Eviction Notice

_42282602_hyderabad245x300ap.jpgInteresting comments on the Jay Gould piece; many suggesting this is a hoax or a troll post of some kind. Perhaps. What’s interesting is that it doesn’t really matter. I’ve heard Frank Gaffney, Martin Ames, and William Kristol say things just as absurd and vicious. Just as racist and phobic. I wrote a short comment in the thread pointing to this man’s self-loathing — and someone asked about this. I think the far right fascist personality is always self-hating. Here is where both Reich and the Frankfurt school come in handy.

The fact that such extreme irrationality passes for public discourse suggests how far down the road we’ve travelled. The road to nowhere. The final bus stop. The only place I disagree with Guy is that I think all critiques HAVE to be partial. The very ideal of a total explanation is fraught with problems. Here is where we inch into the Enlightenment and its after affects — much talked about the last few years. Wittgenstein’s oft quoted remark about even if everything were explained, the mystery would still remain, is echoed in Adorno and Delueuze, and even in radical psychoanalysis.

I suspect I have another inclination lurking around the edges in regard to the current political climate, and that has to do with inisisting on a discussion about the reluctance to really accept that the entire structure of western political life is bankrupt. That the whole rug must be pulled out from under our feet. The result of this would be a feeling of panic, but such panic can and should lead to insight and a new humanism. The rebirth of compassion.

Guy’s post on the *conversation* touches on the madness we see in figures like Dick Cheney, or Karl Rove, in Wes Clark or Tony Blair or John Bolton. These are deeply disturbed individuals. There can be little doubt about this. The hubris they possess is a specific kind of insanity. The short description is that they are delusional. I believe they are. You can see it in their faces. The blankness and the lack of affect. The lack of continuity between the workings of their mouths and their gestures. It’s disconcerting, to say the least. Condi Rice is another example; a face disfigured with her own inner demons. Those demons may not ever surface in her mind; but they are there. There is clear sexual pathology too, and this is why secular-minded guys like Cheney are, in the end, quite comfortable with the fanatics of the religious far right.

I’m reminded of so much as I think on this. Pope John Paul II’s beatifying the former Ustashe chaplain, Alojzije Spepinac, or the Nobel Peace Prize to Arial Sharon. Contradictions. The pathogenic and malignant nature of advanced capital is to be seen everywhere; in video game violence and in the de-aestheticizing of art. Men like Gould are empty, and they cannot engage with others or with culture. They worship authority and its icons (Reagan is perfect — a prematurely senile third rate actor who performed as a sonambulist father for the Empire).

The western world of privilege is choking on its own contradictions. There is a deep echo inside that alerts us to the emptiness — but few are listening. Still, there are self-corrective mechanisms, or at least I try to believe there are. Some of these mechanisms reside in the world of art. Art is anti-fascist or it isn’t art. Reactionary art is another contradiction. The rug needs to be pulled…and as Adorno said, liberalism is the handmaiden to fascism…so pull the rug away from the liberals as well as the nut cases like Gould.

If Gould is a hoax, its means little. The hoax can only be a hoax in a world where such sickness has its place. The corrupt institutions of Church, of the military, of the police and of the judicial system, are all festering and pus-filled boils on our consciousness. They live in our heads and don’t pay rent. Throw them out. Pull away the rug. Because if we don’t, guys like Gould (real or fake) will inherit what’s left.

John Steppling

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