadcasters, are still among the most vigorously dissident on the planet.

When Patrick McElwee of the U.S.-based group Just Foreign Policy interviewed representatives of Human Rights Watch, Reporters Without Borders and the Committee to Protect Journalists—all groups that have condemned Venezuela’s action in denying RCTV’s license renewal—he found that none of the spokespersons thought broadcasters were automatically entitled to license renewals, though none of them thought RCTV’s actions in support of the coup should have resulted in the station having its license renewal denied. This led McElwee to wonder, based on the rights groups’ arguments, “Could it be that governments like Venezuela have the theoretical right to not to renew a broadcast license, but that no responsible government would ever do it?”

McElwee acknowledged the critics’ point that some form of due process should have been involved in the decisions, but explained that laws preexisting Chávez’s presidency placed licensing decision with the executive branch, with no real provisions for a hearings process: “Unfortunately, this is what the law, first enacted in 1987, long before Chávez entered the political scene, allows. It charges the executive branch with decisions about license renewal, but does not seem to require any administrative hearing. The law should be changed, but at the current moment when broadcast licenses are up for renewal, it is the prevailing law and thus lays out the framework in which decisions are made.”

Government actions weighing on journalism and broadcast licensing deserve strong scrutiny. However, on the central question of whether a government is bound to renew the license of a broadcaster when that broadcaster had been involved in a coup against the democratically elected government, the answer should be clear, as McElwee concludes:

The RCTV case is not about censorship of political opinion. It is about the government, through a flawed process, declining to renew a broadcast license to a company that would not get a license in other democracies, including the United States. In fact, it is frankly amazing that this company has been allowed to broadcast for 5 years after the coup, and that the Chávez government waited until its license expired to end its use of the public airwaves.

Posted in The Contemptible Media, Mediocrats, Imperial Policy |

2 Responses

  1. ImpossibiliDictu Says:

    Don’t wait for Paula Zahn or Wolf Blitzer or the august lying fuck of the NY Times to tell you the straigt dope about this situation because they’re much to busy disinforming us…Poor world. I never dreamed when I was a child that lying would have such murderous effects.

  2. rPTTburchit Says:

    Letter to The Guardian, UK | Reposted at CJO by Rupert Burchette

    Television’s role in the coup against Chávez
    Saturday May 26, 2007
    The Guardian
    We believe that the decision of the Venezuelan government not to renew the
    broadcasting licence of RCTV when it expires on May 27 (Chávez silences
    critical TV station, May 23; Comment and Letters, May 25) is legitimate given that
    RCTV has used its access to the public airwaves to repeatedly call for the
    overthrow of the democratically elected government of President Hugo Chávez.
    RCTV gave vital practical support to the overthrow of Venezuela’s elected
    government in April 2002 in which at least 13 people were killed. In the 47 hours
    that the coup plotters held power, they overturned much of Venezuela’s
    democratic constitution - closing down the elected national assembly, the supreme
    court and other state institutions.
    RCTV exhorted the public to take to the streets and overthrow the government
    and also colluded with the coup by deliberately misrepresenting what was
    taking place, and then conducting a news blackout. Its production manager, Andrés
    Izarra, who opposed the coup, immediately resigned so as not to become an
    This is not a case of censorship. In Venezuela more than 90% of the media is
    privately owned and virulently opposed to the Chávez government. RCTV, far
    from being silenced, is being allowed to continue broadcasting by satellite
    and cable. In Venezuela, as in Britain, TV stations must adhere to laws and
    regulations governing what they can broadcast. Imagine the consequences if the
    BBC or ITV were found to be part of a coup against the government. Venezuela
    deserves the same consideration.

    Tariq Ali
    Tony Benn
    Colin Burgon MP,
    Dr. Julia Buxton, academic,
    Ruqayyah Collector, Black Students’ Officer, National Union of Students,
    Jeremy Corbyn MP,
    Jon Cruddas MP,
    Megan Dobney, Regional Secretary, SERTUC
    Billy Hayes, General Secretary, CWU,
    Gordon Hutchison, Secretary, Venezuela Information Centre,
    Kelvin Hopkins MP,
    Chris Martin, Director, The War on Democracy
    Joni McDougall, International Solidarity Officer, GMB,
    Gerry Morrissey, General Secretary, BECTU,
    Kaveh Moussavi, University of Oxford
    John Pilger,
    Harold Pinter,
    Professor Jonathan Rosenhead, LSE,
    Keith Sonnet, Deputy General Secretary, UNISON,
    Hugh O’Shaughnessy, writer and journalist,
    Rod Stoneman, Executive Producer, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised,
    Jon Trickett MP,
    Gemma Tumelty, President, National Union of Students,
    Cllr Salma Yaqoob.

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