"Revolution without the Arts is meaningless,” writes Gary Corseri, whose self-appointed task since his undergraduate days has been “to humanize and aestheticize political-social-economic consciousness and to revolutionize and socialize the perspectives of artists.” He has performed his work at the Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta. His dramas have been published and performed on Atlanta-PBS and in five states.
A Senior Contributing Editor of Cyrano’s Journal Online (CJO), his articles, poems, stories and plays have appeared in/at CJO, Thomas Paine’s Corner, DissidentVoice, The New York Times, Village Voice, CounterPunch, Sky, Redbook, Philadelphia Inquirer, City Lights Review, CommonDreams, Georgia Review, The Miami Herald, WorldProutAssembly, Palestine Chronicle, TelesurTV.net, LuogoComune, and over 200 other periodicals and websites worldwide. He has published two poetry collections and two novels, and edited the Manifestations anthology. His work has been translated and published in Japanese, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Icelandic.
Born and raised in New York City, Dr. Corseri holds holds degrees from the University of Florida, Harvard and Florida State University. He has taught in public schools and prisons in the U.S., and at universities in the U.S. and Japan; he has worked as a busboy in Miami and Atlanta, furniture-mover and grape-picker in Australia, gas station attendant in Atlanta, journalist, speech coach and editor. He currently resides in the D.C. area, with his wife, the writer Yoko Kagawa.
Some of Gary's articles at CJO:
(This is a sampler. For a full list, be sure to do a search routine on the site.)
Blacksburg: Let the Healing NOT Begin! When I had cable, I found myself using CNN as a kind of background music, deluding myself that I could tune out the nonsense and tune in when something important came up, and thus. I thought, I was staying “informed.” But after a while I realized that I was not informed; I was simply distracted by side-show stories, and lulled by the repetitiveness of dull reporting. I also found that, like a junkie, I needed a bigger and bigger “fix” to keep me going, to excite me, to make me feel connected to the bigger world. [READ ON]
The War-Profiteering Racket: "Why They Hate Us"| It infuriates the way truth does when you get a cold splash of it and you learn how you’ve been taken. (Example: In 2004, Halliburton, the world’s largest energy services corporation, and the happy hunting grounds of its former CEO, Dick Cheney, charged American taxpayers $27,500,000 to deliver $82,000 worth of heating oil from Kuwait to Iraq.) [READ ON]
MAINSTREAM MEDIA GATEKEEPERS QUACK AT THE INTERNET | Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? –Juvenal
Who will keep the keepers? Who will guard the guards? The question is as pertinent today as it was when the dissident Roman poet posed it nearly 2000 years ago. But for our mainstream media maggots and magnates—why bother to ask? [READ ON]
McBush | Cast of Characters:
LADY LIBERTY played by herself|| PAX played by himself|| JUSTICE played by himself || McBUSH played by George W. Bush || LADY CHENEY McBush’s wife; played by Dick Cheney || 3 WITCHES played by Condoleeze Rice, Hillary Clinton, Ann Coulter || FIRE HYDRANT played by Alberto Gonzalez || 2 ROTTWEILERS played by themselves || ATTENDANTS played by Senators, media pundits and various sycophants...a refurbished play for modern times. [READ ON]
The United States of Infantilization | This is how it felt 30 years ago:Saigon had fallen and Nixon was out. We weren’t so much pleased about the ultimate Viet Cong and North Vietnamese triumph over the South (and our troops), as we were glad to be purged of the whole sordid affair. [READ ON]